Sonic the Hedgehog POCKET ADVENTURE (Neo Geo Pocket Color)- Review

People have asked me why I purchased a Neo Geo Pocket Color. The reason is simple. It has a classic and supposedly great Sonic game on it that I am dying to try my self. I know you’re probably thinking “why would buy an entire system for one game?” and my response is “because im a grown ass man and I can do what I want.” Also, in reality the system plus the game cost the same as a new XBOX One game so it really wasn’t super cost prohibitive.

Was this game worth buying an entire system for? Read below and I’ll tell you!


What is Sonic Pocket Adventure?

This game is a greatest hits compilation of everything you liked about the first 4 Sonic games (1,2,3, Knuckles add on)(Not Sonic 4, that shit was mediocre). In the spirit of love, this game is a love letter to Sonic fans everywhere on a non-Sega system. Lets just go through the things we do in this game….we fight mecha-sonic, fight and rekindle with knuckles, we go through a casino zone, an air ship, fight a robot egg man, visit a chemical plant, fight on a plane while tails flies it, and all the while music from every game is present.

That said, the game runs fabulously.


How does it play?

I was truly worried about how this game would run. The Pocket Color is an 8-bit + system. Meaning, it does not pack the heat that a Sega Genesis would. I wasn’t sure if I would be getting a crappy Master System Port of Sonic or a true smooth experience. Watching this game on Youtube scared me. It seemed choppy and did not run well. It was probably a result of capture hardware. The game runs incredibly well. The music is great and doesn’t clip out when rings are grabbed. The control feels very precise. I love using a joystick to move sonic around. Collision detection is spot on, and there are multiple game modes like time trials and more.

This game has the spin dash in it. and Sonic moves at a good pace. The only issue I have in this game are that some of platforms are difficult to jump onto due to Sonic feeling a little sluggish in the air. It’s a small issue that only affects a few levels.


How is the level design?

This is a mixed bag. The level design is great…..minus the fact that literally every level is recycled from a previous game. Green HIll zone cloned is wonderful in execution but it still feels like Green Hill Zone. Even the special stage is copied straight from Sonic 2. Aerobase Zone in Sonic Pocket Adventure is a clone of Wing Fortress zone. I also hate these levels so much. Aerobase is a confusing mess of a level with very few indicators on where to go and lots of ways to die. That said, the Cosmic Casino Zone is great as is the Sky Chase Zone. I just wish there was more originality in the level design but the levels chosen showcase the best of what Sonic can do. He has areas to go fast and other areas that focus more on precision platforming.


How is the Story?

There is none. I literally have no idea. I thought it was a classic tale of Sonic vs. Egg Man but then Knuckles showed up and everything went to hell. I am convinced it is a greatest hits album for Sonic. That’s a good thing.

How is the music?

The music suffers from the same issue as the levels. It’s fantastic music but it’s all recycled from other games. Sonic music is great, and it sounds good even on the poor sound system the Neo Geo offers.

Does this break the Sonic Cycle?

Well it predates the Sonic cycle really. I like this game because highlights a lot people refuse to acknowledge and that is the fact that there a lot of amazing Sonic games on hand-held platforms. Sonic Advance series was great, this and the Game Gear Sonics are solid games. The PSP Sonic racing platformers Sonic Rivals were a lot of fun. People wonder why Sonic fans hang around and it’s because there are more than 3 Genesis games propping up the character.

Are there Black People in it?

Sigh….I am going to do a full post on Knuckle’s soon. I will say that I appreciate that the villain in Sonic is not black. Lack of negative representation is a positive. I would also argue that a lot of Sonic’s 90’s baditude comes from 90’s hip hop culture.…but that’s a conversation for another day.

Was it worth buying a Neo Geo Pocket for?

At the price I paid, yes. I think any Sonic aficionado should check it out. There is something really pure and satisfying about going back to an older system and experiencing a game on its original medium. The beauty of gaming right now is that we have a short history to sort through and original systems are not super expensive. Take advantage of it. Playing an emulator is a stop gap way to experience a lot and I don’t condemn that but holding this console from 1998 and playing Sonic is special.


Thanks for reading! Please check out my Podcast that I record with the G Man the Ebony and Ivory Cast. Peace!

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