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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by E. A. SoPHoans, in the Clerk’s Oñice of the District Court of' the District of Massachusetts.

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Ilias. Isœus, Dobson’s (Reisk.). Isocrates, Dobson’s (Stephan.) Alcœus, Melhorn’s, 1827. Longinus. Alcidamas, Dobson's (Reisk.). Lucianus. Anacreon, Brunck’s; also Bergk’s Lycurgus, Dobson’s (ВЫНЬ). lElianus. IEschines, Dobson's (Stephan). Eschylus, Dindorf’s.

Fragments, 1834.

Andocides, Dobson’s (Reisk.). Anthologin Спаса, Palatini Codi cis, 1819.

Antiphon, Dobson’s (вынь). Apollonius



1810. Aratus, Buhle’s.

Archilochus, Gaisford's. Aristophanes, Dindorl` ‘в. Aristoteles, Bekker’s.

Athenaeus, Leipzig, 1834. Bekker-’s Anecdota. Grœca. Bion, Leipzig, 1825. Brunck’s Analecta. Callimachus, Blomfìeld’s, 1815. ­ Ctesias, Schweighœuser's.


Lysias, Dobson's (Reisk.). Moschus, Leipzig, 1825. Naumachius, Gaisford’s.

N icander. Novum Testamentum. Odyssea. Oppianus. Orphica, Hermann’s.

Palœphatus, Fischer's, 1789. Panyasis, Gaisford's. Pllocylides, Gaisford’s. Pindarus, Donaldson’s, 1841. Plato, variorum, London, 1826.

(Reference to §, generally.) Plutarchus, Wyttembaclńa (Mora. lia), and Coray's (Vitae). Pythagoras, Gaisford’s.

Demades, Dobson’s.

Sappho, Neuë’s, 1827.

Demosthenes, Dobson’s (Reisk.).

Septuaginta Interpretes.

Dinarchus, Dobson's (Reisk.)

Simonides, Schneidewin’s, 1835`

Diogenes Laertius.

Sophocles, generally Dindorf’s.

Dionysius Halicarnasseus. Euripides, Dindorf’s. Hephœstion.

Theocrìtus, Leipzig, 1825.

Herodes Atticus, Dobson’s.

Herodotus, Schweighœuser’s.

1816. Thucydides, Arnold’s.

Hesiodus, Goettling's, 1831.

Tyrtœus, Gaisf'ord’s.

Hippocrates, Linden', 1665. ïLlomeric Hymns.

Xenophon, Schneider’s.

Theognis, Gaisford’s. Theophrasti




Corpus Inscriptionum


Hesychius. Maittaire's Greek Dialects, 1807.

Budœi Commentarii Lingua: Grœcœ, Matthiœ's Greek Grammar. Mœris. 1548. Buttmann’s Greek

Lexilogus. Carmichael's Greek Verbs.



Phrynichus. Priscianus, Putchìus's, 1605. Richardon's Dictionary.

Clemens Alexandrinus, Potler’s.

Rose’s Inscriptiones Grœcœ, 1825.

Dawe’s Miscellanea Critica. EckheVs Doctrina Numorum Vete rum. Ellendt’s Lexicon to Sophocles. Etymologicum Magnum.

Stephens`s Thesaurus. Sextus Empiricus. Suidas.

Eustathius, Romœ, 1542 -1550.

Gregorius Corinthius, Schœfer’s, 181i. Gruter’s Corpus Inscriptionum.

Thiersch's Greek Grammar. Thomas Magister. Villoison's Anecdota Grœca, 1781. Vossii Etymologicum, 1695.

Webster's Dictionary, 4to.


COMMUTATION OF CERTAIN LETTERS. § l. The DIGAMMA was the sixth letter of the old Greek> alphabet. In most of the ancient inscriptions it is representedA _by F, the same as the Roman F; hence its name digamma (öt'ç, уйдут), that is, two capital gammas united. Its real name

is Бай, which is nothing more than Vav or Vau (1), the cor» responding letter of the Oriental alphabet. Dionysius the Halicarnassian (Roman. Antiq. 1,20) con

siders it equivalent to the diphthong 0T or the Latin V. We may suppose then that F had the sound of the English W,

or the Latin V as the Romans pronounced it; and that, in the time of Dionysius, the diphthong ои was sounded like French ou, or English oo, as in moon. Compare the exclamation oůaí, Latin те, English wo or woe. Herodotus in one instance (4, 110) represents it by the diphthong OI (if the reading be genuine). He states that 0269 in the Scythian language means áwjg, man; which seems to

be nothing more than the Teutonic wer, and Latin vir. It is supposed further that the proper name ’Oïhúg was origi nally глине.

If so, F was changed into 0.

Pindar (Olym.`

9, 167) has ’Iháöog for ’OtltaíöorY ofthe son of Oileus. Hesychius and other glossarists represent it by B or 1",

probably because in their time ß was pronounced like v, and y had the Romaic sound. Most of the digammated words contained in the following list are to be found in Hesychius. ДАЛ, Original theme А РАД, ' oiáßaxrot, oißlaßeïç, that is,

¿durch Compare „мат, that is, «Fara (и и—)‚ for the common 07117, Pind. Pyth. 2, 53; 3, 42. See also below

I 3.—1, FA 3). I'JZ' ßáyoç, #Moya ů'grov, that ls, _ ‘rò ů'yog* yor-» шутишь uzóç, догадок.

See also the following.

душ — Fayu; ' ‚бичи, ßaorlsúç, argannimg, that is, 5 oli/¿§



Compare Latin vagus, vagar, ocho, vagabundus, English wagon, тат, vagabond.

See also the preceding.

ůlLç- Fall; ' yúÀL, inavdv.

â'vaë- Favaâ, Dionys. Hal. Rom. Antiq. l, 20. oivůávœ — Был ' ßáöopaL, ¿yann? ‘ yaöeöêv, zuipen' ° увидев-5, laad ‘ yaöeïv, lagíaaoâou ' yáöeoôaL, Ёдгадш '

yáaoav, ñöowy'v, formed from Был after the analogy of öóEa (бокса) from öoxe'œ (AOKJZ). Compare yaL'œ, yaûpoç, yqůe'w, Latin gaudeo, gaudium, English gay.

¿wfg- Fama, Dionys. Hal. Rom. Antiq. 1, 20. yaa'tn'g ­­­ FZZ'THP' ys'rrag, когда, the same as the Latin

venter. Compare German Wanst, English waist. беты — FAEIJZ ‘ ßös'llwv, тефлон“ 'if ßůa'wv ' ßöůllew, ба öLs'voLL, rgs'psw ‘ a? ßöeïv.

nected with рады.

Il. зеетз then that öeL'öw iS con

(Compare Arist. Plut. 693, ímò roíí

ö ¿_o v ç ßöe'ou L: a ÖQLyůrsgov 7011779?) ё’щэ, il@ — Feng, F11 o ’ ys'ag, ê'ag. Compare Latin ver. êa'm -e Fam ' is'ßaaov, È'aaov, аог. imperat. È'öm, t0 eat __Fsöm ' убора, yeï/ya, that is, È'ö-aa, after the

analogy of фара from êìöœ. Compare Saxon fed-an, English feed, fed, food, fodder. 229:» — Гады" рыбу, ё’дос' „ага, 17.911, analogous to Farm from йод, in the Orchomenian inscription. EIAJZ 01' мл— РЕ1ЛЛ Ol' F1412 ' yLooÍLLEvoLL, eìöe'vou, for

îoáysvw (îaávm) frOm {ай’м ' y oL'öny L , ênL'urorfLaL, from oîöa. Compare Latin video, English wit, wot, wise, wis dom. сшит, Dorit: вши — РЕ ш a т L' (За L' и a т L, sì'xooL.

The Ol’

chomenian inscription has F'L »L a т L. Compare the Latin идти. sì'xm, yield, give way — Fe L и ш ' ßs L и 1; lo?, ищет, dlgeîa ° 7L'EaL, zmqñom, that is, sîäaL. Compare English weak, Ger man schwach, weich. eìlm, fïléœ, EATJZ, ёжит —- РЕАЛ." узниц, ë'ÀLE, connected

with êÀL'uaœ' y le'ëa L, ovvaLÀñoaL, from êlL'aoœ ' yé). ov ц) o v, шиш, from EATJL. Compare Latin volvo (the original form of БАНЕ), volumen, English wallow, welter, German


Ешл or Erm- Билл or FEHn- ylnov, вьюг. Elean inscription has Репа; for ïnoç.

vox (ô'tp), English voice. êxoiç -­ Fenu; ‘ ‚Задние, ‚иаиеоЁи ' ßtuöç, paupóůsv.

êxaiv- Репин! ' ysuuâoí, êuoíf'oa. ëllaow, See 527.01.


Compare Latin voco, I



Slam ­­ Галит, РЕАЛ ' yéllat, тш, aorist infinitive. Com pare Latin vello, vellico, English pull. Élimi- Falun» ‘ уйму, ëlnt'g.

The Pûtldean monument has

НЕАПМ, that is êlm'öß for the common елями. the English help _?


БАЛ, see fila».

‘IE/1.12,!!! take- РЕАЛ ' ys'vto, for $1.610’ yévvov, for £1.05.

ê'wúpt- FEJV 7613901', ê'vövpa' уёщипи, Ёрйтш' yson'a, è'vövoiç ' ys'o 19a, arabi ’ уйди, îyáuov. The Etymologi cum Magnum has ßs'arov or ßs'nov, ïpánov. Compare

Latin vestís (гати), velum

English vest.


EPI'JZ, worlc- FEPFJZ ‘ жидам/69, ë'gyov pwâmóç. The Elean inscription has Радует, that is, £97011. Compare English work (ê'ogya), German Werk. È'ëéw- Feoga: 0r FEPJL ‘ ßaéésî, диод? ßáéénç, donnémg' ßegìêeúu, деапгтгйы.

The Etymologìcum Magnum has

ßs'gnç, Ögane'nyç ' 529136815“, драпгтгйи.

See alSO ё’ёёш in

the Catalogue. È'zoç- Faroç' ys'roç, ¿wavróç' ys'zoçt, ё'теь. The Elean in scription has F wsa, the Orchomenian Feria, for ïna. Compare Latin vetas, vetustus. Чал, to seat- РЕД ° ys'wov, xáätCe. ńůoç, see ё'дш. Блюд— ГпМо; ‘ ßélor, 551105, :così aliy'ri ‘ ßslloiosrat, 151.4111317'

сеть ' ye'low, идут 'ñlíov' ysloövria, ñlioövola. ‚грамм, ñ'hov, that is, âéhov.


According to Eustathius

(ad Odys. 10, 192), the Pamphylians said дарами; for тип, ог rather „или.

The form отд-ю; seems to contain the ele

ments of'­ утаим commonly Индии, Apollo. For этим, see Eustatli. ad Il. 2, 103. î'oog — Ртос' ßt'wp, ì'oœç, axsdóv ' ytayóv, ì'oov.

The com

pound Fiaonlmv, for tomé/tamu, is found in an ancient inscription (Rose’s Inscript. Graac. tab. 45). The form

yloyóv implies that ищ- was originally Fm Fog. oîuoç- готов, Dionys. Hal. Rom. Antiq. l, 20.

the Latin vícus. oii'oç- гона; ' yoïvoç, oiz'oç.


' Compare Latin vinum, Eng

lish wine. 05, 0f him- Fou ' ylo, miroíi, that iS ë'o' уф, éavrq'i, îöhp, nai

аф' ‘ yív, out', that is, î'v.- See also Priscian (р. 546, Putsch), Néotoga dè Foi; naido'ç.

éoöov-Fgoöov' ßgo'ôoz,édôoi. @ánalov- Геол-0:10?“ ßgánalov. л and и, see below 7).

. Рог the commutation 0f




2. ‘ 1. In many words the digamma was changed into E. g. '_Ele'm, for Гамму, Dionys. Hal. Rom. Antiq. 1, 20; Pris cian. p. 546, Putsch. Затеи, êazla, Latin vespera, vesta. ijys'ouai, from душ (Fayw) ' Титане, Й’От 14.12 (FIJJZ).

2. In a few instances F seems to take the place of h ('¢ ). Thus lullin (Originally îulv'v) becomes ßiuzúv 0r yialúv, in Hesychìus.

A180 ушибом, Íirrovgyol’ ушиб, пайао’дш, both

from Ёащщ, in the same glossary. ‘ ё 3. l. The digamma F has T for its corresponding vowel, by which we mean that when F (v, w) is attenuated, it becomes T (U, or 00, as in moon). E. g. aiJ'Em (ATFJZ), Latin augeo, vigeo, vegco. байт, English dew.

öúo, Latin duo, duellum, English two, twain, twin, twice. EATJZ, volvo, volutus. levgóç, Àsïoç, levis ог lœvís (smooth). mög, navís, navy : щебет, nervus, nerve.

тфийаиш, from ФАд, originally ФА FJZ. Compare the Pamphylian qnáßoç for (рога; (Eustath. ad Odys. 10, 192); also the proper name АпрофоЁ Foul for ¿Inyorpolwv (Pris cian. р. 546).

mém, лифту, nveúuœv, Saxon blowan, English blow. дёш, ésůua, rivus, river. ‘Ртл, гейш, Latin se-rvo : lvm, so-lvo. So auceps, from avis, cupio; monui, for monvi (monevi), from топео; fautor, from faveo. 2. On the other hand, T (U) may be hardened yinto its corresponding consonant F (v, w). E. g. perulce, periwig, wig;

lieutenant, pronounced Iutenant, levtenant, livtenant,

liftenunt, ôLc. ' We remark further, that the Romaic diphthongs au, ev, nv,

before a vowel, a liquid (1., u, v, 9), or a middle mute (ß, y, ô), are pronounced essentially like av, ev, eev. In all other cases, like шр, пр, mp. That is, v in these diphthongs is a consonant, v, or 3. It is believed by many that the diphthongs uv, ev, пи, arose out of aF, sF, 11F, bythe attenuation of F. “In a later age," says Thiersch (Greek Gram. § 16), “the original* pronunciation of ev and au returned universally, so that the



sounds eu and au disappeared from the speech of the modern Greeks.” According to this hypothesis, there was a time when uv, su, 17u, were pronounced aF, aF'_, qF, respectively; аз aFog, де Fm, ril-_5011, for адов, öetiw, 7113607.

Then, as the

Greeks became more civilized, and their ears more delicate, the vowel u took the place of its less civilized colleague F. But when the language began to decline, the Greeks unam' mously, and probably on the same day, adopted the ante-Ho meric pronunciation of these diphthongs. This hypothesis is not as satisfactory as it might be ; we propose the following. We have every reason to believe that in many words (not in all) the syllables which are represented by av, ev, 17u, were originally pronounced aF, 5F, 11F. Thus, there was a time when vuůç, naůqog, minimal, Zelig, Were pronounced va Fg, 1ra

F'qoç, и Farav, Ze F'ç (compare Latin dívus). In fact, oivámv in Pindar is an anapœst (u и -), not a creticus (- и -); which clearly shows that au in this word is not a diphthong ($ 1). In course of time, the educated in general, and the Athenians in particular, softened aF and @F into «xv and su,

and pronounced ш; like ou in out, and ev like elf-oo (rapidly) ; we mean to say, that they spelled as they pronounced. The mass of the people however-the uneducated, of course who are always averse to changes in language, never troubled themselves about refinements, and continued to pronounce aF, aF, and „F after the manner of their forefathers, not even

excepting contracted words, as абы from „ты, ей from ëì'i, ê'nlsv from È'nlso.

4. It may be remarked here that í (as in machine) when hardened becomes y as in `you (Italian S0 that i has the same relation to j, that u (as in bull) has to w (v, F). Per haps the Greek t when followed by a vowel was often hard ened; still we cannot suppose that it had the power of an

ordinary consonent.

E. g.

îsgsriovo’ pr0n0unced угегйоиа’, Odys. 14, 94. no'ÀLog, лом/09, Il. 2, 811. ‘Ian'aram ‘Iaryouom Il. 2, 537.

ñ'm, „_1/a, Odys. 5, 266. Perhaps the endings _La?, цойиш, of the future, were in com mon conversation often pronounced by sym'zesís nearly like ­y0, -you~maí. §4. In a few instances, F was changed into ф. denied by Buttmann. E. g. 1 Ё

This is


REMARKS. oqns', oqaL'v, otpo'ç, aaah, for a Fa, u Fw, o гос, o Ран. oqze'laç, German Schwelle (threshold).

фонде, Latin valgus .7

Ё 5. l. We may suppose that words which in the old language-_ the theoretical parent of Greek, Latin, Gothic, Saxon, German, English, and other kindred languages -­ began with ZF (sv, sw), not unfrequently drop one of these consonants. F, when а is dropped, is often changed into h (‘ ) ; see above Sometimes both consonants disappear. This hypothesis seems to be necessary because it is easier to believe that z' or F is in certain instances dropped, than that a labial is changed into 2', and vice versâ. For example, it is more satisfactory to suppose that ZFEK ТРОЕ (German Schwä

her) became Greek Рака/909 (now written énvgo'g), Latin зовет, Italian suocero, than that the labial F (и, w) was

changed into s. » ZFAA gives 24412, ávôávw, döóç, ßaöúg, Latin suavis (and per haps suadeo), English sweet. ZFA/l- älloaoa, радист, nállw, Latin ballistea, salio, Italian

ballo, English ball (dance).

ZFAP ­- падет, oúoœ, атм, Ё'ёёш, Latin verra, serpo, erro, Romaìc „радист (т drag). БРАТ or 2F44 _Aan or Aelen (ю be sated), Lann Salar,

satis, English sate, and wad."

Also ůlLç (Ниц); for the

commutation of ö and l, compare Мидии, laeryma ; ’06u0 Lmíç, тата; (Eustath. p. 289, 1. 38, Rom), Ulysses; the augmentative prefixes öa-, 1.a-; öaoúç, láaLoç. ZFEA —- É'Öoç, Егором, Тёщ, calli/1], айда, oqas'hotg, tEJZ (to Seat),

Latin sede”, sedo, sido, sedes, sedile, sella, solum (l), English seat, set, sit, sell, saddle, sill, settle, soil (l), German Schwelle. 2FEO-È'âw, êäij, £305, ê'ůvuç, Latin suescv.


with the preceding. EFEIK -­ sito» (to yield, give way), aïyw, ритм, German schwach, weich, English weak. ZFEKTP--ëxvgóç (Fexugóç), Latin зовет, Italian suocero,

German Sehwdher. EFE/1_- Янов, délLoç, ßaße'lioç, oißs'liog, 1411€).le Commonly Илбишщ дели, ßslhcíosmL, сдав, achim, уайт, ysloövrla, Latin

sol. See above (§ 1). ¿FE/1, diñ`erent from the preceding-£7.04; (Гаме), 7111169, oálïvor (êlsóâoemov сёмги, Il. 2, 776), Latin palas, English pool, puddle (Т), Romaìc ‚Зато; (swamp, marsh). For Шов, vsee Dionys. Hal. Rom. Antiq. l, 20.



EFE/1.4 or EFE/1K - Ниш, yéllon, Latin vello, vellica,\.9ul­ cus (запад), English pull. .ZFEII -­ ё'лш, Ё'тщиш, È'onov (шалаш), Latin Seguin“, Italian

seguire, French suivre, English seek. ZFEP- гит (to join), гнета for signin; (Priscian. p. 546, Putsch), Latin sera.

2 FE X -iEXJL густ, ì'azov (таим).

EFI-HZ, Jin, ‘inni (Ел), î'm, EETJZ, Latin eo, ire, venía, via, sino (i), English way, went (wend), send; all implying going, coming, or their causatives.

EFT-cig, iig, Latin sus, English swine, sow. EFTA ­- Мир, îögo'w, Latin sudo, English water, wet, sweat ;

Phrygian ‚веди (water), Clem. Alex. p. 673.

2F'TP- шрифт, Latin sum ? 2. “ The Epic word “лишае,” says Buttmanu (Lexil. § 69), “ exhibits in sound so evident a connexion with the common

word nèlag, ‚идите, идиша, that it is impossible to avoid con sidering it to be a dialectic variety; and the only wonder is how two letters [,u, и] which appear to have so little añinity could change from one to the other ..... Most cases of this kind may be explained by supposing that in the old language there existed a form containing both letters; and I leave the inquiry still open for particular cases, as to whether the fuller form was the parent of the two others, or whether it was only

the form which one took in its transition to the other.” We think the former hypothesis is simpler, and therefore more satisfactory than the latter. The following roots contain both consonants ; generally

speaking, the modiñed form is more common than the original. Iwo or KNO gives FNOJz, I'NoEJz, KNOEJz, vom, комы, поёт, Latin nasca, English know, _Saxon cnawan. ­­ For the omission of у after и, сотраге xvánmw, xa'nmw.- For the

commutation of и and y before v, compare ‚из/тебе, xvatpaúç' yvoiyrnœ, аса/финта: ‘ Гушабс, Kvwaóç' uvs'qmç, ywitpoç, ROmaiG

(‚й—утирая! (véipog) ; пагод, Cnez'us; yávv, Latin genu, English

nee; идише, cycnus or cygnus. ¿1I-_0 or ’FFO-dúo, Ötiw, ôiç, Гнить ОГ ßsluurt, sî'uooi, Latin

bis (Dvrs, vis), duellnm, bellum (DvELLUM, шиши), vígíntí,

English two, twain, twin, twice, twenty.

FPA г— ГА гл, ‘PAUL ¿Zw/uy», étyvvnt, Latin Ландо, English wreck, rag, break, German brechen. _ Compare German Rasen, Wasen (provincial), Wrasen (Hessian). Buttmann’s Lexilog. ё 69. 5. KFAPII от KFAII- пептидов, nánrm, дели, oignáL'œ, aizpn',



â'nrœ, ддафш, Latin corpo, capio, rapio, трат, English carp, rap (to seize), Saxon hrepan, repan. This root modìñed gives paloma), äuaqntov, фетву. In НезусЫие ßqoiy/ui means ovllaßeîv, vivaldiano Snoeůoat, quliEai, тай, wayeîr, natazpuyeïv, 'rai otóuau êlxvout, «gill/1m,

oiqnavloai, urevviEou. In the вепзе 0f иейлрщ, oiqpuviow, it may be connected with the English wrap.

KFOP-ôoáw, -uóooç (Overseer), uogéw (to see, loolc after), одев; (watëllef), швед; (xnn-ovgo'ç), -mgo'ç (тж-шеф), Latin

cura, English care, guard, re-gard, ward, warn, wary, a-ware, 12e-ware; all implying sight. KME/IAN ­­­ uŕlaç, ue'Àou/oç, palmira, xslawo'ç, Romaic ueluvóg.

KEA/1 Or EKA/1 ­­ запои, nñloa', Ev'lov. KZ'TN 0r шиш—15:57, Euvóç, панде, oliv, Latin сит, соп-, сот

munis, English common. KTAN 0r KTEN- xrelvm, кабин, дебит, övrionœ (GANJZ), 11a

inloow, Latin eœdo, cudo, English out, batter (l), battle (l), Hebrew nasal, Scythian nani (Herod. 4, 110).


See also


ZKEA- (набеги/шиш, игдоЁИищ,1ёш‚ 12301, anni@ (oxmóç), Latin

Sagitta, English shed (Saxon seed), ewer (Saxon Ищет), shoot, shot, scatter (l), spotter (l), German schossen; all implying pouring. 2K F011- Latin scopre, English sweep. §15. In many instances, 2 seems to be changed into h'


Е. g. â'lç, ůlag, (Sulmona.) Шип, Latin sal, salum, English salt. Ев, sez, six : êmó, septem, seven. The Heraclean tables have FaS, FeEnnov'ra.

iuiovç, ripe, semis.

ôuóg, брошу, Similis, same, similar: 171.17, Sylva. биде, imo', ilrntoç, Super, Sub, Supinus.

{lm/og, somnus.

§7. Not unfrequently, the sounds K (k, c, q) and л are changed into each other.

EIIIJZ or E111). (FE пл), Latin voco, voz (ат), English voice. ëve'nw or гнёт, Latin inquam. ê'mn, глади, sequor, seele. See 2 : 5. l (2F511), innoç, equuâ ­‘ nella), pollo. Islam, liunoivœ, línquo, liqui. Ниве, [приз : uvcdooco, u-nvw'ooœ'l noioç, 57:07.05', лаб, [опйс xoïoç, dnoîoç, кой.





олл (to sec), было; от änrllloç, dwaling, Latin oculus. „ерш, another form of пёпе, Latin quinque. nc'mw (ПЕпл), cocus, coquo, coquina, Italian cucina, Eng lish cook, calce, bake, kitchen.

абсцесс, zérooeç, iëoaagsç, тай-горец, Latin quatuor. треба, Latin sepes, sepia : аиЫоу, spolíum, spoil. mpq's, acc. mpñna, Latin vespa (by metathesis for svsPA), English wasp. See also ё 4.

$ 8. Not unfrequently the sound K is changed into h (‘ ) ; and vice versá.

E. g.

ëxaróv, centum .‘ haleine, culmus, halm. щам, us'ag, car, cordis, heart, core.

иейдш (KTQJZ), hide, Saxon hydan. xéoug, cornu, horn.

хит, clino; Saxon hlinian, hence English to lean. попов, hollow .' nahen/dg, комбат Columna, COlliS, hill. uúgtoç, Latin herus î núm, canis, German hund, English hound.

PRONOUNS. § 9. We may now suppose that the old language had but .one pronoun, TFOZ (Tvos, 'rwos); that this pronoun was

DEMoNs'rRATlvE in its character; and that it represented all persons, that is, it stood for that, this, he, she, it, thou, I.

l. This pronoun modified gives all the pronominal forms of which the element is a пнешь (т, ö, .9, а, С), or a lingual followed by a labial (F, q», v, w). E. g. TOZ', rñvoç, róooç, alito'ç, ohroç, rig, rig, 161s, 11i, rol, nóg, rviöe,

Latin tum, tam, tot, totus, tantus, talis, tu, tuus


English that, this, the, thou, thus, then.

ösïva, dei/go, бабье, German das, dessen, die, du.


4), açpůt, mpo'ç, ай, ao'ç, Latin sui

3), se, suus (§ 3),

sic, English she, so (Saxon ша). 2. By dropping the first letter, we obtain all the pronominal forms of which the element is a LABIAL (F, v, w, q), lu).

Observe that F (v, w) may be changed into h (‘ ), and y softened into у.

Е. g.

F161), Рои (05), го. (a), F. (г), Гос (3g). «plv (for vw). Latin vos, vester, Italian voi, English we, German wie.



5, 1i. 3g (relative), b'ooç, nig, im, English he, her, here.


[.1017 (гроб), as' (Élus), [Liv (viv), брате, irpeïç, mii, vai, Ьапп те, nos, English me, mine. 3. Not unfrequently the initial consonants disappear ; in which case the origin of the form becomes very obscure. E. g.

î'v (Fw), ïöLoç, Latin is, id, ibi, English it (Saxon hit), us, as 6 10.

1. The form ТРОЕ became KFOZ (Qvos,

Kwos), which produced all the pronominal forms beginning with a щиты. (и, q, h). Observe that most of these forms are interrogative. (See also § 8.) Е. g. xiii/og Ol’ neil/og (whence ¿neit/og);


КОЕ, ной, xoïoç, udrepov,

Latin QUUs, quis, qui, quam (cum), quot, quotas, quam, Saxon hwœt (what), hwœnne (when), hwi (why), hwœr (where), hwa'ther (whether, mingen). 2. Either ofthe initial consonants may he dropped. times both disappear. E. g.


how, who (pronounced without the w, hoo), Saxon hu (how), German was (what), wann (when), Dutch waar (where);

Latin ubi, uter, for QUUBI (паб), QUUTER (uóregcv, hwœther). З. The modified form КОЕ becomes H02 7), which produces all the Greek interrogatives beginning with n.

E. g.

71017, noïoç, ndrcpoç, vro'aroç, nnhiuoç, nn'iç, unwind, nñyoç.

4. The pronominal adjective гневе, Latin ceteram, English other, either, is, strictly speaking, the comparative of the per sonal pronoun ë' (°'I) ; its primary meaning is that, in connexion however with another that; not that but that, that or that.

5 1 l. 1. We suppose now that ТРОЕ was strengthened by the addition of a palatal (и, y, l) ; and that thus modified

it produced Latin tune, hoc, hinc, hic, dac., English such,

which, ôec.

Also the nominative ofthe ñrst person singular of

the personal pronoun; as, Gothic ik, Saxon ic, German ich, Greek Syd, Latin ego, Bœotic Greek irá, Italian io, English I. 2. The root thus strengthened gives also the comparative ëx-Liregoç, one more than that, that and that, or simply, both,

each (said of two).

Its corresponding superlative is ë'x-aoroç,

all that, each (said of many), every.


§ 12. 1. This pronoun (ТРОЕ) is also the parent of the numeral MIOZ', whence the feminine Aala.

Also of oîoç, alone,

which modified becomes 102, whence the Epic ш, Ёф, öcc. It is moreover the parent of pávog, alone, Romaic aovóç, single.



It is also the parent of sig, gen. êvo'ç (root êv-), Latin или:

(‚идя/09), English an or a, one (pronounced шип, which differs but little from the possessive For). 2. The adjective î'ooç, Originally Fica; 01' FioFoç


is formed from FI or F12' ("1, Latin is) añer the analogy of ráuoç from T02', or of ô'coç from ô'ç.

Its phmary meaning

therefore is so much. 3. The numeral ôúo or öúw, also domi, Latin duo, English two, German zwei, is nothing but the dual of ТРОЕ; its

primary meaning is that and that, or one and one. The ordi nal öe'úrsgaç is its comparative; its original form must have been öFersgoç, by metathesis ösFreçaç, äsúrepoç (ё 3); the corresponding superlative is ôeúzarag, last.

13. l. A table containing the principal modifications an

derivatives ofthe theoretical demonstrative ТРОЕ.

Т— T02', 10, 1171109, 0113169, 017109, u'ç, tìç, 115, 1a', roi, u'v, 1169, 10009, 10709, 111111109, 1157109, 111115101, 1171109, 10161, 10ф001.

Е—щрё (фё), mpi (only), oqasîç, oqmii, acpoi, афшё, 01р69, 001511009, mi, as', oog, â'aau or â'na. l А— 682101, domi, Ölio, äeúzegoç, ôeúwraç, ör'ç, ôn'igo, 651718. F i ) _"1, 013, Ё, Ö, 1i, êciç, 39, ё'1г009, êxaíngaç, É'naaroç, eig, 3009, 0209, rillxoç, iilaç (i), riz/lua, ripoç, im, nig.

M (N) -fu'v (wir), naïf, nai, ne', rineïç, ähneç, innig, ii'nysç, vait, vai, 14101, 1161109.

—— '- ì'v (Fw), ïötoç, oioç, IOE, ì'aoç (Риги), ëyai, iw', ¿illog- (i),




K- KOE, uni/og, xeïvoç, Èneïvaç, 5mi', uoïoç, xoregov, пои. П— 1102, na'aoç, no'ì'oç, индии, 110119909, 1100109, 710010709, тщ

ríxoz, niinoç, miiç gen. navzo'ç


2. The verbal terminations are nothing ‘but modified frag ments of pronouns. Thus, _In (-11), quit, -png 116801, Warp', Latin -m, -mus, -mur, -miní, English -m (only in am, .sì-pt', вас-т), аге connected with ne', 0151, те, 1105, &с.; aS öíöwyi, 616014011, 616011111, 616014800, 561

660111, 5656017, Latin стат, dicimus, amamur, amamíni.


above (@ 9. 2). —01, —9, -0ш‚ -01901, wat, -oav, &.c., Latin -s, -sti, English ­s,

-sl, are connected with ай, gips', se, suus, &c. ; as 5mn', 61601— at, Ölöœç, öt'ůoaou, È'qmo'âa, le'yovot (for ).a'yovat), ì'qmouv, ,ui ‚ищао, 1576035, Latin amas, amavisti, English has, hast.

See above

9. 1).

-11 (—191), -1ш, —18, 4011, 4111, wu, wrm, -vra, 41011, &‚с., Latin


REMARKS. ­t, ­tis, ­nt, ­ntur, English -th (-3), are connected with T02', nl, ш, English this, 51,0. ; аз ЕЩЕ, quoiâi, (Идиш, Myers, 15'72

rov, Души, le'yovrai, дёрна, leyóvrœv, Latin amat, amatis, amant, amantur, English asketh. See above (ё 9. 1).

3. It is easy now to see why сироп differs so little from uqam', брате from vueîç, ue' from „и, ie from hie, cé from se and she, об; from suus, Foi (oi) from voi, Fs (Б) from we, _roy from am', Gac.; further, ,why афгш is used for vpîv (Il. 10, 398), mpe'ag fOr vuoi; (Herod. 3, 71), aque'rsgov for i/,us'rtgov (Hes. Ор. 2), êowroliç for буй; aůtoůç Or дуй; alitoúç, dioiuetov fOr Ölwxs'rnv

(n. 10, 304), ao. ac. AUGMENT. 14. The following verbs, beginning with a liquid, take ы instead of the reduplication; which is nothing more than the syllabic augment e lengthened. layzolum, Битюг, аппурш. lapßoivœ, eilmpa, silvana', Мути, lo collect, 2110101, Епгурш. ufloouai, si'yaguui, eïuágunv, bOth with the rough breathing.

‘PEJZ, Say, ei'gnxa, детищ, sigńoopm. Also аог. pass. 529119171', sioe'ůml.

ё 15. The Epic dialect lengthens s in the reduplication into et in the following verbs. öslöm (JEIJZ), delôoma. delxvvyi, бете/рад, ды'бшто, дыбфдашь örtöf'laro.

dim, to fear, öslöiusu, öaiövîa, êöslöiusv, бос. § l 6. The following verbs are not uniform in the augment of the perfect; that is, sometimes they take the usual redu plication of the perfect, and sometimes only s.

Observe that the second consonant is a liquid (l, v, o). Properly speaking, MNAJZ is the only Greek verb beginning with uv.

ßÀuoroiz/w, ßsßloiornxa, ëßloiutnxa.

умчи», ys'ylvuuat, È'ylvyuai. xuraylwnlgw, uareyloirnouui, Arist. Eq. 352; Thesm. 131. xlnlè'œ, камфары, ¿nl/limpian, ¿winlopnn

ушибами, ‚ифщрш, ¿peuvńur/v, pepwńoopa».

uvquoveúw, гул/публика, Plat. Phœdo, 119. rgáqaœ, ovve'rçoqvu, re'roozpa.



ё 1 7. The following verbs take the reduplication contrary to the general rule. uráopou, xe'urnpal, È'nnypai, usxniaopou, ënńoopcu. nsráwvyl., пелёшщдш, пёлта‘иш. лбптш, пг'лптш, mntmiç, пептида, ne'nrnua.

univoco, È'nrnla, желтой. The perfect nénrapai is formed Ггот палатами (from

micia) by syncope. AS t0 жёлтыми, nerrrsaiç, пиццей, and ns'mrnxa, they

are formed from IIL'TJ?. by metathesis ; thus, лепет-ха, шлет-щ become ne'rrrnna, линий; ат! nenrnaiç ' ns'nznua iS further

changed into némwua, not unlike £99177@ ì'éémya from the theme ‘Рнгл.

§ l 8. The augment of the perfect and pluperfect of ì'mn ,ui (2T/UZ) takes the rough breathing. fect active may lengthen ‘nto ci.

Further, the pluper»

perf. ë'urnxa, готика, ë'oma, диодном.

pluperf. ëor'n'uew Ol' eïarn'xew, êatdew. This apparent anomaly is explained as follows; 2714.41, perf. Египта): (сошраге alarmiert) ; and by changing the first o into the rough breathing 6), ё'ищиа. It must not be supposed that the rough breathing of the perfect is borrowed from the present, after the analogy of other verbs. If this were the case, we should have also aorQë'amoa, ë'onlv, instead of the actual forms ê'umaa, ê'urnv. ё l 9. The following lengthen the syllabic augment s into ц, contrary to the general rule. cirrohoniw, cine'lavov, oin'rl'lfxvov, dns'hxvaa, cimihavoa.

Детдома, ëßovlópnv, ůßovlóynv, ëßovln'ůnv, драматизм бйтдш, ¿5w/aunt', ñövwinnv, êövvn'ůnv, rîövvn'ânv. ‚щит, ì'yellov, бредит, ёрёдцшх, fipëlhnaa.

nagavoys'm, лает/брат! now edited падет/брошу, Dem. 2l'7.;V Thuc. 3, 67. §20. In the Epic dialect, the second aorist active and middle of the following verbs takes the reduplication of the~ perfect. Observe that ¿nfnho'unm È'neqwov, êne'qagaögov, and È'rsryov pre-

ñx а to the reduplrcatron; that is, they follow the analogy of.' the pluperfect. '


REMARKS. doiwi, Ös'öauov' ДАЛ, ör'öaov.

пойдут, xe'xayov ' néhoaai, „идут and ëxexhóyqr. найди, xéxvůov' lai/loira), Идиот. layßoivw, lelaßo'yqv' Ãavâa'vw, héhaâov.

догола), htlaxóynv ' adema», ys'yapnov and yf'fwrrov. ndllm, dansnalaiv (шлейфу). 7151801, пётдоу ' nlńaam, ландшафт.

ТАГЛ, ‘rerayaiv ' ТЕЛ/112, .rerum and ì'reryov. тёепш. teraprrdynv ' rLrgaiouw, rétopov.

ririioxoyat, re'rvxoy, rstvxóynv. ninfa', re'rvrrov ' (pelöoyai, mquddy'qv. ФЕА’Л, m'qwov and ê'nsqwov. (рейда), ne'qngaöov and ёпёфеабои. Zago», ne'xaöov, nexaödynv ' zaiptu, xelagdynv.

§21. The following Poetic forms take the reduplication contrary to the analogy of verbs` bevinning with 9. ёапЩш, ёгейпшдш, Апасг. frag. 05. фит, érgiqnâai, Pind. frag. 281. êvndw, éspvnœys'voç, Odys. б, 59. §22. Some Poetic forms do not double the 9 after the

the syllabic augment s’. énimw, È'Qarrrov, Odys. 16, 379. és'Cm, ì'prëov, ê'qua.

ëlmw, генри, Kalmar.

§23. The following Poetic f'orms double the initial con sonant after the syllabic augment s, after the analogy of verbs

beginning with e. Observe that, with the exception of дают and EETJZ, the root begins with a liquid. öelöm (dEIJZ), Èööswa, nepiööeiooi, imoöösioaç.

hayznivw, ê'llalov. hayßciveu, ê'lhaßov, êthaßóanv. Наводил, êlhiooianv. MEIPJÀ, Зернового È'ayoga.

ve'œ, to swim, ïwsov. oelm, êoasi'ovro, draaualaoxs.

ZETJZ, êoasvóynv, Ё'аащлш, êomiynv, Èîraeva, êaaiiânv, claéaoova. Анды, according to Dawes (Miscel. Critic. p. 168), was

originally ö Рыбы. with the digamma after the first ö' hence ed Fama, nsçLöFsLoa, ůnoöFeLaaç, and finally, after the



disappearance of the digamma, ё’дбышх, neglööerau, ůnaöön'mxç ‘ the initial consonant being doubled in order to make the pre ceding syllable long by position. It is well known, however, that the Greek, as such, does not admit of the combination

AF' (dw).

We must therefore assume FAEIJL


It is observed further, that öeíôm and its derivatives, in Homer, make the preceding syllable long by position, as Il. 11, 10; 14, 387; but not always, Odys. 11, 203, wir 6’ à'ga öst l


ouv 101 v ¿u 1610011 Ётш’ ¿perfino

Further, the adjective âsovôriç (for äsoöeríç, like vqlrjç for

9111-6119), compounded of ůeóç and Alim., must have been origi» nally 1910 Fang. The а was lengthened into ou after the dis appearance of F ' or perhaps the digamma was attenuated into if@ 3). As to the perfect ôslöomu, öslöinsv, they must have been formed after the disappearance of F.

ZET!! also, according to the same critic (Miscel. Critic. p. 165), was originally ZFETJL, with the digamma; hence sa Fava, ворс/‚цап, &е.‚ and finally

Ё’аагиа, 200011011, 600.

See also ё 5. §24. The following verbs lengthen а into ы, contrary to the general rule. è'oiw, eì'aav, 520001, sì'uuu, 530101111. ёЭБСщ 1229100, 822911101, 112910000, 813508111. êlíaaœ, eiliEa, 611171401, sill'lânv.

étudia,v sílauipm, eïlxaíäqv, Hippocr.

It is regular 1n the

Attic dialect. Шиш, rilulifmv, silEa, si'lxvaa, гит/па, eïlxvopai, sïlxúoänv. ¢




для, 611.01', 511011171.

ë'lval. ((15.12), einen. ё'пш, finas', eînóyml. I









eçyaëonm, argyagonnv, нед/0101401, иуд/010191111, иеуаащщи

êgnúgm, 119710001.

É'pmn, 5207101. Q









sonata, nanowar, statlaxa, eiauayou, stortaânv. ат, filon, sila'yrp'.

(Ел, place, eìua, sïooipnv. 711,11 СЕД), sind, final, £3171', riguar'.

For ё'цха, Ё'тиа, É'wv'lon

(Ё'опш), See ё 26. With respect to EHJL, EPOMAI, 501501, and 590110210, which

are often referred to this head, it will be observed that einer,



vivra, and their dependent moods, come from the lengthened form EIIIJZ ‘ eioópqv, from the Ionic eì'goyou ‘ riot/oa, афиши, eî'ovouui, siglioůnv, from sigliw' and sigoiraov, sigoirnou, from the Ionic signada-Fol' the forms sì'grpca, аршин, eign/19m', and eîgéůnv, see ё 14. ’Efira The augment of this verb will be easily accounted for, if we suppose that there was a time when its full form was Feat» or rather Гагат (§1). The first of these forms

would give rFeuua, Fs Fauna, Gac., and by dropping the digamma and contracting the initial Syllables, льва, льна, &‚с.

It may possibly be connected with “Ел, to send,- see ё 5. l

(EFI). ЭЕдин; is a prolongation of ê'âm ‘ its original form therefore was Раисы, hence sFeâwa, Fr Редька, and finally, by

dropping F and contracting is, агата, stoma.


eElloow is connected with еще; ‘ therefore its original form was Feliootu' hence eFeÄtEa,

Fe Ремни“, &‚с.


finally, by dropping F and contracting se, eïltäu, fïtlypm, &.c. ‘Elxów is derived from Ниве, а derivative of Ниш ‘ therefore it was Fsluoœ' hence aFelxwâvv, Ferluwuqv, and

finally silxuiönv, eilxaiunv. "Elem was originally Faim» (@ 1); hence erLEa, Fe Feluvxa, &c., and finally, by dropping F and contracting es, silfa, silicona, 51.0.

сЕАл was originally FEAR

l); hence stlov, eFa

loumf, and finally eilav, silóunv. “Evi/vut has ‘E11 for its theme, of which the original form was РЕД. 1); hence Fe Радон, and finally eeuu», siam., with the breathing of the present. For êsaníunv, see below. "Emo­

We assume FEIIJL, hence imperf. сгниет, senor,

sïmw with the breathing of\the present.

For the 2 aor. we

assume 2151111, hence sz'emw, syncopated tional», after the anal

ogy of ФЕШЛ, ne'ipww' ns'Àw, Биде, ì'nlero' ns'rouai, Enro'unv ‘ ëyelgw, riyqóunv’ usloyru, азимут. We See, then, that the а in è'omw is not an intercalation; and that ¿_ is the syllabic augment.

We cannot suppose that ê'arrov comes from an assumed theme anni, because a grammatical root without a vowel cannot

be satisfactorily proved to exist. And if we write anni, We virtually assume onéw, which cannot by any sound grammati cal principle give 2 aor. ё'апоу. The same remarks apply also

to ат, ê'ugov, which see.

See also § 5. 1 (ZFEII).



шумом. is a prolongation of EPTJL, a digammated theme; its original form therefore was chyagoam, hence eFagyaëounv, Fe Fegyaapat, SLC., and finally, by dropping F and contracting se, eigyaëónnv, sì'gyauyai, бас.

‘Egnúçw is a prolongation of épico, and follows the same analogy.


See гены below.

We may assume Fegnw as the original theme;

hence sFegnov, segnov, signos with the breathing of the

present. See above (ё 5. 1, ZFAP). ‘ЕапоЁш is probably derived from écria, originally Рында (Latin nesta) ; we may therefore assume eriaw, hence а Feariao'a, Fe Реи-ноша, &‚с., and finally cia'riaoa, sïarlaxa, Öbc. as in êpyciëopm.

"Elm was ‘ЕХД, with the rough breathing.

For the imper

fect, Рено тау Ье assumed; cFegov, salou, alzov. For the second aorist, Zelo», ezszov, syncopated 22110;». Compare ё'пш,

Е’апоу, and taza. See also ё 5. 1 (z'FEX).l eE47., to place, seat, put, originally FЕЛ. (@ 1); hence stoa, ceca, sica, with the breathing of the present. See also ё 5. 1 (БРЕД). “In i, from ‘Ед, originally perhaps FEJL ' hence в Feâmf, Fa гс“, dac., and finally агат, eine, ôLc., as in the preced ing. As to ё'циа, Ema, гит, they take the syllabic augment

in addition to the temporal.

See also ё 5. 1 (2FI).

§25. The following verbs take the syllabic augment in stead of the temporal. дурит, È'aEa, ì'äya, ¿rij/171'. oilíoxoyon, годами, ëaihew. eivöávw, êávdowov, ë'oîdot

(ê'c'ìöa), È'aöov and



ëńvöavov, syllabic and temporal. :iin-rco, ëciquön. EIÄJZ., ЁгшоЁут’, 'helden' (ê- iengthened int0 ei-).

мы, ê'oma (siamoiç), Ефиму syllabic and temporal. sihs'œ, êeíheov, ёбдлутш, êo'hnro. sila», È'slou, È'shyai, байт. ваш, to go, êetooifcnv. EIIIJZ, ê'ema, ê'emov.


гит, t0 join, Zappen, êc'qpqv. Юлы, аноды, Ё’одлш, дойти syllabic and temporal. È'vvvyt, ês'uunv, écoutant'.

ïgöm (ЕРГл), ё’оеущ ëócysa, êm'gyew syllabic and temporal. miga'œ, êotipeov, ¿ot/'291001, дебета.





шдгш, ì'mua, iunior, Батут, êoiaůnv. wveoyat, êœvovpnv, ewvnyar, ëmvńânv, e'tuvnociyqv. I




"AyvvpL, theme Агл, originally FA гл

1 : 5.2) ; hence

s Газа, Ре Faya, dec., and finally, after the disappearance of F, ê'aEa, ê'aya, ÖLC.

Сапа: орал, theme ‘eL/1a, 144012, connected with ‘Eem (to take) ; we may therefore assume FAAJZ, FAAOJL ‘ 1181166 a Falmv,

Fe Fahamu,

and finally Задан, êoihanm, with the

breathing ofthe present. See 5 1 (ВАЛ). 147605000, theme 14412, originally Бил

l); hence

eFaöov, Fs Faöa, &‚с., and finally, ïaôov, ë'aöa, &c.,with the breathing of the present. The Epic aorist síiaöov is explained as follows; FAAJZ,

2 аог. s FFaöov, like È'Ãhaßov, ì'yyat'ìov, from layßoivw, yavůoi уш, Ву dropping one of the. digammas, and changing the other into v, in order to preserve the quantity of the antepenult, siiaöov with the smooth breathing. See ё 3. l. See also xaváämg in the Catalogue.

"Ama, original theme perhaps FA Фл

5. 2, K FA РП) ;

hence eFatpůn, êátpâq. We cannot refer барда; to â'nopaL, because the change of s into a in the aorist passive does not seem to take place when г is not preceded or followed by a liquid. Ешл or мл, originally FEIAJL or FIdJL ( sFeLuoianv, êtreoifcnv. The Epic ñalösw was

1); hence sFeLÖva,

hence шдш, дают by lengthening the'syllabic augment. Einw was probably FsLLLw ' hence Fs Forum, like ls'loma

from шлю, and finally ê’oma.

The Epic participle eioaniç

was FsiFowag, like ösLöaLnuíç from ды'бш. The pluperfect Ефиму is formed directly from the perfect aina, like гиря/016507

from oîvozoéw. Compare salam, дыши, from time, Дядю. Eîls'm is a prolongation of sito» (гыаш), and follows the same analogy. Fohnro,)

The forms êóhnrai, ¿611710, (Fs Рампа“, Fs

fOllOW the HnalOgy 0f asadgnrai, )Leyden-ro, from

реформ (МОРЕЛ).

ниш, theme FEAR

l); hence агент (like „мы,

ì'uehoa), FS Fehpou, e Раму (like qaâslpœ, ¿qnůripqv), and finally ê'eloa, È'elpai, êoihnv.

ЕЁ” L, theme In, originally perhaps FIJL or FEIJL (ё 5. 1, EFI); hence stLoapnv, Éstodynv. Hence also sFLov ог s FL а, n FLov ог 17 FLa (like pillo», будим), and finally Яшу Ol'


Observe further that in the Epic language the final vowel



of a preposition may not be dropped before this verb; as s'mstoane'vr] (entFetauns'l/q); another fact in favor of а di gammated theme.

Ешл and шт, originally FEIHJL and FEJIJL (б 1); hence s Fenton', e Furia, and finally ê'emav, È'emat.

Eî'qw, to join, theme FEPJz (ё 5. 1, ZFEP); hence Fe Fs gaat, i'ëgyon.

"Einw, theme Гетто

1); hence Fe Folna, like de'öogzm

from дёеиодш, and finally Euhm. The pluperfect гашиш comes directly from the perfect (alan) after the analogy of ëw'guov from öpáœ. Сотраге Ефиму, Èaigysw, Гг0т sî'xw, фат. "Errani, theme РЕД 1); hence Fs [тащить eroapnv,

and finally гёщщу, ëaaánqv, with the breathing ofthe present. "Egöœ, theme EPFJZ, FEPI'JZ.


hence Fe Fopya,

Fe Радуга ' Е‘оуи, 5697211. The pluperf'ect ¿w'gysw is formed from the perfect (vaya) like ¿algauw from ôgvíw. Compare ¿aí new, двинет, from ‚Фил, Юты.

Oůgéœ, originally perhaps Fangen, hence e Foi/9170“, Fa Решении ' êolipnoa, Eoiignxa.


ЗИМЫ, theme perhaps F12 ел, hence e Гоши, Fa Ганса, &‚О., and finally É'waa, ёлка, &‚0.

’.Qrs'onat, originally perhaps Fœvsonat ' hence агента pm', Fe Fmrqyat, 6&6., and finally ёшпбупг, ¿ail/11pm, &‚с.

§ 26. The following take the syllabic augment in addition to the temporal. oirolym (её/ш), oivs'rpëa, aivs'qua, ail/s'aiyyat, ail/sqilůnv, oiva'qzya.

Еды, ё’шда commonly её’шэа, Маш commonly „швеи.

Ёщи, СЕЛ), É'nxa, gama, ё'шпш (от garrote, 24. aînée), Ефиму от ёкгоу, Нйрросг. oil/alos'm, дул/016807 ol' едим/6:07, Il. l, 598; 4, 3. беды, êta'paov, éw'poma also êógaxac, ënigolpm.

See also


Mvolyœ. The simple verb ото seems to be connected with агат, to yield, give way, make raam. We may therefore as sume Fotyw l); hence eFotEa, FeFoila, dac., and finally ŕipëu, ё'ша, &c. The temporal augment was probably

introduced after the disappearance of F. Швы, theme Рады 1:5, 1, ZFEQ); hence Fs Fosa, йода ' Fs Годен, ¿aiůsnu And by lengthening t'-, Sì'œůa,


If we assume Гнал (whence ñaog), the perfect

ё’шэи becomes analogous to ïééœya from ‘Рнгл (éńyvvyt).



Oîxe'm is derived from oîxoç, originally Forum; l); hence Fouten), eFotxsov, êqixsov. . . 027010ёш is derived from oivoldoç (abuelita). But oîvoç was orlglnally Гонок; 1); hence Fowozosœ, sFotvo zosov, êqwogóeov.

tDenim, theme perhaps Fogata

5, 2, KFOP); hence

eFogaov, Fe Foouua, Öbc., and finally дебету, êógaxa, êaioauu,

61,0. with the breathing of the present.

§27. The verb êográëm is the Ionic âgzáëw with the prefix ё-, and follows the analogy of беды. therefore to assume Footage).

It is not absurd

ё 28. Only three verbs beginning with и take the syllabic

augment. EIAJZ, убит, Иди, баш. 511101510, благодй'киаи, ñnaouat. sip», j'ew, gia (illu).

29. Some verbs may dispense with the augment even in the Attic dialect. oinâëooœ, dńûsooov, vifiûeoa.

1211111.97” a'l'm, â'ioa'. abolir/w, atioivůrp', but папуа.

oïauoorqotpe'rv, oìaxoorgóqieov, also qianoargo'ipeov, IESch. Pers. 767. o'iuviëw, отсидит, but (Шлюза.

oìwiouai, oì'rwpai, also diuwuai, Зорь. ТгасЬ. 268; Plat. Leg. 6, 18 oioros'w, oì'argnou, Eurip. Bac. 32; Compare Soph. ТгасЬ.

653. oì'zopvu, oijymna. ‚ oiœ'vßiëouut, oimwgopnjv, oiwviooiunv, Xen. Hel. 1, 4, 12; Dem.


The following verbs take the Attic reduplication.

The pluperfect lengthens the first syllable in ñquóm, 69159511», ñhllolpnv, âgngslounv, niöoiöew, oiluilatv, oigaigsw, and обрить/рт. Observe that the Epic forms дива/7711011, dxaxps'voç, oiloilqpm,

dlalúnrripou, dodgvïu, €9é9m10, alSO the later fluege'uaw., do not

lengthen the second syllable. Observe further, that the Epic floiipstouai and eilrilovůu,

lengthen the first syllable.



Lastly, the penult of дым, Ensim, фалы, is shortened in the perfect and pluperfect. As to дунет, душ/фут, it follows the common rule, that the penult of liquid verbs is shortened in the perfect passive. oiyelgœ, pluperf. душ/фут. ů'yœ, oiyriozax, aynyola, сущ/одни.

aîge'm, ai c ai@ 17 x a, ci е a ig п ‚4 a i, with the smooth breathing. dual/gm, ai и eign ,u а t, eindpunt.

duoůw, annuo“, dunnóew and ri x1] и d aw. AKJZ, cina1ps'voç. didonne, oiláhnpai. eilel'tpœ, сайт)“, eihihcpicat.

внёс», dln'hsna, патлами; and динары. бАиитоЁСш, cilahlinwlpat.

Arwen, ¿whose donnine), ¿lorica and депеш (d q di@ via), дебета“ pluperf. дебет! and 1,1915@ e l. v.

деды, oign'goyai. êyeicm, ¿y 9 у o q ot, дублерш. Ё'бш, See éoůi'w. éhalivw, Einhand, êhiihauai and ëhiihaoyar, динам,” and 'hln Ä. ai ,u n v. гид/ш, ëlńleyuat.

шиш, ilńliyyai with the smooth breathing. ёрг’т, ¿,u бунт, êpn'ueayai, ¿u su c’ и s i v. ENEQJZ, ¿viivoůou гребёт, ¿ongewilde and 1i@ 17'@ e t op a t, pluperf. 'lig 11 o a iop n v. бездна), ¿gnou/yat.

fettina», дебета, pluperf. ¿g ¿'94 лто. doigte, ¿originalita атомам, ёЫМЭа, êhiy'lovůa, sîlrfhovâ a.

éoôc'm, È'Öw, ëöńöoxa, ì'dndu, êöriöeauai, ¿dndopau Erm, avvozœxœ'ç (блямбу). hariw, inrenvn'p Dua (êyvn'pl'lna). OÄTJZ, ddniöuapm.

iiCm, ô'öœöa, pluperf. döeiöuv and ai d ai ö s i v. ällůiu, (Лапша, iilœla, pluperf. (Надел, and ai i. nil. r n'. ö'fwüpi, братана, dyoipoayat and dyoipouat. dooie», Злата, pluperf. dnairruv.

595701, dooigsypai, pluperf. doorga'ypnv. iigvûyt, декора, dgaigfyai, pluperf. dortigen' and oi@ aipet 11. delirium, deniavzfx, ¿quieto/,uuu pluperf. dgwgůypnv and ai g ш—

, e Им 17 " триба/ш, ифйфащлш. çégw, ¿viii/oxo“ (уйгурам




The forms aynyoza and 070701010 imply a redupli­

cated theme АГАгл.

The second y was omitted in order to

avoid a succession of similar sounds.

The derivatives dymyóç

and âywyrj (like ¿muri from AKJZ) lengthen the radical vowel это œ. Aîqéw. Observe that the reduplication shortens the diph thOng ai.- into d-; Lip-airmail, olg-ar'gnaai, not aia-aignxa. The change of­ the rough breathing into the smooth is an Ionic peculiarity.


Compare дубы.

The reduplication of the form typiíyoqa consists

of the whole root дуге, syncopated typ. Compare the second aorist middle ¿yg-ón”, e'yg-¿aůaL Others suppose that the first g is an intercalation, and that the regular form would be êy-n'yoga.

"Elm. The simple perfect would be ola, by changing s into о, as in Zorgoqm from orgs'ipœ' with the augment щи ' with the Attic reduplication ozwza ° and by changing the second ,y into x, Ёжика, dlnmw'ç. Compare the derivatives dln', dually'. Не who first changed _zu into _xa probably followed the analogy of verbs in -o'w. The participle âgmnw'g is sometimes derived from the imagi nary охол. But the analogy of бисер} is in favor of' an Attic reduplication. See also oî'loiwa, in the Catalogue.

’Hp úw.

According to Buttmann’s theory, when a verb

began with a long vowel, the reduplication shortened it. The perfect of this verb would be ¿Lin'puxa ‘ the metre required the first y to be doubled; but instead of this, ,av was adopted, as in диодную; from nahoiyn, roivvavoç from тебя/пров. This rule applies also t0 dgalgrlxu, dealer/pm, Гют aips'w. See alSO Oiko yai, in the Catalogue.

ё 3 l. l. The second aorist of the following verbs takes the Attic reduplication. Observe, however, that the indicative takes the temporal augment at the beginning. фит, iiyayov, olyolym ' íyaydpnv, oiyoiywyai. «падёт, ì/xazov, vinoixw ’ rixaldpnv.

alle'Ew (AAEKJZ), Шипы, oila'lxw, Syncopated for тщету, ahalsnœ, like nlâov, È'lůw, fOr ‚НМ/8011, slt/3m, from EAT ел. oîmatplaxoi, ifnaqtov ' ânawóanv. (лепешка), ñ'pagov ' ¿pagóynm êvL'nuo, êve'vmov, êve'i'mrov, êvs'worrov.

b'evvyL, dipogov.



2. The second aorist of Миш and ¿grim takes a kind of reduplication of the end of the root. l 3 I . а ’ ’ ’ Ёштш, путался! гению, пед/паком

ё 32. The following take the augment before the prepo sition, contrary to the general rule. Observe that the forms inmala'pnv, йупецбуци, rinqisoßn'rsov, буфы/361711102, ripipsyvo'ouv, йуфгуубцаи, and psys'âuxa, take the

augment before and after at the same time. aipne'gw, rinnetya'nnv, ifnmalov, 'hnmozo'nrlv and Ёдцлшхб

шп— dyqnaiCca, 'riyqulozaag riyqilouu.

ointpayvas'w,1ipqnyvóovv and rinqnsyvóouv, ñamsyvonaa. aipqnw'wvyi, nntpte'vvvv, ripqzlwa, дефицит, npœtsaápnv. aipqatoßnrs'w, ripquoßrj'rovg and ’riprpeaßrirovm riyquaßrimaot

‚ and битами; w1, awwßyraw. йдфюгдптйдт ava/'llanto (каштанами), nomi/alwaar, xorngvoilmyou.

al1/aiya), iivotyov, ñ'votfœ, nhlot'lŕìqv, rivolynv. «Ёж/идиш, rivrtßa'lavv, тирании. щргиш, iì'qasvyai.

airfare ’faire iwi”- ,

. ,


. ‚

‚ ‚

еуууаиь’ qyyvofov, „купцами, nyyvnoa, nyyvnxew, „патрон, пууицдт, nyyvnaannv..


ìpnalrim, буддист, riyndlnxa, npmilnyai. êl/owtlo'opat, ‚дивидендам, frimvrmiů'nr, Thuc. 2, 40; Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 2. Ènt'oranat, Яша-кофт, rimorriůnv. xu@s'§o,uai, €xa9s§dp17v, Èxaůe'oů'nv. xaâeúôw, êuoiâevöov. uaiânpal, êuaâripnv. uaâlëw, ¿xáůtoa (ëuoiâtëa), Ènuölaa'ynv. psâlnfu, nene'ůsma, ‚нарисуйте.

§33. The following take the augment before and after the preposition at the same time. Observe that the imperfect of nogowéo; has two forms, энцеф vsav, and ¿napoli/sav.

oìnquyvos'm, riprpsyvósov, ânmsyvánaa. avé/yc», днищам, Йигщбрци. aivapůów, rivmpůoúynv, rivaioůmaa, rivaipůmyai. Ötotae'w, Ösöiqinrjpou later, Athen. 8, 26. êvolle'w, rivuizlfov, ñaóllnaa, rivaizlnyat, aivwlln'ůrlv

napowe'm, ênapaivsov and ênaoolvsov, êrraqqivrloa, ntnaqqiwixa, asnapairnym, ênuoqwńûrgv.




311. The augment is put after the preposition even when the Simple verb has no existence. E. g. oinolatim, vinilavor, dailavou.

бунту/‚012301, ¿vexmplaom ¿yxexwulanm êyxexmulauuai, from êyxui giov (äv, uaiuoç). ¿ygeiqe'on s'vslsignoa, from ¿u and Zelo, hand. ëxnlnowigw, êEexlnolaCov, êEtxÄnolaoa, from êuulnoiu (ën, xlñotç,

падёт). ¿vûvus'ouau êureâilu'quai, €159vyn'9qv, from ¿v and âvpóç. дли-111681701, ênsniösvov, from fnl-nuit; 0r ¿mußte narnyoos'to, кипу/0960”, поит/159111101, fr0m панд/090; (uaroi, aiya

orvw . лает/098,01, парт/6911001, Eurip. Нес. 288.

ngoqaaoiëoyai, nooůqmotooiuqv for nporqaaolooiynv, from ngo' qnaoiç (7196, gamut). . nootpnrrliœ, ngosanirevou, from n@o¢p17'rr}ç(1roó, (туб). uvueoye'm, ovvn'qyeov, from ovusçyo'ç (oliv, ВРЕД). t §35. The verbs öianáw and ôiäxove'w, although de rived from the simple ölaira and ôwíuovoç, are nevertheless augmented, as if they were compounded of дюЁ and www, #0150)

Öiouroiw, êdm'rqo'oz, Ösöiy'rnuai, Ötptniunv, örptriâqv.


sa 32: 33. ôtäxove'w, ônpióvfov, Ösömxóvnna, öeôinxtivnuai, ¿diaxowg'âqm The persons who first introduced these verbs doubtless knew their origin. But it is not absurd to suppose that the Greeks, being misled by the sound of the first syllable, really imagined that the first component part was the preposition 6102. Com pare the absurd plural Mussulmen for Mussulmans, from .Mus sulman; as if this Arabic word were compounded of Mussul

and the English man! Ё 36. The following take the 'augment after the first com ponent part, although that part is not a preposition. oivrwrrote'w, oinwnsnolnxa, from dnl, mi, note'w.

dqioionois'ouai, 'riolerorrerroi'iyuai (Ègiorov, noie'w), before and after. c 1 e l e l ‚ тпоцюфгш, mirorsrgoquux and плещет-111101, иаЭьллотеофп 1101, (Ёттоцюфос, ifmroç, rpa'qnw), Lycul'g. 233; Isœus, |16.

pelonois'w, usuelorrmomyŕroç (,urlmrouiç, ‚187.09, помёт), Athen. 10, 79 noialtri, ovvevnenovûaiç, from 01511, aů, 710101111.



§37. 1. The present of some verbs beginning with a consonant, followed by a vowel or liquid, prefixes that conso nant together with ь. This is essentially the same as the reduplicatìon of the perfect.

изданы, ßißáœ, ßißqai, from the simple рога. ßißqnionœ — BOPJZ, ВРОД

yiyvouou- ТЕМП. Formed as follows ; I'EZVJZ, шунт, вун

copated yiym, hence yiyvopai.

The Latin retains also

the active form, gigna. шут/(бант — I'NOJZ.

тащила, — 41112, to teach. öiönyi -— де’ш, to bind. ötdów, Ölöwyl _ ¿1012. özůgáoxœ- ¿1P/UZ, ta run away. шайбами — nuthin», xixhnxa, “Ищут. nil/¿nyu -zpoioh ягдташ, l0 borrüw.

htlaioput — loira hei, t0 wish. ‚луз/бант -—— MNAJL, ys'yvnnat.

‚идиша — рёум. The StepS аге ye'vw, gluem», Aui'fawu by syncope. nipnlqpi--H/IAJL, nintha' y is an intercalation. Com pare атлеты. nlpnpnpt'- IIPAJZ.

See nlynhnyi.

mm'axw _ nivo», [11.0.

nínlw — ПААЛ, niunlnyl. mngoiuxor -n'sga'on

The Steps are падёт, тигрицы, Ьу Syn

cope or rather metathesis mngáauw, after the analogy of the perfect nénoäxot, néngäyw. ninrw- IIETJZ, nënrwua. The Steps аге IIETJZ, типы,

nimm, by syncope. nupaúaum ­- «Il/112, originally фА Гл 3. l). идёт, “эти. — дёсщ тг'дгпш, тёдгшш. 'rlxrw -­ TEKJZ.

The Steps are ’I'EKJL пиит, ‘rrr-nm, u'urm,

by syncope and metathesis: the combination ти is inad missible in Greek. ‘rtralvm — nivel, ПНУЛ, тётки. rirgoiœ _ TPAJZ.

uranium ­- TOPJZ, Трал. тпйоиорш _ruil/to, TTXJZ., TTKJZ.

2. In a few instances the present takes the reduplication of the perfect. Verbs, which are formed directly from the perfect, of course retain the augment of that tense ; as yeyáxw, таят, )lq/miauw, тфйиш, équine). 3



ßsßqoiůw —— ßLßpalouw, ße'ßgœxa. ôeöiaxopaL — öL'm, öéôLa, to fear. ösölaxoyou -­ Ösixrvfu, Ös'östa, t0 show. Ösöitroyoa -­ Ölen, Ös'öia, tOfear.

ösLöL'axoyaL ­­­ dito, Epic ösiöia, t0 fear. dstöioxoyaL- ösixvvpL, Epic Öeiöryyat. rsrpaivw -­ uranio), тётецуш.

rerqspaivw — теёуш.

ё 38. When the root begins with a vowel, or with two consonants, the second of which is not a liquid, the redußlica tion is formed by simply prefixing i or î. îálœ- Ахл.

Originally FAXn, hence F'LFalw, like р.

ßᜠfrom робы, and finally idle». Compare ‚Зайка: (раж, рань), oißaxs'w, Boixloç, "ILxxzoç, анналов (a FL ахов . ïéw, ‘L'qu-'EJL We may assume FEJZ, hence FIFEfL, Баш, imm, like дёш, идёт, riänyt. See 2: 5. l (EFI).

inrapaL-IITAJZ, IIETJZ. The regular form would be IIL maaaL, analogous to the perfect лётщдш from the same theme. Compare ё'црш (ê'noœ), nimm. iowiw, ‘L'ornaL-Z'TAJL The regular form Would Ье ZLaraal

(compare Latin sisto from sto). For the commutation of s and h, see § 6. гадш— ёш. Formed from ZEXJZ 5. l, ZFEX) as follows; ZEXJ'L, ZLZ'szm, ZLoxœ, like рейд, ‚ищвуш, playa). Ву chang ing 2’ into h (t ), года, 6). But this verb, like the origi nal ‘ЕХЛ, changes the rough breathing into the smooth on account of the aspirate 1 in the next syllable; therefore Ёахш Ьесотез litlur

§39. The reduplication of the present of the following verbs is irregular. öagôoirnw _claimen to tear in pieces.

The liquid 9 seems to

be an intercalation ; compare ůxgoágoam from âxoúœ ‘ â'ygvrrvoç from oi- and iim'oç. нажмёт, паухмёш -—- ХАААЛ, neklada. ногти —— zéro, xeírvxa.

lalays'w _ lëym, Шиит, helma. ‚лишаёв: — МАЛ, piatta.

naLipúuoœ — ФАЛ. пафМЁСш — fbAAZJZ, ë'qnlnöov.

aromatico _ m'e'œ (IINTJZ). notqnloow — vaoáw.



§40. Sometimes the present takes the Attic reduplica tion, but without the temporal augment ofthe second syllable. Observe that дилогии, dvlmpt, dmnzniw change the Second vowel into i. давшие) —АХ.!2, i'xazov, niua'lnpm. oinaqu'onm —АФ.!2‚ ìy'naqaov, nina'qml. ° âgaqluxm — АРЛ, 17941901», дебет.

йтпоёды— ůrállw, to cherish, foster. ¿ÀEÃL'CN _ êli'oum, дымили.

бийщи — ONAJZ. cimnrslim ——- OIIJL, dnt-río, -óvrmç (лаг-бяки).

§41. The present in а few instances prefixes ё to the root, which prefix has the appearance of the augment ê­. ¿Eiöopm-eì'öoyat (FEIdJZ). иаи, ßeíxam,

Сотраге ёгёхош, éî'uool, Fl


ёйбоуш—Ё’Адорш (Felöopat, рейдами, volo, valle, will). ës'lnoyaL- ê'lnoyai (Fslnoput). See $ 1. Ёёеусп, l0 keep (yf- ì'gyw (Ревут i). ЕЗДЫ — âe'lw.

êoqrágœ — бетоЁСш (Foqrágœ i). ¿plico —— @liquori (PTH).

§42. l. It is not unreasonable to suppose that the aug ment, when the root began with one consonant or two conso

nants, was formed by preñxìng the initial consonant or conso nants together with the following vowel. The following seem to be some of the relics of the original reduplication. curro, cucuri : disco, didící. mordeo, momordí : posea, pnposcí. punge, pupugi: spondeo, spapondi. tanden, totundí : tundo, tutudí. IDAAZIL, лафдаЁСш: XAAZIL, нажмёт.

To these we may add öugôámw, ход/151», ршщЁш, naiqaa'aaœ, nomvům. See ё 39. 2. The next step was to substitute the vowel в in the place of the radical vowel in the reduplication. This is the origin of the usual Greek reduplication. The Latin also makes use of this kind of augment. E. g. cado, cecídi : cœdo, cecïdí. cano, ceciní: do, delli. fallo, [фин .­ parco, peperci. parie, peperí : pedo, pepedi. pelle, pepulí : pendeo, pfpendí.



pendo, pependi : sto, steti. tango, tetigi : tendo, tetendi. 3. The usual augment (eL) of the imperfect and aorist was probably formed from the reduplication by simply dropping the initial consonant; thus xa'nuyou, u'nmor became, in the pro

gress of the language, ë'xapov, ê'rvmw. ё 43. 1. When the verb began with a vowel, the augment was perhaps formed by preñxing that vowel together with the consonant following. This is evidently the Attic reduplica tion of such fOrmS aS dxalpévoç, oixnixqu, diálnym, ¿gebr/no, ¿Ausps'xmg oiyayeîv, é've'vïrrov.

2. It Seems, then, that the usual temporal augment was formed by omitting the consonant in the At_tic reduplication, and contracting the initial syllables; thus 13707 originated in ů'yexyov, aayov.

б 44. It is fashionable to assert that verbs beginning with a vowel originally took the syllabic augment 5”-, and to confirm this assumption by referring to such forms as ê'asa, Баба, 6021177. But as such forms come from digammated verbs, this hypoth esis cannot be said to be satisfactory; its defenders must pro duce more decisive instances than these; for example, 510001071», гЁиорцщ 107101701, Ггот 215011011, Ёи7ё0,иш‚ 157101170). AS t0 sîöov, it is clear that it comes either from EMIL (FEIAJL), 0r from Idil (Рмл); if from the former, no change takes place;

and if from the latter, its original form was aFuïov, hence eîöov, by contraction. TENSES.

ё 45. The following pure verbs retain the short vowel of the present through all the derived tenses. â'yayut, oiya'aopw, iyoioänv, ñyuuoipnv. uiöe'opcu, aïös'ao/iai, iföwpai, Йдёадт, йдшоЁтрд dus'quw, une'ooyou, nutooiy'qv, 650110009. 511116150), 017156200.

011500011, 161801007. oile'œ, Шиш, 010101101, oilńlwyou, oilńlipm, rilŕoů'rgv.

135180110“, 01:3003117.



oquu's'vvvpt, 0100310001111010150001, тлфйорш.

017110101, 017110001, 071101001. 0371501, 0170000, ñ'vvmx, ñ'vuxa, ñ'vvaym, 571509117. 090915071», 091590001. a uge'oxw, ugs'aw, ñgsaa, 0910000.

TENsEs. (графы, ‚592150023, Некие. ,



aoow, aoooœ, nooau, aonoouan, 179037311. 0391500, ñoúůnv, noi/03171’. ‚ ifouaa, ‚‚ вирши, цфиош dilůoyai, oilůs'oofcai, rilûc'oůnv. ßöe'm, ê'ßöeaa. yeháw, yshoiom, ysloiaofcon, êyf'ÃaUa, ŕysloioûnr.

(inlopen, öáooŕwn, дёбшщш, êdauoiyfjv.

shui, йода}.





êhayvnr,lälauai>, placa, афазии днищам, êhnhuayal, êhnhaynv, штампу, 711110131! and 1110111317:'. EATJL, êhúnânv.

'ê'vvvpu Баш, Б'ва, ganen, Щит, ёёщщи, ëoápnv, ëeoaiynv. ì'oauat, rioäaoifcnv. гейш, ůoúuânv, êoauâfíuoyat.

гейш, êolioœ (êoliw), È'ovom Èoiiooum (Eolie on). ëaůlw, êön'doxa, ëöńöwpac and êůriöolcuc, 1165270171'. gén», Сёаш, ЁЁша, Ё'Сюдш, 541001111. 19Min, Última, È'ůlaou, te'âlaoyai (re'ähaypai). îloiaxoŕcat, Идиомы, 516081111, ïhaociynv.


nalin), nahe'am, únihwa, гнида-97,11.


motiva/vut, asocian), ¿xs'oaaan neuéoaayat, ¿xeoáaůnw aleta), t0 Ьгеа/с, È'xhuaa, xe'uhaoyai, ¿xháuůnm


xors'œ, xore'aouai, ёибтгиа. иегрйи’иш, nosyoiow, êxos'uaoa, inosyoiuânv.

даёт, gidsen, Ãoëooyal, Давай/щи. ‚пищит, patronen, êyaoáynv. ‚игдйакш, êpéůvoa, „машут, êysâúoŕhyv. vain», voice/1m, i'vaon, vs'vaoyon, êvoioânv. veme'w, vstxe'aw, ¿Winsum Es'w, È'Eeua, È'Eeoycn.

шиш, dléool, diletta, (Подвид.

iipvvyi, dudan», nipona, будущих, dpaipoyat and dyeinooual., niydâqv and oino'aůnv. iivopon, dvduopon, oivoodunv, oiróoůnv. афиш, doeioqwn. питг'одш, пйооуш, ns'naapcn, ênaoáynv.

Heroin/rupi, narciow, éne'mtm, лгпёшамш and ns'nmuon, ¿narci одни.

mnoáoxm, ncooiaco (й), êns'oäau. maar, múoœ, nw'aopon, ё'лтиаа, ¿unimo «Justicia/rupi, oxsöoiom, êoxs'öonru, ians'öaopon, êousöeioůnv. onzin), andato, ì'omxoa, ê'onuxa, Ё'апаауш, Eenáoânv. orooe'vvvyr, шведам, widower, êurooe'oânv. ТАААЛ, êta'haaa.

3 ‘i





ravi/w, шипит, è'rarvaa,

тешшарш, пшушцщу, е‘шшадцщ

reruvliaoyai. таит, reléow, êtelwa, татйгха, тпёАвщлш, ¿relioânn

трёп), ё'треаа.


qnâiw, qzůiuœ, É'qn'hooz, È'rpt'ìipou, è'qh'ìlpqv, ftpâlânv. galán), zala'om, гриппа (êzoihoiäa), „идиш, nelálaoym, ¿za

Митра ‚тёса, nellvxa, мёд/уран, 8160137. §46. The quantity of thetenses. penult of the following pure verbs is variable in the derived l AAJZ, â'aoa, da'oůnv, oiaoolunv.

aivs'w, aîve'oœ and aìvríoœ, aire'aoyai, Ii7'vsaor and бита, ifi/exa, диареи, ńvéânr.

„годы, uïqńaw, 17 throughout except 7f9é317v. oixaliëm, dualríoœ, 17 throughout except oinqzs'öarm, dunle'pevoç. ста), oi'uhom (i), iiiiaa (ü), but â'iìuov

ßairw,ß1íaw, ßriaopou, груша, ßs'ßqua, ßs'ßayai and редакции, ŕßviůqv.

„мы, yaprioœ, 17 throughout except yapeůeîaa and yays'ooo you» öe'w, to bind, Маш, ё’бцаа, Ös'ůexa, ös'ôspai and бёдещлш, êöe' 01715 drůríuoyai. öL'dpr, дебош, Ё'бшии, ôs'ůoma, Öéöopou, êôdänv.

ôÚvayoLL, övvńaouai, 17 throughout except töuvu'uůnv. ôriœ, öúoto (ü), i'ůûaa, Öéöüxa, ös'ôüaaL, ёдйдт (17). eî'gtiw, siqtiuœ (ü), sì'giioa, éthüaai and гитарам, tipilaůnv. ат, ëtxúow, 17 throughout except впиши: ('l). (клёш, êys'oœ, ёдг'оодш, e throughout except буча“. sill/dw, sůvrfam, 17 throughout except stivéůrp'. .si/glow, eůgńuw, 17 throughout except sûgs'ům. clin/lem, sůrvziiaw, 17 throughout except the later sůrúzwa for

the classical sůrúznaa, Anthol. Epigr. 9, 40. аут, opium, п throughout except ¿ogéänn айда), xnöńom, xexadn'aopaL, n17'ösoou.

повёл/туг, xooe'aœ, 526961111, xexóqnpoa and nsxóçwpm, ¿noyé идти

hdm, lilou (ü), ilüau, идиш, lélůpaL, ¿húânv (ü), leldaoaui ‚майоры, paláooyaL and „нутации, aryálrumi and psyázg

aum, ¿pazsodanm „еды, vspńuw, т, throughout except ищет. бёш, бёйаш and (Идиш, dignita and dlgeaa.

niarrgnaL, nanou), ц throughout except gnome. mui/anw, ns'rwüyai, ném'ì'lao, ¿marilyn?

nii/w, rre'mxma, rre'noyou, ёлбдпи. .



падёт, подбит, oroůe'aoym, ¿116311011 and ënóâwa, nena'ůfyxu. nova'm, novńam, 17 throughout except nove'om, ênóvwa.

‘РЕЛ, to say, atenuar, 1, throughout except ëëêéäqv and rîgéůmf. ёйорш, éüaoiyqv and èüoáprlv. ощутит, oßéuw, aßńoopm, È'ußwa, гарпии, ì'ußsoym. areqs'm, швейцар, т, throughout except ёагёегаа. тёдщц, äríuœ, 319mm, бдения, гёдщдш, ётёдт. ФЕНЛ, лёфдЁ/лш, пырйаоуш.

(иуд, (Maw, ê'qmau, néqaůyar. qaâoivœ, (půáaœ (й), Ё’фдёаи and È'qnâaëa, Ís'qvâo'îxu, qaân'aoyuu.

фаты, qpůowi'um, regular except the rare ¿qaâóvsoa for ¿@96 таи, Anthol. 5, 304.

(pope'm, lpogńuœ, regular except êqwdgwa. FUTURE AND AORIST ACTIVE AND MIDDLE.

б 47. The following liquid verbs have _Uw, -аа‘иш‚ in the future, and _ua in the aorist.

disipar, oir'êéw, i'sgaa. oinoe'êéw, ê'ééw, oino'gpuu (Ерш). dgupíaxw (APJZ), vigna. 527.00 (ВАЛ), Нац. дёеорш, ůs'pooyar.

nalga» (КЕРЛ), xs'poœ, È'uspaa. uéllw (KE/HZ), xélaœ, ê'nelua. идет, uúguw, ì'xvquoc. ц ô'gvvyr (ОРЛ), 59010, aiqaa. идет (TEPJZ), régate. tpůsípw (ФОЕРЛ), фдфаш. quipo», È'qaupaa.

As to âpe'gaar and nëvum which are sometimes referred to this head, the former comes from âpëgöw, and the latter from KENTIZ.

§48. 1. Futures in dum (а), and ёаш, from verbs in dw or клёш, and ¿'w, may drop а and be contracted like verbs in «im and ém. The Ionic dialect often uses the uncontracted future, but only in verbs in ëm. We select the following. aiycpre'vvvyr- cipqm'am, (oipqus'œ) oiytpm'i. _ äw, [о Sate- à'ow, â'ooyou, 3 Sing. (дается, deren, citar) рто

tracted â'ůrar. ßißoiëw- ßrßáaœ, (ßtßoiw) ßlßui, Plat. Phœdr. 7. умрёт — (701116002), ущдёш, yapa'i. The future middle yo: ys'uoopat implies yupéaw. дцюЁСш— ömoiom (дшйш), dma?, infin. dimäiv, Herod. l, 97.



¿lalirm ­- (Маш, (êláw) Hoi'. {рёва ­- e'pe'uœ, êpe'aopau, (ёрёорш) (поймал. ёЕвтаЁСш — êEnoiam, (г’ЕпаЁт) ¿$516, Dem. 229 ; Isocr. 195.

xsgávvvpa ­- xsçoiom, (играм) usgu'i. nolriçw — uolniuopm, (комарам) подадут, Arist. Vesp. 244. ngtpa'rvvyt — xqua'uœ, (ngryám, леща?) protracted ngrpo'w. prilopnu — ‚надоедал, два/борт, ‚ищюйуш. ô'llvpt ­- (Лёша), tilt'm, 6103. пгМСш —-— nrlnium, (mluiw) nsln'i, ее, lEScll. Prom. 282 ; Eurip.

Orest. 1684; Soph. Elec. 497. латйпищ — nacion), (петйш) Hemi.

mngáuxœ- (medew, needn», iufm. medew, табу) protracted infin. nepoiqw. „мы -— Isls'um, идёт, relai.

zsm ­1ém, zaîç, 161.'. 2. In a few instances the contracted present is used as

future, even when the regular future lengthens the radical vowel.

E. g.

denim, i0 d0 _ öpáoœ (01), 69:5 ё'рщлбш — фщцбагтг, ¿gqyof/re, ТЬис. 3, 58; See also Thuc.

2, 8; 4, 85; 6, 23. 3. Futures in [от (г) from verbs in ¿Cm often drop the а and are inflected like contract verbs in ёш, that is, iam, [порол Ье

соте иБ, wůyat, respectively.

(See 'also § 3. 4.)

Е. g.

riyluì'g'w- niyla'i'uw, dylaïni, oiylaïoiipat, Arist. Ecol. 575;

Il. 10, 331. dvögnnoöi'ëw — (dvöçanoöiaw) oivůgunoömi,


Xen. Hel. 2, 2, 20.

рванёт —- ßaöíam (радиации) ßaöroůpal. помёт — иощ'аодиш, пощадим, Ionio трибун; (Ьу resolution and contraction, пощадит, иордёорш), Herod. 8, 62.

oïníCw ­- (oim'uw) oìulni, oimoůpat. oînu'à'œ _(aîuu'um) aix-nui, fESch. Prom. 68. брод/Дал — (буаиаоуш) брадобреи. dgn'çm _ дейтрона, Белобрш, Ionic бесы—Ёрш, Нйрросг. de Art. § 4. Compare nopígm. Wurí§w­­ (avlium) погиб, Athen. 7, 42.

течёт—(1511100!) fellas, тихюбрш, Dem. 69; Xen. Cyr. 6, l, 19. 'Üßgr'gm _ ůßgt'aœ, ůßçm'i, бреют—Ёрш. Úurfgigm ­­­ (ůu'rtgíam) 150169107, Dem. 49. «poomzïïw-(qagovu'um) (реал/1115, феотпойуш, Хеп. Мет. 2, l, 24; Eurip. Taur. 343. niuu'gopou — (aiarluopar) uiouoíipar, Arist. Ach. 24.



4. A few verbs in 15m (ü) drop the о' of the future; in which case the future does not diñ'er from the present. E. g. ¿gdm ­­ гейш», ¿91501. таит — шуйсш, шубы It will be seen that the combination ш was not contracted;

and that sym'zesz's in this instance would be very diñìcult, оп the supposition that v had the sound of French u. ё 49. 1. The verbs гадят or ё’дш, m'vw and ФАГЛ, form the first future middle without the usual characteristic а.

ёаэёш or ê'ôw-ê'öopat' also èöoůpm, after the analogy of liquid verbs. nívm-níoym ‘ also тол—Ёрш, after the analogy 0f êöoůpm.

ФАГд —фпЁ;/оуш ' also фиуобрш, after the analogy of ¿doñ par.

It is evident that the future middle of ïôm, if formed accord ing to the usual analogy (Ед-порт, Ё’аорш), would be con

founded with Е‘аодш from 52,12.

It is not absurd, then, to

suppose that the maker of the word, perceiving this confusion, пасту dropped the а, and formed at once ё’бодщ. And as пят belongs to the same general idea as ì'öw, it is fair to sup pose that it followed the analogy of its sister-form. Compare

the Latin edo, which in some of its parts (as est for edit) agrees with sum. 2. The later future бедрами from JPAMJZ, ё’дещюу, was evidently formed after the analogy of ФАГЛ, êìpayov, quíyopaz.

§ 50. The following mute verbs form their future middle after the analogy ofliquid verbs. жхдёё'одш, кидгбойищ.

pavůoívw, yaâsìlyou Doric for yaůoůyou (уадгЪуш). тётю, тгиойущ. As to недобрал, from nimm, sometimes referred to this head, ìt may be considered as a Doric future, like ulavaoüym

for nlaúaoym. maoíiyai.

The Ionic form тащи. is a resolution of

It is not necessary to assume a theme HEZJZ.

§51. The future middle of many verbs is equivalent to the future active. Э





ayvoe'cu, тропам, иуиоцаодш.

„до, á ~ .y ‚ . у: y , дуги, quoeoft, quevyw. аидш, шшш, anonym.


REMARKS. aivs'w, ain/iam, aîvn'ow, aivriooaaL.

oixoiim, duoúaoyai. (Пойдёт, dlahoisoyou.

видана), oilůfw, oilvëopaL. dpaprávœ, aaagrrioœ, dyaprńoopai. olvrsixoigw, dvrsLuoiaopaL.

длин/тайн, daal/trios» doubtful, dnavrríooyai, Eurip. Sup. 772,' Dem. 230. viz-remaiçw, dneiuoiaopou. oinolaiim, olrrohatiuœ, binolaliooyou.

daomne'w, oinorraniom, oinorrarn'aoyaL, AriSt. Plut. 1184. деткаЁСш, damiano, oignoiäro, danoiaoym. далёко), ‚вышибут, later ßaöiom, Arist. Plut. 90; Lucian.

Demosth. Enc. 1. ßalvm, ßn'oopou, ßo'rasůyaL, ßn'oœ causative. ßißooioxw, Дефицит ßLóœ, ßLoiaoo, ßLaioopaL. ’ ßls'nœ, тёк/‚ш, ßls'woym, Herod. 2, 111; Eurip. Aul., 1192. (добавит, ,aaloiiyaa

байт, ßon'ow, рейды, ßoiíaopou, ‚Нейстон, ßaioopm.

депеша), ßpvoioopou. yslám, ysloiocu, yaloiooaoa. yngoioum, yngdoœ, ynqolaoyai.

щуп/(бант, va'ooyaL. yooiw, yon'aopoa. 7915507, ygúEoo, ypilSoyvtL. Öoíxww, ôn'SoaaL ösiöm, ösiooaou. Ötögoiaxw, ôpa'aoyaL. diögiíoum, ögríooynu. divina), ÖLw'Ero, öLw'anaL.

ŕyxwpwiëœ, êyxtopLoiow, êyxwpioiooyai. rifa', ё'иоуш.

rifa, sì'ooaai. Spia», £74600», íyëooaaL, фобии. ¿maquina ênLogxńow, êmogun'aoyoa, Arist- Lys. 914; Dem. 1269. ’ 3019502, Ё'доуш, ¿doi/,uan quoiyoyou. ëorn'nw, êorńEoJ, êaníëoaah

É'ww, ŕwrjaro, êwn'ooaw. gola», Мат, Моцион. диидпЁДш, даидйаш, дащдйаоуш, Хеп. Cyr. 5, 2, 12; Eurip. A10.


äeoarreúw, âsgarrsdonu, ösgarreriooym, Xen. Mem. 2, l, 12; Hom. Hym. 1, 390.



дёш, тип, дейьщиш.

Эсууйуш, ůíEoyaL. ůvńuxœ, ůuvoůpw, rsůvvfëm, 'rsůwi'ëopah âpaiauw, Üogéoym, доробрш. ïváw, lv'q'ooyat, Hippocr. de МогЬ. Muller. § 81. ишЁш, xaúoœ, uuúooyar. Mayr/w, по: squat, #or 0U ou.

uslaöe'm, xfladńam, xtlugńuoyw., Pind. 2, 3; 10, 96. идиейёш, xslagliaoyou, in HesychiuS. ` usgöm'vw, xrgöavs'œ, медом/б, иеебйаш, uspön'aoyat пихай/ш, mzn'ooyar.

даёт, ulaúam, пищат, xlan'uw, xlaúaopw, Лапта-Ёрш. идиш, niét/1m, „щади. шлёт, nore'ooopm.

кий», xvrg'om, xmy'uopar.. авт/521), wińoopar. кбит), ийфш, mii/10pm. ишпйш, alumina» (й), ишпйаоущ, Esch. Агат. 1313; Arist.

Lys. 1222. luylu'vw, ln'ëopm, lofëopar.. latxvfëw, lamáow, lamáiroyou, Arist. Eq. 167; Athen. 15, 40.

lmyßávœ, Ärítuopar, Ämpoíipar, Ãdptpoyaz. lámœ, Марш, шиш, Il. 16, 161 ; Arist. Pac. 885.


idoneo, lax'q'uopur.

lrlya'm, lily'ry'uoym, Il. 21, 123. ‚мидий/ш, paârfaopau, ‚наведут. vain), váuuopm.

тат/атомы, шиатоЫаш, vavaroln'aoym, Eurip. Sup. 474 ; Troad. 1048. velico, fwd, variano, vsúaoyar, Odys. 16, 283; Il. 1, 524. и'ш, Swim, тет/пойди.

оЁба, sìiropou. огням, оЁиюЗ, одиюбдш, Thuc. l, 100; Eurip. Heracl. 46. oilmiëw, oîpniäw, oipcu'ëoyou. бДоЫЁш, бдедйБодш, Soph. Elec. 691. Бди/‚и, дубили, dpoůpou. évopágm, dvoyáow, drupa'à'oyw. oglio), ô'zpopur.

бтотйёш, бютйЕоуш, AriSt. Lys. 520. . oligf'w, идейно), align/Goya». лобка), non'ëw, nou'Soyar, naafoíißou. пасха), nsíooym-


nnìu'm, érgôńow later, nnôríoopm, Anthol. Planud. 54; Plat. ys. . туш, mfoyar, тобрш.


nsMAnxs. nimm, muoůput, nsoéopm. яда), nleúaœ, амбиции, п1еиаобуш.

nluiw, niaiaopou. луга), nvuioœ, m'etiaopm, пугиаобрш. падёт, подбит, подг'аорш.

novs'm, поташ, лоуёош, nowiaoyw.. nrúm, тёщи, тйаорш. ée'm, étnica», ёгйаоуш. êotpe'w, éoaniuw, éoqwiuopnu, Arist. Acli. 278; VeSp. 814.

uti/aim, туфы, myq'ooym, Arist. Ran. 252; Anthol. 9, 27; Soph. Col. 113. montait», ошибок», awmíaoyw.

axons'œ, аиёфорш. oxainrœ, oxaiipœ, onuitpopm, Arist. Nub. 296; Ach. 854. onsúůw, апгйаш, апейаоущ, Eurip. Hip. 183 ; Il. 15, 402. алоидоЁСш, arrovöa'uw, anovöoiuoyai, Веш. 583; Plat. Еп

thyph. 3. orçoßéw, urgoßńuoyou, Arist. Ran. 817. видит, uvgt'uw, ovquii, avgíëoyat. TAAAJI, Iln'uopvu. Trium, try'îto, IriEoym. fiumi, тёЕш, тёЕоуш, ниобии

теёжаь дрёёодш, Ögays'oym, Ögayoůyat, ögupu'i, бедрами. 1905750, 190559уш. c тухнут, позором.

тщдйёт, rmůoiuopat, Plat. Hip. Maj. 22. бреши, iißgt'um, ilßgw'i, Ílßgtoíiyut, AriSt. Thesm. 719; Dem. 585; Arist. Eccl. 666.

Öarsgs'œ, liançn'uopm, Eurip. Аи]. 1203. Únelxœ, ůnëlâœ, zinelâopuu.

qasúyœ, qntúäoycu, (peonůyou. qnůávw, фдйаы, фдйаорш. qurůw, tptrúum, фпйаоуш, Eurip. Alc. 294 ; Mosch. 2, 156. tplíßœ, фин/юрт.


феи/11:01, tpgovnu'i, @gontoüyuu (i), Xen. Мет. 2, l, 24; Eurip. Taur. 343. vreúœ, (pvrsúoœ, фитгйоорш, Xen. (Econ. 19, 13; Pind. Pyth. 4, 26. tpÚœ, tpliow, ёщрйаоуш.

zahn), gavoůpar. gavöoivœ, leíaopm. zaini, плоти, хгаобмш. хоегйш, 109515001, хоегйаорш. zqoì'ïw, lgo'i'äoyai. gozoso», линейно), galerien/Lou, Herod. 5, 89; Thuc. 2, 20.


the sense to contain, it has lwpńaopm, Arist. Nub. 1238.



ё 52. Not unfrequently the future middle has a passive signification; “ but this usage never became so fixed in par ticular verbs as that exhibited in the preceding section.” oiyww'gopw, душ/добрав

oiöma'w, oidmńooyat, Xen. Cyl'. 3, 2, 18. ois'â'w, nieârirjoyar.

aïçs'w, atpatgrioopat. cipßlúvm, cipßlvvof/yat. niptpwßrlte'w, aipqnwßntrfaoyou. viröganoöíëw, oivögarxoötoiiyal, transitive 0r passive, Herod. l,

66; 6, 17. oivliw, ůvúaopat. ânarám, oinmńuoyou, Plat. Phœdr. 98. oimare'œ, oimoníaopar, Plat. Rep. 5, 2. деддддёсо, oignůyriuoyou, Eurip. Вас. 1318. â'çlw, t0 rule, digëoym.

ßloinrm, ßláipoyuu. ßgf'lw, ßgéâoput, uamßge'fopw. (Идёт, Örjlaiuoyou, Soph. COl. 581.

öíöwpl, ¿xöw'uopaa dol/étu, Öovńuoyat, HOm. Нут. l, 270. êoim, Моцион.

eï'gym, sî'QL-'oyaa

êveögsúw, ёшедегйаодш, Хеп. Не1. 7, 2, 18. È'gyœ, ì'gEopou.

svloye'w, sůloyrì'oopm, ISOC. 190. €13at'gw, ŕlůaqoůyw. L'ryplo'w, §nyraiaoym, Herod. 7, 39. 1959011161500, ůsgumúaoyw.

äv'm, to застфсе. дйаоуш. irán», îwi'uoym, Hippocr. de Loc. in Homin. § 38. tively, Hippocr. de Morb. Mulier. § 81. iolvat'vm, Èozvavoůym. шлёт, подойди.

uuraapqovs'œ, uamqagovriaoym, Plat. Hip. Maj. 2. modaal», ипейёодш, Eurip. Phœn. 1631. жуёт, xum'aopat.

ulava'w, xlorríaoluou, Hippocr. #gab-w, иеаиёоуш.

ugars'w, uguïríaoyw, ТЬис. 4, 9. uteívw, итошёорш.


падёт, xwliiuopm (i), Thuc. 1, 142. Доп/догм), Maquina. Нут, to say, léäoym.


But ac




lám, xuwhiuopm paçrvgŕw, pagwçńuopm (Т), Xen. Mem. 4, 8, 10. ‚иаапубш, pucrnyniaopm, Plat. Rep. 2, 5. ргдбщл, ‚игдц'аоущ. щшуёдорш, ynapsln'uopm. рюёш, pluńaopou, Eurip. TrOîld. 659; 10u, 596. 611.

ищут/5150), утцдотгйоодш, Eurip. Негас]. 334. voyígw, уордойуш, Нйрросг. Engalvm, Sngavoflyut. ööoiëw, Ööuâńuopm. oîus'œ, oîun'ooyou, Thuc. 8, 67; Dem. 1341. Öpulígœ, öyaltoíiym, Xen. œcon. 18, 5. -

Ögeloys'm, 5yoloy'ríoopm, Plat. Theœt. 73. Буиббёш, бундшбрш. Soph. Tyr. 1500. naiösúœ, пшдгйиоуш, Plat. Grito, 15.

nugnyogs'm, nagnyoçríuoym, Hlppocr. ns'qůw, ns'QUopou. nsgzénw, mgte'ipopou. nlngáw, nlngoiuoyul, Dem. 219. полёт, froníooyal. nolsps'w, noléyńaopm, Thuc. 1, 68; 8, 43; 7, 14,

noltogxe'w, noliogn'rlcroyou, Xen. Cyr. 6, l, l5. ngoayoqeúw, леоиуоегйаодш, Хеп. Mag. Eq. 2, 7. падёт, Sell, nwlńaoym, Athen. 14, 46.

дабы, ёиёаоуш anugdauw, unagáëoym, transitive or passive, Eurip. Amin 1209; Ан]. 1459. ursgs'w, ursgn'uopw. urgsßlóœ, argsßlaiaopw, Plat. Rep. 2, 5. arvys'w, awyńaoym. ragoiaum, тиеоЁЕодш, Thuc. 7, 36. 57. Toiuuw, ëmrliëoyom teli/ym, „155011111. тщэёш, Ingńaoym, ТЬпс. 4, 30.

uyáw, nyńuoym generally as passive, Thuc. 2, 87. тшйааш, бшпуоЁЕоуш, Eurip. Вас. 588. птрц‘аиш, теобшцдш.

тйлищ тилтйаоуш. Irion, Üaoym, Herod. 2, 14.

qaůove'w, фдоу‘баорш, Dem. 1160. qule'w, фимиамы. qagovge'œ, qâgovgńaoym (l), Eurip. Ion, 603.

§53. The following mute and pure verbs do not take а in the first aorist active and middle.



¿léognan 0r oilsůopm, джигит, ñlevápryv. Öare'opou. дшёаадш. пабы, ê'uea, Ё’ипи, Fuera, êxqoípqv, инфанту. ZETJZ, î'uuava, cría. qm'pœ (ENEIKJI), ñ'vuxa, битвами. zs'm, алых, арии, ёрйдцъ’, ¿zeuoipmn It iS еаву t0 See Why

ê'zwa was avoided; (compare läge», аута.) ё 54. 1. The first aorist in a few instances takes the endings of the second aorist, _011, -ópnm душ, :15a- (двор), imperat. 2 plur. â'äsre.

дыбы, (âniaápnv)­­­ (йыабут), аог. mid. imperat. дебит. ßalvw, ëßqaoipnv —— ёдцабрцу, ßńoeo. ôúm, Edvaáyqv — ёдиабрт, дйаго. ì'zw, (15a) -ïâom 155;.

nimm, ì'zreoa — È'neoov, пёаочи, neasïv, жабу. qas'qw, аог. imperat. oÍas, vm, (113001)oîas'ysr, oîîruv. ч oîua'zœ, oì'oere, infin. oîoe'ys ждёт, Кущи—32800”, жмёт

See also the imperatives Аь’гео and ¿'9er or дети, from

AEXJz, 6'9va (5 71.) 2. On the other hand, the second aorist sometimes takes the

endings of the iirst aorist, -а, -áqu сдаёт, rïldpqv —— диафи EIIIJZ, ¿Ínov -­ sîmx, sì'narpr, sinov Ol’ aindv, гала, sì'mxç.

сбегала, sůpdpnv —— ëůpdynv. daqapw'voym, aimpgóynv — oiaippápqv. tps'qœ, Ничто, — ñ'vsyxa, буф/наци, йуёуий‘ицг.

§55. The aorist active has two endings; namely, аи âsometimes аог, 54. l), and ov (sometimes u, 53 : 54. 2). n the middle, t e former becomes водицу (sometimes 06pm), and the latter брит (sometimes аду). §56. l. With respect to the first aorist of liquid verbs, we may suppose that originally it was formed by annexing аи to the simple root of the verb 47). 1n process of time the а was dropped and the penult was lengthened. E. g. aquéllos (ê'uqmloa), î'aqmla. атёиш (ê'arsloa), ì'arerla tillen (ì'rrlaa), È'ríla.

тлю (ì'vryoa), Ёъ‘щш. )lám (гудит), È'pswa. neigt», fuseau, î'nezpu.



2. This being admitted, it will not be анаши to perceive that the diphthong nu in the penult of the actual present must first be shortened into и and then lengthened anew into 17 or ä. E. g. ysqat'gw, êys'gägfx, Pind. Olym. 5, 10. xuůaígw, s'uniânpa 0r é'xoiâo'rgœ, uaâuipœ, &‚с.

pialvm, Будто 0r ¿píůvm Аищут, 62,0. (palvw, арт/а, tpn'vœ, &c. чаи/‚набит, êqzlëyynva, Hippocr. de Aer'. ё 22. 3. Observe further, that the radical vowel (а) of aì'gw and ¿Hayat becomes q only in the indicative in consequence of the temporal augment. In the other moods it becomes а. Thus, aì'gw, riga, â'gœ (07), Ёршщ, door, â'gaç, &c.

ЁЦоуш, ñlu'yrgv, оденут (12), вы}.


§ 57. In a few instances the last vowel (usually в) of the root becomes о or m in the _]ïrst perfect. душ, 037750101, (177770101, uyayozsra. ¿sigur (АЕРл), pluperf. pass. 3 sing. â'œgw (for H5910). ôu'öw (ДЕНЬ), дёдоша analogous to Адепт from bium. £0.9an (Ё'бш), ëůn'öoxa, ëůrföoyw, implying EAEJL formed Ггот the simple theme ê'öm. ат, peri'. part. ovvozwuaig (Гог uvvonwlniç). ‘hun (EIL), gama, É'œwar, ůvëmvnxi ог vive'ovnu, analogous t0 £0190: from È'ůw, and È'olmx, êailrrsw, from Ниш.

киты, из’иАофи, analogous to шёпота from HENGJL. layzoivw (AEFXJZ), Миш/01. la'yw, to collect, вдохи.

ysígoiuu (MEPJZ), perf. pass. part. pryogys'roç. Еищвфг'ш, Еиууёюфа.

пагод/ш, nänoolu, analogous t0 ayqyoza frOm душ. m'imm, nénopqm, Thuc. 7, l2. nismo, 1159110111, Hippocr.

args'qim, ì'urgoqwt.

теётш, ts'rgoqm and ïrqoqm. ipe'gw (ENEKJZ), êvn'voza. §58. The perfect passive subjunctíve of a few verbs in rim and ¿ai is formed after the analogy of verbs in ‚ш (Ёпщщ, iuraiyw, oigolat'qmr. ' дйшущ, дйишуш).



итаЁоуш, кёитцуш—игитйдш, жид, Muri/'rah plut’. панибра—

3a, usuriioâs, игитбпш ‘ ol' ua'mwpm, “Зап, иёищгш, plur. usxzaipeůa, xe'm'rìoůe, xs'xlœvrai.

„шубами, pépvnpai — туг/(Бди, papyñ, ‚щууйтш, plur. ‚идут; ргда, ‚ацидозе, pipi/dinar.' Ol' ps'pvam, ,arial/‘77, pëpvmai, plur. pepvuipsůa, pépvnuůs, pépvwvtai. Беляш, ¿gaiespai - perf. mid. Subj. 3 Sing. dpaigmai. tépvœ, rárpnpai -­ ênre'rpnaâov.

@ б 9. 1. The peifect passive aptative of a few verbs in «iw follows the analogy of verbs in pi (î'tmypi, iurai'pqv' öúvu pai, öuvaípqv), but almost always changes ai into у.

ßuillm, ßéßlrypuL-ßfßlńprlv, 2 plur. ßfßlñaůe, бьефе/315002. Сошраге I31.1170, and ¿pnljluqv from niimligpi. идёт, иёидщлш— xexlp'pqv, мимо, usul'ijro, р1иг- пептида, пептида, xsxlñvto.

uráoynu, ue'xmpm- пептид, игпйо, usxrñto, plut. пептида, игктбаде, xenrfívro.

him, lélvpm -lellipryv, 3 Sing. lslüro, like dan/1710 from dui vupi. The i is rejected, because the diphthong ш. cannot stand before a consonant (Eustath. ad. Il. 13, 379). шутит), „фа/пущ -pspvńpqm papi/ño, pepa/fito, plur. “диаф— реда, ‚пруда-99, psprfivto, also papi/aiuto (Ionio for ys' pvawto like öúrouv'ro). 2. Two verbs, uróupai and prpvńunœ, form the perfect pas sive optative also after the analogy of contract verbs in dw (и páw, rapaolpnv ripqipqv). итйоуш, хёищуш — xsxrrp'prlv, цапфа, игитф’ю, р1иг. xsxrqiys 3a, xemq'iaâs, иехтфпо. pifnńaxw, pëpwìyoti ­­ pepvqipqv, pepvqio,

„грифы: (resolved

papvs'qno), plllr. ‘limité/15301, pepwciivůe, pepvlßvro.

3. Further, for „груда or “гриба, we find „друида, а genuine form, because contrary to analogy. Compare ugrpolpqv, xga' powäs, fI'Om «papaya» ' also ‚дёрна, pspvópsvoç.

4. The subjunctive of поющим (from the theme Ел) is цитаты, кйду, noiůnmi' xuäuipsůu, ног-911088, ийдшпш, With

the accent as far back as possible.

The optative, uaâoi'pqv,

тою, иоёдопо, &c. follows the analogy of verbs in ш (гита рт, -ою); сотраге ‚дёруош

59. 3).

§60. In a few instances, the perfect passive injinitive and participle take the accent of the corresponding forms of the present, that is, on the antepeuult. 4*



«Ежа/111502, дидхпуш—Ёхймадш, Jnulrfysvoç 0r aimle'pevoç, like 153505114, Höríysvoç and “дёргаю;

oiláoyou, Шииты“ — (Диапазон, ÈÀaÃríysvog. ¿lugaívw ­­­ (дантистов.

ŕlaúvw, êlrilaym ­­-­ êlnlu'yn'oç. (EIL, xáůqpm-ñ'ywoç, платите, the inñnllive always ха—

дйадш properispomenon. ушибами, ‚идущим —- peyvóyevoç with the ending 0f the present.

ZETJZ. — Ёаайргшос. Observe that the perfect of these verbs has the force of the

present. ё 6 l. Not unfrequently the perfect and aorist passive of pure verbs insert а before „ш, ат. .4.411, êáasqv. Ёуауш, 670103117.

aîös'opm, fföeapuz, gîöe'oů'rìv. диода), Íñ'uovayou, ůuoůoůnv. oils'm, динамика, 131508117. â'lâopat, oilůeaâñvm. âpqus'vvvyr, ñpqu'wlum.

vimini, бинтом, ůvúoůqv. olga'axm, ůgéuâqv. algún), 12913031711. â'lt'ìoyaz, 15135113111'. {Sulz/cu, ße'ßauyaz

ßoáœ, ¿ßniaäfqm рыбы, ße'ßvopw. yslácu, ¿ysláuâqn

ушибами, 3yr/mapa», êyvuiaânv. ömlrvpt, êöuíoůnv. джемом, дв'дащлш. öe'w, тыла, дёбеадш.

ögoim, Öëögaupm, ёбейодцг. бйэ’щии, ёбшйадт. 5191501, sî'gvafwl. eîpéuânv. 21min/w, ëlńlaqum, qláoůnv.

шил, тащу. ë'vai, ê'aiuou, êe'uynv.

508170), ёдйбва‘иш, Йдёадпш Сёт, ЁЁги‘иш, ёСёадт. ёаЁшщи, Ё'Сшарш.

(Поёт, тёЭМа‘цш. âgaůw, тёдеащщь and тёэеашшш, гдеайадт‘, Plat. Leg. 6, 5; Xen. Ages. 2, 14; Soph. Antig. 476.



îláoxopm, îláoůnv. пиит, êxale'uůnv.

надаёт, usuélswym, ёигмйадпу, Xen. Cyl'. 8, 3, 14; Thuc. 1, 139.

usqáwvyr, uenŕpuaym, Ёигейадт. xlat'm, êxlaúaâqv.

ямы, break, иёидащлш, ёиМаЭт. adda), i0 Shut, xa'ulempar, êxlëíuůnv.

nlm'œ, камышом, ¿uliníuânm uralt», нём/шарм, ëxvaíoůnv, Arist. Nub. 120; Рас. 251; Hippocr. xváw, нём/парт, ¿xwg'uůnm

xolov'w, ¿1101015001111 and e'xoloúůrjv, Thuc. 7, 66. поедут/Аид, иеибегщюи, ёиоеёадцт. иргрйгшщ, ёиегуйадци. #90110», xs'ugovyou. Ol' us'xgovofmt, €npo1luânv, AriSt. Ach. 459; Хеп. Hel. 7, 4, 26; Thuc. 4, 7. uvlíw, usuúlwyou, ¿nulloŕhym hún», to stone, гдеёаэт, Soph. Col. 435.

geflohen, yepálwym. ‚4281502, дгуёдищиш, êpsâúaâ'qv.


ушибами, фуйадпи mlm, vëvaofuu, fráaâqv. vécu, t0 heap, уёщадш.

ve'w, 10 spin, vés/napoli.. Elim, ia'ëwpaz. Eúœ, Е'Еищлш, г’Ейадпи oìbyou, niíoâqv.

друиды, dpnipouyw, uipóaâqv. Ёиоиш, 01116019111'. лады, ткёлашрш, Епиёадт. nula/w, nendlawpou, ênulaíaâqv.

лшёоуш, nemiuprp'. 11min», {пайадци nera'vvvpt, пепётащлш, ¿neráuârìm тупим, пёпщарш, ¿nM/'03111'. m'yngrjyl., лёщтарш, ёлейадци. mm'uuw, êm'uârpf. идёт, nénlevoyat, ênlstioů'ryv.

mém, ênveúuůml. прёт, лёщзшуш, ёщлбадцш étrier, ¿êéuíoâiyv, ./ESch. Prom. 189. ¿Suivi/vnl, ¿péniuânm

00in», Sift, аг'ацщлш. oße'vat, È'aßwpar. сайт, аёагщиш, дог/500117.



спадёт/щи, ёохе'даоуш, ЁохгдоЁоЭт'. onlin», Ё'опащлш, е'апйадт. аторёпиш, ботоев’аэт.

ravúw, urávvoym, ¿wvúaâqm идёт, тпёдшуш, ёпдёодпу. rívœ, re'nuyat, ëtluůnv.

бы, борщ, Натр, Xen. Ven. 9, 5; Herod. 3, 10. tps'gw, (бодр) oioůriuoyar. qeláw, партами, ¿qaláaônm tplůu, Scorch, лёфмищлш, mgme'tplwupat. mesi», êqngfiuânv, in Suidas (voc. ёифеподёутг). zulu'or, падающим, ¿laluiuâ'rgm 16m and ‚Мити, мёд/шорт, 310608119. дюЁорш, ëzqńuůnv. genio», питомец, ëlçrioârgv.

19101, xs'lgîluar. ат! “диодам, êlgíoůnv, Herod. 4, 189; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, ‘22; Esch. Prom. 675.

zniwvyr, See 16m. крабы, арт/орт, Hippocr. ; ёцрайоэт later. THIRD FUTURE PASSIVE.


The number of verbs, of which the third future

passive is used, seems to be small. 1t is observed that liquid verbs and verbs beginning with a vowel have no third future passive ; except (púgw, neqniguopar. It is hardly necessary to remark, that, with respect to signi fication, the third future passive is equivalent to the perfect passive participle and the future of 22,41. Thus, „yeah/,Opm is ysygupys'vog È'uoyou. роды, ße'ßlrlum _ детёныш. ßtßguiauw, дебетом _ ßeßgoiuoyar. [ЗИМ-ш, ßs'ßlalpab _ ßeßloiipoym. ygáqim, ys'ygou//m _ ysygáipoyar, Soph. Tyr. 411. дамбы, дёддщош _ Öröyn'uopm. дёхоущ, бёдеЕш — дгбёзоущ.

öéw, öf'ösmu — дгдйаадш equivalent to öeâq'aoym. 5111.601, ösör/’lwoai _ Ösôrilw'ooyou, Hippocr. ‚догнал, п'б‘шрш — теЭ-оЁц/оуш. xals'w, nénlnom _ usxln'ooyou.

xlat'w, ue'xlavoat _ xsxlmiaopar. идет, us'xlswat _ нематодам.

ибптш, иёиопрщ — Mandi/loyal.



xgiinrw, ningun/Jai — игиейфомш. итоЁодш, иёитпаш ­­­ usxníuopaz, Extriuoyvu, aS the future t0 xe' ищут. 100305110), 151110110 — 181150000; as middle. ls'yw, le'Àsäou, -­ lsls'äopou, Thuc. 3, 53.

Мёда), Minuten — leleitpopai as the future to le'luppou. 1.150), ls'lvuar. — leltiuopai. „Бутан, ps'piäai — pepiëoyai. ушибами, убит/пат -— ,uspv'áoopm aS future to päpmpai.

naúw, ns'mxvuw —— пгпайаоущ as middle. nipnp'qpi, nénçnaai —— nengńuopou.

ningáauœ, néngämxi- nmqáuopai equivalent to the rare nga äńoopw. nlrj'auœ, 1155111750:; ­­­ mnhiäopai.

полёт, пело/5110010 — nmom'aopui equivalent t0 nomârj'copai. лепёшка, nénguEai — nengáäopou. ‘PEJL eì'qnuori — sigq'aewt.


oiyviœ, (realy/now, —- uaoiyriaopou, Plat. Epist. 3, 311, 17. 0и0пг’ш, ё’аивфш —— ¿cuál/10pm, as future passive. ruvúw, ‘rerávuam ­­­ raravúoopui. toioaw, rérquu — rsrdâopai. при», 1é1p170ai ­­­ rsrprioopai. 1a151w,­re'rv£ui — „121550001.

figlia», 'zeripnoai ­­ teripńaopai, Lysias, 885. reinar, Is'ïgalpoti — тетейфодш. qnoiw, to shine, (ne'qmuai)­­ rtsqm'aoptar. aS future middle. ФАЛ, t0 kill, лёфйаш — naqm'aopai. (pils'w, naqiünguai ­­­­ нард-150051010.

qnúgw, ns'qwgmxi — лирйеаорш. golden, usldlœoai — xeyolaiuopou. aS future middle. Zgáopai, иёдташ —— изд/960011010. 63. In a few instances, the third future occurs also in the active.

But, with the exception of ëaníäm and иди/15500, it takes

the ending ofthe future middle, after the analogy of active verbs of which the future assumes the ending ofthe middle 5l). «917501101, ‘zs'âv'qua — 128715501, Isůvrfäopai. Ёатщи, ё'ащка ­­­ êurńäœ, êarrfäopai. xńôw, xe'uqda-(xsxuön'oœ), naxììöńaopal. Here the radical vowel was shortened because иеицбцоорш could not be used in a dactylic verse. жмёт, иёиМууи —— (nexlliysw), usxláyEopai.

ugríëm, xs'xgäya-(xsxpoíëm), usuqáëopai. zuigen, xszagnaiç- aszugq'uw, nszagńaopai.




As the perfect of these verbs has the force of the present, it is evident that the third future is their natural future; just as pepwiaoym is the natural future of pépvnpat.


ё 64. The following list contains nearly all those verbs of which the second aorist and second perfect are used.

Observe that the radical vowel of oiyeígœ, 1115301, :lb/signa, EAETÜJZ, Е'та,


майоран, лёюдш,




dropped in the forms ¿ygópsvog Шалит, 1313011, ì'anov and êanóyml, È'uzov and êuláyqv, зажмут! and êxexlóp'qv, ënróyrgv, Is'rpov and ê'rsrpov, ns'qwov and ê'mqwov.

Observe, also, that metatheëís takes place in аул/3901011 from âyagtávw' È'ögauov, ¿ögáxqm fI'Om ôs'gxoyar' ì'ögmrov from âgé nfo ' È'ngaâov, ёлеадбрпу, from ne'gůw ' and Igansíoyw from regnen. dyys'llœ, 17H/¿lov ' viyye'lnv ° âyyslo'pnv. âyeígm, ñyego'yqv, part. syncopated àygáysvag. â'yvvpr, ¿02qu rarely à'yqv' Баш, Ionic ё’цуа, as intransitive 0r passive.

‘71'70" ñ'ïaïvv' 670176101” aïpä'w (ВАЛ), sïìov ‘ sildpnv, eiluiynv


агат, 2 aor. subj. ¿50297; (дед), rather doubtful : âgáluqv. uîuâoivoyar, ñoäo'ynv. duuxr'gw, o'y'nuzov ‘ ñxuzópnv дкойш, amíuou. dlöar'wo, 171.5111101'. dlu'qvw, ñlr'qarjv.


äle'Ew (AAEKJL), талям, rarely шкивом vili'rgaivœ, Шипу ‘ âltróynv. oilioíaow, ¿Mob/nv. 511011011, 131611127.

011150111», 021150110111011. oiltpávw, 'rilrpom драке-когти, 811119107, Epic ñ'pßgorov. oignígw, ñ'pmulov' ‚бутсы/6141111, âpnralópnv. oipnlaxiaxw, ñ'pnlunov, ñyßlaxov.

¿luth/ax, ůpúvaůov ’ aipvmûo'pqv. âvöoil/w, ê'aôov, à'öov, Epic síf'uöov' ë'äöu, Doric ì'o'röa.

ANEOQ, дубрава as present. dwoíyœ, 'rivolyqv ° dvéapya аз present neuter.

011116701, â'vœya as present.





dnruqnlouœ, lfquaov ’ 'rinaqno'ynu cimzůávopm, oinmrâópm. детищами), ’ñ'potpov ‘ ripugdy'qv’ 519119111, 101110 dfgwot, Epic. part.

r фавны, as present neuter. Ёеютйш, delatan.

uipmígw, ripnúyrgv. ATPJZ, See ênavplonœ, ênavglonopai. рай/ш, ßa'ßaa.

ßoillœ, Брату ' ëßalo'yayv.

ßa'nrœ, ëßoiqnyv. BAPEJL, 2 perf. part. ‚гадаем; as passive. ßlßpw'oxm, 2 perf. part. ßaßpw'g. ßlolrrrœ, êßloißrjv. ßlorurolvœ, êßlaurov. ‚дебит (МОАД), Ё'доАои. ßollloym, Epic npoßéßo'ula аз present. BPAXJZ, È'ßçazov. —


ßeë'zw, Брей/1177 реют, ‚задета as present. BPOXJZ., ¿ßçdznn ysywvloxw, ye'ymva aS present.

ynůe'w, yéyriůa, Doric диез/ада, as present. ylyvopul, ¿yevdfmv ‘ ys'yova, Poetic руст. ylúqzm, êylůqarjv. ypoz'tpœ, ëypoiqmv, Thuc. l, 133. The 1 аог. разв. ЁдюЁфдцт does not occur, at least in good Greek.

бабы, to burn, ¿606441711 ‘ ös'öqa as present neuter. Öoiuvw, È'Öaxov (Öäxauov).

duplice, ëöáynv. dapfîolvœ, È'öapâov, Epic ë'öpaůov' êöoipânv, ëöpa'ůnv, аз ас tive.

¿1.412, l0 teach, È'öaov (ös'ůowv) ‘ êöoim', ös'öaa. ösmvs'm, дебила/аи.

Ös'pnoplu, È'dporxov ‘ Ёдейит ' бёдории as present. dépt», êöoipm'. AIKJI, Шишу.

Ömium, êölw'xuâov. öovne'œ, ê'önvnov ’ ös'dowra.

öga'rrœ, È'öpanov. öticu, êůúqv.

дунет, буебдцу syncopated : 579157090: as present neuter. ës'pyœ, êa'pyaůov.

Е’Эш, гида, Ionic Ёшб‘а, as present. БИЛ (1412), slöov (230v), sida 54. 2): sîôo'yqr, ïöóynlv' oïôa as present: 2 pluperf. j'ômf as imperfect.



ahw, to appear, seem, ibm (aina), Ionic afm, as present : 2 pluperf. Ефиму as imperfect. ем, to yield, eî'uaâov. snm, гейш, Ör'lrp'.

БЛИЗ, sinon', :ina

54. 2), Epic ê'emov, Ё'опоу.

sìpyœ, sì'gyaůov ' гЁеуадбуцу.

Ё'Апш, ê'olna as present middle: 2 pluperf. гадит as imper fect middle. ŕvou'gm, Ягоды.

ENEOJl, ëwjvoea as present. êve'nm 0r êws'rrœ, ё'шопоу.

êw'mœ and évicaw, l0 chida, êve'rmov, Írlw'naurm', ëve'vnnov, 0r i êvs'vwvrov. ênuvgíoxw, ênavgíoxopw, ênaíiqov ' ênmfgo'yqv. ì'nw, ё'помш, Ё'апои ' ёапбуци.

E112, see Ellm. È'gym (sì'pym), ë'gyuůov' ¿anâdpnn ì'çöœ 01' î'göw (ЕРГЛ), t0 d0, È'oeyu ‘ 2 pluperf. ¿ciw/sw.

égiíxm, йешоп commonly intransitive. фаты, iígmov intransitive 2 ñglnnv ’ ¿gr/'ema aS neuter. EPOMAI, t0 aâlf, 'rieti/.117m

фит/Ёрш, Íil'gvyov. eprint», бойкотом Ё'щоущ (ЕАТЭЛ, EAOJZ), iilvůov, :171.3011 ' êlrilvůa, Epic

sîlrilovôa, дивизий, rarely Ямба. ёодёш and Еда) (ФАПП), ì'qauyov ’ Ё'дцба. sligz'uxw, £5901' ‘ sůgóinyv, sůgápqv 54. 21/01, ё’ожощ ê'crzsâov ' доходи.


Сгйууищ, Ёёйут’.

доЁЦш, is'âulov ‘ Is'ânlu (tsůůlvïa), Doric réůála, аз present. доглтсо, ётоЁфтл 0A Фл, ïraçpov ' тёдцпи as present. дай/ш, ё'Эи/оу.

âs'gopm, êůs'gmv. 191;/70ívw, ê'ůiyov.

дыры, ширм, видим, Hippocr. de Loc. in Homin. 8 15. ůvńouw, ’e'tfìowov ’ re'ûvaa.

дойти, ётейфт. âgaiuuœ, 530901'.

îuve'oyai, ïuóynv. Ёотщц, Ёоши as present intransitive. nali/œ, ê'uowov.

пабы, ênoim'.

кофты, gna/.tov (идиомы) ' ёищьбрци ' 2 perf. part. тираду. КАФЕЛ, 2 perf. part. nsxuwnw'g as present.

TENsEs. neigt», ëxoigrgv. nélopou, usnldfngv, ¿xsnldpqm



xsúůw, ê'xvâov (нём-90?) ' иёигида аз present. xq'ôw, яёицда as present middle. xizolvœ, ê'mlov. гейш, êui'aůov.

xlniëw, È'nlayov ‘ uëxlnyu, us'ulayyoe, аз present. хиппи, É'ulanov' ¿xlármm ulivo», ¿ulb/ml.

хбптш, ¿nómqv ' иёиопц. xops'vai, 2 perf. part. xsuogigniç aS middle. xors'w, 2 perf. part. naxomaig.

несёт, È'xpayov ' xéuga'yoz аз present. KPIZJZ, ê'nçiuov ' uèugrya as present.

uptime), ì'xgvßov ' ixgúßqv, also (ëxgtiqa'qv) мегера]; xrslvw, È'x'ravov ‘ È'nrovu.

xtvm'w, î'xrvnov. I Хот/105701, Шахт: (161011017).

lupßoivw, 157411307 ' ¿laßdp'qv (lelaßa'pr/v). lápnœ, Минули, Eurip. Andr. 1025. Мхи/Загни, È'Àaůov (151111907) ' ëlaůóprgv (lelaâo'prlv) ' 1.57.1180:

(Вогйс ишэа as middle). догони, ì'lomov ' êlano'yqv издадут) ' le'lo'ma, Epic Датам (шалит), аз present. léyw, to collect, Едут. leinœ, ê'lmov ‘ Elmópnìv ' la'loma. lslzou, 2 perf. part. минтай. Миш, êloímp', Arist. frag. 211. The 1 aor. pass. is not found. Monopoli, êliro'pqv. palm, ¿pdr/'qv ' píprp'a as present middle. ,teal/30h01, Зразы.


polanœ, È'yomov (удрали, pŕpagnrov) ' ys'pagvm. ,udmnn (МАГЛ), êpoiyqv, Plat. Theœt. 118. MAJZ and МЕД/12, „фат, дёротх, as present. Jl/IL'IPJZ, ì'ppopov ‘ È'ppopœ аз middle. pila), „мы as present. ‚иёуш, {.is'povot.

pqxáopwu, фото? ° ,us'piyxa as present. „души, êplynv.

„шагами, груш ‘ „губят as present. veqae'w, Euvvstps'œ, гниёт/три.

oì'yw, oiyrlv, ê'fpyu, See the compound дюйма. dlraůai'vm, afiliado» бдит, (516511711, ô'lwlu.

devi@ (011.12), ô'rmárra.



619110111, 075109011 ' 039614131, ' 5901901 аз present middle. 0900001, wel/71p'.

êmppaívoym, uiaqago'yqv, nimpqoipqv

54. 2).

orpeílw, ditpslov. «iqalwxaivm airplay. millœ, 2 aOr. part. nenalniv, ¿puenulniv ° ênoilqv.

710101111, 567101301 ' nënovüa, Epic nénqůu'(ns1rä|9vïa), rare and Doric пёпощлх

1125801, ё'тдоу (námâov) ' ¿mâóyqv (пгтдбдт) ‘ пёпоьда as present middle. migo), à'noigrp'.

négöopou, È'rragöov ' m'noqäa аз present. négůw, ì'nquâov ‘ êngaâo'pqv. nétopou, ёптбуци.

nńyvvpt, êrroiyqv ‘ ne'myyu, Dorit) nénâya, aS present middle. 1111110, 2711011. nimma È'nsrov„ì'1reuov

54. 1) ' 2 perf. part. вышибу, т

тгщ, nsnrwg. nle'xw, émiáunv, Eurip. Hip. 1226.

The 1 aor. pass. intr'.

1.917» is also used as middle, Odys. 23, З; zEsch. Еиш. 259. 111151901, лёп1пда.

111150001, ne'nlnyov ' ênhiymf, ¿nláyqv ' паями/6141711 ’ rre'nlqyu. nu'yw, ¿1n/ifm'.

ПОРЛ, Ё'поеог (nsmxgeïv). ngáaom, néngrïya, Ionic пёщщуи, ìntransitive. nráqvvyat, È'rrragov ' s'rrrágqv. unicam, È'rrraxov ‘ 2 perf. part. шито-19. unige/.tab 511169171, Hippocr.

múaaœ (HTTFJZ), êrrrúyqr, Hippocr. unico, ênrůqv. nuvâoivoym, ёпидбдт. êoímw (РАФЛ), Ёёёйфцщ Eurip. Bac. 243. één», ëêéiiml.

éńyvvfn, ¿ééáynv ' ïégîwyu as present passive. étye'm, î'ëëryu as present. (Ялты, Ёёёбфт’.

traiga», aéanga as present neuter.

ZETJI, 2 aor. pass. sing. oins'aoova (ê'aaova). urina?, ëaoimyv ‘ us'omra аз passive 0r middle. ondmœ (EKA'DR). êanoíqmv, Eurip. Нес. 22. The 1 aor. pass. is not found. 2KB/1412, 2 perf. part. êanlnníç as middle. Upúzw, ¿upúyqv doubtful, Lucian. Dial. Mort. 6, 3. onslgœ, ¿unágnm





vulgar, ì'urrzov.

nella), 501021117. ors'qyw, i'uropya, Herod. 7, 104. (падёт, ёатёепу._

агеёфш, ¿orpoiqmm orvye'w, È'atvyov.

oligo», Займу. афйёш Ol' афаЁпш, êocpvlynv. трёпа), êoqwflqv. ТАГЛ, 2 аог. part. „шубу. ТАААЛ, re'rlaa, идите.

101mm, ¿rely/17:'. щиты, Ё'тгроу, fra/wv' ¿rayé/up', êtapo'ynv. 2 perf. part. п quyeóç as passive. TEMJ'L, rs'rpov, È'rsryov.

rs'gnw, êtoipmgv (Iparraloysv) ‘ êtagrróyqv (Israpndpnv). réguoyuz, êts'qzmv. тёщи, ¿Tulum ' тётка аз middle. TIEJZ, 2 perf. part. zsruyuiç.

rima), ê'rexov ' ¿zendym' ' тётка. Ingwaxw, тётоеоу

‘rrwuuopnuI тётииоу ' rervxo'myv. @urb/01, È'rfmyov ‘ êtpoiynv, Eryn'yqv. ropero, ê'ropov

zga'nw, È'rgòmov“ ¿rgoimiv ‘ Èrpanópnv. тег'фш, Ís'rpmpov ' êteoiqmv.

zgélw (dPAMJZ, АРЕМЛ), È'ögayov ° бёдрами. Iplßw, ¿rplßryv (l), AriSt. Рас. 71. темы, rérgrya as present. тафта, ì'rgayov. "ruylávœ, ê'rvlov.

иглы), .'s'rvnov (rs'rvrrov) ‘ êzůnqv. qunw, êtriqzqv.

(ража), Ефиму ° ¿tpub/1311' ¿010:116va doubtful: пёфпш as mid e. qzslöoyul., nstptöo'pqv «DENIA ns'qwov, ê'rrsqwov.

qlŕpßw, ns'qaogßu. qae'pw (ENEI'KJZ), Якут», ñ'vsyua 54. 2). cpeŕyw, ïqzevyov ' ns'qasvya, лгал/Сбив. mâslpœ, êmůrígqv ‘ È'çpůogu» rpâlvw, È'qaůh'ìov rather doubtful. 4,114.4le, È'qulaöov.

pls'yw, ¿(plf'yqv, Anthol. 12, 17S. ls rare.

mima), арии” (Т), Hippocr.

The 1 аог. pass. фондам



(рейды, ne'tppuöov, ëm'tpgaůov. qnçoiuuw, ¿mgoiynn tpgiouw, парфян.

quiiyou,ì ¿spgm/1p’. чтет, кроет. фйш, ápúnv ° лёфии as present middle. luigi», ne'xaöov ' xsxuöo'pnv.

zuil/w and lilium», дают! ' xx'zm'a as present. Xaígw, ¿Idem ­ uslaçópqv' 2 perf. part. xszagnníç as present. ,yal/doive», Èkadov ' мамба: аз present. жди), i'lsoov 54. 1) ' xëzoöa.

x/szz, амида. XPAIZ'MJZ, i'zgatayov.

мы, ŕtuúyqv, дойду, Arist. Nub. 151 ; Aisch. frag. 95. The 1 aor. pass. ¿tpúlůqv is rare. §65. 1. Strictly speaking, the following preterites in _41.9013 4.901', «u00'pnv, with respect to form, follow the analogy of the imperfect. In the dependent moods, they follow the analogy of the present. It is observed, ‘however, that the present indicative of forms in _důw is not used. 515,500, iilxaůov, oiluoiůsw.

орёт, vigil/0:1901, йодида, йдшйдвп' aiyvvuâo'pqv, einwa Üoipnv, oipvroiâou.

ömiuw, êörw'naâov, örwxoiâw, öiwxoiůsw. s'f'gycu, és'gyaâov.

sì'gyw, sì'gyaâov, eigyoiâw, sigyoiâsw ' sigyaâo'pnv, sigyoiůov. È'gyw, 397013011 ‘ ¿970130211175 597023021. È'lw, È'azeöov, ulŕßw, oléâoliu, 016,35, oléůuv, ахёдшу. nim, êniaůov.

Sometimes these forms have the force of the imperfect in the indicative, and that of the present in the dependent moods. E. g. Plat. Gorg. 85, êöwíxaůsç, for êöíwnsg.

./Esch. Eum.

566, uarsigyáůov may be a present imperative. Arist. Nub. 1223, âpvváůen, present imperative; the passage âpvváůszé ,uol ‘rvrrroys'vcp miep 15'117; may be compared with породоп— 195i.' 3’ nig im’ oil/Ögw'v ‘rlirr'royat Euvaotu'iv, (AriSt. Eq. 257,)

2. With respect to the accent of the infinitive and participle of these forms, tradition places the acute on tlle penult; as ůyvváâew, uzéâsw, ozéâmv.

Some modern critics, however,

most whimsically accent them as if they were real second aorists; as оттает», сдави, охедобу. But even if they were real aorists as to form, the traditional accentuation ought to be retained ; just as it is retained in пёфшлу, oì'owl, шт, ìw'v, ŕw'v, ¿191711, and many others, although analogy requires „шт,



oìaaïv, яйцу, ì'œv, Zw», ŕjygqv, &c. It is not safe to tamper with Greek accentuation. As to the Homeric azsůs'sw, it no more presupposes ар дйу, than the Ionic forms дующие, ‚важнейшие, övvŕovui, rijgen, и








amples do aya», ради, üvvw, szw, oqnlw. ё 66. The Second perfect of daim, pulver, caiga), quail/w, and ,yorin/w, is Written also ös'dpor, узрит, oa'cpgoe, пёфдих, and

идут, with iota subscript. Analogy seems to require the omission of the iota subscript, but it cannot be shown that the ancient Greeks did not pronounce it. ё 67. It will be observed that when the root ends in a consonant, that consonant undergoes no change whatever in the second perfect. This being understood, it will be easy to perceive that the perfect of verbs in (pw and 1w may be referred to this head. E. g. ßpvloiopai, ße'ßpvzne as present. ygolçpw, ys'yqaqaa, Thuc. 5, 26.

ёж, perf. part. „прошлая; аз ргезет. ůqácum, rérgnxa as present. lay/lám», 215107141. Èvvvsrpe'w, Evvvs'r/oqla. noialtri, nŕrrorrla.

cuánta: (ZK/111112), ё’аиифа, ISOC. 298. orgs'quw, Ё’ацлофа. zalige», тётгщш.

Ips'rpw, тётещра. @ 68. 1. The second perfect of a few verbs in dm is syncopated, after the analogy of verbs in pi (as ì'umpi), in all the moods except the participle. The second pluperfect of course follows the analogy of its second perfect. The verbs to which this remark applies are даёт, ylyvopm, этажи, Ёатти, МАЛ, and TAAAJZ

Balm (ВАл). 2 Perf. Ind. S. ßs'ßaa not used. D. ßs'ßarov. P. ßs'ßapisv, ßs'ßats, бедам, and regular дебоши, Soph. Trach. 345; Il. 2, 134. Subj. S. ßeßu'i, _lig _5, Plat. Phœdr. 72. D. ‚выйти Р. ßsßn'ipsv, _615, 450i, Plat. Phtedr. p. 252



REMARKS. 0pt. Imp.

дарит not found. ‚ад/10.91 not found.


‚варвары (й), Eurip. Heracl. 610; Epic ße


ßeßaw'ç, 41701, 45109, Epic, Il. 5, 199; 24, 81 ; contracted ßsßoíg, _0700, _ning Eurip.

дёрн, 1|. 17, 359.

Sup. 850; Elec. 453; Soph. Phil. 280. . êßeßoimf nOt used. WU@. ëße'ßarov, -ámm

2 Plup.

ëßf'ßuysv, -an, maar, Il. 2. 720.

2 Perf. Ind.

Fíyvopat(1`.4.fì). S. ya'yaa not used. P. ysyniära (for ysyniärs), Нот. Batt. 142; уе—

70'0'10», 1l. 4, 41. ysyoípsv, Epic, Pind. Olym. 9, 64.

Inf. Part.

787011159, 40701, 45109, 11. 3, 199; cOntracted yayaiç, «15001, 45109, Зорь. Tyr. 1 168;

Arist. Lys. 641. S. ¿ysyáew not used. D. yeïairqv (й), Odys. 10, 138. The penult of ysyáärs was perhaps lengthened after the analogy of ysyáâat (yrya-u-vm). The supposition that it is

2 Plup.

protracted from ysyärs (contracted from yeyáärs) does not seem to be very satisfactory.

2 Perf. Ind.

@miauw (ОПАЛ). S. 1è3vau not used. D. rf't'ìvarov, Xen. Anab. 4, l, 4. P. 1é3vor,usv, 4116, 41701, Plat. Скота. 104: Xen.

Anab. 4, 2, 17. 1581107 not found.


fu@ »sum m.

теза/01177, _ating -ru'm 1l. 18, 98;

6, 164,'

Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 3. . 1830111171011, -unirmu reůvaíqpsv, weinte, -ut'qum


­ Téôvaâr, 41:01, Il. 22, 365; Dem. 122. . réävurov, -árœzn . re'ůva'rs, -álwawu


zeâvávw (ä), Xen. Mem. l, 2, 16; also 1601/0711110 (contracted frOm reůvas'vm),

./Esch. Agam. 539; Theog. 181; Epic



tsůva'psvœr and reüra'pev, Il. 24, 225; 15, 497. Part.

181976059, -dç, _diroç, Xen. Hel. 6, 4, 15; Herod. 1, 112; also Epic norerw'g or rsůvnœ'ç, rsůvnvïu, -äroç or _óroç, Il. 17,

161; Odys. 10, 494;` ll, 84; Doric réůväaiç, «drag Pind. Нет. 10, 139.

2 Plup.

. ¿1531/0?va not used.

*UU . ête'âvarov, -ányv . ête'ůvayev, -атг, 4100121, Хеп. Hel. 4, 5, 10. "lamp L (ETAJZ). 2 Perf. Ind.

É'UUF/J ë'orarx not used. . анашу, Il. 23, 284. днищу, -атг‚ _50h Thuc. 6, 18; Вет. 99; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 17; Ionic 2 plur. ëan'azs

(for êaráan), Herod. 5, 49; Epic 2 plur. gar/)rs for ахти. Il. 4, 243; 246; 10nic

3 plur. êan'âin (for ëaráam), Herod. l, 200. тыл тот. tam?, _?"l'ç, _5, Eurip. Bac. 319. Subj. тщд . ëur'ij'rov

êora'ípev, тёте, -óial êoralnv, -orlqg -alm Odys. 23, 101 ; 169.


. êuralqrov, -anlrnv . êaralnysv, 4151118, -aligaav

ë'uwůr, ­uirw, Odys. 22, 489.


. É'uronov, -oirœv, Il. 23, 443.

­ джипе, 425100000, Il. 20, 354. ЁатоЁуш (й), Eurip. Rhes. 92; Epic êornfyevar and êarofpsv, Il. 10, 480; 4, 342.

Inf. Part.

ёатшбс, -droç, Epic, Il. 19, 79; also êurqoiç, _vïa, _15mg Epic, Hes. Theog. 519; Ionic Занёс, 45001, -a'iroç, Herod. 2,38;

contracted êazoíç, 4500, 4:59, Jing, Soph. Aj. 87; Tyr. 565. 2 Plup.


êuroisw not used. D. аполог, —0Ётпу‚ Plat. Epist. 7, 349. "U . È'urorysv, -ar£, »aufm Il. 5, 781. МАЛ.

2 Perf. Ind.

. ‚иёуош riot used.

D. ya'yarov, Il. 8, 413. "U . ‚идущим, -атг‚ ‚агрегат, Il. 9, 641; 7, 160; ì 208.



Imp. S. 3 pers. ingérer, 1l. 4, 304. Part.

2 Plup.

peyà'oiç, -vîa, ­áizoç, Epic, 1l. 4, 40 ; 440 ; 8, 118; also ‚шубой, ­ároç, Il. 2, 818 ; Нот. Нут. 2, 204.

S. ¿pqwím not used.

P. 3 pers. pépaaav, ll. 2, 863 ; 7, 3. TMAJZ (пыл). ‘rs'rlaa not used. WU@. te'rlaror . tirlapev, ­au, ­âac, Odys. 20, 311. Suly'. urlo' not found. Opt. S. падёт, ­aiqç, -au'm Il. 9, 373. l). reflaimov, ­ani117v

2 Perf. Ind.

Р. тайибгшеу, ­ai1715, читает Imp. S. réflaâi, -0irœ, Il. 1, 586; Odys. 16, 275. D. Is'rlarov, -oiraw P. réduire, ­árwuow


retlvivw. Ерйс „надеть and rsrláyev, Odys.


Isrlnuiç, ­vïu, ­óroç, Epic, Odys. 20, 23,' 4, 447.

13. 307; 6, 190. 2 Plup.

S. этим not used. D. éte'rlarov, ­oi1nv

Р. ête'rlapev, -атг, -ааау‚ Аро1. Rhod. 1, 807.

2. The verbs ¿emrᜠand ösmvéw, in some of the parts of the second perfect, follow the analogy of гита from гит-„щ. oigtoroiœ, 2 perf. intl. l plur. rigiampsv like ì'owyev, Arist. frag. 4282

»rigiarávac like êirra'wxi, Athen. 10, 20.

Jemve'œ (хинин/112), 2 perf. ind. l plur. дедеглщп, Athen. 10, 20 : inf. дебит/одах, Athen. 10, 20. 3. The second perfect of Мы, to fear, may be syncopated after the analogy of sip., to go, in all the moods, except the participle. 2 Perf. Ind.

S. ös'öiol, ­aç, ­t, Epic байт

D. демагог Р. Ösdiapev, ­ars, äoi ‘ also l plur. ôe'dipsv, Epic

ôtiöipev, Thuc. 3, 53; 11. 7, 196; 2 р1иг. бёдле, Thuc. 4, 126.


ôfölw, те, _77, regular, Xen. Rep. Ath. 1, 11,­ Isocr. 73. 96. 401.



Opt. S. 1 pers. бабища: (like шт from alpi), Plat. Phœdr. 66.

Imp. S. 2 pers. быть, Epic быть, Arist. Vesp.

373; Il. 5, 327. Р. 2 pers. Epic дают, Il. 20, 366. Inf. ôröie'vai, Epic давят, Odys. 9, 274. Part. бабий, fem. Epic дыбом, Apol. Rhod. 3, °


2 Plup.

P. 1 регз. Epic êöslöipev, Il. 6, 99; 3 pers. êöńiloav, Epic êöeidwav, Plat. Leg. 3, 6; 11. 5, 521.

5 69. А few mute and liquid verbs drop the connecting vowel in some of the parts of the second perfect and pluper fect. oir'cdyw, ¿broyer-2 perf. ind. 1 р1иг. â'vœypsv for dvoiyapev' imperat. âlvœlâi, ůvoíxůw, ů'vwxůe. The forms dvailůw and битве are explained as follows; full forms avmynm, аш ysrs' syncopated «vary-1ra), avery-'re' Ille Combinations yrm,

yrs naturally suggested the passive endings 1.9m and 1.92 ¿slijt/om, шахт) ; hence the actual forms âvoízâw, 6in/arles. empare êyqńyogâa, пёпоадг, щюфйщдг.

:rg/elem, êygríyoga- imperat. 2 plur. êygńyogůa’ infin. 57915 yogdai written also êygnyo'gâm. These forms are explained аз follows; full form ¿yew/opera ' syncopated дует/0948 ' the combination grs suggested the passive ending @es (зарвав 19.5); which again suggested 93m' hence the actual forms

êyon'yogâs, êygńyopäar. Further, ¿ygńyoaoan with th accent on the antepenult, follows the analogy 0f ůxdznagai and

джигитам. form, ¿gy/„769.9% with the on the penult is The moreother analogical. vCompare ävaa andaccent лёпотда. fixa), iowa-ind. l plur. faq/,ucv Poetic for êoluapev ‘ 2 dual É'ì'xrov Epic for ¿oiuarov ‘ 2 plup. 3 dual ¿111171, Epic for ¿qa тёщи.

Е'щомш, ёЫЯл/Эо: Epic sìlrílovůa — 1 plut'. tilrilovůpsv for cih; lov'âapev. краёв), ue'xgäyu -­- imperat. 2 sing. xs'nçorlůr the 2 plur. напев?— ym is not syncopated, Arist. Vesp. 415. noiolw, nénoväa -2 plur. пёпоаде Epic for nendvůuts. The steps are nemivůaza, nénuvâ-rs, излома-те, ns'rroore ‘ the com

bination _un suggested the passive termination -uos (пе'пы аде). Compare tilvau, джип/0901. легат, идиота—2 р1ир. 1 plur. ¿frémâpev Epic for ¿nmol/.9u




§70. 0160, the second perfect of вил, drops the con necting vowel in the dual and plural of the indicative, and in the imperative. In the subjunctive and optative it follows the analogy of 11.9qu (идёт, идиш), that is, it presupposes EI АЕл. The pluperfect of course follows the analogy of the perfect. 2Perf. Ind. S. aida, 01090, oîösv, Soph. Tyr. 569, 570. D. ì'arov, Arist. Plut. 100. 1, 124. Р. î'upev, Epic and 10nic Шри, иле, Хеп. АпаЬ. 1, 5, 16. ï'aaut, Arist. Nub. 1186.

The regular forms oïöaç, oì'öapev, стан, oî'öam are not much used by the early au thors; they belong chiefly to the later Greek; Odys. l, 337; Herod. 2, 17; Xen. (Econ. 20, 14. Suly'. S. sìöaî, Epic eìâéw, Soph. Phil. 238; Odys. 16, 236. еще, Il. l, 185. sîöñ, Il. 8, 406.

*UU .


. выйдет, Epic sî'ôoysv, Il. l, 363. eìdñn, riddim. Xen. Anab. 1, 3, 15. 0pt. S. ватт, Soph. Elec. 660. Eiöelnç, Odys. 5, 206. eîösln, Xen. (Есоп. 18, 4. *UU . eîösínrov, sîösm'rnv . sïösí'rlper, 526551318


eidu'naav 0r sìöeïsv, Herod. 3, 61 ; Anab. 4, 1, 23. S. Ют, Хеп. АпаЬ. 2, 1, 13.


ìtnm, Bœotic ïrm, Soph. Antig. 184; Arist. ÈUU­ Inf.

Ach. 911. î'arov, илом, Eurip. Hel. 1684. ì'ars, Интим. sîöévou, Epic iös'psv, 0r треть, ì'öysv, Eurip.

Нес. 218; Pind. Nem. 7, 36; Il. 13, 273; ll, 719. Part.

sîöniç, sîövïa, sïöóç, -ároç,


Aj. 13.

Fem. part. Epic Мига, Il. 1, 608; 18, 380. 482. 2 Plup.

S. {Ют от 77611, Epic and Ionic ig'ôw, Eurip. Trôiad. 650; Soph. Antig. 18; Herod. 2, 15 .



ñöuç or ñ'önç, ffösmůa 0r 770170.90, Soph. Ап tig. 447 ; Trach. 988; Eurip. Cycl. 108; Elec. 926. Бди Ol' 561], '175va от ly'ônv, Epic and Ionic Яды or dues, Xen. Cyr. 8, l, 10; Soph. Tyr. 1525; Eurip. Ion, 1187; Arist. Ach. 35; Il. _18, 404; Herod. 8, 113.

D. íösnov 0r juror, ůöelmv 01' йоту 1'" ñösrpev orjaysv, urip. Heracl. 658. fidare 0r jure, Ionic âöe'ars, Soph. frag. 317; Herod. _9, 58. ii'öwuv or ńuav, Epic гам, lEsch. Prom. 451; Eurip. Cycl. 231; Odys. 4, 772. For дат, д'дщ, ñ'öu, the Epic Poets have lrielôtw, rielösiç Or fishing, rislöu 0r ârlön, Il. 22, 280; Odys. 9, 206.-For 3 sing.

дети, Herodotus has биде, with the ending of the aorist (Лёг), 1, 45; a genuine read ing, because contrary to all analogy. 1. The fOI'mS Юры, Ёдёщу, ì'dysvw, show that ì'upsv, î'orov, ì'o'rs, 7031, ì'urwv, and ì'orwaav come from ТАЛ. (Ld-psv, rÖ-Iov, ¿_ö-ts, ¿d_ůl, rd-rmr, Lö-rmouv).­-The forms ofthe pluperfect

барду, 5015, :gouv соте from EIA!! (pô-psv, 'nö-re, ‘nd-aow); the

pic йшу comes from мл (nö-aow). 2. The 3 plur. мы evidently annexes the ending of the perfect (_oîai) to the root followed by the characteristic of the

jìrst aorist (Löw-am), like sì'äaai (uu-a-am) from агат. З. The forms ì'apsv, ì'arov, ì'ars, î'udm, ì'aâr, Тату, and 2010)

ouv are often referred to the Doric ìbtîpi. But the omission of the radical vowel а (за-‚щ for ига-рву); the Ionic forms шиш, ~ wim/ou.’ the accent_ 0f ì'aowl. (not îmîoi like îorâ'tn), and the

forms 50pm', ¿016-50011 are facts against this hypothesis.


may be said that they are exceptions; but we should remember that the probability of a hypothesis diminishes as the number 0f exceptions increases.

4. Eustathius (ad Odys. 15, 20) says that oïoŕìaç was also used for oîaâa. Mœris (p. 283) has “ 010.90: 10992; 1017 ç ’.41 nuo'iç" implying that the other Greeks said also oîaâaç with ç. (Compare the curious Homeric pronoun 10706500» for 1oiaíôs,

11. 10, 462.) 5. The prefix ¿of the Epic pluperfect ‚шт seems to be the syllabic augment ¿_ lengthened 25); compare будим

for ë'yrllov from „щи.



Others suppose that it was formed from дат by protraction, like ö9uiotpi, ilßuiotpi, for ögqipi, 17,619,145 from ögoiw, iißoiœ. б 7 l. In а few instances, the second aorist middle of mute and liquid verbs drops the connecting vowel in the Epic lan guage, after the analogy of the pluperfect and perfect passive, or of verbs in ш. ui9iœ, silo'inyv ­- 2 ат. mid. ind. 3 sing. ys'v'ro for 52.810, Ilot t0 be confounded with yéno for êyévsw. dilaga», 131611111 ­- 2 sing» d100, 3 sing. diro' part. Шумов, ёпймдггос. âvöávw, (áôópnv) ­- part. ¿0pt-10g as an adjective ; compare Щупов, Ägpsrog, ös'ypsvoç, î'upevoç, ô'9pm'og.

дошедшие), АРл— part. Лешего; as an adjective. утомил, ¿yevópqv -3 sing. yt'vro or ïyevro.

Not to be con

founded with ума from ai9e'w. ös'xopai — 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. ê'ôenzo or öéxro ‘ imperat. 2 sing. Ös'Eo, 2 plut. 6213198 ' infin. ds'lâur. ' part.. (Нудное.

The present and [трек/ее! also are in some of their parts syncopated: З plUr. Ös'zaral. (деянии) Ionio form for délav

тш' part. двинув; for öezópevoç. Imperf. ¿ôs'ypqv for £0810’ ‚щу, was expecting. ¿litige ­- imperf. or 2 aor_. mid. 3 sing. ешьте.

вбирая—2 aor. 3 sing. вбит. Ёхуёодиь ищу—2 aor. 3 sing. imo for 'inno ' part. ’i'xpevoç adjectively, with the smooth breathing. душ, to collect-2 aor. l sing. êtéypm, 3 sing. liano, not to be confounded with the corresponding forms of AEXJL. him», êlelmipnv_ imperf. pass. 3 sing. Нетто аз aoriSt, later Epic, after the analogy of such forms as dizo, дг’кто. AEXJZ ­- 2 aor. 3 sing.` депо от Аёито ° imperat. 2 sing. иго and le'Eeo ' infin. lézůat, naralëlâai.

Not to be confounded

with лёд/ш, to collect. ­- For the imperative НЕЮ, see Бегут. The syncopated participle щупов belongs to the pre sent, inasmuch as it denotes continued action. Compare баз/Анат; from бандам.


‚лёд/ищи — 2 аог. 3 Sing. Брито Orpixro. Без/щи, „Ефим —2 аог. 3 sing. 03910 ‘ imperat. 5900, or Зело contracted 39050 ' infin. 399m' part. ô'9psv0ç. The form 69080 follows the analogy of Мага and ôúusa, from ßaivw, öúw' that is, it implies an indicative шепоту.

The same remark applies also to Мёда from АЕХЛ.ь „ты —2 aor. 3 sing. пойло, after the analogy of nitro from uitlopen..

vsnßs IN pi.


nigâm ­- 2 aor. infin. rrégâui as passive. my'yvvpi- 2 aor. 3 sing. ё'трпо.

VERBS 1N ju..

§72. Verbs in ,ai (real or imaginary) which have a second aorist active and middle. âlioxopui-(AAJZMI) года": "or glow, like гущу, from 7171105— cum ' subj. sito?, like yaoi, IESch. Sept. 257 : opt. (Поят, like ушат, Xen. Cyr. 8, 1, 2: infin. «Неба/ш, Soph. Phil. 1440:

part. âloúç, (Побои, âio'v, -óvroç, Xen. Mem. 3, 12, 2.' cipßlionw ­­­(AMBAJZMI) дутым, like гурту.

ůgnoíçw-CAPIIIIMI) 2 aor. mid. part. ůgnoípevog, like má A11er/o; from i'nrapui. (Забив —- ßíßruu, È'ßrjv like È'onp' ' Subj. роб, like ordi, Eurip. Нес. 1057: opt. ращу, like omini', Eurip. Taur. 1055: imperat. ßñůi, Мю, like vrijen, Eurip. Rhes. l : infin. ßñvai, Eurip. Sup. 729 I ран. ßoiç, ßoioa, Дай, -oiv'roç, Eurip. Med. 180. ßu'llm ­­ (БАНИ!) È'ßl'ryv, Evve'ßlnv, Evpßlrjrnv ' infin. Epic Svp

[Латыш for Evpßlijvai, 1l. 21, 57S: 2 aor. mid. фирм, È'ßlmo or ‚817710, ê'ßlmro ‘ Subj. 3 sing. Epic ßlrì'swi (for ,31.17 тш, ßla'mai), Svpßliy'rai 0r Súpßlvrai, Odys. 17, 472; 7, 204 : 0pt. ртути, or рифт? (like Эфир), :Eo or cio, 1l. 13, 288'. infin. ßlñoâm, Il. 4, 115: part. ‚щит, 1l. 4, 211; Odys. 11, 126.

ßißgaioxw —— (BPJZMI) грешу, like гумми. ßio'œ- (BIJZMI) êßi'wv, like .fyi/wv ' Subj. рыб, like wai, Plat. Rep. 9, 5 Z opt. ßrqirjv, ng, 17, щит, 171s, mrow, Arist. Ran. 177: imperat. (тогда) ßmi'roz, like yvniâi, Il. 8, 429 : infin. ßioivou,

Xen. Mem. 4, 8, 2: part. рт}; only in the nom. sing. mascul., Thuc. 2, 53.

‚итогах; —(ё"НРНМ[) ëyńgrîv, läe È'Ögüv, 1l. 17, 197; Herod. 6, 7 Hes. : in n. r; ävaLLSo Р h. ol. 870: p art. y q e „гс, y 17 e „а тещи, Орг/1136. ушибами ——(Г1\7.!2М1) Этап, wg, w, mrow, aims', (лугу, mrs, oloav’ Subj. yvai, утёс, раб, yvoizov, yvo'ípsv, yi'dirs, улёт, Soph. Elec.

43: 0pt. yvoiqv, 179, 17, тот, ijznv, muy, 1115, nouv, Xen. Hel. 6, 3, 13 : imperat. 71153:, circo, oirov, oirwv, dire, сбитни, Soph. Col. 10252 infin. yvnivai, Thuc. 4, 601 part. yvoúç, yvof/ua, yváv, -óvroç, Xen. Hel. 4, 1, 34: 2 aor. mid. 0pt. yvo'ïro,

Evyyi'oïro, zEsch. Sup. 216, the only instance. didgoíoxœ- (АРНМ!) È'Öqär Ionic £09771', üç, ä, ârov, olmo, äpev,

ürr, à'oav' subjéîgu'í, cig, q?, diluer, drs, (Бал, Xen. Mem. 2,


квитка. 10, 1 : орг. 5900171', like 01011171', Xen. АпаЬ. 2, 5, 7: infin.

ôqâvm, Thuc. 4, 46: part. ôgáç, 6907001, 690111, 4211109, Herod. 9, 118. ôíömpt-ì'öœv, mg, w, 0101, 01171', 0740', ors, 000:1" Subj. 615, 13159,

603, önirov, 5057151', Önirs, daim' 0pt. daim', 17g, 17, 17101', '611711, при, 1118, 170m' ' imperat. öo'ç, ôórw, (101011, drinn', do'rs, 561m 0011" infin. Öoiivm' part. 110179, 6017001, öóv, -tiv'roç' 2 аог. 511611111, (3151401, 00574171', 116019011, 156142109.

1315110 — (А TMI) È'ôüv, 1.79, 17, 171011, 1511111 (17), 177151', 1711, 170011 ' Subj. 5001, 77g, 77, 017.1511, 17u, com, Il. 7, 186; Herod. 4, 13,2: opt. 6151711 (17), пс, 17. тяги, те, 110011, Il. 16, 99; imperat. 61701, öúrw, öiirov, öůrmv, 61710, 615101001, 1l. 16, 64: infin. 6511011, Eurip; Sup. 469: part. 13159, 613001, öóv, -úvroç, Plat. Phœdo,


ё’хш— (ZXIIMI) 2 aor. imperat. 2 sing. 01e?, like 35;, î'ç, öóç, Soph. Elec. 1013. '1177M- 1'71', 1'7ç, 17, sito', :111711, siluu, ein, sicav, 0r Without the augment ê'rov, 311111, 511151, En, gaat' ' Subj. w, 59, ñ', oipsv, 1715, nim.; 0pt. sim', 17g, п, 171:01', n'np', 1711511, 171s, 'naar' ' imperat. ë'ç,

ë'rœ, ë'rov, ê'rwv, ŕ'rs, í'rmoow' part. sî'ç, 5100, ë'v,ë'11roç‘ 2 aol'.

- m_id. ¿1711711 or ë'pnv' Subj. 0111011' opt. ei'pqv ' imperat. (§00, ё'о) ой, Soph. Tyr. 1521 : inf. £03011: part. ë'psvoç. 't'muyw- (IHTHMI) .'s'rrr1711, like 5011711 ' 0pt. 111011111, like 010111111, Anthol. 5, 152: infin. m1711011, Anthol. 5, 212: part. máç, 1115001, 1110111, 4211109, JESch. Sup. 7822 2 аог. mid. Ènroiprp',

0100, 0110, 010.901', 110191711, 011111901, 0:03a, avro ' Subj- 7111511011, 7'7', йтш, 170301', 01746901, йоде, 1511011, 11. 15, 170; Arist. Lys. 774: infin. nroiaůou, Eurip. Med. 1: nroipevoç, Arist. LyS.

106. Ё'ащщ—ё'атпи, 17g, n, 17101', 171171', muy, 17u, naar' Subj. 0115, 0159, 01j, 01171011, 011571211, arñra, 011501 ' 0pt. 010111111, 17g, 17, „1011, 15101, при, 1712, 17000' ' imperat. 011731, q'rm, 171011, 171m', 171:, 171010011' ‘ infin. 01171100 ' parl.. orviç, 01500:, 01011, 4211109.

шхёш— (К1ХНМ1) ¿#111715 17g, 17, 17tov, 17117:', при, 17u, 170m' ‘ Subj. Epic (xrge'w) 111181111, 17g, 17, Ãbc. for 111115, 1l. 1, 26; 21, 128 : 0pt. 101811711, 17g, 17, Il. 2, 188 : infin. mzñvou, Epic m117 . реши, Odys. 16, 357; ll. 15, 2742 part. mzu'ç, Il. 16, 342 : 2 aor. or pres. mid. mln'psvoç, ll. 5, 187.

1110101, break -— (КАНМ!) 2 aor. part. 111019, 010011079, like uráç. „2.150: — (KATMI) 2 aor. imperat. xlñůr and xéulvâa, ulůrs and us'ulvrs' 2 aor. mid. part. 11115745110; as an adjective. ursívœ-(KTHMI) î'xu'ìv, 1319, й, 111011, drm' (й), äper', à'rs, ììaow ‘ subj. 11115, like 0115, Odys. 22, 216: infin. Epic urápsvat or naipes', for moire", 1l. 5, 301, 675: pari. 111019, like (nóg,

Eurip. Alc. 31 2 aor. mid. êuroipnv, 6100, ciro, GLC. like ¿nui

venas 1N ‚и.


Mié- infin. „тогавш, Il. 15, 558: part. лафете, ./Esch. Pers. 92 .

url§w,-(KTIM1) 2 aor. mid. part. miner/og as an adjective. lúœ-(ATMI) 2 aor. imperat. 7.5.91, like «117.9» from ultim’

2 aor. mid. Epic, 10,1417# (il), 3.15m, Мите, Il. 21, 80; 21, 114. 425; 24, 1; 7, 16; l5, 435. dvlr'npr-(ONHMI) 2 aor. infin. будил, like arrivar“ 2 аог. mid. nivoquv, like ¿nrápnv ' 0pt. dvulyqv, шо, шт, like iatal ‚пр, ÀriSt. Thesm. 469: infin. Ёшхадш, Eurip. Hip. 5172 also óvq'pmf or ânquv, like гриму. imperat. бщао, Odys. 19, 68':­ infin. âvñoäw, like тягает, Hippocr. : part. ôwg'yevog, like [Зайдет/09, Odys. 2, 33. '

oůroím — (ОТТНМ1) 2 aor. 3 sing. oůrá', like ё’итй ' infin. Epic обыграть or обидит, like Maipu/ar 0r muffin', 11. 21, 68; 5,

132: 2 aor. mid. гран. дыша; as passive, Il. 11, 658; Hes. Scut. 363.

nslúm-(HAHMI) 2 aor. mid. гамму with q throughout; not to be confounded with ênt'rímyv from nlpnlnpi. nlprrlnyL-2 aol’. mid. ¿71117,qu ' 0pt. ищут, ¿pnlln'yfpg Arist.

Ach. 236; Lys. 235: imperat. nlñao, гашиш, Arist. Vesp. 6032 part. nlríyevoç, фашисте, Arist. Eq. 935.

nlvw- (HIMI) 2 aor. imperat. with. ямба: —— (ДАЛИ!) .'s'nlœv, like E'yvaw" part. лыс, Il. 6, 291. ПР1АМА1— 2 aar. mid. ängrápqv., inflected like ¿nráynv from ‘lampen ‘ Subj. nplmyar, like ddr/mirar, Àrist. Ach. 8121 0pt.

посидит, like öuvalpqv, Arist. Рас. 1223: imperat. „фото and nçlw, like Ёатшю, ï'uun, Arist. Ach. 870. 34.' лещади, part. пенятся/09, Хеп. Hel. 3, 2, 3l. 32.


:widow _(IZTHMI) È'mqv, llike ахти oße'vai- (.Z'BHMI)l ê'aßnv, like ё‘ащу" inân. aßñ'var, Herod. 4, 5.

part. ому, like mig, Hippocr.

2Enl _ (ZTMI) 2 aor. mid. www», Il. 1.6, 58.5. one'llopm-(Z'KAHMI) ê'oulnv, like ё'ащш' opt. мыт, like 010:an infin. самба/ш, like otñvw, Arist. Vest). 160. «rwanda» ­­­ (ANTHMI) 2 аог. 3 dual avvavnírqv, like äorrirnv. TA/IAJZ.- (TAHMI) гит, тю аппу ‘ Subj. their', like croi, Soph. Aj. 1333: 0pt. Tlalnv, like 0101171', ­Al'ist. Nub. 119: imperat. 1115.91, like визы, Eurip. Нес. 1251 : infin. rlñvm, Eurip. Orest. 1527: part. тыс, ‚айва, _ría/wg, Eurip. Него. 1183. 1250. rlânyr -— 2017”, ng, 17, nov, s'rm', syn', are, wav ' Subj. 1903', öfi'ç, 19j', 35104', дебри, 19515, #dior 0pt. #sinn ng, п, '171011, firm', при, 1715, паст ' imperat. 1959, дёт, эёюг, дётшщ дётг, 3ère:

aow' infin. ůsïvar' part. #slç' 2 аог. mid. êâs'pnv, 195mm, âslpnv, (195'00) ůéo доб, дёабои, дёрнуть



tpůoivœ- (ФЭНМГ) Ёфэт, like ì'omv' Subj. qaôn'i, like 0:03, Odys. 16, 383: 0pt. qiâainv, like (поищу: infin. (päñvat' part. фойе, like aníç ' 2 aor. mid. part. qsâápsvoç, Il. 5, 119. qaâiœ-(fDGIMI) 2 аог. mid. e'qaâc'ynv' Subj. qiůiœpat Epic qaâiofuu, qat'ìierou, Il. 14, 87; 20, 1732 0pt. qaůiyrlv (г), qaůï

10, analogous to öúqv, фйци, Odys. 10, 51 ; 11, 330; imperat. фдбодш, 1l. 8,429: infin. срдбодш, 11. 9, 246; 13, 667: part. qaäipsvoç, Il. 8, 359. quier-(ILTMI) È'qiů'v, like È'Öüv' Subj. qniw, like 61502, Хеп. Hier. 7, 3: opt. 9.1391' (o), like öúqv, Theoc. 15, 94 : infin. ipñvai, Xen. (Econ. 19, 8: part. (púç, like ôóç, Soph. Col. 1113. ¿rim-_ (XTMI) 2 0r. mid. £11;an (й), like êllipnv, Odys. 19,

470 ; 10, 415; Il. 23, 385; 4, 526. ё 73. The optative 19st” of the impersonal 191;' is analo gous t0 35i” from нэп,“ (идёт) ; that is, it presupposes

XPIIMI, formed from хит, Ionic for 19020». б 74.

Observe further, that the second aorist middle opta

tive retains the radical vowel of the indicative.

E. g.

dvb/nin, aivdpqv _ dvaipqv, draw. u'ânpt, êâépnv- дадут, 19570.

Мёщи, ёббупт—бобуцщ öoio. In a few instances, however, a. is changed into 37.


ßoillœ has ßlńimv, and тащишь nly'p'nv, for ßlouy'qv, nlouy'qv. Compare perf. pass. 0pt. ßsßlliipnv, мантии, паи-штат, ‚ив/‚дуй—

‚ит As to the form шеями. from Миш, it follows the analogy

ofz9et'17 (ё 73), that' is, it presupposes B/IHMI (ВАЕЛ not BAAJZ).

Ё 75. The original theme of tipi', to be, is БЕЛ, th_e root of which iS found in ¿tr-uc', ¿fr-ri, ёо—‚иёщ ¿ir-16v, ¿ir-rs', rio-101',

¿ía-rnv, and in the imperative. a modification of EZJZ.

The form Ел (whence ада!) is

Present. 1nd.

S. alpi, Doric êyyi, Theoc. 20, 32. si; ог ai, Epic ëuui', 1l. 16, 515; 1, 176.

Een', Doric для, Theoc. l, 17; 11, 46. D. ¿ordm P. £0,053', Epic and Ionic síps'v, Doric флёр, Poetic Kyiv, Il. 5, 873; Herod. l, 97; Theoc. 2, 5; Call.

frag. 294.

Vanns 1N pi.



eìvl, Doric для, Poetic ё’йш, Pind. Olym. 9, 158; Il. 2, 125; Theoc. 25, 14.


Subj. S. ai, Epic and Ionic ê'w, Epic also ethz, Il. l, 119; 23, _ 47; Herod. 4, 98.


?, Epic до, and атм, 11. 19, 202; Odys. 11, 434. D. 'los'. P. (диву, Doric дугу, Theoc. 15, 9.

frits. aim, Epic and Ionic Е’шш, Il. 9, 140; Herod. 1, 155. « Opt. S. .sì/mf. еще, Poetic щади, Epic ì'oiç, Theog. 715; Il. 9, 284. er”, Ionic Е’оь, êve'or, Herod. 7, 6. D. ei'qrov, ein'rqv and firm, Plat. Tim. 11 ; Parm. 46.


Р. fi'qpsv, дуги, Eurip. Hip. 349. айда, ein, Odys. 21, 195. sî'rjoow, ein, Xen. Mem. 1, 4, 19. S. ì'oâi, ì'oo, È'ooo, Odys. 1 , 302.

ehm, rare ifm, Plat. Rep. 2, 4. D. ê'orov, Ís'ormv, Il. I, 338. P. Ё’ап, 11. 16, 422.


ì'ormoav, È'vzmv, o'vrwv, Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 10; 8, 6, l] ; Plat. Leg. 9, l5.



sii/o_o, Epic аиром and ê'ppevai, isps» and Èíuyev, Doric фигу and буев, slpsv and замес, Il. 3, 40; 1, 117;


4, 299; Pind. Olym. 5, 38; Theoc. 2, 4l; 7 l 129; 13, 3; Plat. Locr. l. div, odour, ô'v, Epic and Ionic ¿0511, Ёобаи, êóv, Il. 2, 27;

Herod. l, 59: Doric fem. ¿oïou and ruina, Pind. Pyth. 4, 471 ; Theocr. 2, 76; also ё’ааа or ё'аааа,

Plat. Locr. 3: Doric acc. едут for ёбиш, Theoc.

2, з. Imperfect. 1jr», 1j, тип, Epic im', È'ov, È'ouov, ì'a, ijn, Il. II, 762; _ 7, 153; 4, 321; Odys. 2, 313. де, commonly йода, Epic ì'qç, ё'цади, ë'aç, Theoc. 19,

_ 8_; 11.22, 435; Herod. l, 187. 1j, 1jr', Epic ifm', ńs(v),ì'17v, Ё'ахг, Doric iig, Odys. 19, _ 283; Il._3,4l ; 2, 642; 5, 536; Theoc. 2, 90. 92. . Яши and riores', 17111» ат! iforqv, Plat. Euthyd. 55; _ Xen. Anab. 2, 6, 30. ripari, Doric ‚5,155, Theoc. 14, 29. в?



й“, gots, 10nic Ё’итг, Herod. 4, 119; 5, 92.

daan, Epic and Ionic è'aav (иа), ê'axov, Ionic also ì'aaav, Il. 1, 267; Pind. Olym. 9, 79; Herod. l, 196; 9, 31. 1. The 2 pers. sing. el follows the analogy of the middle voice; that is, it is formed from Ел after the analogy of quién,

quieî, from шиш, фдг’орш.

2. The Doric 3 pers. ¿nl is formed by annexing the ending vn to the root 5'-, The singular must not be confounded with the plural.

3. The 3 plur. ё‘ащ is formed from EIL (НМ1) after the analogy of näs'zîai, ôlôo'fîa», from тёэпдь, дёдшш. 4. The subjunctive and optative follow the analogy of the

corresponding moods of идти.

AS t0 the fOrmS ì'ms. БЫ, they

come directly from Ел, like (рыдаю, шиш, from quls'w. 5. In the imperative ì'uât the radical vowel becomes L. This form must not be confounded with гид; from @Bw-_The 2 sing. è'uo or ê'auo, takes the ending ао of the passive, like u' дгоо from riůmu, n'âsyou.

6. The З plur. Бит of the imperative must not be con founded with the genitive plural of the participle div. Compare Such forms aS îóvrœv fOr Íe'rwuuv, dido'yzwv fOr Ötůárwaav.

7. According to Eustathius (ad Odys. 15, 435), the partici

ple was once formed after the analogy of идти, thus, sì'g, É'vroç, like uâeíç, rtâs'woç.

8. In the imperfect, the 1 sing. 17V comes from the root ¿­, like ¿dâ-nv from идти.


The 1 sing; а} is contracted from

But 3 sing. fp' is contracted from фу, theme 1512.

_ 9._ The Epic forms ê'qv, im, Ёж, seem to be formed from ф, 179, Ьу prolongation. 10. The forms ì'u, 17u, гас, Zara, ё’аиау, take the endings of the first aorist active; ê'av comes directly from Ел, like équi

).eov from tptla'œ. Сотраге êu'ůsa, and ja, йих, from u'äqpr. and aim.

11. The forms ì'uuov, ё’аив, are iterative; the endings оком, ниц, аге annexed to the root ¿-. l2. As to HM», it takes the ending ‚1172: of the middle voice. It is supposed to belong to the later Greek, as N. T. Acts 10, 30. See also Etymol. Magri. under Ему.

vsnBs m ‚и.


13. The 3 sing. viv of' the imperfect, in certain passages, by a peculiarity of Syntax (Gram. ё 157. N. l), agrees with a plural nominative, and sometimes with more than one nomi native; a fact which has induced some to suppose that it stands for the plural йоту, after the analogy, for example, of ёибщщды: for ênoapńânauv, and that without the augment it would be ё’у.

See Hes. Theog. 321 ; 825; Soph. Trach. 520.

521 ; Xen. Anab. l, 5, 7.

14. According_ to the old grammarians, гит (Odys. 20, 106) stands for ¿no from 17pm; according to Buttmann and

others, the old reading was ¿faro for sino, from ‘ЕЛ, ripa», t0 place.

For our part, we cannot tell what the old reading was.

l5. For tipi, some ancient inscriptions have EMI. (Rose’s Inscript. Graec. tab. 1, The vowel г, however, may repre sent the diphthong er. -One of the Orchornenian inscriptions has ruwe., for subj. 3 plur. гати, that is, aim. Compare avr0_ ôeôoavůr from диодами, in the same inscription. (Rose's Inscript. Grasc. tab. 39, l. 46.)

ё ‘76. The theme of sip», to go, is In, which lengthened becomes ЕЛЬ (like шиш from Ашл), whence alpi, ffm. Present. Ind.

S. eiyl.

sig, el, Epic йода, Odys. 19, 69. Jar, Hom. Hym. 1, 182. D. ì'rov.

P. they, ì'rs, мы rarely Jui, Hes. Scut. 113. Saly'.­ S. ì'm, ranely ethz. ёж, Epic î'yyoůa, Il. 10, 67. й], Epic фи, Il. 9, 701. D. ì'nrov.

Р. ì'aipev, Epic ì'opsv, 1l. 2, 440. Щи, ìiwr.

0pt. S. ищи or йоту, Xen. Conv. 4, 16; once шт, Il. 19, 209. Ил; ог iolnç. зам or 20h), rarely sì'n, Ods. 14, 496.

D. ì'onov, iolrnv. P. Нишу, ì'orrr, ì'omow.

Imp. S. ì'âr, in composition also si, Arist. Nub. 633. йод. D. î'rov, 712m'.


REMARKS. P. î're, ì'rœaav or îóvrwv, also ì'rwv, Xen. Allah. 1, 4, 8 ;

fEsch. Eum. 42 (i). Inf. Part.

is'vm, Epic tirava», ì'pev, Il. 20, 32; l, 170; rarely î'vou (fäivcu), Athen. 13, 43. Мг, гобои, îo'v, ­óv10ç, with the accent on the last syllable, like fait', mw'v, from tipi, niet.

Imperfect. S. 17m, fixa, 5u, Odys. 4, 427; Plat. Apol. 6.

уму, диода, Рт. ЕщЬурЬ. 4. ñ'u, 77211: usually before a vowel, Arist. Plut. 696;

Epic also ‚бы, is, î'e, Il. 1, 47; 2, 872; Odys. 7, 82 ; 18, 253. 257. D. imm', ña'np', commonly ñrov, 7711111, Plat. Euthyd. 54; Epic also t'nyv, 1l. 1, 347; Hes. Op. 197 (written also йог).

Р. ñ'upsv or 51121, Arist. Plut. 659; Epic also 50,059, Odys. 10, 251. 570.

ima or 1in, Eurip. Cycl. 40. был“, Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 55; Epic and Ionic Яши,

5....., Il. 10, 197, Odys. 19, 436; Herod. 2, 163; ‘Epic 3150.7... and ne., Odys. 23, 370; 11. 1, 414. l. The indio. 3 plur. tout follows the analogy of nâs'ám, that is, it changes the v of the termination vai into ä ' its regu lar form would be twat, i-at, like 1105701, 1185701.

ItS accent

shows that it does not come from the imaginary IHMI. the 3 plur. aim, it comes directly from sim.

As to

2. The opt. 1 sing. ìslqv, and the inlin. ìévai, follow the analogy of падёт, идёшь, that is, they presuppose IHMI.

The opt. 3 sing. d'1; (if it really belongs to dpt) comes from the root sì-. The 1 of the ending _mv is dropped, alier the analogy of qnäip'qv for фдщщу, duim' for бит, ёж.

3. The imperfect im is intiected like a regular second plu perfect from E112. ­- According to Buttmann, lijm was рю tracted from eïv, the regular imperfect of Jpc, alter the analogy

0f ñeiöstv from .ifôsw (also Of 590501111, âßœ'otpt, from 595,141., Iut). The orthography .Haw with i subscript was, according to the same grammarian, introduced only by the grammarians on account of the erroneous derivation from 17m. One would suppose that the Greek language was invented by the Alexan drian Grammarians. \ 4. The forms ifm, Ню, 17m», ñ'wuv come from ш (IMI), by

venas 1N pi.


prefixing q, which prefix seems to be nothing more than the

syllabic augment lengthened (like that of адепт, брешут). —Ву dropping this augment, ijle, 'ñ'roou' become te, ат, re

spectively. —- Ву contracting ifm, ipe, Яши, we obtain ña, is, 73000'. Others suppose t_hat_ ifm, lits, Яшу; i'roav were formed by resolution from ña, да, дои, pour', from EIJZ, sïpi.

¿is tp 53021, im», fipa', §15, they evidently follow the analogy of gía, je, jaar». _The dual imi- follows the analogy of ì'am'. 5. The form ipa, contracted 77a, takes the ending of the first aorist active, after the analogy of швеи for ¿flown from идёт,

and ё’и or ria for ё’оу or rim' from eîpi'. It cannot be a second perfect, because it cannot be shown that the perfect was ever used for the imperfect. But it is a well-known fact, that when the perfect loses its peculiar signification it acquires that of the present; as ‚идущим, uiuguya, oiöa ' in which case, its pluper fect has the force of the imperfect; аз êpspvq'pm', ënexpoiym', И у den'. 6. The Etymologicum Magnum (voc. ânjy'pav) has subj. 1 sing. ей» for т, formed from EIJZ. 6. The infinitive „доцент, at Hes. Op. 351, according to some, belongs to sìpr', to be. But “ si,” says Goettling, “ лео usïvai ab eïpl, non ab ripe derivaris, perditur omnis in hoc antiquo proverbio membrorum œqualitas, quae ut Фцььт quls'ív,

дёрн: 3g ne бф’, etc. requirit, ita etiam hic sïpi verbum fiagitat, non sìpl. . . . . Sequendus igitur Apollonius erat Lexico Но merico: eîvau ‘ d ¢Iltn'odoç dni 1017 lavori ‘ #ai ‘ngi nqocióvri






1. Forms in rivm, naa, nua, пущ, and ‚Ют, from barytone

verbs in i», presuppose a present in éw.

Thus Щемит, öiöa

Ux'q'am, pellrjooi, from сайт, öidoiouto, pillar, imply AAEEEJZ,

малыши, Mii/1,4123. Imaginary themes of this descrip-A tion are not given in this catalogue, simply because they can­ be formed or imagined without the least difiiculty. 2. Obsolete or imaginary presents are printed in capitals. The reason of this practice is thus given by Buttmann; “in

order that the eye may not become accustomed by means of ' the common letters to a multitude of unused and merely imagi nary forms, and thus rendered less capable of' detecting barbarisms at first sight.”

А. Алл, to injure, lead into error, ruin, Epic, аог. â'ao'a contracted dou, Il. 8, 237; Odys. 21, 296; 10, 68; 11, 61 : аог. pass. âáaůnv, Odys. 4,

503; Hom. Hym. 4, 246. -Mid. 3_sing. doirui (contracted from aiuterai), as active, Il. 19, 91: aor. àaooípnu contracted oidápnv, Il. 9, 537; 19,

95; the contractedform àoápnu is active in signification. -­- See also didopai. The quantity of the two first syllables (da) is variable in the aorist. _The verbal adjective дата; (ад), with the ac cent on the antepenult, 'has an active signification, hurtful, injurious, Apol. l, 459. It is not found in the early Epic Poets. -From ¿iuroç comes aan] contracted Ёщ, in Pindar dudw, injury, ruin, destruction, misfortune. -With á- priva tive, баю; becomes Мата; (à'aoï, or дай), with a passive signification,` not to be slighteii, inviolable, Il. 14, 271; y Odys. 21, 91. 7


aßço The original theme was AFAJL, hence the adjective

дотами, and the Substantive oivoita (а Fara).

ABPOTAZJZ (vinagreta/œ), to miss, stray from, occurring only in the aor. subj. 1 plur. dßçoroígo naar, Epic for ai6901᧜ysv, Il. 10, 65. It is formed from the Epic 2 aor. ñ'yßgorov, from отметаю, by rejecting the augment and dropping y. For the omission 0f y, compare oinlnuaiv fOr думать from aipnlaníoxœ.

áyát'oyat (ů'yaaac), to revere, worship, Pind. Nem. ’

áyaíoaat (áyoíoaaz), to be indignant at, envy, Epic and Ionic, Odys. 20, 16; Herod. 8, 69.

äyanat (oiyáoaat), to admire, be struck with ad miration, inflected like î'orayou in the present and imperfect: fut. áyáaonar- aor. ñyáaůnv the usual Attic aorist, Xen. Anab. l, l, 9 ; Pind.

Pyth. 4, 424: aor. mid. ńyaaánnv, Odys. 18, 70. вьюгами, to admire; also t0 envy, be jealous of, Hes. Theog. 619: fut. áyáaopat (аи), Odys. 4, 181. niyáaoůs, pres. 2 plm'. protracted, for ¿750.95 (uiyásaůs), Epic, Odys. 5, 119.-íyáuuâs, imperf. protracted, for

ůyäuâs (âyúsoůe), Epic, Odys. 5, 122.

áyyŕMw (АГГЕАЛ), to announce, fut. ¿yy/eléc, ¿77E/16, Il. 9, 617; Soph. Col. 1429: аог. ñyyu la, Eurip. Med. 1111 : perf. бурлит, Dem. 343: perf. pass. ñyyalaat, Esch. Choëph. 774, аог. pass. ůyyélůnv, Eurip. Нес: 591 : 2 aor. íy'yyelov, Herod. 4, 153: 2 aor. pass. ńyye'lnv, Eurip. Taur. 932. -Mid. áyyéllonac, lo announce as from one’s self, Soph. Aj. 1376: aor. ‚Машут,

Plat. Gorg. 32: 2 aor. бур/эмир, Xen. Anab. 5, 6, 26. Many critics suppose that the forms этим, âyyslóynv were never used by the Attic writers.

dyaíçca (АГЕРЛ), to collect, bring together, as



semble, aor. будет, Хеп. АпаЬ. 3, 2,13: аог. pass. iìyépůnv, Il. l, 57. — Mid. áyaígopai, re

flexive, pluperf. 3 plur. Epic áynye'pazo, Il. 4, 211: аог. ůyupápnv, Odys. 14, 248: 2 aor. iyyspo'pngv, Il. 2, 94. âygu'pevoç, 2 aor. mid. part. syncopated for âys@ó,usroç, Il. 7, 134. — Аро1. 3, 894, dys'govrai, pres. 3 plur. for

âyaígovmi ' Brunck changes it into ¿yègovm

ůyîvŕœ (душ), Epic and Ionic, t0 bring, Odys. 2, 192; Herod. З, 89: imperf. буй/гоп, Il. 18, 493:

fut. oìywn'aw, Hom. Hym. 1, 57. -Mid. 0171115

opac, Herod. 7, 33. будущим, imperi'. iterative, Odys. 17, 294.

äyvoŕm (â'voos), not to ‚спою, to be ignorant of, regular: fut. аут/015002, Isoc. 285; also дуг/01500 par. According to Thomas Magister, the fut. mid. oiyvon'uopm is preferable to âyvon'am. This assertion, however, does not seem to be supported by classical authority. oiva'uaaus, aor. iterative, for джойстика, Odys. 23, 95. The adjective â'mog is compounded of oi- privative and


But vóoç is derived from тол, the theme of 717705—

auw' therefore its original form was TNOOZ'~ hence the

adjective AFNOOZ, like â'loyoç from ä- and 1.0'on (Нут); hence the verb думаю, like oiloys'm from â'lvyaç. See also 7020)

dyn/orée, Epic for áyvoŕw, aor. subj. 3 sing. 027006 you for ¿cyl/oni, Odys. 24, 217 : ńyvoínoa, Il. l, 537. äyvüpr and oiyvv'w (АНД), to break, Xen. (Econ. 6, 5: fut. ага, Il. 8, 403: aor. ê'aga, rarely 75502, Хеп. АпаЬ. 4, 2, 20; Il. 23, 392: 2 perf. ê'otya, Ionic ê'ryya, as intransitìve or passive, lo be broken,

Eurip. Cycl. 684 ; Herod. 7, 224: aor. pass. ¿ob/nv, rarely â'ynv, Lysias, 144; Il. 16, 801. —

See also „ингуши. The penult of ¿áynv is long in Attic Greek : Arist. Vesp. 1428, uazsaíyq may be scanned c u — -. In the Epic language it is usually short, as Il. 3, 367; unless we contract



¿a- in pronunciation.- The penult of â'yqv follows the anal ogy of foins', Arist. Ach. 944 ; ll. 16, 801. — Hes. Op. 432. ë'tegov y’ â'Eatç moSt probably Stands for É'ngor ydëatç (FaEmç).

See the next paragraph.

The original theme was FAI'JI, hence ßáyog, ушибе. See also xováëaiç under хатйущш. -We suppose further that ГАгл is a modification of FPAI'Jz, the original theme of Мути, which see.

áyo9oiopac (áyoçd), to harangue, Poetic, imperf. ńyoçaóptnv, Herod. 6, ll; Soph. Trach. 601: aor. dyopno'dpnv, 1l. l, 73. _1n prose, ¿709.56%

7r90ay09aúœ, regular. dyopoiaods, pres. protracted, for fly/095036 (oiyo90isot92), Il. 2, 337.-1jy09da019a, imperf. protracted, for 'rb/095006 (6709000.95), 11. 8, 230; 3 plur. 177096011150, for ñyogwino (ůyogoiovro), 1l. 4, 1. ­- Pind. 15th. l, 73, sli oiyo9173siç, now

edited tůäyo9qůeíg, from the Doric aůüyo9e'œ for вйцуоеёш, to praise, opposed to пакт/орёт.

â'ym (АГАГЛ), to lead, bring, fut. dgn, Xen. Anab. 2, 3, 6: aor. riga, Thuc. 2, 97: perf. 1510:,

rarely dyiíola, Dem. 346. 237: perf. pass. буран, Plat. Leg. 6, 21 : aor. pass. ijxdnv, Xen. Anab. 6, 3, 10: 2 aor. iiyayov the usual Attic aorist,

Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 31.

Verbal Adjective áxtŕos,

Xen. Hel. 6, 4, 5. ­-Mid. á'yopat, to lead for or

lo 0ne’s self, to marry, fut. dgapau, Soph. Col. 1460: aor. mid. 1ì§ápnv not Attic, Herod. l, 190: 2 aor. буди/бит the usual Attic aorist, Arist. Plut. â'Ens, aor. imperat. 2 plur. Epic for â'Eare, Il. 3, 105; 24, 778. _ 017177 ola, the Original form ofthe perfect oiy'rj'oxa, ill an ancient inscription, Buttmann’s Lexil. 2l , 30. _ouvaya ‚хохма (ayayogsta), pluperf. for ovvayryyo'lsu, avvaynyógsw,

in an ancient inscription, Matth. Gram. under the Anoma

lous душ. — âyeópevog, pres. pass. part. Ionic for буддизме, Herod. 3, l4.

It seems that there was a time when â'ym was pronounced Раут, whence Мусс (áyáç). Compare Latin ago, vagar, vagas, veho, vagabundus, English wagon, wain, vagabond.

душ/[годом (äydv), to contend, fut. âyœwoů'pat,



Xen. Anab. 4, 6, 7 ; Dem. 516 (passively Т) :

perf. дуба/туш actively or passively, Eurip. Ion, 939 ; Sup. 465: aor. pass. душицу passively, Lysias. Verbal áymviorŕos, Dem. 129. ůymvi'öurai, perf. 3 plur. Ionic, used passively, Herod. 9, 26.

¿JEJE (Adil), to be saled, disgusted with, feel disgust or dislike, Epic, aor. opt. ůäńoeisv, Odys. 1, 134: perf. part. dönxós, Il. 10, 98.-See also йод, to sate. These forms are commonly written with ôö, дамам», dööryuio'g, because the penult of the derivative à'öoç, disgust, weariness, is short, while Homer makes the first syllable of

the verb everywhere long. The form ‚мл зеетз to be connected with the adverb tiling, Latin satis, satzir, English sate.

‘14.412, lo please, see тат. iji'öm (oisíöw), to sing, fut. фтором, Thuc. 2, 54; Doric gioni, doaüpai, Theoc. l, 145; 3, 38: aor.

flou, Arist. Pac. 1296: perf. pass. дарам, Athen. 15, 1: aor. pass. ifoůnv, Xen. Mem. 2, 6, ll.

Verbal otorŕos, Arist. Nub. 1025. êi'ösrai, pres. pass. 3 sing. impersonal, equivalent to 1.a' улиц, it is said, later, Palœph. 28, l.

oisíöm, to sing, Poetic, fut. äaíoopai, dslam, Pind. Isth. 7, 53; Theoc. 22, 26: aor. iy'eio'a, Pind.

Olym. 10, 28. doloso, aor. mid. imperat. 2 sing. Epic, Hom. Hym. 16,. l ; 19, l ; edited also ¿retocar-Pind. Nem. 4, 146, Heyne’s ¿sica ro is now edited duim'. In some of the Homeric Hymns (as Il, l), and also in Theocritus (7, 41), the first syllable of „шт is long. Its original form was ul-'eiôœ ' hence the Bœotic forms avlaFvöoç, xiůupadeoç, uwpaFvöog, gatuaF-vöog,

rgayu Гуди, in one of the Orchomenian inscriptions, for the common ouilqiôo'ç (avi-among), xiäaqqiöóç (идею-атак), xwpipddç (ищу—поддев), éoipipödç (énip-aoiůoç), rgayrpůo'g (reap aoiöoç).

For the commutation of oi and o, compare Рима 7*



for aiuta, in the second Orchomenian inscription (Коэе’з Inscript. Graec. tab. 4l, 40).

дебет (АЕРЛ), to raise, lift up, Poetic and Ionic, fut. deçà', contracted (ai), Esch. Pers. 795: aor. бедра, Soph. Antig. 418: perf. pass. бедная, Аро1. 2, 171 : aor. pass. ůŕçäqu, Herod. l, 165: aor. mid. ůscpáynv transitively, Herod. 7, 156. — See also aïgm. ßäämgro, pluperf. pass. 3 sing. for äsgzo, Il. 3, 272; 19,

áŕgm (AEFQ), Poetic and Ionic for aůgw, to in

crease, Eurip. Hip. 537; Herod. 3, 155511001, Anthoh Epigr. 299: aor. pass. Anthol. 9, 631: fut. mid. dsgńaoyac, 837. -­ With pure writers it is found in ent and imperfect only.

80: аог. oisgríi'ìpv, Apol. 3, the pres

The original theme was probably AFEFJZ, connected

with the Latin vegeo, vigeo, vigor. This theme modified becomes ‚игл, hence aů'Em, вдвоём», Latin augeo.

áŕêôw (AEPJZ), JEolic for áeígm, Sapph. 73: аог. ñspaa, Panyas. 6, 13. áspráfm (шею), imperf. ńŕgzafov, Apol. 1, 738. ДЕРН, see oieígw, áéëèw. ABQ, to sleep, aor. баш (d), Odys. 3, 151 ; 15, 40; but ¿laca (d), Odys. 3, 490; contracted двое,

Odys. 16, 367. ánŕléaow (вьют), to be unused, imperf. áńůsooov, Il. 10, 493: aor. отдам, Аро1. 1, 1171. takes no augment.


¿inni (AEJZ, â'w), to blow, breathe, Epic; 3 plur. ¿letal for victor, Hes. Theog. 875 ; árjzœ, ¿rival or vinnen/ar, dais, Il. 9, 5; Odys. 3, 183; Il. 23, 214: ­

imperf. änv, Odys. 12, 325.-Pass. â'nyat, to be blown upon, eœposed to the wind, Odys. 6, 131 ; to be noised abroad, be in circulation, Pind. Isth.

4, 15: imperf. án'ynv, Hes. Scut. 8. ­- It retains 11 in inflection.



dâsgiïw, to slight, treat slightly, Epic, Odys. 8, 212: imperf. oiůŕpLZov, Il. l, 261: fut. oiůépiê'w later, Apol. 3, 548: aor. oiůŕpiëa. later Apol. 2, 488.

aiöéopat, to respect, fut. aîöe'o'opar (00), Хеп. Мет. 3, 5, 15: perf. йдгауш, Dem. 645: aor. pass. yìôe'uůnv Eurip. Hec. 286: аог. mid. дамами, Soph. Aj. 506. aìôsîo, imperat. contracted from aîöe'so, Epic, Odys. 9, 269.- Odys. 14, 388, aids'uaopm is Written also aiö'ljaoyiar.

ветоши, Poetic for aiôŕopou, Il. 21, 74; 1, 331; Esch. Eum. 549: imperf. aiöópngv, Il. 21, 468. идёт, to praise, fut. тещ aívŕaopai, Eurip. Orest. 499; Xen. Hel. 3, 2, 6; Epic air/1jaar,

Odys. 16, 380: aor. gir/soa, Epic íjvnda, Eurip. Med. 223; Il. 23, 552: perf. ñvsxa, Isoc. 276:

perf. pass. бигуди, Isoc. 281 : аог. pass. ,zii/£31111, Thuc. 225.

Verbal ага/пабов, Plat. Phaedr. 25.

­- In prose commonly ënawéw. ênawéa» (aînéar), pres. pass. 2 sing. syncopated for ¿Trau/étai, Herod. 3, 34.-¿1rawiu'i (divini), Laconian for

snaws'w, Arist. Lys. 198.

air/npr, another form of air/éco, Hes. Op. 681. вей/Егором, another form of aia/éco, as active, Il. 13, 374. атому“; ог aivínopar, to h_int obscurely, fut.

aia/@cyan Eurip. Е1ес. 946: perf. биплан раз sively, Arist. Eq. 196: aor. pass. 130110711: pas sively, Plat. Georg. 109: aor. mid. ńwgaipnv, Soph. Aj. 1158. ага/„дм, to take, Epic, Odys. 14, 44: imperf. aia/15 pm', Odys. 21, 53.

Inflected like дебитором,

ёдгшийуци. aîgŕw (БАЛ), t0 lake, fut. aipn'aco, Xen. Hel. 3, 5, 1 ; also 5103 rare, Arist. Eq. 290: perf. бритв

Ionic ágaígngna, Thuc. 1, 103; Herod. 5, 102:



perf. pass. детище Ionic ůçaígppaz, Soph. Antig. 493 ; Herod. 4, 66 ; 7, 83: aor. pass. âgéfhlv, Eurip. Sup. 635: 2 aor. allor, ŕ'Àœ, Xen. Hel. 1, 5, 21. Verbal aíosrŕos, as active (85? лет), Xen. Anab. 4, 7, 3; or as middle (Jai желаем), Isoc. 135.- Mid. aîgŕoyau, to choose, select, pre

fer, fut. «бисерин, Xen. Anab. l, 3, 5 ; also Найден гаге and later, Anthol. 9, 108: perf. детдом, Xen. Hel. 3, l, 3: aor. твоему гаге, Arist. Thesm. 761 : 2 аог. задут, ê'lwpaz, jEsch. Pers. 7; also síldpqv later. — The fut. фронт; noyau of the compound oieparçéopou is used pas sively, shall be deprived, Eurip. Troad. 1278; Herod. 5, 35. Simonid. frag. 9, тащу, for which Hermann writes выдут. — Arist. Eq. 290 „вены, is supposed by some to come from дерзнёт, but compare Arist. Nub. 844.

As to

¿Ethik/ng, Herod. 3, 59, it may easily be changed into ¿Ee lfövrsç, from éEslaúvm. ­­ убив, he seized, 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. Epic for ê'le-ro, ll. 8, 43. It is formed from the original theme РЕАЛ, in the following rnanner; Гетто, Felro (like

¿ha for тет), Рита (like ńvâov, ße'vrzuroç, Тог ¿2.9015 ßé1­ паюс) ; finally, after the disappearance of F', уди/то. We suppose that ‘EAJZ became ‘AAR (whence биииорш), after the analOgy Of тёти, tpalm» ' Igéqum, rpoíqnw. The form 211112. was changed into ‘APJZ (compare пиратов, тарное), hence Í/IIPJL, uïos'w. But ‘Елл was F13/1.0., therefore aîoe'm must have been Fargew. In fact, the Homeric eino ulgso (Il. l, 275) Seems to imply anoFaLpeo.

alga: (ARQ, dsígm), to raise, lift up, fut. doc.; (й), Soph. Aj. 75: aor. 59a, ¿low (à), Soph. Aj. 129: perf. бекас, Thuc. 8, 100: perf. pass. бедам, Thuc. 7, 41: aor. pass. íjçůov, Thuc. l, 49. The fut. ¿9:5 (à), should be referred to дебет, which see. ­Mid. играми, to lift up for one’s self, gain, win, fut. ágoüpou (d), Soph. Col. 460:

perf. будет, Soph. Elec. 54: aor. ńoáyqv, 6690: дш (á), Thuc. 3, 39; Pind. Isth. 5, 87: 2 aor.



ůgópnu, братан (й), П. 23, 592; ÍESch. Sept. 316. Homer uses бей/щи and ‚Зефир: in the indicative; in the other moods, the second aorist only, oigoi'pnv, дедовом. The Attic poets generally use ñgápnv' sometimes ůgo'pnv, but only in the dependent moods, as ůgoipqv (ä). Prose writers use only драгуну with its dependent moods.

¿Edgy (dgp), 2 aor. subj. 3 sing. with short u, Athen. l, 62; edited alsosëoíyp from èEoíyw, душ—Яда, аог. mid.

2 sing. for ñ'goi, Arist. Ach. 913, in the mouth of a Bœotian.

uioůoivopui(¿112@ll), to perceive, fut. аммиа pai, Xen. Cyr. 7, l, 9: perf. ñoůnpui, Eurip. Hip. 1403: аог. riodópnv, Thuc. l, 72. uïoůopai for alodoívopai, Plat. Rep. 10, 8; doubt ful.

(йода: (dnpi, дао), lo breathe, breathe forth, Il.. 16, 468; 20, 403.

áí'ooco or diem, to rush impetuously, aor. бьём, Il. 4, 78: aor. pass. ñíxdnu as active, Il. 3, 368. -— Mid. díooopoii as active, Il. 6, 510 : аог. nigápnv, Il. 22, 195. - See also doom or dira. oi'l'anuoi', aor. iterative, Il. 18, 159.

uioxúvm (1112‘Х1^2‚`),1опёг o, lo shame, disgrace, abuse, fut. aiolvwâ, Eurip. Hip. 719: aor. 50119 их, Thuc. 4, 92: perf. pass. баш/удои, Il. 17, 189: aor. pass. riclv'udnu as middle, Xen. Anab. 2, 3, 22. Verbal aiozvvre'os as middle (oei ai’ oxúvsoůoii), Xen. Cy. 4, 2, 40.-Mid. aiogúvo pui, to be or feel ashamed, respect, fut. подожги/017 pai, Xen. Mem. 3, l, 11.

airiolopoii (сайт), airioloopoii (a), usually passive, passively, Xen.

to blame, find fault with, fut. Plat. Gorg. 156: perf. príápai Thuc. 3, 61: аог. pridůnv (à) Hel. 2, 1, 32: aor. mid. фиата!

pip', Xen. Anab. 7, 8, 23. Xen. Cyr. 7, l, ll.

Verbal airioiréos,

a it i 0i 0i ад a i, infin. protracted for uindoâai (airia'saůoii),



Epic. n. 10, 120._.5шг„аэ.‚ imperf. 2 plm. for' ¿1.509. (ñriáwâe), Il. 16, 2022 3 plur. ñno'œvro, fOr ‘ninoîvto (inai ovro), Il. ll, 78. aindmv'rau, ргев. 3 р1ш. protracted fol’ ainu'ivrou (aina, опш), Epic. Odys. 1, 32: uìno'ipo, 0pt. 2 Sing. for aina-10

(aînáoio), Epic, Odys. 20, 135: 3 sing. uîruirpro, for uiu q'iro (dittafono), Il. 11, 654.

ага, to hear, Esch. Agam. 55 : imperf. â'ïov, Eu rip. Med. 148; Pind. Pyth. З, 47. — See also

aůôáw. Il. l5, 252, это. is supposed to be synonymous with â'í' 03m, to give up the ghost.

áxaxít'co (AXJL,AKAXJZ, álŕw), to grieve, атм, sadden, Epic. Odys. 16, 432: fut. áxayóaw,

Hom. Hym. 2, 286: aor. áxáxnaa, Il. 23, 223: 2 аог. iy'xayov, Il. 16, 822. -Mid. oixazífopac, to sorrow, grieve, be атома, Odys. 11, 486 :

perf. oìxáznpar as present, джипам, ¿napiga vos or oixnlŕuevos, Odys. 19, 95; Il. 19, 335;

5, 24, 364: 2 аог. ñxalo'ynv, oixazoípnv, Odys. 16, 342; 1, 236. danze'ôatou, perf. 3 р1иг._1`ог oixn'zswm, Il. 17, 637.— oiuazelaro, pluperf. 3 plur. for дядина, 11. l2, 179. The root of this verb seems to be an onomatopy. Compare the interjection ah! Romaic ёж! denoting pain, grief — From the theme AXJL comes the noun á'loç.

áxaznŕvos, see АКИ. áxe'onal, to heal, mend, remedy, fut. oixa'oopac (au), Mus. 199 : aor. ůxsaánnv, Eurip. Hec. 1067 : aor. act. part. ëgaxéoas (únicas), Pythagor. 66. àxéo, imperat. 2 sing. for dus'eo, Herod. 3, 40.

oìxnöéœ (ánnön's), to neglect, ÍEsch. Prom. 508: aor. oix '8660s, Il. 14, 427.

аконит, for oixoúm, Hom. Hym. 2, 423.-Mid. áxovát'onai as active, Odys. 9, 7. oixoúœ (AK0.12), to hear, fut. áxoúoonat, Arist.

Ach. 302: aor. басами, Xen. Mem. 2,5, 1: perf. à'xovxa Вог1с‚`Р1и1. Lycurg. $ 20 : 2 perf. dun'



xoa, Soph. Aj. 480: 2 pluperf. ńxnxdaw, Ionic áxnxósw, Xen. Hel. 5, l, 26; Herod. 2, 52:

perf. pass. îy'xovayau later, Etymolog. Magn. under отыщет ° aor. pass. ůxoúaůnv, Thuc. 3, 38. Verbal áxovarŕos, Arist. Ran. 1180. ­- Mid.

dxov'oyou as active, imperf. ñxovdynv, 11. 4, 331 : aor. бит/0060177, Mosch. 3, 126. ůxpooíoyaL (áxov'w), t0 hear, fut. dxpooíaopaz (бит), Plat. Apol. 27: aor. ñxgoáaápngv. Arist. Nub. 1343.

Verbal áxgoarŕos, Arist. Av. 1228.

It seems to be a prolongation of oinoúw (AK012). For the insertion 0f 9, сотраге öaqůoirrrœ from öoinzœ, ů'ygunvoç for dii/'mog from oi- and блюз.

AKJZ, to sharpen, perf. pass. part. обид/„52:05, 11, ov, sharpened, pointed, Epic, Il. 10, 135. Observe that the и of the root is changed into 1 (not into y) before y. _The nouns ищи}, дяди}, ůuń, диализ} (like душ 77] from душ) are derived from this theme. Further, it is connected with the Latin асио, асиз, acies.

видят, another form of «догорал, ЕзсЬ. Agam. 82. álaloíäm (álald), to raise a war cry, fut. 011010150— , дои, Eurip. Bac. 593: aor. залог/шага, Xen. Anab. 5, 2, 14.

älalxov, see oilŕëm. dlalúxrnyat, see ¿lz/maire).


áláoyaz, to wander, Poetic, fut. „выводил, Hes. Scut. 409 : perf. дышишь, as present, 011106 Ацадощ álahíyevos, Il. 23, 74; Odys. 12, 284;

13, 333: аог. pass. áln'ůnv, Odys. 14, 120. oilyúvœ (dlyewós, AAFTZ), to vez', give pain,

sudden, fut. dlvaâ, Soph. Phil. 66: aor. 61727 va, Soph. Tyr. 446: аог. pass. ñlyúvůnv, jEsch. Prom. 245: fut. mid. ályvvoüyat, Soph. Antig. 230. álöaívm (AAJANJZ), to nourish, increase, Poetic,

./Esch. Sept. 12: 2 aor. битву, Odys. 18, 70. -See also 011815020.



Arist. Nub. 282, for âtöopévav, Dindorf edits àgöopémv. It seems to be etymologically connected with the Latin alo.

щадит (таят), to nourish; also to grow, intran sitive; Theoc. 17, 78; Il. 23, 599: aor. 021815609

axov iterative, later Epic, Orph. Lith. 364. — See also сидит/ш. ¿leali/m (выгоден), lo avoid, Il. ll, 794; 6, 167. шары (АА1ФЛ), to anoint, fut. авиацию, Eurip.

Aul. 1486: aor. ñ'lmpa, Arist. Eq. 490: perf. ijlsupa and dhilupa, Dem. 1243: perf. pass. ìjlstpyou and ábíltpyat, Dem. 791; Thuc. 3, 20: aor. pass. ůleíqn'hgv, Eurip. Taur. 698: 2 l'

aor. pass. ůlíqnyv, Plat. Phaedr. 88. á/lwzréos, Égalemréos, Lysias, 202.-Mid. „амфора; re flexive, to anoint 0ne’s self, oileíipoyat, ‚элита три, Thuc. 4, 68; Arist. Nub. 977.

даёт (AAI/IKM, AAKJZ, ¿AIC/49.12), to help, assist, ward or drive of, Poetic in the active, fut.

саммит, Il. 6, 109: aor. ńlégigoa, rarely теги, Odys. 3, 346; jEsch. Sup. 1052: 2 aor. fila). xov, also битва”, oilxoíůew, Pind. Olym. 10,

125; jEsch. frag. 417; Soph. frag. 827.-Mid. демарш, lo avert from my self, repel an enemy,

defend ту self, fut. álsäríooyat, Xen. Anab. 7, 7, 3: aor. ‚машут, Xen. Cyr. l, 5, 13. dtŕuw, pres. for dléëw, later, Anthol. 6, 245. The themes ‚мнил, ‚мкл seem to be connected with детищ and деиёш. For the commutation of l. and e, com

pare „идти, x9lßavoç“ ‘JE/112, ůlluxoyut, aîoe'w' ЕАЭЛ, ё’щорш ' nodúnrw, xq'tilrrm.

dhŕoyat (oi/laúd), to avoid, Epic, Il. 5, 34: aor. 1511506 (mv, oilfaíiuyv, oile'aoůe, oils'aoůou, Il. 13, 436; Odys. 20, 368; 4, 774.

álsúw, to averl, ward of, protect, Poetic, jEsch.

Prom. 368 С?) : fut. dlsúo'co, Soph. frag. 825: aor. ¿jhm/oa, амида», ЕзсЬ. Sept. 87; Sup. 528. ­



Mid. oilsúopai, lo avoid, Epic, Odys. 24,29: aor. обжиг/„сэр, Il. 3, 360. _ _ _ _ сига), to grind, Arist. Nub. 1358: fut. alecm, alor,

doubtful, Arist. Nub. 1299 : аог. ijlsga (do), Odys. 21, 109; Theoph. Char. 4: perf. „мята, Anthol. ll, 251 : perf. pass. дымит and uhr; Аэрон, Herod. 7, 23; Thuc. 4, 26.


дива (aléa), to grind, Anthol. ll, 154. „гит, see sila. _

älůopai, to become healed, Epic, imperf. ulůópnv, Il. 5, 417: fut. álůríoopai passively, Il. 8, 405: aor. pass. oihůsodriuai, Hippocr. отрады (oils, oder), long v, to submerge in the sea, Call. frag. 269. For öúsir', the ¿Eolians said ‚байт, that is For/sir', Ety mol. Magri. voc. oilißôúen'.

oilívôw or âhíi'öopai, and dlivâs'w, oilir'öe'opai, to

roll, Nic. Ther. 156; Anthol. 7, 736: aor. бдит, Arist. Nub. 32: perf. шт, Arist. Nub. 33. áhíoxopai (211432, ‘xl/10.12„ (АЛЛЕИ!) t0 be tit/cen, captured, Thuc. l, 121: imperf. rilioxó prrr', Thuc. 7, 23: fut. шторм, Xen. Anab. l,

4, 7: perf. дотами the usual Attic perfect, also битва, Thuc. 3, 29; Herod. 1, 83: 2 aor. ¿oi Àm' the usual Attic aorist, also тазу, ailé, áloíryv, видим, álou's, Arist. Vesp. 355 ; Herod. l, 84. All these forms have a passive signification. The active is supplied by „деды, to talee. дым, oípg, of”, 2 aor. subj. Epic for дм, qïç, ф, Il. ll, 405; 14, 81; Herod. 4, 127: origini', 2 aor. opt. not Attic, for (Поёт, Odys. 14, 183: áloípsr'ori, 2 aor. inf. Epic for ¿1.03 vai, Il. 21, 495.

The penult of ¿dim is long in the indicative, but short in the other moods.

But шт, Il. 5, 487, has а long.

The theme 141112 is evidently a modification of ‘E/Lft, агавы, which see.

the original theme. 8

We may therefore assume FAAJL as



dltrçaívw (oilnpo's, AAITQ), to sin, er1’ against,

Hes. Op. 239 : aor. сайта: rare, Orph. Arg. ' 642: 2 aor. битву, Il. 9, 375. -Mid. 011119015

voyou as active, written also Mirail/ouai, Hes.

Op. 328: aor. nlrróanv, Odys. 5, 108: perf. part. стадию; as an adjective, sinning, ofend ing. Hes. Scut. 91, (Найдет; seems to be equivalent to «ilmi pwv, wicked.

выпишет, See падёт.

¿Mónaco or ¿Mair-ua (AAAAFIZ, 621105), to change, fut. 021102502, Eurip. Вас. 1332 : aor. ig'Maga, Eurip. Phœn. 1246 : perf. ijlìtaxa, Xen. Mem. 3, 13, 6: perf. pass. il'ìtlayyae, Arist. Pac. 1128: aor. pass. nllaíxůnv, Eurip. Aul. 798: 2 aor. pass. iIMoíynv, Arist. Ach. 270. Verbal àllamŕos, Dem. 410.-Mid. dlloío'oyac,

to exchange, dlldgouar, Eurip. Hel. 1088; аог. ńMagoinnv, Thuc. 8, 82; Pind. Olym. 10, 21. Eurip. Alc. 672, шмыг“, аог. 2 dual for the usual form ñlloiëulov'l 'l

ůllouac САДЫ), to leap, fut. áloůnaz, Doric дама. par, Xen. Eq. 8, 4; Theoc. 3, 25: aor. 1310601”, атм; (d), Arist. Ran. 244: 2 аог. ńlónnv, 0110: дш (й), Xen. Hel. 4, 5, 7. d100, 2 но! 2 sing. Epic, fol’ (cileno, (lilac) Шоу, Il. 16, 754; 3 sing. 01110, for 17km, Il. l, 532: all with the smooth breathing; compare тщеты from ánagzávœ. The a is long in consequence of the anomalous temporal augment. _ à'lsrou, 2 aor. subj. 3 sing. Epic, for dimm, Il. 11, 192: видное, 2 aor. part. in composition, for âláusvog, Il. 11, 421: with the smooth breathing. ~­ We have already at tempted to connect ¿7.10pm with дал/1150, „мы, Latin salio, ballistea, Italian ballo, English ball (dance).

áloáw and oilooíœ, to thrash out corn, to smite, Xen.

(Econ. 18, 3: aor. vilo'naa, Arist. Ran. 149: perf. pass. дышим, Athen. 14, 17.



061060602, Epic for 122100602, Т11еос. 10, 48: aor. 1510611 aa, Il. 4, 522.

“1111052, see álíaxoyaz, dvalów. áloxroíïœ, to be troubled, in distress, Herod. 9, 70: perf. mid. 061061йиттиш as present, Epic, 10, 94;

as from а present in -060›. 061000080: (0611703), to be sich at heart, Call. Del. 212. 011150200) and dhvaxoíïœ


N12), to avoid, escape, Poetic, Odys. 23, 363:

fut. álúëw and diagonale jEsch. Pers. 93; Hes. Op. 361: aor. ijlvga, jEsch. Pers. 100: 2 aor. d/lv'axavov, Odys. 22, 330. Soph. Aj. 656, êEalúEmyar, aor. mid. subj. is edited also ¿Salfúaœpaz Ггот êEaheÚoyat.

011250002, to be distressed in mind, rave, Il. 22, 70.

0612502, sometimes 0611502, to be mentally moved from joy or grief, to be in agony, to be in a state of

perpleϒty, jEsch. Sept. 391 ; Arist. Vesp. 111. The penult is long in Attic Poetry; the Epic Poets make it generally short.

áhpaívw (AL/145.12), to jìnd, Poetic, Eurip. Med. 298; Arist. frag. 308: 2 aor. 6519007, Il. 21, 79. ‘f1/IQ, see álíaxoyaz. dyaptoívw CAMAPTQ), to err, miss, fut. 011106911; 002 Ionic, Hippocr.; Attic ágaorríooaaa, Xen. Hel. 2, 4, 16: aor. rìaolornaa later, Orph. Arg. 641: perf. ńaáçrnxa, Thuc. 3, 53: perf. pass. ñaágrnyat, Soph. Tyr. 621: aor. pass. neotoni 197111, Thuc. 2, 65: 2 aor. ů'yaprov, Epic 1101-190 tov, Arist. Nub. 1076; Il. 5, 287. Verbal daag anŕos, Dem. 595. The Epic. form дурдом” is formed from iiyama» as follows; hyaoww by metathesis йдеатош' Ьу changing a into 0, йщютоу' by inserting ß, and changing the rough breathing into the smooth, буфету, like ‚натрем, from



усопшем, ‚певцу-рт ' уащЗ969‚ Ггот ydyoç, yaysgoç, yay-oog' â'pßgoloç, from DIEIPJI., pugni?, ayoowç, ail-poro; ’ {адепт

for sì'pagrut.

дубить: and ápßlóco, l0 miscarry, Plat. Theaet. 18; Eurip. Andr. 356: aor. будим, Plat. Theœt. 2l: perf. дурдома, Arist. Nub. 138: perf. pass. ада/шум, Arist. Nub. 140: 2 aor. ijyůlow, like ŕ'yvow from )IWI/ciano), in Suidas. êEapßls'emi, pres. pass. implying a present active in gm, Hippocr.

¿5461.151101 (dpßlús), lo blunt, fut. dpt/31.11116, jEsch. Sept. 715: perf. pass. íjyßlvppat, Athen.l 13, 61: аог. ‚менуэт, Anthol. 5, 220: fut. mid. ápůlvvoüyat as passive, Hippocr. ápsígw and ápégäœ (AMEPJZ), to deprive, Pind. Pyth. 6, 27; Odys. 19, 18: aor. буграм, Odys. 8, 64: aor. pass. тиграм, Il. 22, 58. For ¿woah/vrai, the accepted reading, Odys. 17, 322, Plato reads Ёпоргбепш, Leg. 6, 19.

дулами, Poetic for атлеты, see догмы. йдлёхш (ápipí, 51m), to wrap around, to clothe,

Soph. Col. 314: imperf. душами ёрпгхощ Odys. 6, 225: fut. ápipŕgw, Eurip. Cycl. 344: 2 aor. ip'ŕuuolov, Eurip. Ion, 1159.-Mid. dpt néloiwu and фиксажа/борщ, to put on, clothe one’s self, wear, Arist. Av. 1567. 1090: imperf. були xo'yiyv, and cipupelóyrgv (Т), Plat. Phœd. 82 ; Ар01. 1, 324: 2 aor. финифти and ripnsoldyqv, Arist. Есс1. 540; Thesm. 165 ; Eurip. Med. 1 149. .

думцы (áytpí, logez), another form of ápnŕyœ, Eurip. Hip. 193. ­Mid. филантроп, Eurip. Hel. 422.

dpnlaxíoxw (AMHÁAKQ, AZVIB/IÁKQ), to err, miss, perf. ůymla'xwat, jEsch. Sup. 916: 2 aor. бриджи; апс1 аде/шиш, 1Езс11. Agam.



1212; Pind. Olym. 8, 89; Archil. frag. 30; part. dynlaxóv, and ánÀaxw'v without the Au, Eurip. Alc. 241. ¿ym/úw, (dvd, IINTIL), short v, to recover breath, Epic for ávanvéca, Il. 22, 222: аог. pass. dy

m/úvíhgv as active, Il. 5, 697. бдит/6:0, 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. as active, syncopated, Il.

11, 359.

ápúïw (núm), to suck, Xen. Anab. 4, 5, 27. дуба/ш (AMTNA 8.12), to assist, defend, avert, keep 017, fut. фит/баз, арт/б, Herod. 9, 60; Eu

rip. Orest. 523: aor. буди/и, Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 67 : 2 aor. ńpúvaůov in Attic Poetry, Arist. Nub. 1323; Soph. Col. 1015; Eurip. Andr. 1079.

Verbal столбов, as active (бы? аЁдйигш), Soph. Antig. 667. —— Mid. ainda/opal, to repel an enemy, defend one’s self, fut. áyvvoůyaz, Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 21: aor. бдит/обут, Soph. Tyr. 277 : 2 аог. 1} ритдбдци in Attic Poetry, Eurip. Andr. 721; jEsch. Eum. 438. dyquoífœ, later for áluzptéwvgu, aor. ñpqaíaoa, An thol. 7, 76: perf. ńyrpíaxa, Athen. 6, 70. ůyquyvoŕm (dyqu', идёт), t0 doubt, imperf. брешут/6

501: and буфера/6801}, Xen. Anab. 2, 5, 33 ; Plat. Soph. 46: aor. ůnrpsyvóno'a, Plat. Soph. 30: aor. pass. part. обделит/0138269, Xen. Hel. 6, 5, 26. ápipzŕvvvyc (oiggoí, гит/ш), t0 put оп another, lo clothe, imperf. душицу, Plat. Tim. 53 : fut. áymptŕom, dyqucâ, Odys. 5, _167; Arist. Eq. 891: аог. ůyqiíeoa, Xen. Cyr. l, 3, 17. -Mid. cinqu ёи/щи, to put on one’s self, clothe опе’в selß fut.

ágquŕooyat, Xen. Суг. 4, 3, 20: perf. ůyqaíeoyat, Xen. Mem. l, 6, 2: aor. mid. áyçtsodypv Epic, Odys. 23, 142. áplpwoŕco, for áyqnêylvoŕw, Soph. Antig. 376.



áyrpwůnrs'm (cifrati, ßaívw i), lo dispute, imperf. nntpwßrírsov and nurpsaôn'rsov, Dem. 347; Plat. Мепех. 13 : аог. ńpepwörítno'a and rzaqasaßńrnaa, Dem. 818; Plat. GOrg. 70: perf. nycpwßrítnxa,

Dem. 820: aor. pass. ńnzpwßnrńůnv, Plat. Polit. 18: fut. mid. ¿paraßnrńaonat as passive, Plat. Theaet. 73.

отец/077010102, See ytyvaiaxw. майоран (07, afi/os), to refuse, strictly to say no, imperf. àvawópnv, Esch. Agam. 300: aor. 13777 vápnv, амбиции, Il. 7, 185; 9, 510. We assume a theme Am, to say, the same as the Latin


By annexing 7 to the root, AINJZ, like u'vw from elw,

nlvœ from 11112“ with oir- privative, ANAINJl, civ-alvoyat,

after the analogy of «iría from £1-, rlœ. The words aîvoç, aìvém come from AINJZ. Further, Hesychius has aì'vwv, ротонда/009, ¿mm'ulv и, where the adverb ßa vróvœç implies

that the accent should be on the penult.

“ge observe fur

ther, that аЁаа, fate, is derived from Am, after the analogy 0f ÖdEœ from done'w (АОКЛ), and ¿ian from â'm' -cra 0r ~an, being used instead of the common -am _atm Compare the

Latin fatum, from for, fari-_It is often considered as a prolongation of âv- privative; but there is no analogy in favor of this supposition.

oivalío'xœ and ¿milden (oit/af, ‘AAIZ'KIL tAAOQ), lo expend, Thuc. 7, 48; Xen. Hel. 6, 2, 13: im perf. oiwjlwxov and 027021007, Хеп. Cyr. 1, 2, 16;

Thuc. 8, 45: fut. ávalaíaœ, Xen. Hel. 1, 5, 4: aor. dvd/lmao: and ávrílwaa, Thuc. 8, 31 ; Dem. 1223 ; also xarnvoilcoaa from xaravalío'xm, Isoc. 201 : perf. áválœxa and ávńlwxa, Thuc. 2, 70;

Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 15: perf. pass. ávoílœyac and азид/10007, Xen. Cyr. 6, l, 4; Xen. Hel. 2, 1, 11 ;

also поступавшая from ходатайств, Isoc. 33: aor. pass. ávalaíůnv and ávnlóůnv, Thuc. 3, 17; Dem. 1216.

Verbal áva/lmŕos, Plat. Leg. 8, 12.

oivöávw (AAH), to please, Ionic and Poetic, Soph. Antig. 504: imperf. r'jväowov and ëńvâavov and



506080000,11. 1, 24; Herod. 7, 172 ; 9, 5; Odys. 3,

143 : fut. áůiíaw, Herod. 5, 39 : perf. 068272606 very rare, Eustath. ad Odys. 12, 281 : 2 perf. ê'oìöa, Doric ïaöa, Il. 9, 173; Theoc. 27, 22: 2 aor. ŕ'aöov and 06800, Ер1с 5006800, 06002, 068660, Herod. 1, 151; Pind. Isth. 4, 24; Il. 14; 340.-Mid. ávâdvopai as active, Anthol. 10, 7. ů'uynoç, 2 aor. part. syncopated (ад-00009). as an adjec tive, pleased, with pleasure, Pind. Olym. 13, 104.


alpen/og, frOm dudan».

The original theme was FAJJL, hence ßoíöopm, ßuöúg (56:55), 706556130, 7060201, 7066070, 706050306, 7060000, 511066320 (Rem. § 25). Compare Latin suavis, suadeo (1), English sweet. Compare also yulw, 7017005, 7710600, Latin gaudeo, gaudium, English gay.

ANEQQ, 2 perf. âvrívoůa as present, 60 spring,u trickle out, issue forth, Epic, Odys. 17, 270. Il. 11, 266, «100500800 is anew imperfect.


ů'gngsv, ye'porev, 121615151011, and ёлёфйиоу, from dqotçi'axw, RIAJZ,

1215160, and 971100.

060600, 060600606, from dringt, see i'npi. ávŕxœ (06006, 5260), lo hold up, imperf. civeïlov, fut.

áv駜, 2 aor. 061060100, Sec., as in 51cm-Mid. ávŕlopai, 60 endure, primarily 60 hold one’s self up, imperf. ůvsixó'pnv, Thuc. l, 77: fut. 060650006 and ávacxńaopai, Xen. Hel. 4, 8, 4; Arist. Ach. 299: 2 аог. 606016000, rarely dvsaxópnv, Xen. Anab. 1, 8, 26; Arist. Pac. 347 ; Herod. 5, 89. ůvrívoůa, See ÁNEQJZ. áviáëw, to be vexed, to sorrow, equivalent to 060603

pou from vivida, Il. 18, 300.

Sometimes it is

equivalent to àviáw, Odys. 19, 323. áviáw (060606), 60 ver, fut. áviáoœ (06), Хеп. АпаЬ. З, 3, 19: аог. 150666006, Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 33: aor. pass. dviáůnv (á), as middle, Xen. Hel. 6, 4, 20. -Mid. ávtáopaz, 60 be grieved, fut. áviáaopai,

Xen. Anab. 4, 8, 26: perf. igvínpai Ionic, Mosch. 4, 3.




диода (dvd, oïym), sometimes сайт/057714“, to open,

Dem. 765: imperf. ávŕzpyov and бушует, Xen. Anab. 5, 5, 20; Hel. 1, l, 2; Epic and Ionic

ávclâyov, IL 14, 168: fut. блюёт, Arist. Pac. 179: aor. áve'qaga and ñvotga, ávoí§œ, Thuc. 2, 2, Xen. Hel. 1, 5, 13 ; Epic and Ionic áw§§a and â'votëa, Theoc. 14, 15; Herod. 1, 68; 4, 143: perf.

дуэта, Dem. 1048: perf. pass. ávŕqaypar, Thuc. 2, 4: aor. pass. dvsqiyöiyv, later ůvoízöqv, ¿wot zůô, Eurip. Ion, 1563; N. T. Act. 12, 10: 2 perf. dvŕtpya as present neuter, to stand open, Brunck’s Analect. 2, 230 (376). Verbal «ivoi

xrŕos, Eurip. Ion, 1387. Èvaolyeaxov, Imperf. iterative, Il. 24, 455.

»oîvogůów (dvd, 69060), to set upright, imperf. pass. ůvavfìoóyqv, Plat. Theœt. 2: fut. ávopůrâam, Dem. 1232 : aor. буфета“ and „мэрами, Dem. 140; Eurip. Alc.‘1138: perf. pass. iii/¿19 ůwpwtt, Dem. 329.

Verbal oivopůcotŕos, ¿not

vogůméos, Plat. Leg. 7, 14. душа: (ávrí), to meet, Poetic and Ionic, imperf.

ijvreov for ifi/tavv, Il. 7, 423 : fut. oit/1jaar, Il. 16,

423: aor. бутса, Herod. l, 114; Pind. Olym. 10, 49.-_The compound сшитого has aor. mid. duvpvtqo'olpiyv, Il. 17, 134. — See also final/rolas. (туш/1151117 (deinp'), 2 аот. З dual, as if from ANTILMI,

Odys. 16, asa. oìvzuxoíïœ, to compare, see slxdfw.

oiwevnotŕeo (d1/1i, si?, падёт), to do a favor in re turn, Xen. Anab. 5, 5, 21: aor. Subj. ¿wrev

nonjoœ, Dem. 494: perf. ávrevnmoívxa, Dem. 476.

ávudm, another form of ávroím, 11. 6, 127; 13, 215:

fut. ¿widow (do), Odys. 22, 28: aol'. ůvzíäoa, Il. 12, 356. -Mid. àvuoioptat as active, imperf. oivuotópuyv, Il. 24, 62.



âvno'm, pres. Epic, protracted from ¿ma? (ámám),11. 12, 368 (future'l); 3 р1ит. dero'wUL 1`ог 017110701, 11. 6, 127: in

бп. olvnolqv for обиду (dvnolsw), Il. 13, 215: part. fem. olv-:1.6mm: for olvun'ïoa (dvrwz'ovuu), Odys. 3, 436 (future 1). —&11ппЁааи011‚ imperf. iterative, Apol. 2, 100.

ávußolŕm (d1/n', роща), to meet, supplicate, beg, pray, imperf. буи/3614507, Arist. Eq. 667: fut.

àvußolńom, Odys. 18, 272: aor. ávrsßóìmoa and ñvreßóìnyo'a, Pind. Olym. 13, 43; Arist. frag. 101 : аог. pass. part. oìwtßoìngůeís, Arist. Vesp. 560.

âvuzgᜠ(oh/tí, жмёт), to be витает, equivalent to диодам, used only in the aor. ávrŕxgqoa, Herod. 7, 127.

â'vropou (ávroíœ), to meet, supplicate, Soph. Col. 250; Arist. Thesm. 977: imperf. ñvróynv, Il.

22, 203.


ciw/’m and oívúw (äh/w), short 21, to accomplish, per form, Arist. Plut. 413; Xen. (Econ. 21, 3; Soph. Antig. 231: fut. ávúoœ (27), Arist. Ran. 649: aor. буйно: (аи), Odys. 4, 357; Pind. Pyth. l2,

20: perf. буйки, Plat. Polit. 7 : perf. pass. 5110 душ, Xen. Cyr. 1, 4, 28: aor. pass. ůvúoůpv,

Hes. Scut. 311 : fut. mid. ¿Valeo/Lat (au) as pas sive, Odys. 16, 373. -Mid. ага/йодом as active,

Pind. Pyth. 2, 90: aor. ńvvo'áyqv, Herod. 1, 91. olvliw, fut. Epic for 012115003, Il. 11, 365. _divi/„aeg imperf.

1 plus Doric, implying ANTMI, Theoc. 7, lll-«büro and ñ'vůro imperf. pass. 3 sing. implying ANTMI, Theoc. 2, 92 ; Odys. 5, 243.

¿lvm (d), the original theme of oli/úw, Arist. Vesp. 369; Plat. Cratyl. 68 (’?); Il. 10, 251: imperf.

ñvov, Odys. 3, 496; Herod. l, 189. àvóyœ, to order, request, ваг/юга, Poetic and Ionic,

Il. 4, 287; Herod. 7, 104: imperf. ijvœyov and ůvóyeov, Il. 9, 578 ; 5, 805 ; 7, 394: fut. olvó§w,

Odys. 16, 404: aor. ijvmëa, Hes. Scut. 479:



2 perf. ävœya as present, Esch. Еиш. 902:

. 2 pluperf. ńvóyew as imperfect, Soph. Col. 1598. ävniypsv, 2 perf. 1 plur. Poetic for diraiynuesv, Hom. Hym. l, 528. -iì'vœ13t, 2 perf'. imperat. 2 sing. 751707137, Il. 10, 67; Eurip. А1с. 1044; 3 sing. 017011307, Il. ll, 189; 2 plur. ävwlâs, Odys. 22, 437; Eurip. Rhes. 987.

dnavçáw (sinó, ATPAJZ ATPQ), to take away, Poetic. imperf. dani/'gauw as aorist, Il. 9, 131 : aor. part. dnoúpas. -­ Mid. aor. dnnugdanv, jEsch. Prom. 28; part. фит/901170709 as passive, being deprived, Hes. Scut. 173. ./Esch. Prom. 28, ůnqúgm is equivalent to ênqúgou from ¿navgluxquan

акафист (АФЛ, АПАФЛ), to deceive, Poetic,

Odys. 11, 217: fut. ánazprjaœ, Anthol. 12, 26: aor. ñrroirpnaa rare, Hom. Hym. 1, 376: 2 aor. ijnarpov, dndzpco, Il. 14, 360; Odys. 23, 79: 2

аог. mid. 0pt. ánatpoíynv as active, Il. 9, 376. dnezxoíZœ, see aixdïm.

oinŕmgav (5275077), they blew of or away, scattered about, a defective aor. 3 plar., Arist. Ach. 869 in Bœotic speech. Hesycllius has ulEctn/reç, Èlůóv'rsç, поел/807109, implyingl

KIKJL (probably the original form of î'xw). This heilig un derstood, dnéxtëuv must proceed from the same root, although it has a causative signification, they made go of or away. Compare радио, 1187700, causative.

отжатым and dnŕzdoyat (sind, £1302); to be hated, Arist. Plut. 910 ; Il. 2l, 83 ; Thuc. l,

136; Theoc. 7, 45: fut. mid. dnezůfíaoyat as passive, Eurip. А1с. 71: perf. oimíyůnpat, Xen. Anab. 7, 6, 35: 2 аог. mid. dnnyi'ìóynv as pas sive, Xen. Anab. 5, 8, 25 ; Arist. Lys. 699. Strictly speaking, dmwâópm is an imperfect with the force 0f the aorist. Il. 3, 454, oimì'zâew is evidently equivalent t0 ¿utoeïrm not t0 финта.

dnoôíöwyc (01776, 711807711), to give back or away, fut.



ánoâoiam, &‚с. as in the simple Mâture-Mid. ánoôíôopai, to sell, dispose of, Xen. Anab. 7, 2,

3: fut. ánoôóaopaz, Arist. Pac. 1259 : 2 aor. áneöópnv, Thuc. 1, 55. -See also палеогена. oinóeoaa, see ëoéœ. oìzzoxgívw (dno', всей/со), to separate, fut. dnoxgwoï,

&с. as in the simple куй/а). — Mid. диета/один, to answer, fut. duoxpwozîpou, Arist. Nub. 1245: perf. oinone'xpipai actively or passively, Xen. Anab. 2, 1, 5; Plat. Theaet. 108.

cino/laila» (oinó, ААT12), to enjoy, imperf. ánélavov, and ámflavov,1soc. 3: fut. dnahaüaouaz, Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 81 ; also ¿ino/laúd@ later: aor. duélau aa, and дядин/бос, Arist. Plut. 236; perf. aiuole' havxa, Xen. Mem. 1, 6, 2.

cino/loyŕouai (ánóloyos), to "make a defence, fut. oinohoyríoopai, Thuc. 5, 21: perf. ánolslóynpai actively or passively, ÍEsclr. 52, З] ; Plat. Rep. 10, 8: aor. áneloynoápnv and dneloyrfůnv, Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 13; Hel. 1, 4, 13. Verbal ¿zzo/10712

rŕos, Plat. Apol. 2. отобедав, oîrzovpdpevos, See фит/роба). аЁложюбсо (dnd, yodo), to be витает, Herod. 5, 31; Athen. 7, 80; inñn. ánolçoîv, Herod. 9, 94: fut.

duolpn'ow, Arist. Plut. 484: ánŕyçnoa, Herod. 7, . 43.-Mid. ànolpdopai, part. duoloaóusvos Ionic, to be contented, satisfied, Herod. 1, 37: imperf.

impersonally dnalpŕsro equivalent to ánf'zga, Herod. 8, 14.

Impersonal ánóyon, it sußices, it is enough; Ionic cino19d', Herod. 9, 79: infin. dnazçqïv Io

nic, Herod. 6, 137: imperf. aînézgn, Ionic dne'zpa, Plat. Phœdr. 136; Herod. 1, 66: fut. «inclini asi, Herod. 8, 130: aor. ездите, Dem. 520.

duw (‘АФЛ)‚ to fasten, to cause to take hold of; also to kindle : fut. dum, Xen. Anab. 1, 5, 16:



аог. бутс, ЕзсЬ. Eum. 307; Pind. Isth. 3, 73: perf. pass. бурая, Odys. 12, 51 : аог. разв. 174231311, Hippocr. de Art. §21 ; Herod. l, 19. -­

Mid. almanac, to take hold of, touch, fut. dlpoyai, Soph. Col. 830: perf. бишь, Soph. Trach. 1009: aor. mid. триад v, Thuc. 2, 48.

Verbal ánzŕos,

as middle (бы? апггадш), Plat. Rep. 2, 16. ёдфэц or ¿dws-,1, was fastened, aor. pass. Epic, Il. 13, 543; 14, 419; in both cases preceded by danig, shield.

áodopat, to pray, fut. doiíooaou Ionic, Odys. 2, 135 ; perf. бедром, ênríoápou, Dem. 275: aor. WW, Soph. Туг. 251. âońpavai, pres. infin. Epic, as if from APHMI, like Knips vou. from Ёщи, Обув. 22, 322.


oioocoíaxœ (APIE), to fit, adapt, join, Epic, Odys. 14, 23: aor. ñooa, Odys. 21, 45: aor. pass. ñoůqv, Il. 16, 211 : 2 perf. äoáoa, as neuter

present, to fit, Aisch. Prom. 60 ; Ionic donoa, Il. 13, 800: 2 pluperf. aory'oew, sometimes 1597; oetv, Il. 3, 338; 12, 56: 2 аог. ñootoov, otooíom, Il. 4, 110; Odys. 5,252.- Mid. perf. otorg'osyou, Apol. 1, 787: aor. part. пройдет/05, Hes. Scut.

320: 2 аог. opt. 3 р1иг. áoaooíaro as passive, Apol. 1, 369. doäou'ta, 2 perf. part. fem. Epic for дедами, Il. 3, 331. For äoäovîav, Hes. Theog. 608, Goettling edits детищу, —ёе1,9ы:, imperf. transitive, from a new present aoqow, Odys. 5, 24S; сотраге oiwívoůev, Öslöts, „фиги ёуёдпиощ rerslilerov, from ANEQIL, Ölœ, MAIZ, дщийодш, 121511». Виц

тапп proposes äoauosv from âoáooœ' a poor emendation. _nooaaoq'osran Subj. mid. Epic, Hes. Ор. 429; imply ing a new present aonom. Compare the preceding form. _ â' o ,u пос, 2 aor. mid. part. used adjectively, fitting, suitable, Il. 18, 600;-Pind. Olym. 8, 96. -Il. 16, 214, and Odys. 4, 777, the 2 aor. ñ'oaoov is used intransitively. The Latin substantive artus is derived from АРЛ.

äoöw, to water, irrigate land, lead cattle to water, Herod. 2, 13: aor. беби, Herod. 2, 14.



ůgŕaxm (АРЕН, АРЛ), to please, fut. ágéow, Plat. Leg. 3, 16: aor. iy'gsaa, Xen. Hel. l, l, 26: aor. pass. 759500737 as active, Soph. Antig.. 500. -Mid. áçŕoxouai, t0 conciliate, adjust, fut. âgé» douai, jEsch. Sup. 665: aor. душами, Hes., Scut. 255. oiçmiévos (a) heavily laden, oppressed, a defective perf. pass. part. Epic, Il. 18, 435. âçwroíw (agitator), to dine, regular. For the syncopated forms дебатами, душат, see Rem.. 5 68. ůgwronoie'oyai (берите, посёш), to dirle, imperf.'. iìçwronoioúyiyv, Xen. Anab. 3, 3, 1: fut. 0191010 nouioouai, Thuc. 7, 49: perf. ńgwronsnoíiyyai,

Xen. Hel. 4, 5, 8: aor. ‚детищами, Xen.. Hel. 6, 5, 20. ágxŕw, to assist, defend, sußìce, ward of, fut. aiguëam, Soph. Antig. 547: aor. бригада, Pind. Olym.­ 9, 4; Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 1. It seems to be connected with âgq'ym, filéEœ. For the commutation of l and 9, see âléäw. For the Latin arceo, usually­ connected with tiene», see ïgyw, to shut out.

«Sipan/os, see âgagíoxco. oigpw'fco 0r oigydnw, t0 fit, adjust, аог. береди, Il. 17, 210: aor. pass. áçuózůnv not Attic, Diogen.. Laert. 8, 85. — Mid. ágyóïopai transitive, to erigage to wife, to be engaged to a Woman, perf. бедности, Herod. 3, 137: aor. iìçuoaoíuiyv, He. к гос1. 5, 47.

дугами, to deny, regular: aor. двигает??? anda ůgviíůvgv, Herod. 3, 1 ; Dem. 850.

ů'gvvpai (aî'gm, АРЛ), to win, earn, acquire, Il. 1„ 159; 6, 446: imperf. драму, Il. 22, 160 : 2 aor. rìgóyiyv, oigo'yiyv, 11. 9, 124; 8, 121.

oigo'œ, to plough, fut. áçóaw, Brunck’s Analect. 2,. 2l (56): aor. брови, Soph. Tyr. 1497: perf.. 9



pass. dçrfçonou, Herod. 4, 97: aor. pass. ůgóůnv, Soph. Tyr. 1485. oigo'ypsvai, pres. infin. Epic, as if from APILMI, Hes. Op. 22. Compare @perou from rial. -doóœauq pres. Epic protracted after the analogy of verbs in 0107, for oigoüaw,

Odys. 9, 108. The original form was perhaps oreal-_i». Latin aro, arvum.

Compare the

áçndt'co (APH/111.12), to seize, carry of violently, snatch, fut. ápnoiaw, dgndaonat, Eurip. Ion, 1303; Xen. Cyr. 7, 2, 5; also ápnoígm not Attic, Il. 22, 310: aor. ů'gnaaa, not Attic iiçnaäa, Xen. Anab. 4, 6, 11; Pind. Nem. 10, 125: perf. душки,

Хеп. АпаЬ. 1, 3, 14: perf. pass. детсадом, later ijgrzaypai, Eurip. Phœn. 1079: aor. pass. 7597101 ai'rnv, Xen. Hel. 6, 5, 12 ; also 1297106131111 not Attic, Herod. 2, 90: 2 aor. ńçndynv later. ůqnápevoç, 2 aor. mid. part. as passive, as if from ‘AP ПЛМ], Anthol. 11,59. It seems t0 be connected with xapnallyœç, noirrrw, 597177,

niqní, Ёпш, págrrrw, ßaáipm, Latin carpo, capio, rapio, гараж, English carp, rap (to seize), rape, Saxon Мерил, repart.

0192507 and oiçúm (й), to draw water, Plat. Phœdr. 73: imperf. ìjçůov, Hes. Scut. 301: aor. iy'çůo'a, Apol. 3, 1015: aor. pass. 759258717 (7) and 75921 079717, Athen. 2, 4; Hippocr. Verbal dpoaréos, Arist. Eq. 921..--Mid. oipúoyac and cipúrouou, transitive, to draw for one’s self, Arist. Nub. 272;

rarely дебитором, Herod. 6, 119: fut. âgúaonac, Anthol. 9, 230: aor. буе/0017177, Eurip. Hip. 210;' Hes. Op. 548. It may possibly be etymologically connected with the Latin haurio.

äpyw, to command, rule, fut. âig§m, Xen. Hel. 1, 4,

2: aor. ñçëa, Thuc. 1, 4: aor. pass. iy'gzůnv, Thuc. 2, 8': fut. midfâ'pëoyai as passive, Herod.



7, 159. Verbal флагов, Soph. Tyr. 628.-Mid. детдомам, to begin, fut. бегами, Xen. Mem. 3, 6, 3: perf. детищ actively or passively, Plat. Hip. Min. 2; Leg. 6, 15: aor. mid. ůçädunv, Thuc. 2, 47.

АРЛ, see aïçm, oigaoíoxœ, oigŕoxm. daáopaz (dan), to be sated, loathe, feel sad, be

grieved, Theoc. 25, 240: aor. жуют, Herod. 3, 4I. viaduct/og (др), part. ./Eolic for Заднего; (doao'psvoç), Alc. 7 (Athen. 10, 35).

¿taper/os, see душит. @com or dem (citada), to rush impetuously, Soph. Aj. 32; Arist. Nub. 996: fut. giga, Eurip. Нес. 1106: аог. ñëa, Soph. Elect. 711. áráouai (dfn), to be injured, aßiicted, Poetic, Soph. Aj. 269 ; part. выдам, Soph. Antig. 17. oirŕm (din), to be thoughtless, foolish, infaluated, desperate, Epic and Ionic, Il. 20, 332; Herod. 7,

223. ' áupdœ (äupos), to dishonor, Poetic, Soph. Aj. 1129: aor. ńrípnaa, Il. 1, 11. oiríw (оЁ-, rim), to disregard, Theogn. 621 ; short i.

oirúíœ (û'zn), to terrify, confound, Poetic, aor. infin. ůrúgai, Theoc. l, 56: aor. pass. part. cin/„Stets as middle, Il. 6, 468.-Mid. oirúïopai, to be

struck with terror, Soph. Elec. 149; Pind. Pyth. I, 25.

поймёт (мод) to dry, fut. сайт/б, Soph. Elec. 819: aor. mini/a, Herod. 4, 173: aor. pass. aridi/017V or aůdvônv,ë§avdv0nv,§7taq1avoív6nv, Herod. 4, 151 ; Arist. Ran. 1089: fut. mid. azioni/06pm,

Soph. Phil. 954.

aůöoíœ (aůůń), t0 speak, fut. aůön'oœ, Soph. Tyr. 846: aor. уйдут, Soph. Trach. 171 : perf. nílönxa, ámyúônxa, Hippocr.: aor. pass. nůäiíûnv,

l 00


Soph. Trach. 1106.­­Mid. aůädoaai as active, Soph. Phil. 852: fut. aůön'aonai, Pind. Olym. 2, 166: aor. qůöa§dp11v not Attic, Herod. 5, 51. ‘гьав verb is etymologically connected with the Latin audio, its correlative. On the other hand, от», although etymologically connected with aio, means to hear. Com pare nivs'opou, vendo, veneo; wat, wi, 1117-, Latin ne, English


ati/gdm: or идёт (АТГЛ), to increase, fut. «дыбы,

Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 9: aor. дёгтю, Xen. Cyr. 8, 5, 23: perf. дёгтем, Plat. Tim. 71: perf. pass. vò'giyyat, Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, 18: aor. pass. 7723515 07321, Dem. 1403: fut. mid. aů§1íoopai, reflexive,

Xen. Cyr. 6, l, l2.


The Latin augen is evidently a prolongation of the origi

nal theme ATFJL.

See also ůéäm.

ATPJÀ, see ànowodw, ënavoíoxopiat.


сайт, to shout, 1l. 11, 461: fut. сайт (o), Eurip.

Ion, 1446: aor. iii/'aa (ü), imperat. â'üo'ov (й), Soph. av Trach. Theoc. 44. The thong is not565; resolved inY 23, the present anddiph im perfect. aiím commonly êvaúœ, to hindle, Odys. 5, 49; Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 12: imperf. ê'vavov, Herod. 7, 331 : aor. mid. infin. êvaúoaaûat, Plat. Axioch. 20. dipole.: and ápoíoaœ (duim), to handle, feel, Il. 6,

322; Herod. 3, 69: fut. dannato, Hippocr.: aor. iítpnoa and iìçoaoa, Schol. ad Soph. Col. 1375; Herod. 3, 69. _Mid. oiçwíonai transitive, Odys. a 8„215: aoqr. iiipnadpinv, Anthol. 5, 222. otgoevw, See гит.

àqaŕcovrou, See oitpt' nt.

oizpiŕm (dirá, léa), t е same as dipínpi, imperf. riepi sov, Thuc. 2, 49.

oìtpíiypi (sind, typt), to let go, dismiss, imperf. 134251111, Xen. Hel. 4, 6, 11 : fut. сайт, аог. áqiijxa only



in the indicative, Dem. 993; Epic álpe'nxa, Il. 12, 221: perf. dipeïxa, Xen. Anab. 2, 3, 13: perf. pass. átpsîpai, Soph. Antìg. 1165 : aor. pass. dipeíůnv and dpéŕìnv, oitpeůcâ, Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 23; Mem. 4, 4, 4; Hom. Batr. 87: fut. pass. ágiediíaouat, Xen. Ven. 7, 11: 2 aor. ázpijv, dtpai, dlpeínv, dipss, dtpeïvou, dtpaís, Thuc. 5, 81.

Verbal dlpsrŕos, Pl. Phœdr. 92. -Mid. dpienai, to let go, fut. dipiíoopaz, Eurip. Aul. 310: 2 aor. árpeíynv, dzpŕaůai, dipf'yevos, Soph. Tyr. 1521 ; Xen. Hier. 7, 11.

‘Г11е singular of the 2 aor. indic. dtpñv is not used. The plural of the 1 aor. дфбиа, except 3 plur. dañuow, is rarely

found. See also Rem. § 72, ‘tripa-rimini', imperf. for ñqaínv, or rather diplom' from dquéœ, Plat. Euthyd. 51. ůqaéw, -e'ygy -éy, 2 aor. subj. Epic for âqm'i, 11. 16, 590.) l «пращи/топ, perf. pass. 3 plut. for oiqieïwou, N. T. Matt. 9, 5.

‚ оЁфйаэ (й), and átpúaom, to pour out as liquids, to draw, accumulate, Odys.

14, 95; 9, 9: fut.

á¢ú§œ, Il. 1, 171: аог. ijtpůaa, Odys. 9, 165; 2, 379.-Mid. aor. riait/adam as active, Odys.

7, 286; 9, 85. АФЛ, see dnazpíaxw.

dxsúmv and álŕmv (АХЛ), part.' being grieved, Epic, Il. 5, 869; 9, 612; 2, 694.-See also aixaxífw.

¿iXi/upm and äxopiai (АХЛ), to grieve one’s self, sorrow, be sad, Il. 6, 524; Odys. 19, 129: im

perf. ázvúpngv, Il. 14„ 38. - See also dvaíZœ. dgûonai, to be indignant, displeased, fut. álûéaopai, Arist. Nub. 865: aor. ůzůŕoůnv, Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 3: fut. pass. dlûeoůiíoopai equivalent to 0210500 pat, Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 10. AXJZ, see dxalíïm, áxe'ow. dm, t0 sate, satiate, satisfy, Epic, fut. dow, Il. 11, 818: аог. диабет, 11. 18, 281; 9, 489; 5, 9



289.-Mid. fut. äaonat, Il. 24, 717; 3 pers.

sing. â'ömu protracted from dra: (donar, asiat), Hes. Scut. 101 : aor. dadanv (00,11. 19, 307. — Сошраге AAEJZ. ­ â'ynm, pres. infin. Epic, as if from gpl, like ïarápevm from temp., as middle, Il. 2l, 70; showing that the root IS


‘The verbal adjective would be шов, sutiable,- with ¿_

privative, á'moç, insatiable, Hes. Theog. 714; contracted aime, 11. 5, 388.


â'œ, to blow, Odys. 5, 478: imperf. äov, Apol. l, 607.- See also dma. The derivatives 0721759, for âńg, and 0711907 breeze, show that

the original form was a Fw.

5103910, See eisigen. B ßdt'a, to speak, utter, Il. 9, 58 :« fut. ‚801507, jEsch.

Again. 498: perf. pass. ßŕßayaat, Odys. 8, 408. ,Gaim (ßoiœ, ßíßnyi) to go, walk, fut. ßiíaonat, Doric ßaaeüaat, Xen. Cyr. 1, 5, 13; Theoc. 2, 8: perf. ßéßnxa, Xen. Anab. 3, 2, 19: 2 aor. ŕ'ßnv, ßai, ßainv, ßñût, ßijvat, ßois, Xen. Суг.

7, l, 3: 2 perf. ßŕßaa, ‚За/303, ßsßainv, ‚За/3017000, ßeßaais, and ßeßois, Rem. 5 68: 2 pluperf. ¿ße ßáew, Rem. ё 68: аог. mid. ëßnadpnv and ¿,317 aópnv as active Epic, Il. 2, 48; Odys. 13,75.

Verbal ßaréos in composition, Xen. Anab. 2, 4,

6; Arist. Lys. 884. -Pass. Видами chiefly in composition, Herod. l, 192; Xen. Eq. 1, 1 :

perf. ßŕßapai and ßŕßaaaaz, Xen. Mag. Eq. l, 4; Dem. 214; Thuc. 8, 98: aor. pass. ëßoíûnv, Xen. Eq. 3, 4; Thuc. 3, 67; 4, 30. Sometimes ßulvm has a causative signification, to cause to go, in which case it has fut. Маш, Eurip. Taur. 743: aor. ïßqua, Herod. l, 46; Pind. Olym. 6, 40.

See also Odys.

15, 475. -­ The usual Attic causative is ‚Магды.



рощу (à'), 2 aor. 3 dual, Epic for ßńmv, Il. l, 327; 3 plur. ßáuav for Штат, Il. l2, 469: subj. Epic ßa'œ and ‚дабы and ßrjm, for ßdí, Herod. 7, 50; Il. 6,113; 9, 501; l plur. Деборы! (Го: ße'mpev, радугу), Il. 10, 97; Dorit! дёрн;

for (Забуду, Theoc. 15, 22: imperat. 2 sing. Да only in com position, as цитата for „магмы, Arist. Ran. 35; 2 plur. ßäre for мы, in an iambic trimeter, fEsch. Sup. 191.

ßńaso, aor. mid. imperat. 2 sing. Epic, Il. 5, 109. See Rem. §54.-ßéouui or регион, 2 aor. mid. subj. as future, Epic, for (Забрал, shall live, Il. I5, 194; 16, 852; 22,

431. Others derive it from an obsolete verb ВЕД or ВЕДЬ fut. (Засадил, by dropping а, ßs'opou and ‚диареи.

Hes. Theog. 750, „мамами is a real future, on which Goettlìng remarks; “Sapienter poëta futuro nunc usus est: quando heee intus itura estl illu prorumpit. Non opus est igitur conjectura Guieti ишадйгтш. De futuro aorist vide Herm. de emend. rat. p. 197.” The same remark applies also to ouaóuevoç, Odys. 1, 24, and Hes. Op.

382 The original theme ‚мы occurs in the part. êxßn'ivruç,

Thuc. 5, 77, in the Doric treaty; nqaßn'îrreç, Bekker’s Anecdot. The theme рвёт is etymologically connected with the Latin vado, English wade.

estrema/112, ВААЛ, ВАНМ1), to throw, cast, hit, fut. рамы, ßala'i, and ,6a/11156:.: in Attic Poetry, Il. 8, 403; Thuc. 2, 99; Arist. Vesp.

222: perf. верти, Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 4: perf. pass. ßéßlnuui, Eurip. Taur. 49: aor. pass. 531.15 01p', Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 28: 3 fut. ßsßhíaopai, Eu rip. Orest. 271 : 2 aor. ŕ'ßalov, Xen. Cyr. 8, 3,

27; also Epic, ê'ßhnv, to meel, encounter, Odys. 2l, 15; Il. 2l, 578. Verbal ßlrlrŕos, Plat. Rep. 3, 2; Phil. 147.-«Mid. ‚Вашими transitively, to put, cast in one’s mind, Il. 9, 435: 2 aor.

êßaldunv, Herod. 1, 84; also Epic гамму as passive, Il. 11, 675 ; but the compound ¿v1/5,3111’

щи is transitive, Il. 14, 39; see also Rem. ъ 72: fut. gvpßhrp'aopai with the meaning of 511753105 upv, Il. 2, 335. ßalla'uv, Üneoßalls'ew, infin. Ionic for диорита”,



Herod. 3, 23. _ßallsóyavogg Evpßallsóyevoç, part. Ionic for защитить Herod. 1, 68. -ßéßlvlub perf.4 pass. 2 sing. Epic for детищ, Il. 5, 284; 3 plur. 13513115 ara: for ßëßlqnai, 11.11, 657. _ßeßlñaůs 0r ßéßlyoůs, ôwßtßlñoâc, perf. pass. optat. 2 plur., Andoc. 88. —‚ва lolnv, Öiaßulolnv, fut. 0pt. Plat. Epit. 7, р. 339($ъер11.).

‚Забиты (ВАФД), to dip, tinge, dye, aor. титра,

Soph. Aj. 95: perf. pass. ßŕßappai, Arist. Pac. 1176: aor. pass. êßdqyůigv rare, Arist. frag. 366: 2 aor. pass. êßdipnv, Plat. Rep. 4, 7. _ Mid. Воб monat, fut. ,Bott/ionen, Arist. Lys. 51 : aor. 5,60: ipoinnv, Anthol. 9, 326. BAPEJZ, the same as Васей/со, fut. ßaorg'oœ later, perf. pass. part. ßeßaonyévos, Theoc. 17, 61: 2 perf. part. ßaßaonós Epic, equivalent to ,Be ßaonya'vos, Odys. 3, 139. ,Bator/’00 (й), to feel heavy, oppressed, Il. 16, 519. ßaoi/’vw (ßaoús), to load, render heavy, distress,

Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 25: aor. pass. êßaoúvůvgv, JEsch. Agam. 1463._Mid. диетами, to feel heavy, oppressed, Arist. Ach. 220. рогат (ßdco), equivalent to Всей/ш, Il. 2, 8: imperf. ê'ßaaxov, Il. 11, 104. _Il. 2, 234, ênißaaxŕ psv, infin. Epic, causative in sense.

ßaoroíïw, to carry, support, fut. ßaardaw, JEsch. Prom. 1019: aor. ëßdoraoa, later êßoíaraga, Arist. Thesm. 439; Brunck’s Analect. 3, 182

(162): аог. pass. ëßaardlůqv later. Богат, see ßaívoa.

ßöéw, to emit a naaseous smell, Arist. Plut. 693: аог. ê'ßösoa, Anthol. l, 242.

ßsßoóůw, see ßtßoóaxw. ‚Зёодш, ßeíoyou, see ‚Зайца.

рюши (ßía), to force, press, compel, little used in the active, Odys. l2, 297: perf. pass. ßsßíaayat, Xen. Hel. 5, 2, 23: aor. pass. ëßtdoůnv always passively, Xen. Mem. 1, 2, 10. _Pass ßidïoyat,



Xen. Conv. 2, 26: imperf. ëßtaïónnv Il. 15, 727. Verbal ßiaozs'os, Eurip. Rhes. 584. _Mid ,Gid Zopai transitive, t0 force, press, compel, Вдобав— nal,'ßaßíaapiai, ëßiaooípnv, Arist. Plut. 1092; Dem. 405 ; Thuc. 1, 75.

BIAJZ, another form of Ниша, Epic and Ionic, perf. Вещица, Il. 10, 145. — Pass. ßtdonou,

Herod. 1, 19: aor. pass. êßiiídnv, 7, 83.-Mid. ßioíonai, Herod. 3, 80: fut. ßaiíaonai, Odys. 21,

348: perf. ßeßínuaL,Apol. 3, 1249: aor. 53111006 Wav, Il. 11, 558.

трогает, part. Epic for ßißdaxœv, used in the formula pompei ßtßafaůow, Il. 13, 809.

ßißdaxœ (Войти), equivalent to (Забавно, Hom. Hym. ßißoíœ (‚С-10602), equivalent to ‚Зоей/т, Epic, Hom. Hym. 2, 225; part. ßißa'iv, Pind. Olym. 14, 24. ВЕД-32211: (3160603), equivalent to ,Bair/co, only in the part. [3L/3ds, Il. 7, 217.

The 2 aor. 5,6m/ regu

larly proceeds from this form, like ê'aznv from i'o'r L. (BOI-’12, ' БРОД), to eat, rare in the ßißgódlxœ present: fut. ßgcâaopai later: aor. part. nara ßgógaaai, Apol. 2, 271: perf. [Эй/Земное, Xen. Hier. 1, 24: perf. pass. ßs'ßgwpai, fEsch. Agam. 1097: aor. pass. ëßçóůnv, Herod. 3, 16: 3 fut. ßaßpcâoopai, Odys. 2, 203: 2 perf. part. [За/39615, 45105, Poetic, Soph. Antig. 1022: 2 aor. ê'ßpcw Epic, Hom. Hym. 1, 127. перейти, devour, Il. 4, 35, implies a new present ßeßgcoůw.


The Latin voro, voraz, devora, English de-vour, are con nected with the theme вошь.

sdm, n ave, Еигйр. АгсЬП. frag. _10; fut. ¿new rare, commonly ßzóaopai, Xen. Mem. 1, 7, 2:

аог. êßícaaa rare, Xen. (Econ. 4, 18: perf. ße \




ßíœxa, Xen. Mem. 4, 8, 6: perf. pass. 3 sing.

ßsßícoraz, life has been spent, Xen. Apol. 5: 2 aor. Èßíwv, 3175, 3703777, 310707, 370137077, ,Brou/s Only in

the nom. masc. sing. Thuc. 5, 26. Verbal 3007 rŕos, Plat. Gorg. 104.-Mid. ßióoyai, to support one’s self, get one’s living, Herod. 2, 177. ‚301007000, fut. for ßmíaouai, Apol. 1, 685. -­ Hom. Hym. 1, 528, ßtópsaâa, 1 plur. implying ßlopat. Wolf writes ßeánaoůa from ße'opm, which see. Etymologically connected with the Latin vivo, vita.

ßióaxopai (37607), ávaßióaxopai, transitive, to re store to life, animate, vivify, Plat. Crito, 9: aor. êßuao'oipnv, dvsßtcaooiptnv, Odys. 8, 468; Plat. Phaedo, 87. It is used also intransitively, to revive, be brought to li e again, Plat. Phœdo, 46; in which acceptation it has 2 aor. dvrßiwv, Plat. Rep. 10, 12.

310177707 (BAABJZ), to hurt, injure, fut. ßloiipa, Thuc. 2, 4l: aor. ê'ßlaipa, Eurip. Med. 294:

perf. ßŕßlafpa, Dem. 398: perf. pass. ße'ß/lapnai, Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 30: aor. pass. ëßldrpůnv, Thuc. 4, 73: 3 fut. ßeßldtpopai, Hippocr.: 2 aor. pass. êßláßnv, Xen. Hel. 6, 5, 48: fut. mid. 31011770 pai passive, Thuc.directly 1, 81. formed from the themel Theasform ßtáßapai BAABJZ is found, Il. 19, 82.

310070170: (BAAETQ), rarely ßlaaréœ, Bion, 6,

17; Soph. frag. 239: fut. ßlaoníoœ, Herod. 3, 62: аог.ё31010771001 not Attic, Apol. 3, 920; 1,

1131: perf. 35310107777001 and êßldornxa, Thuc. 3, 36; Eurip. Aul. 595: 2 aor. ê'ßlaarov, Arist.

Av. 696; Pind. Nem. 8, 12. BAAJZ, see 3011107. 31731010300, to bleat, Arist. Plut. 293; Theoc. 16,

92: aor. 5317317100177717, Anthol. 7, 657. 3117707, to take the honey from the combs, Arist. Eq. 794: aor. ëßlwa, Arist. Av. 498.



This verb may be derived from „т, honey, after the

analogy of шабаш from моля, and ‚еще from „Мамбе.

ßlút'm, later Epic ßlvŕw, to bubble up, Il. 9, 492;

Apol. 3, 223; 4, 1238.


(побит (M0/112), to go, come, Odys. 16, 466: fut. мембран, Soph. Col. 1742: perf. „бурлит, Eurip. Rhes. 629: 2 aor. Еда/107, Soph. Elect. 506. The perfect „фрица is formed by metathesis and epenthe Sis from МОАл ' thus МОАЛ, psych-xu, ‚наяд-шиш, pr'ußlœxa

after the analogy of verbs in _601.

For the insertion of ß,

compare ‚щадить, ur'pßlsaâs, pënßlsro, from pélœ ‘ also Шёпот, (31015, from Méli, А140210016; The present ‚табака; was

probably suggested by the perfect.

Байт (B012), to call aloud, fut. ßoríaw Doric Вооб ' am, jEsch. Pers. 637; commonly ßoríaopai, Thuc.

7, 48 : aor. ëßónca, Xen. Cyr. 7, 1, 48 : perf. pass. ßsßónuai, Plat. Epist. 2, 312, 9. The Epic and Ionic writers have fut. ßaíuopui, Odys. l, 378 :/a0r. авто“, Il. 12, 337 : perf'. pass. ßéßwpai, Herod. 3, 39: aor. pass. êßw'uoqv, Herod. 6, 131: formed by con traction. It is an onomatopy, connected, or rather the same, with the Latin boo.

ßólsaůs, see Воздадим. ВОАЕл (рог/хм, ßólos), equivalent to ‚Забит,

perf. pass. ßsßólnpai, 'p1uperf. pass. êßeßolrípnv, Il. 9, 9. 3. BOPJZ, _See ßißa'idxœ.

‚Вбит (B012), to feed, pasture, fut. 'ßoaxn'aon Arist. Eccl. 599.-Mid. ßóoxopai, to feed one’s self, eat, graze, Herod. 9, 93: fut. ßoomy'aouou, Theoc. 5, 103. Verbal ßoaxnrs'os, Arist. Av. 1359. It seems to be connected with ПАЛ, to feed, whence nare'opai, náaaaâou’ also with the Latin paseo, pabulum, ve§cor. From ВОЛ. comes the adjective ßmóç, ßoro'v.

рой/хода; (BO/112), to will, wish, 2 sing. always



ßoúlsi, imperf. ëßoulo'ynv and ’ßovlo'pniq Xen. Cyr. 6, 1, 5: Hel. l, 1,- 29:

ut. ßoulrjaopai,

Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 25: perf. ßsßoúlnuai, Dem.’226:

aor. pass. êßovlrídnv and дров/115197111, Thuc. 1, 34; Xen. Hel. 4, 4, 8: 2 perf. „дорезали as present, Epic, to prefer, Il. 1, 113. 136180198, pres. 2 plur. for ßoiilsaäa, Odys. 16, 387. gonnected with the Latin volo, English will, German 100 еп.

ВОЛ, see Байт. BPAXJZ, to resound, ring, 2 aor. ŕ'ßçaxe, Il. 4, 420; 12, 396.


095,10, to roar, Il. 4, 425: imperf. ê'ßgepov. -Mid. Веймаром as active, Il. 2, 210; Esch. Sup. 350; Pind. Nem. 11, 7.

ßpsvůúoual. (й), t0 walk cOnSequentially, Arist. Nub. 362. ведут, to wet, aor. Звезда, Xen. Anab. 4, 3, 12: perf. pass. ßéßgayuar, Pind. Olym. 6, 92: aor.

pass. ëßgŕxůnv, Xen. Anab. 1, 4, 17 : 2 aor. pass. ŕßgáynv rare, Anacr. 3, 26: fut. mid. ßpégouai, xaraßgs'gouai, as passive, Hippocr. ßpídw (i), to be heavy, fut. Врёт, Hom. Hym. 5, 456: aor. ê'ßgioa, Il. 12, 346: 2 perf. ße'ßgiůa

as present, Eurip. Elec. 505. Sometimes it is transitive, to weigh down, Pind. Nem. 8,

3l ; lEsch. Pers. 346: Pass. ßqlůopai, Il. 8, 307.

BPOXJZ, to swallow up, gulp, aor. ê'ßçoga, oir/é ßgo§a, xarŕßçoëa, Anthol. 9, 1; Odys. 4, 222;

12, 240: 2 aor. pass. part. dvaßpoye'v, Odys. 11, 586. The noun ßgógâoc, вила, swallow, seems to be connected with this theme : also ßgágog, noose, slip-knot, that is, for the neck.

БРОД, see шведам. ßgvoiïw, to teem, eœult, revel, shout, Athen. 11, 13;



jEsch. Sup. 878: fut. ßpudo'ouui, in Hesychius: aor. гребцы, Arist. Eq. 602. ßgúxw and дебит, to gnash the teeth, bite, devour, Arist. Av. 26 ; Soph. Phil. 745: aor. туга, Brunck’s Analect. 1, 245 : аог. pass. ßgvxûsís (fl),

Anthol. 9, 267. For ê'ßoväa, Brunck’s Analect. l, 245, the Anthologia has i'ßpmëa from ßißgaiaxœ, 7, 506.

ßgûzdopai (BPTX12), to roar, perf. верти as present, Soph. Trach. 1072: aor. êßgvgnodunv, Plat. Phaedo, 154: 2 aor. pass. веря/шт, Soph.. Tyr. 1265. It is an onomatapy, connected with the Latin rugio.

ßçúzœ, to gnash the teeth, see дебит. ßgúœ (o), to shoot or sprout up, teem, abound in, Il.. 17, 56 ; Soph. Col. 16.

ßvvŕm and ,Güŕœ (B T12), to stop up, fill, caulk, Arist. Pac. 645 ;y Herod. 4, 71 : fut. Вбит (o), Arist..

Vesp. 250: aor. ŕ'ßüaa, Arist. Vesp. 128: perf. pass. ßŕßvapai, Arist. Ach. 463. -Pass. also ,Bilt/ouai, Herod. 2, 96. ßœůe'o'a contracted from ßonůéœ, Ionic, regular.

Г. yaíow, rejoicing, Epic, Il. l, 405. умрёт (11.411112), to marry, said of the man, fut.`

(умрёт), yauŕw, yapcâ, Il. 9, 388 ; Soph. Antig. 750; later yapńdœ,Anthol. 11, 306: aor. ê'ynua, later тащат, Хеп. Cyr. 5, 2, 8; Anthol. 11,

79: perf. жигулям, Хеп. Cyr. 1, 2, 4: perf.­ pass. ysyáurguai, Xen. Anab. 4, 5, 24: aor. pass. _ êyauiíůnv later, Athen. 13, 37; part. fem. 7ans ůeîoa, Theoc. 8, 91. — Mid. yapŕouar, t0 marry, Latin nubo, said of the woman, fut. „пройдем,

Arist. Thesm. 900: aor. душам”, Odys. 2, 128 ;', 10



Herod. 4, 117. But fut. 7aus'o'aouai Epic, to pro vide a wife for, Il. 9, 394. yon/dw (уайт, yatvos), to be bright, Epic, part. уайт/тау, yavóœoat, protracted from yar/ânes,

уасщбо'ш, Il. 13, 265; 19, 359. PAATOJZ. (yaimv, yávos), t0 delight, perf. mid.

yeyoivœuai, Plat. Rep. 3, 18: аог. pass. 57m/ó ůnv as middle, Arist. Ach. 7.

yeti/upon (уайт, ydvos), t0 rejoice, be delighted, Il. 13, 493: fut. yavúaouai (do), Il. 14, 504: perf.

yeyoivüuat, Anacr. 8, 3. FAQ, see 7i7vouat. FÃOTIIEQ, See dowrŕco.

yeyoixew, See )ffy/voyou.

yeyoiouac, see yíyvopat. ysywvioxw and 76;/muero and угутут (PJZNQ), t0 shout aloud, call, proclaim, Thuc. 7, 76; jEsch. Prom. 627; Pind. Pyth. 9, 3; Il. 12, 337; Xen.

Ven. 6, 24: imperf. êysyáwsov and êye'yœvov as aorist, Odys. 17, 161 ; 11. 23, 425 ; 14, 469: fut.

yeywviiaw, Eurip. Ion, 696: aor. этажа, Esch. Prom. 990: 2 perf. ye'yawa as present, yep/rhum, уёутиг, угутгёщи, угутт/тв, Soph. Col. 213; JEsch. Prom. 193; Il. 8, 223. 227. Verbal

yeywvnrŕos, Pind. Olym. 9, 10. It is clear that )rayon/touw, угушгёш, and угуаЬ/ш, аге new presents formed from the 2 perf'. уёуших from the theme гл

zwi. yeti/opac (ГЕНЫ), to be born, 11. 23, 79: imperf. ёжит/6111311, Il. 22, 477: аог. ëyewoiunv transitive, to beget, give birth to, Soph. Elec. 261; Xen. Mem. l, 4, 7. ' The present and imperfect are used by the Epic Poets only-Odys. 20, 202, the pres. 2 sing. yslusai is transitive, to beget.

prelato, to laugh, fut. шлагбаум (d), later yeláaw,



Arist. Pac. 600; Anthol. 5, 179 : aor. êyŕläaa (do), Doric êyéìaëa, Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 6; Il. 15, 101 ; Theoc. 20, l : aor. pass. дуг/106631711, Xen. Mem. 3, 7, 7. 721602, Epic protracted from yeln'i, Odys. 2l, 105; part. yelówvreg and yelaiovrsg, Odys. 18, 40, 111. -—- yeloiœv,

imperf. 3 plur. Epic protracted from êyélwv, Odys. 20, 347; written also таят from yrloidw. It seems to be connected with the English glee, glad, laugh. For the omission of a palatal (u, y, z, h) before l, compare ниш, lean; llaïvu, Latin lœna; )fl/¿royan to like (l) ; ßle'nw (Romaìc унию), look

ysloidw, another form of жжёт, Epic, part. 7.52.05 ewes (for the regular жидами), Odys. 20,

390 : imperf. yeloíwv, Odys. 20, 347: aor. part. yeloiríaaaa, Hom. Hym. 3, 49.

yŕuw, to be full, imperf. ê'yepor ° the rest is Want lng.

75'1/10, see aipe'w, and )ffy/voyou. ГЕНЫ, see ysívopar, )ffy/voyou. ysúw, to cause to taste, Plat. Leg. l, 7 : fut. yeúaœ, Athen. 9, 68: aor. ê'yevaa, Herod. 7, 46. Ver

bal ysvare'os, Plat. Rep. 7, 16. _ Mid. yellopai, to taste, ysúdouai, ys'ysvuai, êyevadpnv, Plat. Rep. 9, 13; Eurip. Hip. 663; Xen. Anab. 3, 1, 3; Il. 2l, 61. yeúpsůa, pres. (perf. ‘!) 1 plur. for ‚дубрава, Theoc. 14, 51 Etymologically connected with the Latin gusto.

ynůŕm (FH012), to rejoice, Il. 14, 140: fut. yn ůiícœ, Il. 8, 378: aor. êyríůnoa, Il. 4, 255: 2 perf. yáyntta, Doric yŕyál'ta, as present, Soph. Phil. 1021 ; Pind. Nem. 3, 56. It connected with 14412 (the theme of âvöoivm), you'mv,

yañgog, Latin gaudeo, gaudiurn, English gay.

See Rem.

@ 1.

modena and moet», to grow old, Xen. (Econ. l,



22; Theoc. 23, 29: fut. 713906002 (0), Plat. Rep. 3, 6 ; also ynodoopai, Arist. Eq. 1308: aor. ¿yrf oáaa, Xen. Mem. 3, 12, 8: perf. yeyríoáxa, Soph. Со]. 727: 2 аог. êyríoo'w, propoli/at, ynods, Il. 17,

197; see also Rem. ё 72._Mid. ynodoxswt as active, Hes. frag. 106. JEsch. Sup. 894, êyq'oaaav seems to be causative, main tained even to old age.

yagoda (й), to speak out, Poetic, Pind. Olym. 1, 5; later )fnov'w (ü), Anthol. 7, 201: aor. êyríoí/aa, Arist. Pac. 805: aor. pass. ëynoúůiyv (ü) as ac tive, jEsch. Sup. 460. _ Mid. yyoi/’opat as ac tive, jEsch. Prom. 78: fut. yooúaoyai, Eurip. Hip. 214: aor. êynoüodnnv, Eurip. Elec. 1327. Hes. Op. 258, and Hom. Hym. 2, 426, ynoúopat has short v.

yíyvoyai (FENJl, FAQ), also yívonat (i), t0 be produced, be born, to be, to become, fut. 78111500 you, JEsch. Prom. 1003: aor. pass. êyewíůnv not Attic, Anthol. Epigr. 247: perf. жуёт/тещ, Xen. Hel. 2, 3, 28; Pind. Olym. 6, 98: 2 aor. 578116

argv, Xen. Anab. 4, 1, 1 : 2 perf. yŕyova, Poetic also ye'yaa, Arist. Plut. 346-See also Rem.

5 68. ys'vro or è'yevro, 2 aor. mid. syncopated for думы, Pind. Pyth. 3, 154; Hes. Theog. 199; not to be confounded with

ys'vro from aîoa'w- _ysyáuew (д), infin. equivalent to 7.970 тёти, from anew present yay/anw, Doric, Pind. Olym. 6, 83. _ysyoiaaâß pres. mid. protracted from yeyo'iaůe (yay/oi eoäe), implying a new present from ya'yaa, Hom. Epigr. 16,

3; written also ysyáau (à'ä); 3 plur. ysyáovmt as future, Horn. Hym. 3, 198. Observe that in Latin both the voices of this verb are in use, gigno, gignor.

7L7vo'naxw and ywa'wxco (FNOQ),t0 know, fut. 71:03 conoci, Thuc. 1, 77: perf. ê'yvmxa, Xen. Cyr. 8,

8, 26: perf. pass. ê'vadpai,»Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, 3:


1 13

аог. pass. думают, Хеп. Не1. 4, 4, 3: 2 aor. ê'yvow, yvai, 7701717, yvo'iůi, )wail/ac, yvou's, Thuc. 8, 1 : 2 aor. mid. opt. 3 sing. yvoîro, avyyvoi'ro,

as active, JEsch. Sup. 216, the only instance. Verbal yveoorŕos, Plat. Rep. 3, 8. The compound nimyiyvoiunw, to persuade, induce, has also aor. отрыва, Herod. 1, 68. ê'yvaw, 2 aor. 3 plur. Epic for гущи, ïyrwoow, Pind. Pyth. 9, 137: subj. Epic protracted yvaíw, yveíouev, va'mot, for the common ym?, yvoipev, улёт, Theoc. 25, 177 ; Odys.

16, 304; Il. 1, 302: opt. “от”, yroîev, syncopated for уретры, yvolnoav, Soph. Antig. 926; Il. 18, 125.—1)ет. 303, гитары is equivalent to the perf. act. гущи“. The theme тол is etymologically connected with the Latin cagnosco, nosca, English know, ken, German kennen. See also Rem. § 5. 2.

ylixopai, to desire, used in the present and imper fect only. лиры, to grave, aor. ê'ylvwa, Herod. 2, 4: perf. pass. yŕylvpuat and ду’а/Миш, Herod. 2, 106; Plat. Conv. 40 : 2 aor. pass. тащу, Anthol. Epigr. 66 : аог. mid. тщету as active, Theoc. Epigr. 7, 4. Etymologically connected with ‚шт, Latin sculpo, scalpo, English scalp.

It may possibly be connected with xólnog,

попов, English gulf, hollow; also with scoop ('l), the l being omitted.

FN012, see увидит. . yoda (ГОЛ), to bewail, mourn, Il. 24, 665: imperf. if'yoov, Il. 6, 500: fut. утащил, 11. 21, 124.— Mid. табором as active, Eurip. Troad. 289: im perf. ëyoaópnv, Soph. Tyr. 1249.­­The Attic writers do not use the active. yonnerai, inf. Epic, as if from I'OHMI, Il. I4, 502. — yoáaousv and убавим, imperf. iterative, Ер1с, Odys. 8, 92; Нот. Hym. 3, 217.

ygúïo (7925), to grunt, mutter, Arist. Ran. 913: fut. 10*

1 14


yoii§to and 7ov'§o,uat, Athen. 9, 54: аог. ё'уриёи, Arist. Plut. 598.

FJZNQ, See yeyœviaxco. А. Jaffa, to rend, Il. 7, 247: fut. öa隆, JEsch. Agam.

207 : aor. êödïëa, Il. 21, 147: perf. pass. 3e 8067001, Il. 17, 535; also öŕůatynat trisyllabic, Pind. Pyth. 8, 125: aor. pass. ëöai'zânv, Pind. Pyth. 6, 33. öaívúyt or 3am/úw (ДАЛИ), to entertain, treat, feast, Il. 23, 29 ; Call. Cer. 84: fut. öaíoœ, jEsch.

Eum. 305 : aor. ŕ'âatoa, Herod. 1, 162: aor. pass. ëöaíoůnv, Eurip. Heracl. 914. _Mid. ärztin/vaat and дан/110000, to feast (intransitive), eat, fut. ôaíoonou, Odys. 18, 48: aor. êöawdynv, Soph. Elec. 543; Il. 23, 207. ôai'vû, imperat. 2 sing. for öatvvůt, Il. 9, 70. _6a 1111710

or ôat'vüro, pres. opt. mid. 3 sing., Il. 24, 665; 3plur.

öaivúaio (ü), Ionic as to form, for дашйутододуз. 18, 248; compare nn'yvůro from míyvvnt.

The analogica] form would

Ье öawv-îro 0r ¿cttw-tro, like fora-iro Or driver-tro' but the

characteristic i is never found in the optative of verbs in _opi or ­iyl..

See drin/w, qniw, qndlœ, and 11h».

öaíonat (ДАЛ), to divide, allot, Pind. Pyth. 3, 146; Odys. 15, 140 z fut. ôdoopat (à), Il. 22, 354 :

perf. öŕâaayou and ôaíöainat passively, Il. 1, 125; Odys. l, 23: aor. êöoiooíynv (00), Pind. Pyth. 4, - 263; Olym. 7, 138; Xen. (Econ. 7, 24. ôauáausro, aor. initerative, datoys'row is passive Sense.

Il. 9, 333.-Odys. 9, 551, i

ôaíow, another form of ôéoco, Arist. Nub. 442. ДАН}, to entertain, see «tati/ont.

80601 (4.42), to burn, Il. 9, 211 : perf. pass. 888010 aan, Call. Epigr. 52; Simonid. 135: 2 perf. öéôna as present intransitive, to burn, blaze, Latin ar


1 15

deo, Il. 13, 736. ­- Mid. ôaíopar, to burn, be on yïre, intransitively, Il. 8, 75: 2 aor. (ëöaópnv),

subj. дегтем, Il. 20, 316. Il. 4, 5. 7, дате is transitive and agrees with Иэйт' сотраге Il. 18, 206. 227, ¿n ö’ mimi dais quldyu napalm/o' woau ‘ ‘zb (So. 71179) dè dais 19.501 ушибла; ’Aůn'n/n. We may suppose that the original theme was ¿1,4 Fn,

hence öe'öavpai, дамбе, and the adjective 6u Fing (Priscian.

р. 546).

л ~

достаешь (âdxrœ), to be distressed, Poetic, ./Esch.

Pers. 571. dotati/m (ЛАКИ, A41511112), to bite, fut. ôrjgouai,

Eurip. Bac. 351 : perf. pass. âe'önyuai, Arist. Ach. 1 : aor. pass. ëôríxůnv, Arist. Ach. 18: 2 aor. ê'daxov, Esch. Prom. 1009. ôs'ôaxe, 2 aor. with the Epic reduplication, Anthol. 12, 15.

The Verse si Fpaquuof/ nuyiyv oar/lg dédain’ ¿al [Защиту iS

as its corrupt author left it ; the verse, as such, does not seem to be corrupt. The reader would do well to remember that Straton was not Simonidcs.

замша; (Задаёт), to subdue, tame, Pind. Pyth. 5, 162.

baud@ (ААМЛ, JMAQ), Poetic for the regular

Задаёт, to subdue, tame, Il. l, 61 : fut. (Задаёт, öauzâ) protracted öapda, dupo'wai, Il. 6, 368;

22, 271: perf. pass. öŕöunpai, Il. 5, 878: aor. pass. ëâuríůnv, Il. 4, 79: 3 fut. pass. deduríaouai, Hom. Hym. 1, 543: 2 aor. pass. Зайти, Soph. Elec. 844. введи, 2 aor. pass. 3 plur. Epic for êôdpqaav, Il. 8, 344 ­. subj. бадей», барабан, Odys. 18, 54; Il. 7, 72: 3 sing.

дамбу, for öapj, Il. 22, 246: infln. ôaprjusvai, Il. 10, 403. The theme ¿IAMJL is evidently connected with the Latin verb domo, English tame.

duur/dw, for Задаёт, Odys. 11, 221: imperf. ЁМ uvam', Il. 5, 391. — Mid. duur/dopen transitive,

Il. 14, 199.



догмат, imperf. iterative, Hom. Hym. 3, 252.

It may

be referred also to ödp/Wi.

бегут/цуг, from dapvoíœ, Il. 5, 893. -Mid. âáuvauat transitive, Odys. 14, 488.

dapůo'ww (AAPQB), usually „штифта, to sleep, Plat. Phaedo, 43: perf. вещами, Plat. Conv. 42: 2 aor. ê'öaçůov, Epic ê'ôgadov, Odys. 20, 143; 8, 296; Xen. Hel. 7, 2, 23: 2 aor.

pass. êöágftnv and ŕöpdůnv as active, Apol. 2, 1231; Odys. 5, 471. öarŕopal. (Забодал, danig), to divide, Herod. 1,

216; Pind. Olym. 7, 102: aor. infin. ôarŕaoůai, ­Hes. Op. 765. ДАН, to divide, see Забодал. AAJZ, to burn, see daim. AAQ, to teach, cause to learn, Epic, 2 aor. ê'öaov, öŕöaov, Theoc. 24, 127; Odys. 6, 233: perf. Задатки as middle, to have learned, know, Odys. 2, 61 ; Herod. 2, 165: 2 perf. öéöaa, to

have taught; also as middle, to have learned, Hom. Hym. 2, 510; Odys. 17, 519: 2 aor.

ŕâdnv as middle, to learn, Esch. Ag. 123 ; Pind. Olym. 7, 166.-Mid. AAUMAI, to teach one’s

self, simply to learn, fut. öarjaouou, Odys. 3, 187 : perf. ôeâdnpai, Theoc. 8, 4. - See also 858060 мои. öaalw, 2 аог. pass. subj. Epic for дшБ (даёт), Il. 10, 425: inf. бабуси“, Il. 6,150.

öŕaro or öóaro (AEAJZ, AOAJZ), he appeared, a

defective imperf. mid. (like i'oraro from i'arapai), Epic, Odys. 6, 242: aor. öodooaro, Il. 13, 458; Subj. dodoasrai, 11. 23, 339. “ Whenever Homer describes any one as having been in doubt, and after consideration making up his mind what course to pursue, he uses this verse, ¿da de' oi aportan»

öodoaaro négöior slaat.”




daâdopai (ДАЛ, 8180101), to learn, find out, infin. öeůoiaoûai protracted from ôeôoiaôai (âeůdaaûai),

Odys. 16, 316.

âeôio'xouai (810), to frighten, Arist. Lys. 564. Beöfaxouac (datati/vut), to welcome, greet, Odys. 15, 150.

dadirmyac (8102), 10 frighten, Plat. Phaedr. 50. ôeöoíxœ, see ôsíâw.

öeâoxnus'vos (deiner/vut, or öŕzopai), on the look out, watching, a defective perf. mid. part. Epic, Il. 15, 730.

ôeï, it is necessary, see día, to want.

öeiöíoxoyai (daim/vut), another form of âsöíaxopai, t0 welcome, greet, Odys. 3, 4l. Apol. 1, 558, östöl'onopai is equivalent to ôeixavoim.

âriôíeoopai (810), to frighten, Epic, 11.4, 184: fut. östöígopai, Il. 20, 201 : aor. êdsiöiâoípnv, Il. 18, 164. Il. 2, 190, дыматэщ is intransitive, to fear.

âeíöœ (ДЕНЬ ДЕД), to fear, Epic in the present and future, Il. 11, 470: fut. ôsíoouai, Il. 15, 299: aor. ê'öciaa, Epic ё’88гша, Хеп. Суг. 1, 4, 22;

Il. 1, 33: perf. öéôoixa, Epic äeíâoixa, as pres ent, Soph. Aj. 278; Il. 1, 555; 12, 244. -See also 8107. ­ nsgtôôuau, aor. Epic for nepie'öewa, Il. ll, 508: part. 'fmodösioaç for imoöeloaç, Il. 18, 199.—-дедо1пш, а new

present from öéöoma, Theoc. 15, 58. ­­- ôs'öoiyprv, perf. l plur. for дебошир”, Etymol. Magn. The form ¿E12 gives öéog, after the analogy of шил

(Elm), tno;- MEIPfi (MEPJZ), „1909. The original theme was FAEIJZ or FAEJZ.

We may

therefore suppose that nsqlddswa, fmoddeloaç, ůeovörjç, were Originally negri-_551001, ůno Fösioaç, 350 Fönç.

Загибаем (851111, 8515105), 10 take an afternoon’8

luncheon, found only in the aor. part. östelinaas,

Odys. 17, 599.

1 18


ösixavotw (vicini/vut), to stretch out the hand, hold out something in the hand, show, Theoc. 24, 56.

_Mid. 65mm/donau, to welcome, greet, imperf.

3 plur. 3etxavóœvzo, protracted from днищ/03710 (demon/dovro), Il. 15, 86.

daim/Uyl and demi/úw (ДЕТКИ), t0 show, point out, Hes. Op. 449: fut. даёт, Хеп. Cyr. 3, 3,

53: aor. ê'öeiga, Thuc. l, 74: perf. ôs'âsila, Athen. 2, 55: perf. pass. ôs'öetynat, Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 9: aor. pass. 888010117, Eurip. Sup. 1209. Verbal âsmra'os, Xen. Mem. 3, 5, 8. _The Io

nians say 3é§oi, ê'ösga, âéöeyuat, 580118110, Herod. 3,122; 5, 22; 9, 27; 6,104. The mid. «Selm/unal, in the Epic language, means also to welcome, greet, drink to, Il. 9, 196; Hom. Hym. l, 11. See also ösmavoiopat

delöeypai, perf. mid. Epic for ös'detyimi’ 3 plur. dattie' 1amt, Odys. 7, 72. _ бешено, pluperf. 3 sing. as aorist, Il. 9, 224; 3 plur. öetôe'yaro as imperfect, Il. 4, 4: all in the sense to welcome, greet, or drink to. They are often referred to the kindred ôéloyat.

ôsmvêœ, to sup, regular. _ For the syncopated perfect Masini/ausw, ôeôemvávat, see Rem.

8 68. 850901, Ionic for ôŕom, Herod. 2, 39 ; 4, 64. ДЕЛИ, see âsíöw.

dénoncez, Ionic for 851050000, Herod. 7, 177. öŕyœ (АМЕЛ), to build, Hom. Hym. 2, 87; Odys. 23, 192: aor. ê'âetya, Herod. 1, 179; Il. 7, 337:

perf. pass. ôs'ônnyou, Herod. 7, 200: aor. mid. ëâeinánnv, to build for one’s self, Herod. 4, 78. âéoxonoa, to look sharply, see, catch a view of, aor. ëdŕolůnv, JEsch. Prom. 53: 2 нет. ŕ'öoäxov, Eu

rip. Orest. 1456 ; later ëôoaxa, Orph. Argon. 133: 2 aor. pass. ëöooíxnv, Pind. Pyth. 2, 38: 2 perf. ôe'öoona as present, Soph. Aj. 1. Pind. Olym. 1, 152; Nem. 3, 148; 9, 98, ôéöooxa is in transitive, to be conspicuous, shine.



déçoi, to jlay; scourge, fut. depui, Arist. Eq. 370: aor. Едим, Il. 1, 459; Herod. 4, 60; Arist. Lys. 740. 953.

дебоши, Epic for ôe'ouou, to need, Il. 5, 202 ; 1, 468:

fut. öeviíoopai, Il. 13, 786: aor. êöeúnea, Odys.

9, 483. öŕlv'uuai, later for öŕzoaou, Anthol. 9, 553. ös'louai, to receive, accept, fut. ôŕgonai, Soph. Col.

4 : perf. Зёдгурщ, Thuc. l, 9: aor. pass. 585101111 actively or passively, Eurip. Heracl. 757; Dem. 1012: aor. mid. ëöe§dpnv, Eurip. Alc. 683: 3 fut. ôsâêgouai actively, Il. 5, 238. Verbal де xre'os, Xen. (Econ. 7, 35. ôe'garai, pres. 3 plur. Epic for Jégou/zat, Il. 12, 147: pres. part. öe'ypsvog for бабули, waiting for, Il. 2, 137; or for deEoipsvoç, Pind. Pyth. 4, 226. _ ëöéyfujy, imperi', for 56,510'. ‚щу, was expecting, Odys. 9, 513. ­- öéuro or ё’деито, 2 aor.

mid. 3 sing. Epic, Odys. 9, 353; Il. 15, 88: imperat. 2 sing. ös'So (degno), Il. 19, 10: 2 plur. 645185, Apol. 4, 554: infin. öélůai, Il. 1, 23; Eurip. Rhes. 525.-11. 10, 62, ôeôeyps'voç is equivalent to щади“, waiting; Il. 4, 107, it is equivalent to öeöoxnpe'voç, оп the look out, watching.

öŕw, to bind, fut. Мат, Хеп. АпаЬ. 5, 8, 23: aor.

Едим, Soph. Antig. 1112 : perf. öéösxa, Dem. 764: perf. pass. айда/‚ш, Xen. Anab. 3, 4, 35 ; also öŕöeauai, Hippocr.: aor. pass. ëöe'ůnv, Xen. Hel. l, 7, 39 : 3 fut. pass. äsörjaouui equivalent to âsůn'o'opai, Xen. Cyr. 4, 3, 18. Verbal ös réos, Arist. Eccl. 785. — Mid. äéopai transitive,

imperf. êöeópnv, Il. 18, 553 : aor. ëôno'oípnv, Il. 2. 44. In this verb so, ew, :ov are contracted contrary to the analogy of dissyllabic verbs in s'm ‘ ôoiiv, Plat. Cratyl. 76; draöuîv, Arist. Plut. 589; nare'dovv, Thuc.`7, 53; dsa ôoůuai, Xen. Hel. 5, 1, 21 : evidently in order to make ‘a

distinction between this and the following. — öncoíausro, aor. mid. iterative, Il. 24, 15. It may possibly be etymologically connected with the English tie, tight.



öŕœ, to want, be wanting, lack, fail, jEsch. Prom. 1006: fut. öeńaœ, Plat. Rep. 3, 8: aor. ëöéno'a,

Dem. 678; Epic ê'önoa, Il. 18, 100: perf. ös

öérgxa, Plat. Polit. 19: aor. pass. êösiíôvgv as middle, Thuc. l, 27. _Mid. öéoptoa, to need, beg, fut. öeiíaoyou, Xen. Anab. 5, 4, 9: perf. 888,61?

yat, Dem. 415. Impersonal 8st', it is necessary, there is need,

öŕy, 3éot, ösïv, öŕov, fut. ösiy'aet, Xen. Cyr. 6, 1, 17: aor. ŕöŕnos, Arist. Vesp. 612. ÁHKQ, see daim/oa. öiíloyai, to wish, Doric, equivalent to délai, 301510

yat, Theoc. 5, 27. öiím (JÁQ), I shall jind, Epic, Il. 9, 418. 685; Odys. 4, 544. We may assume а future двигаю from Алл, hence баш,

and, by contracting the first two syllables (as), Мы.


pare ue'œ 0r изба) ' also aideîo from aide'oyat.

«hander (Matra), to decide, arbitrate, fut. ölaing'o'm, Dem. 861 : aor. ëâip'rnaa, Dem. 542; Doric

öiaíroìoa, Pind. Pyth. 9, 121: perf. öeâtńrnxa, Dem. 902: perf. pass. ösöińznyoa, Dem. 542.— Mid. 6iourdoyou, to pass life, live, dwell, Hippocr. de Aer. §44: imperf. ärggraóynv, Lysias, 13: fut. ötatrriaoyai, Plat. Rep. 2, 12: perf. defining nai, Thuc. 7, 77: aor. pass. ôiyziíůnv, Ionic Защитит! as middle, Thuc. 7, 87; Herod. 2,


Verbal дщьттёое as middle (ôaï 8шп02

06010), Hippocr.

такт/501 (матов), to minister, wait upon, imperi'. ötnxóvovv, Eurip. Cycl. 406: fut. дышат/15001, Plat. Gorg. 61 : perf. öffîtnxówyxa, Athen. 7, 42:

. perf. pass. âsöinxóvrgnai., Dem. 1230: aor. pass. атеист/158117, Dem. 1206. ôtaléym (81d, Mya), to separate, select. _Mid. âialéyopiai, to discuss, converse with, fut. 800115



geput, Dem. 140: perf. öieíleyuai, Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 29: aor. pass. 810151000 аз middle, Xen.

Mem. 1, 6,1: aor. mid. 3isls§dnnv Epic only, Il. 11, 407: fut. pass. ôialszůríoonai as middle, Isoc. 195.

Verbal ötalsxre'os, Isoc. 101.

äiůa'oxœ (4.452, JIJ/1X2), to teach, fut. 8180650), Arist. Plut. 582: aor. ëâíöaëa, Thuc. 2, 60; also

êöiôdoxnaa Epic, Hes. Op. 64: perf. 858080100, Хеп. Cyr. l, 3, 18: perf. pass. öeöíöaypai, Xen. Conv. 9, 6: aor. pass. 584801000, Esch. Prom. 10.` Verbal âiöaxrŕos, Xen. Hel. 6, 3, 7.

Mid. ößdaxonai, to cause to be taught, give an education; also to learn, that is, to teach one’s

self: fut. âiâa'gopat, Xen. Mem. 1, 2, 20: aor. êäiôagdpnv, Arist. Nub. 1338; Soph. Antig. 356.. The derived tenses show that the last consonant of the root is a palatal; the noun öiönpí presupposes a theme in _zw ­ therefore òiöáqum is formed by inserting а before l, and changing the latter into its corresponding smooth palatal. Compare êtauw, láoxm, ptoyw. — ЛГААХЛ`Ш111ЮШЁ the redu plication may be compared with the Latin doceo, disco.

ůíönpu (día), t0 bind, imperf. 5808011, Il. 11, 105.

82860: (40.12), to give, 2 sing. öiöoïç, öiôoïcůa, Il. 9, 164; 19, 270; 3 sing. 3:30?, Herod. 1, 107;

imperat. âíôov (öíôoe), Eurip. Med. 617 : imperf. ëôíôovv (ëôíôoov), Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 17; Hes. Op.

138: fut. didaíaœ Epic, Odys. 13, 358; 24, 314.. ötöoi, imperat. 2 sing. for ötôov (ötòos), Pind. Olym. 1, 136 It is the same as the Latin do; the derivative dos of­ course is the same as öaíç.

ötôpdoxm (AFAQ), only in composition 000808906 om, ôiaâtôgoícxw, ênöiöçdoxw, to run away; shut/c,

fut. öçoicopai (0), Dem. 130: aor. ê'ôpaoa, Xen. Cyr. 1, 4, 13: perf. ôŕöçáxa, Xen. Anab. 1, 4, 8: 2 aor. ê'öpo'w Ionic ê'ôpnv, 8903, 8000721, 8001100,

89029, Eurip. Heracl. 14; Rem. б 72. 11




öiôorfoxco, öoiíoonou, SLC., Ionic for ötâooíoxm. дёготь (дьдбсо, 4052), to give, fut. Забот, Хеп.

АпаЬ. 7, 3, 10: aor. ê'âœxa, only in the indica tive, Xen. Mem. l, l, 9: perf. öŕâwxa, Thuc. 5, ll : perf. pass. öŕöoyat, Xen. Hel. 7, 1, 5: aor. pass. 536197111, Xen. Hel. 3, 1, 6: 2 aor. ê'öwv, 6:5, даёт, ôós, боба/ш, ôoús, Thuc. 2, 27. Verbal

Boréoç, Xen. Eq. 10, l2._Mid. ôíöouai, see ánoôíöwui. _ See also âtâów. The fut. mid. ¿nöaioopun of ênötöwpi, is passive in signifi

cation, Hippocr. The Singular È'ônmu, È'Ömxaç, È'ömxs, and the 3 plut'. È'ömuuv,

with good writers are much more common than the remain ing forms of the aorist ŕ'öwxa. On the other hand, the singular ofthe 2 aor. ì'öœv is not used in the indicative. ötöw .91, pres. imperat. 2 sing. for (этом, Odys. 3, 38: infin. öiôoi'wat, Epic for ördo'vou, Il. 24,425._dóauov,

2 aor. iterative, Il. 18, 546; Odys. 19, 76. _ дабы, ôcágç, doin, бабами. 2 аог. Subj. Epic for dei, dqiç, doi, duidt, Il. 6,

527; 1, 137; also öm'yot for 511i”, Il. l, 324.

Also 3 sing.

öqioi for дф, Ill l, 129; 1 plur. önionsv for öffipsv, Il. 7, 299: infin. (‚бусин and öóysv, for dativai, Il. 1, 116; 479._dqinv, doing, doin, 2 аог. 0pt. for даёт, doing, doin,

Xen. Cyr. 3, l, 35; Herod. 9, 111. Many critics suppose that these forms belong to the later Greek ; compare alain., from villanopiai.-dedoav191,

anoöröoavůi, 2 perf. 3

plur. Bœotic, in an ancient inscription, Rose’s I_nscript. Grate. tab. 39,1. 35. Compare 1.4111131, for ê'mm (dat), in the same inscription. . t

дёгтем, to seek, Epic and Ionic, öítnoôat, Ватин/ос, retaining n in the infiexion, Odys. 11, 100; Il. 4, 88; Herod. 1, 94: imperf. гамму, Herod. 1, 214: fut. ötëijoonai, Odys. 16, 239: aor. ¿BL

Znodnnv, Plutarch. p. 1118, quoted. БЕДЫ, to consider, «poor/rifa, doubt, Herod. l, 65 : im

perf. ê'ötïov, Il. 16, 713. Compare Xen. Apol. 15. _Mid. öítonou equivalent to öíïnnai, Theoc. 25, 37; Hes. Op. 601 : imperf. ëâitóynv, Mosch. P

2, 28.



âtnxovŕœ, Ionic for ötaxove'œ, Herod. 4, 154. Шиш (did, Ёрш), to moisten, sprinkle, part. довёз, Athen. 7, 4l._ Mid. Маши as active, Arist. Plut. 720.

Миш (Маг); to chase away, imperf. 3 plur. ëôísaav, Il. 18, 584. _Mid. Марш, t0 speed, Il. 23, 475; l2, 304.

AIKQ, to jling, Poetic, 2 aor. ê'ôixov, Миг, ötxnív,

Pind. Olym. 10, 86; Eurip. Bac. 599; ÍEsch. Choëph. 99. ânpdw (a), to thirst, be thirsty, Odys. 11, 583: fut. Myrica, Xen. Mem. 2, 1, 17: aor. êôíipnoa, Xen.

Cyr. 7, 5, 81 : perf. деда/щит, Hippocr. âupéco, another form of дирйт, Athen. 10, 43.

6ta, to fear, Epic in the present and imperfect, Il. 9, 433: 2 perf. ôéâia, Epic ôsiöia, as present, dsöíœ, decitsinv, öéötûi, öeöiŕvai, âsâm's, Il. 10, 93; Hes. Scut. 248; Arist. Eq. 224; Isaeus, 101 :

2 pluperf. ëöeöísw, Dem. 915. _Mid. Марш, to cause to fear, simply to frighten, scare, ÍESch. Eum. 357; Il. 5, 763.- See also deiöw. äetôia, imperf. 3 sing. from a new present AEIJIJZ, Il. 18, 34. Compare депеш from âpaplaxœ. _ For the synco pated forms of the second perfect and pluperfect, ôéötpev 0r :Saldi/isi', dédne, dediei'nv, ös'ötůi ог бебддди, Jetdi

те, deiölasv, datövîa, êdsldtpev, idéöioar 0r 5551561— our, see Rem. ё 68.

öícoxm (ЛАНКА 0.12), to pursue, fut. dingen, Siniga дон, Arist. Thesm. 1224; Thuc. 7, 85: aor. ëôíwga, Xen. Hel. 2, 4, 13: aor. pass. êôiailůnv, Thuc. 3, 4: 2 аог. Ёдтбиадощ dtmxoiůw, ашхаб

Haw, Arist. Vesp. 1203 ; Nub. 1482; Plat. Gorg. 85; Euthph. 20. Verbal ömxrŕos, Xen. Anab. З, 3, 8. _ Mid. dióxoyai transitive, Il. 21, 602. diaiuerov, imperf. 3 dual for ôiœus'rnv, Il. 10, 364; like lawůaaszov for Eladvaoa'rfqv, from Ampliado», Il. 18, 583.



JMA-Q, зее 805110110).

JMEQ, see ôénœ. öoáaaaro, see öe'aro. Маис, зее öéaro. öoxéœ (ДОКИ), to seem, think, fut. ödgw, Xen.

Anab. 1, 4, 15; aor. 580501, Хеп. Cyr. 6, 3, 5:

perf. pass. 8ё80удш, Arist. Eccl. 759: aor. pass. part. âolûsís, Antiph. 630. -The regular forms Boxiídœ, êöóxnoa, öeöo'mgpiat, doxnůëís are Poetic; JEsch. Prom. 386; Pind. Olym. 13, 79; Eurip.

Med. 763; А1с. 1161. Impersonal дот, it seems, appears, ôógai, ïâo§e, öŕöoxtai.-Also öomíaet, ёдбэщаг, 8286 эщиг, 8г8бицшс, Eurip. Heracl. 261 ; Sup. 129; jEsch. Eum. 309; Herod. 7, 16.

öowrs'm (АОТПЛ), to sound heavily, as in falling, Poetic, imperf. êôoúvreo-v, Apol. 2, 1057: aor. 53m/’711160: and êyöoúnnda, Il. 4, 505; 11, 45: 2 аог. 58m/mw later, Brunck’s Analect. 2, 33

(96): 2 perf. ôŕôowza, öeôovnœ's, fallen, dead, Il. 23, 679. The aor. Еудойпцаа presupposes FAOTIIEJZ (ГАОТПЛ),

probably the original theme.

Compare num'œ, zúmw,

Trim. ДОЛ, зее 8180100 8905002 (âpáœ), to do, plan, project, Il. 10, 96. ДРАМЫ, зее трёут. ůpaaxát'w, for âtůçáaxco, Lys. 359. АРАЛ, зее âiâpoíoxw.

öyoiw, to do, fut. дробит (á), Soph. Col. 822: aor. ê'ôgáaa, Thuc. 8, 40: perf. âe'ôçdxa, Soph. Antig. 442: perf. pass. öŕöpánai and öŕöpaayai, Eurip. Orest. 1318; Thuc. 3, 54: аог. разз. 589060197”, Thuc. 3, 38. Sometimes 5905 has the force of the future, Arist. Plut. 59. -ögw'won pres. 3 plur. protracted from ôgoîai, Epic,



Odys. 15, 324: optat. беби/и, for dqq'ipi (дебоше), Odys. 15, 316; compare тазом from брат.

4PEM12, see tpe'xw. дрёма, sometimes дрёмы, to pluck, enjoy, Mosch. 2, 69: aor. ê'ögelpa, Herod. 2, 92: 2 aor. ê'öga nov, dgumáv, Pind. Pyth. 4, 231. _ Mid. дебло par, to pluck for one’s self, enjoy, Pind. Nem. 2, 13: fut. ôpéipepai, Doric фазу/едут, Theoc. 18,

40: aor. вещами, jEsch. Sept. 718. дебит, for ôpdw, to do, Apol. 3, 274. dgnerev'œ, for âiöpdezue, Herod. 4, 79.

âçepdce or ögmpeim (4PEM12), te run, 3 sing. dgape'i, in Hesychius : imperf. iterative девушкам, Hes. frag. 156. дуйте: and ôpúqim, to tear the flesh, Eurip. Elec. 150; Il. 24, 21: aor. ¿391/ipa, Il. 16, 324: aor.

pass. êdpv'lpůnv, Il. 23, 395. _Mid. дебитором, te tear one’s ewnjlesh, Xen. Cyr. 3, 1, 13: aor.

ëdpvipeipnv, Odys. 2, 153. öpwpáce, See dgopeire. öúvapai, to be able, can, like ferapai in the present and imperfect: imperf. êôvveipnv and бдит/обут, Хеп. АпаЬ. 7, 2, 33; Herod. 1, 10: fut. 8111111’

` eopai, Soph. Antig. 90: perf. ösâúwjpai, Dem. 48: aOr. êduvrídnv and ndvvn'ünv, also ¿duvel

идти, Soph. Aj. 1067; Esch. Prom. 206; Xen. Hel. 7, 3, 3: aor. mid. защищу Epic, Il. 14, 33.

Verbal âvvarós, possible, able.

ôúvp, pres. 2 sing. for дйишщ, Eurip. Нес. 253: subj. 2 sing. öúrnui Epic for дйуу, Il. 6, 229; 1 plur. ôvveœ'ps 19u, 3 plllr. duve'wvrat, Ionio for duraipeůa, dúvwv'rui, Не

rod. 4, 97; 7, 163. The accent ofthe present subjunctive and optative is thrown as far back as possible; ôúvaai, öúvqwi, öúvneâe, du'vmrrui ‘ ddvalo, difronte, dllreuoâs, dllvawre.

дйт (81763), to enter, put on one’s self, go down, set, sink, Herod. 7, 218; Il. 5, 845; equivalent to 11*



öúopai from 81502 ' perf. ôŕâúxa, Arist. Vesp. 140: 2 аог. 58177, 82510 (if), öv'igv (13), 6170i, öůvai, öús, Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 1. — Mid. ôúvopai as active, Call. Epigr. 19, 6; 21, 2. duvs'ouur, ргез. 3 plur. for ölivovui, Herod. 3, 98.— öúonev, 2 aor. iterative, ll. 8, 271 : 3 plur. ê'öïív for ê'ôñ ouv, 1l. 4, 222.-dünn», 2 aor. opt. l plur. for ôúqysv, like бойни, ůsïyev, fOr дойти, запри, 11. 16, 99.- According

to Buttmann, the subjunctive öúp, Odys. 9, 377; 18, 348; 20, 286, ought to be written 81517, optative, because it de pends on a historical tense.

Миш, for öúva: or öúw, Apol. 1, 1008: аог. ê'ôvipa, Apol. l, 1326. It seems to be etymologically connected with the Saxon dyfan, English dip, dive.

öúw, lo cause to enter, to put on another, envelope, immerse, sink, Arist. Av. 712; Odys. 5, 272: fut. 825002 (17), Arist. Eccl. 668: aor. ê'öüaa, Il.

18, 83: perf. öéöüxa, Xen. Anab. 5, 8, 23: perf. pass. ös'öílyai, Dem. 1268: аог. pass. 58:50:71: (23), Arist. Ran. 715: 2 aor. pass. êâúvv, 8шс80 'iii/ai, Hippocr. Verbal 3vrŕos, Plat. Rep. 5, 6. __Mid. Мощи, to enter, put on one’s self, go down, set, sink, Il. 5, 140: fut. öv'ooyai, Xen.

Anab. 3, 5, ll: aor. êôvooíyqv, Odys. 5, 352;

also ëâvoópiyv Epic, Il. 7, 465. -The equivalent 315m, ê'öüv are more common than öúopai, 580

0061111». Sometimes the present 615m is intransitive, equivalent to Ми», as Odys. 5, 272.

öúoso, ног. mid. imperat. from êövaópnv, Il. 16, 129. —

Odys. l, 24, and Hes. Op. 382, öuaópevoç is a real future middle; See naraßn'as'mi under ради».

8095000: (805900), to present, give, fut. медведем, once ôwgńaaa, Eurip. Troad. 382; Hom. frag. 8:

perf. ôsöóçvyai, Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 8: аог. pass. ëôwgńûvv always passively, Soph. Aj. 1029: aor.



дающему, гаге and Poetic ëôœ'pno'a, Xen. Anab. 7, 3, 27; Pind. Olym. 6, 131; Hes. Op. 82. E.

êoizpůn or ëdfpůn, See duw. êoíœ, to permit, let, let alone ; Epic sido, Il. 4, 55; 2, 113: fut. ¿dow (á), Thuc. 1, 144: aor. этапа,

Xen. Anab. l, 9, 18: perf. sïáxa, Dem. 99: aor.

pass. eìáůnv (d), Isoc. 60: fut. mid. ¿daonai as passive, Eurip. Aul. 331. Verbal s’arŕos,I Herod. 8, 108. îíaonsv, imperf. iterative, Il. ll, 330.

The original form was агат (perhaps F's Fam), hence the imperative ê'ßaoor for î'auov, in Hesychius.

êyyvoím (577251?) ,to betrolh, proffer, imperf. iiyyúaov and ëveyúaov, Dem. 890; Isœus, 59: aor. 757715

noa and êvsyv'noa, also êvsyyúnoa, Eurip. Aul. 703; Isaeus, 39;'Dem. 1366: perf. (бур/трос), pluperf. ńyyvn'xsw, Isœus, 51; also êyysyvnxa,

Dem. 1363: perf. pass. ńyyúnnai and 577571717 uaì, Dem. 394. 900: pluperf. pass. êyysyvn'pnv and душит/бдят, Isaeus, 49; Dem. 901: aor. pass. ñyyvn'ůnv, Dem. 1361. _ Mid. êyyvdoptat, to accept a prefer, bind one’s self, engage, im perf. nyyvadpnv and êvsyyuaóunv, Xen. Anab. 7, 4, 13; Isaeus, 60: fut. Èyywíoopcat, Dem.

715: aor. iiyyvnodnnv and êveyyvnadnnv, also êyyvnoánnv, Andoc. 22 ; Isaeus, 49. 88. The forms êveyylinoa, êvsyysyun'ynv, êvsyyuadpnv,

and êveyyvqaápm are anomalous, inasmuch as they repeat the preposition tu. -syyvdaoâan pres. mid. infin. pro tracted from iyyudoůai (s'yyuoieaâou), Odys. 8, 351.

êyeípm (EFEPJZ, EFPJZ), to rouse, waken, raise,

fut. êyspaî, Xen. Hel. 6, 4, 36: aor. будет, Il. l

5, 208: aor. pass. iig/¿931111 as middle, Xen. Cyr.



8, 7, 2: 2 perf. êyçríyopa as neuter present, to be awake, Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 7.-Mid. êyeígouai, to raise one’s self, simply to rise, wake, perf.

êyiíyaçuai, Thuc. 7, 51 : aor. ñysigápnv rare, Hippocr.: 2 aor. ůypóunv, ëyçwnai, êygoípnyv, ŕ'ypso Epic, Éyçêaůou, êygóuevos, Arist. Ran. 51 ; Vesp. 774; Odys. 6, 113; Eurip. Rhes. 531; Thuc. 18, 55; Plat. Lys. 3. Буден, pluperf. mid. 3 sing. without the Attic redupli cation, Hippocr. -ëygńyogâs, 2 perf. imperat. 2 plur. Epic for ¿7917769515 Il. 7, 371: infin. èypriyogůal. 0r ¿791] ydgůai,11. 10. 67.—ёуецубедйаа, 2 perf. 3 plur. Epic fOr ‚дует/(191101, 11. 10, 419; аз if from EFEPOJL.

ёуитшабёт (Ёужб/‚аюи, êv, заброс), to praise, laud,

fut. ёуктщабат and êyxœyiácopai, Plat. Gorg. 156; Conv. 24: aor. êvexmyíaca, Plat. Lach.

18: perf. êyxsmpíaxa, Plat. Leg. 1, 5: perf. pass. êyxexmylaayat, Plat.`Charm. 12.

ëypnyopoim (êyçn'yopa, 5785901), part. protracted ¿ygnyoçóœv (думает, poteau), ivaking, Odys. , . êygrfoaw (ëyprfyogoi, Èyaípw), t0 be awake, Odys. 20, 33; Il. 17, 660.

‘ЕАЛ, to seat, see ê'Coyai. ê'öco, see ëcůíw, to eat.

êsíöoptai, See si'öopiai. ëŕlöopai, see È'Ãöopiai. ês'lnopwu, зее Нит.

Èe'pyvvv, See фут/щи. 559702 (EEPFÄQQ), Epic and Ionic for Ёрут, aïgym, to shut out, keep of, debar, prevent, sepa rate, Il. 4, 131; 13, 525; Herod. 8, 98: 2 aor.

êŕgyaůov, Il. 5. 147.-AlSO for Í'pyw, eî'gyvvyi, to shut in, confine, include, Il. 2, 617: perf. pass. part. êspyuévos, closely compacted, Il. 5, 89. êteyuro, pluperf. pass. З plur. Epic for êegyye'voi dauw, were shut up, Odys. 10, 241.



ê't'epai (Ед/Н), to seat one’s self; simply to sit, Poetic, Soph. Tyr. 32: imperf. £50'an as aorist, Il. 1, 48; JEsch. Eum. 3._For ëôeůpai, ¿ände pai, ë'eůnv, êeûńeepai, see the compound падё Zepat. This verb is connected with сайт, eslpu, mpélaç, ‘E12 (to place), also with the Latin sedee, sedo, sido (iger), sedes, sedile, sella, selum (l) ; English seat, sit, set, sell, sill, saddle, settle, soil ; German Schwelle.

ëdŕlœ, to will, wish, fut. ëdslríeœ, Xen. Anab. 5, 7,

30: aor. nds/inea, Xen. Cyr. 5, 1, 19: perf. дадите, Хеп. Cyr. 5, 2, 9. _ See also дым. êtìíl'w (être), ê'ů'es), to acèustem, fut. idiom, Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 53: aor. атм, Dem. 477: perf. sí’

Эта, Plat. Men. 1 : perf. pass. гашиш, Eurip. Med. 122: aor. pass. sídíeůnv, Plat. Leg. 3, 3. Verbal êthere'os, Xen. Mem. 2, 1, 28.

Ética, to be accustomed, wont, only part. ê'ůew, wont, Epic, Il. 9, 540: 2 perf. ei'wůa, Ionic Задов, as

present, Thuc. 1, 140; Herod. 2, 68: 2 pluperf. stóůsw, Ionic газам, as imperfect, Xen. Anab. 7, 8, 4; Herod. 4, 127. The original form was From, hence дыбу, упада, in He


Compare Latin suesco and utor

sida, see Édu.

ëì'ßœ, Poetic for heißer, Il. 11, 16: imperf. едва”, Odys. 4, 153. EI412 ([412), to see, 2 aor. ciber, Epic 23011, i'âee, î'detpi, i’ò`e and ide', íôeïv, iôa'w, Xen. Mem. 1, 1, 11; Il. 1, 262; later sida, Orph. Argon. 119:

fut. iânecâ Doric, Theoc. 3, 37. _Mid. aïâopai and ësíâopai, to seem, to appear, resemble, gen erally Poetic, Il. l, 228; JESch. Choëph. 178;

Herod. 6, 69; Pind. 10, 28; Theoc. 25, 58:

aor. eieeipnv and гипофизу, aiedpeves and ¿stoei peves, Il. 2, 791. 22; 9, 645; Odys. 2, 320:



2 aor. eìôópnv, Hes. frag. 108, 5; Theoc. 13, 60. _ But eíöo'nnv or ìöópnv generally means to See, and has í'öwnai, ìâoípnv, 28017, Ё8ёадш, 286

ysvos rarely eiâónavos, Soph. Elec. 892; Il. 10, 27; Eurip. Hec. 808; Thuc. 4, 64.

The 2 perf. oïâa has the force of the present, lo know, Latin novi, and has aidé, eìôeínv, года,

eîöévai, eìöós ­ 2 pluperf. ijösw as imperfect, I knew, Latin noveram or поют, Хеп. Cyr. 8, l,

10: fut. eïoopai the usual Attic future, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 14; rarely гидам, Il. 1, 546; Herod. 7, 234;

Isocr. 5, l l : aor. ei'önqa rare, Hippocr. ; Theophr. Char. Praef.

Verbal íoréos, Plat. Theœt. 141.

The perfect and aorist of oiöa may be borrowed from ушибами ‘ perf. ê'vaxa, to have known, 2 aor. гущу, I knew. Its original form was FEIAJL or F'IAJZ, hence усищи,

ушоёдпш. wisdom.

Compare Latin video, English wit, wat, wise,

eíxoíïw (si'xm), to assimilate, compare, conjecture, imperf. aïxafov and джигит, Thuc. 2, 54; 6, 92: fut. aixoíaw, Esch. Eum. 49: aor. ei'xaoa. and

ёжит, Xen. Apol. 15; Soph. Elect. 662: perf. pass. ai'xaayal. and ñxaapiai, Dem. 1408; AriSt. Av. 807: аог. pass. síxáoůnv, Xen. Hel. 7, 5, 22. The compounds ¿vrsmúäem to compare, and алыми, to

take a likeness, have fut. ¿vmxáoopan ânemáaopai, Plat. Meno, 13; Xen. Mem. 3, 11, 1.

eî'xœ, to appear, to be like, to seem, resemble, imperf. einov as aorist, Il. 18, 520: fut. еще), Arist. Nub. 1001: 2 perf. ŕ'oma as present, доят, êoíxoipi, êoixévai sometimes eixŕvai, êomós sometimes eíxós, Soph. Antig. 1280; Xen. Conv. 6, 9; Plat. Phaedr. 123; Arist. Av. 1298; Nub. 186;

Esch. Choëph. 560; Ionic oïxa, olmo, oìxcâs, without the syllabic augment, Herod. 5, 20; 4,



180; 3, 61 : 2 pluperf. êqiuew as imperfect, Xen. Hel. 7, 5, 22. Impersonal ê'oixs, Ionic oîxs, it appears, seems,

is likely, fitting, Soph. Antig. 576; Herod. 5,97: part. neut. eixós, jitting, proper, natural, reasona

ble .° 2 pluperf. êaixsi, Odys. 24, 272. sì'näoi, 2 perf. 3 plur. in Hesychius, under di'ôpvzov xaxóv.

— вузам, 2 perf. 3 plur. for the regular sham, common éol ашш, Arist. Nub. 341.-:îoixw'ç, 2 perf. part. Epic for ¿oi udç,11. 18, 417: 2 pluperf. 3 plur. êotnwav, for the usual

êqiueoav, Il. 13, 102.-ŕ’oi psv, 2 perf. 1 plur. Poetic for saludan, Eurip. Cycl. 99: ¿dual Питы Epic, for êotuafov, Odys. 4, 27. _2 pluperf. 3 dual ¿i'xrnv Epic, for ¿pushing Il. l, 104.-­F0r iiiëat, Едите 0r È'ïxro, See ¿ionen

einem (Elli/469.2), to yield, submit, give way, fut. siga), Thuc. 1, 141 : aor. siga, Eurip. Hel. 80: 2 aor. si'xaůov, eixdůw, sindůoqu., sixoidew, sind

ůcw, Soph. Tyr. 651. 1167; Elec. 361 ; Col. 1178. _ The compound :insinua has fut. :insign and únsigopal, Il. 1, 294: aor. mid. ûnsigdnnv, Apol. 4, 408. sì'äaous, aor. iterative, Odys. 5, 332.

Its original form was Faim», hence ритм, ytEai. Com pare English weak, German schwach, weich. See also allya».

.si/lám (alla), to roll, Il. 2, 294: imperi'. ei'lsov and ëeíleov, Odys. 22, 460 ; Il. 8, 215; 18, 447 : fut. выбит, Anthol. 12, 208. ëálnrm, perf. pass. 3sing. for eìlqrai, in Hesychius; plu perf. pass. 3 sing. êólnro, was pressed down, oppressed, was in agony, Apol. 3, 471. Formed after the analogy of papá gnmi, pspógmro, from MEIPJZ ' that is, they presuppose OÁEJZ.

silicon: and silicona, for êlioo'ao, ¿Esch Prom. 1085; Herod. 2, 38: fut. silígw, Eurip. Orest. 171 : aor. sî'liga, siligon, silígas, Eurip. Troad. 116; Phœn. 1178 : aor. pass. silixůnv, вшивая, Аро1. 3, 655. As to мим, sittypigv, they may be referred to êltouœ.



гё’ит, for 227.01, Arist. Nub. 761 ; Thuc. 2, 76.

¿iM/«potten and eìlüipdw (et/1w), to roll up, whirl up, Epic, Il. 20, 492; 11, 156; Hes. Theog. 692:

imperf. мафию intransitive, Hes. Scut. 275. sìlúœ (527.01), long v, to wrap up, envelope, cover

over, to roll round, gather up, Soph. Phil. 291: fut.

забот, Il. 21, 319 : aor. .ei/luca rough

breathing, Apol. 3, 206 : perf. pass. sîküuau usually as middle, Il. 5, 186; Herod. 2, 8: aor.

pass. part. silvaůeís rough breathing, drawing himself up, Crouching, to spring on his opponent, equivalent to ¿lvaůeís from EATQ, Theoc. 25, 246; 24, 17.-Mid. eìlv'opwu, еда/бдит, to crawl, drag one’s self along, Soph. Phil. 702:

imperf. дамам», Soph. Phil. 291. Apol. 3, 281, eïlvpe'voç in the sense of ëlvcůetg from EJITJZ. On the other hand, еда/0.955; is equivalent to туфту, 3, 1313. -eihlia'rou (17), реп-Е pass. 3 plur. Epic for silt/nou, Il. 12, 286. `

гЕ’Ат (E/IJZ), roll up, coop щ), press together, silo дан, Epic, Il. 5, 230 : aor. ê'laa, ê'ÀcaL and êe'Àaai,

sms, Il. 11, 413; 1, 409; 21, 295; Pind. Olym. 10, 51: perf. pass. ë'eluai, 551115709, Il. 24, 662; 12, 38: 2 aor. pass. ¿061.1711 (d) and 60.1211, oilñvou, eikels, Il. 13, 408; 22, 12 ; 5, 823;

16, 403. — See also гйёт, sí'lllm, EATQ. Its original theme was РЕАЛ, etymologically connected with гидам, 57.15, ЕАТЛ, Latin volvo, volumen, English wal

low, welter, wheel ('l), German walzen.

ei'yagyat, See MEIPÍZ. sini (БЕЛ, ЕЛ), to be, exist, ¿5, eine, 2001, ‚Ей/ш,

¿iv' imperf. ñv and ñ, and huur rare, Xen. Cyr. 6, l, 9: fut. ê'o'ouai (00), 500201311, 506019011, ¿aó yevos.

Verbal êotŕov, avvecre'ou, Plat. Protag.

1 1. Etymologically connected with the Latin sum (es, esse), the root of which is es-.



alpi (I12, EIQ, IHMI), to go, commonly as future, shall go, ¿'01, ïoipi and ìeínv, ¿'61, îévut, ie'w ' im

perf. баш and ña, Plat. Apol. 6, 26: fut. si'eo pai Epic, 11. 14, 8: aor. siedprp/ and гешефт, êncsieeípnv, Epic, Il. 4, 138; 15, 415; 22, 424. Verbal írŕer, irnre'ev, Xen. Mem. 3, ll, l; 1, l, 14. It has already been connected with ì'm, Жди ('1311), Latin eo, ire, venia, via, English way, went (wend).

EIIIJZ (ЕДЫ), te say, 2 аог. einer, einer, sïneipi, eine', cinch, eine'w ° Epic also Eamon, and ê'enev

only in the imperat. Балета, Il. 10, 445; 2,.

484: also aor. einen Epic Зета, sinatpt, einer or sinóv, simu, ci'nas, Herod. 3, 61 ; Plat. Sophist.. 54; Pind. Olym. 6, 156; 8, 61; Nem. 9, 78;

Herod. 1, 49._Mid. aor. sinápnv, ánstneipnv, dnaínaoůut, диетами“, to refuse, disclaim, disown, literally to say no, Herod. 1, 59 ; 4, 120. — See also шт. A11 the forms of eine, except 3 plut. einer, infin. einer, and.­ part. st'nuç, are used by the Attic writers._11`urther, the~ forms eïnárœ, etnarev, stirare, of the imperative, are preferred to the corresponding forms of the 2 aor. einer.

The present is 'borrowed from qmpt, душ, and in certain

connexions, from àyegeúm.

The other parts are' borrowed

from stew, and ‘PE12, whichsee: fut. êgs'm, ¿901, perf. stimata.. sì'pnpur, аог. разв. ¿ëênânr and êéée'änv, sioiiänv and eipe'ůnv, 3 fut. pass. eigrjuopeu. The original theme was Глин: or FEHJL, hence»

Репер, ytnov. voice.

Compare Latin vece, vez (ô'p), EnglishÁ -

eipyvvpi and eîpyvúm (EIPF12), to shut in, confine, Andoc. '126 : fut. sigg@ Eurip. Elec. 1255: aor. siga, Xen. Cyr. 6, 1, 36: perf. pass. sip7pm, Arist. AV. 1085: aor. pass. ei'çztlnv, Dem. 1367. _ See also ê'pym, Зет/щи.

rïgyœ (EIPI'4012), to shutout, debar, restrain, prevent, fut.. siggm, Soph. Phil. 1407: aor. eïpëu, 12



Thuc. 4, 37: perf. pass. Душим, Eurip. Heracl. 877: aor. pass. si'çgŕhtv (1): 2 aor. eïçyaůov, eìçydŕìm, eíçydâew, Soph. Col. 862; Elec. 1271 : fut. mid. sïçgoyat as passive, Xen. Anab. 6, 6,

16: 2 aor. mid. aigyaůo'ynv as active, sígyoíůov, Esch. Eum. 566. Verbal eìgxtŕos, Soph. Aj. 1250. ­- See also êŕçyœ, ê'pyw. figée» (eì'çw), to say, tell, part. fem. eiçeůoat (con tracted from sìgŕovoat), Hes. Theog. 38. eí'gottat rarely síçŕonat, Epic and Ionic for EPO Mfíl, to ask, Il. 1, 553; Herod. 3, 64; 4, 76;

l, 27: imperf. sígópnv, Herod. 1, 30 ; Pind. Olym. 6, 83: fut. síptíaopat, Odys. 4, 61. eigúm, for гейш, to draw, fut. síçv'om (00), Аро1. 1, 687: аог. sí'gvoa (00), siçv'o'm, афишу, eigúaat, eígúaots, Il. 3, 373; Mosch. 4, 116 ; Soph. Trach. 1034; Herod. l, 141; 2, 38; perf. pass. .signo ptatt and афишам, Il. 13, 682; 14, 75; Odys. 8, 151 : pluperf. pass. eíçúttnv (й), Il. 18, 69;

14, 30: aor. pass. eipv'aŕhyv, Hippocr.­ — Mid. eígúopat (й), to draw to one’s self, move, rescue, deliver, protect, guard, Il. 21,588: fut. 5592500

pat (00), Il. 18, 276; аог. mid. эфа/0060177, афи aaínnv (do), ¿ìgv'aaoůat (по), siguedyevos, Il. 8, 143; 1, 216; Herod. 4, 8.


eioúttevat<1`i), pres. infin. Epic, as if from steunt, Нез. Op. 816.- eîgúarat (17), pres. pass. 3 plur. for elem/rut, 1l. 1, 239: infin. вил/адом, Odys. 23, 82: imperf. 3 sing. et' güro, Il. 16, 542: 3 plur. sienne, Il. l2, 454: all imply ing staunt. The forms sìgúamt, si'gvto, and афиш/10 must not be confounded with the corresponding persons of the perfect and pluperfect passive. ­- ln two instances the perf. pass. 3 plur. eîgúatott has v short; Il. 4, 248; Odys. 6, 265.

¿tpm (ЕРШ), to say, tell, not Attic in the present and imperfect, Odys. 2, 162: fut. êgs'w, ŕçcâ, Il. 1, 76; Soph. Tyr. 276: fut. mid. градусы, dne



poüpai, will refitse, allied to ¿usindnnv in sense, Anthol. 12, 120. _ See also EIIIJZ.

tipo (ERB), to join, connect in order, bind, Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 10: aor. siga, Herod. 3, 87: perf. sipxa, Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 10: perf. pass. signal, Epic Бардом, Ionic ê'pnai, Call. frag. 140; Odys. 18, 296 ; Herod. 4, 190: pluperf. pass. Epic ¿ép nnv, Odys. 15, 460. Hesychius has oirs'pau, dpagtriost, иезуиты. In the latter

sense, apagón“, it belongs to this verb; in the former, «ipaq .zn'oel, to ê'êém ' unless the reader chooses to change ¿pugni osi into dvaprn'afi from dvaptdw. Its original theme was Fuga, connected with eipńvn, onlic Feignvu. Compare Latin sera.

eipœtŕw, Ionic for 591010663, t0 ask. tiene: (si'xœ), to liken, think like, compare, to make similar, assimilate, causative of si'xw, to be like, 11.3, 197; Hom. Hym. 3, 109: imperf. факт: and Напор, Odys. 4, 247; 9, 321. _Mid. perf.

2 sing. бегам equivalent to Зажав, thou art like, Eurip. А1с. 1063; 3 Sing. днищ, n'poon'txzai,

in Hesychius: pluperf. 3 sing. было and ê'i'xro equivalent to Ефим, resembled, Odys. 4, 796 ; 13, 288; Il. 23, 107. _ See also tono, тата. si'wŕìa, See idw.

êxâiöwyi, see öíöconi. êxxlncidtm (защит, Ёж, xaléœ), to call an assem bly, imperf. ê§sxlnoía§ov and ¿xxlnoíal'om Lysias, 493; Dem. 315; also ê§exxlnoia§om Xen. Hel. 5, 3, 16: fut. êxxlnaidoeo, Thuc. 7, 2: aor. ¿§5 „магам and ¿gsm/Incident, Dem. 577; Thuc. 8, 93. A11 the manuscripts of' Thucydides, except one, have êäexxhnaiaoav, with nu. According t0 Schneider, ¿E sxxlnolafov comes from ëEeuxlnoiáL'w, to meet in, an assem

bly он! of the usual place. These forms evidently follow the analogy 0f дед/упадут, Èveyytinaa, from ëyyvciw, that is, they repeat the preposition.



321992622, даёт), Ionic for the common 027261911, fut. Епифан, Herod. 3, 137 : aor. ­£§ézçnaa Herod. 8, 70. ` ¿laut/m, sometimes ¿Adm Poetic, to drive, Odys. 10, 83: fut. ¿Adam (ä), 51:5, Herod. 1, 77; Xen.

Cyr. l, 4, 20: aor. iikäaa, Xen. Anab. l, 10,

15: perf. щади, Arlst. Nub. 828: perf. pass. гид/шум, and ëlńlaauai Ionic, Soph. Aj. 275; Hippocr.: pluperf. pass. щиту and минут, Il. 4, 135; 5, 400: aor. pass. ñlotůnv (ä), and ñldoůnv 10nic, Arist. Eccl. 4; Herod. 3, 54:

aor. mid. зимой”??? transitive, Il. 681.


êlaréos, Xen. Mag. Eq. 2, 7. ¿1d qv, pres. infin. Epic, protracted from щи (Даёт), Il. 5, 366; 13, 27. —— élómut, fut. 3 plur. protracted from ¿Anim (ëloioovai, êteiovoi), 11. 13, 315; Odys. 7, 319. — êkiíaaxov

and Maison», imperf. iterative, Apol. 1, 733. 1156; 4, 77_ _- нагадила, aor. 3 sing. iterative, Il. 2, 199-¿1.111.05 дышу, perf. pass. part. with the accent on the antepenult, Arat. Phœnom. 176.-êtn1áöaro, pluperf. pass. 3plur. Epic, for шпала, Odys. 7, 86; written also êgqqéâaro. Compare dunlt'darai, from duazl'gw.

È'Àöopai and выгоды, to desire, Epic, Il. 5, 481 ; 13, 638: imperat. 3 sing. êelöéaům passively, Il. 16, 494: imperf. êeÃöóunv, Odys. 4, 162. We may suppose that its original form was Fslôouai,

connected with ¿danilo/Aat, Latin volo, velle, English will. The second form ¿s'tôoyai is analogous to ёёАподш for Elm» рш, which See.

гита, to examine, refute, confute, convict, fut. ê/le'ygœ, Arist. Ran. 908: aor. тер/гос, Eurip.

Heracl. 404: perf. pass. êlríleyptat and блудниц, Plat. Leg. 7, 12; Dem. 496: aor. pass. ůléy

131,11, Thuc. 3, 64. Verbal Eby/míos; Plat. Leg. 10, 13.

азиат (5121527), to raise a war-cry, to shout ¿Äs Àeů, Xen. Anab. l, 8, 18: aor. êÀŕÀLäa,_Call.



Del. 137._Mid. Slelítopai, to mourn, Eurip. Hel. 1111 ; Arist. Av. 213. гланды (êlíaece), to twirl rapidly, to wheel around

rapidly, cause to tremble, shake, Epic, Pind. Olym. 9, 2l; Hom. Hym. 28, 9: aor. êhéliga,

Il. 1, 530: aor. pass. дыши?» as middle, Il. 5, 497; 6, _109 : aor. mid. немыми, to whirl one’s self, coil one’s self, Il. 2, 316. ~ êtélixro, imperf. or 2 aor. mid. 3sing. syncopated,1|.

13, 558; 11,39. E4ET012, E4 ТЭЦ, E4 012, see ê'pxepai. ¿Meow or êlírzer, to roll, twirl, fut. êligw, Eurip. Phœn. 711 : aor. amiga, Xen. Ages. 2, 11 : perf.

pass. ei'ltypai, later êhrjhzypai, Hes. Theog. 791 : aor. pass. eilílůnv, Eurip. Taur. 444._Mid. ilícaopat, to roll or turn one’s self, 11. 8, 340: fut. êlígepai, Il. 17, 728: aor. eiligeípnv, 11. 12, 408 ; 13, 204. _ See also silicon. Its original form was гамом, hence „наш, yellxn, in


Compare гшш.

êhxs'œ, for islam, imperf. ŕ'lxsov, Il. 17, 395: fut.

êlxrjew, Il. 22, 336: aor. типам, Odys. 580; Il. 17, 558: aor. pass. part. шпага, Il. 22, 62. ŕ'lxw and ‘E4KT12, to draw, attract, pull, fut. ê'lgœ, êhxúeœ, Arist. Eq. 710; Hippocr.: aor. sïlxůcu, later гага, Arist. Nub. 54() ; Orph.

Argon. 260: perf. гигант, Dem. 60: perf. pass. гит/арт, Thuc. 6, 50: aor. pass. film/'061111, Arist. Eccl. 688. Verbal Нит/611105, Xen. Ages. 9, 4._Mid. Юмора: transitively, Il. 17, 136; 1, 210: imperf. silue'pnv, Odys. 19, 506: aor.

silxveeípnv, Anthol. 7, 287. eïlxüeu, êtxiiaœe: (ü), Il. 17, 558, now r'ead ¿lxńaovot

from ¿1.25m ­ infin. étaient, Herod. 7, 167: part. ëlxúeav не (13), Apol. 1, 955.

The original thelm2e* was Feine» or Ряд/т, hence



751101, in Hesychius. Compare Latin vello, vellieo, sulcus (ôlxo'g), English pull.

ähm, to cause lo hope, give hope, Epic, Odys. 2, 91 : 2 perf. ê'olna as present middle, I hope, Il. 20, 186: 2 pluperf. дыши аз imperfect mid dle, I hoped, was hoping, Il. 19, 328. ­- Mìd. ё). nouat and заладил, to hope, expect, Il. 7, 199;

10, 105; Herod. 2, 11; opt. ¿elnoipnm Il. 8, 196: imperf. дадут: and Зав/171614127, Il. 10, 355; l2, 407. _ In Attic prose êlzu'ïœ, to hope. The Original form was Fslnm, Felnoput, eFelnopat’ compare yéuç (tlm'ç), in Hesychius; also Ilslntö, that is Elmô, for ёАлЮ’, fluida, in the Sigean inscription. Com pare also the English help.

êÀoeîv, see È'çlouat. ВАГОН, see ê'gxouat. EATQ (227.02), Epic, aor. pass. êtúaůnv, was сот pressed, drawn up together, pushed, rolled, at

tac/ted to, Il. 23, 393; Odys. 9, 433: part. ¿Äu cůsís, prostrate, crouching in the attitude of a suppliant, Il. 24, 510; stretched out, Apol. l, 1034.-- See also eüúm. The original form was FE/l TJZ. Compare the derivative ys'lourgoy, Latin volvo. Compare also sito», Едины.

EAQ, to roll, see eïlm.

‘E/MZ, to take, see «фею. êuŕm, lo vomit, fut. ëuéoœ, êue'aouott, ¿poi/"pat, Hip pocr.; IESch. Eum. 730: aor. бреда: (аи), Epic also бруса, Arist. Ach. 6 ; 11. 14, 437; Нез. Theog. 497: perf. êurfpexa later, Lucian. Lexiph. 5 21: pluperf. êueuéuetv later, Diogen. Laert. 6, 4: perf. pass. гибридам later, IElian. Var. Hist. 13, 22. v It is 'etymologically connected with the Latin vamo.

êtmdïouat, to care about, Epic, Il. 16, 50: imperf. ëptnaïdynv, Odys. 3, 553.



¿naalden (апломб, ëv, полёт), to trafic, buy and sell, Soph. Trach. 93: fut. ênnolnaw, Soph. Phil. 303: aor. бритыми, Arist. Рас. 563: perf. rip щипка, later ênnsnólnxa, Soph. Aj. 978; Lu cian. Catapl. l : perf. pass. nnnólnaai, Ionic êpnólnpai, Soph. Antig. 1036; Herod. 1, 1. ¿vaipw (ENAP-12), to kill, Poetic, 11. 8, 296:

2 aor. iy'vapov, Soph. Antig. 871; Pind. Nem. 10, 27.-Mid. êvaipopai, transitive, Il. 16, 92;

Odys. 19, 263: aor. êvnpdnnv unaugmented, ll. 5, 43. гидам (ê'vaça), to slay, despoil, Poetic, fut. ¿vagi §œ, Il. 20, 339: aor. гуаши unaugmented, and

nvdpwa, Soph. Col. 1733; Anacr. Epigr. 15: perf. pass. будущем, Soph. Aj. 26: aor. pass. nvapíadnv, Esch. Choëph. 347. êvaúw, see a'ů'm, to kindle.

ENEPKJZ, see tpŕpw. ENEQJZ, 2 perf. витал, to sit, rest upon, only in composition, ¿nenni/ods, халата/обе, Epic, Il. 2, 219 ; 10, 134 ; Hes. Scut. 269; Odys. 8, 365 ; Hom. Hym. 3, 62; 4, 280. The form évn'voäs is а new imperfect, as from мщтды, with the exception of two passages, Odys. 8, 365, and Hym. 3, 62. Compare дуй/оды», dpnpsv, ösiôw, pinnen, êps'nnxov, nref'lsrov, from ANEGJZ, драмами, dito, МАЛ, рциоЁорш,

1:15151. _ Apol. 4, 276, ënsvńvoäs, had elapsed, as time.

ENEIKÍZ, ENEKJz, see (página.

¿vinca and ¿v1/.inw rarely губит (EILQ, ENIIIJZ, ENIZIIJZ), to tell, say, Poetic, Il. 11, 643;

Odys. 1, 1; Pind. Pyth. 4, 358; imperf. ê'vsnov and бритом, Call. Dion. 158; Pind. l, 137: fìit. ¿vinta and .ën/ionica), Odys. 2, 137; 5, 98: 2 aor.

ê'vwnov, губит, viononui, ёжит, êviazreïv, 11. 2, 80; 11, 838.; 14, 107. 470; Eurip. Sup. 435.-

Tbe present ¿rin/w must not be confounded with граммовые.



Hes. Theog. 369, for ыалш or тати, Goettling has ¿vermeil

According to Buttmann, the theme EIIJ?. became ВИЛЛ. or EMlm after the analogy of плел (Цвел), [итал

Uneven); XAA_Q,XAN¿1.¢_L(xé1_avöa); ААвл, (ААшвл) ААМВл (êlápqiâm).

By inserting s before п, ENHJZ be

came êvénm. - Observe that the Latin inquam has the same relation to ENHJL or Билл, that quinque has to népne. — Others suppose that it is compounded of the preposition ¿y and Елл. But the form êvve'nm (w) goes against this hy pothesis, inasmuch as it cannot be satisfactorily shown that ¿u in composition ever doubles the v; compare strolling, :iró öioç, (печег êwoiltoç, ëwóöioç,) fOr hailing, êvóötoç.


as EIIJL was FE пл, the compound êve'iw, that is и Репы, ought generally, if not always, to have a long antepenult.

губа/ода, see ENEQJZ. дуэт, будет, see ê'glouai. Í


êvtrüyŕopai (£11, даров), to reflect upon, consider, fut. ëvůvpńaonai, lLysias, 415: perf. ¿11153155111 рои actively, sometimes passively, Thuc. l, 120;

Plat. Cratyl. 45 : aor. pass. гида/(4158717, Хеп. Меш. 1, 1, 17. êvínm, to say, see svenm. 3


Èvíu'tw and .ii/faam (ENIHJZ, ENIIIÁHJZ), l0 chide, upbraid, reproach, Poetic, fEsch. Again. 590; Il. 15, 198: 2 aor. ëvŕvmrov or ëvŕvwnov,

Written also губа/Зло”, Il. 15, 546; 23, 473 ; also ‚этапов (i), Il. 2, 245. ­- Not to be confounded with губит, to say. We suppose, with Buttmann, that the theme ENIHJZ is connected with такое, шлёт, and that it was formed from NIKJL after the analogy of еды.» from мы, &c.

ENIZIIJZ, see губит. ëwŕrm, see êve'nw.

ŕ'wüpu and .ffm/tim (ЕЛ), t0 put 0n another, l0 clothe, Poetic, fut. ¿im (do), Odys. 15, 338: aor. ŕ'aa (по), 566015 ё'ааш, ŕ'aaas, Il. 5, 905; 16, 670;

Odys. 14, 154. 396. -Mid. ŕ'vaai, to put on one’s self, clothe one’s self, Odys. 6, 28: imperf.




êvvv'ynv, Odys. 5, 229: fut. ŕ'ooyou (da), Pind. Nem. ll, 21: perf. едим and ŕ'ayai, Odys. 19, 72; 24, 250: pluperf. гаму and êŕapnv, 11.3, 57; 12, 464: аог. êodynv (аа), and êwánnv, П.

20, 150; 10, 334. 23. eî'vvov, :mustn/av, 1 covered, imperf. Epic, 11.23, 135. -sì'vvaůaa,

¿mslm/03m, pres. infin. for tma'vvuuâou,

Herod. 4, 64. — sì'azo, pluperf. mid. 3 plur. for 51m), Il.

18, 596. The Original theme was FEJZ, hence yeïâgov, удушат“,

yeazla, ya'arqu, уйди, рёти or ßénov. (êuůńç), velum (1), English vest.

Compare Latin шт

ENО QQ, to shake, agitata, hence the noun Evoms,

and the compounds êvoaízâaw, êvoaíyacos, sivo обул/11011, formed with respect to the first com ponent part (ëvoaL-) after the analogy of дота! aozpos, öngíůvpos, raga§mágäcos. êvozléœ (Ev, ô'xlos), to annoy, oem, imperf. биб 11m/v, Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 56: fut. êvozlńaœ, Bion, 16, 7: aor. ñvóllnaa, Dem. 405: perf. iii/:.511112 xa, ñvw'zhmwu, Dem. 515. 242. ёитёиоуш, to enjoin, request, see tél/1w. Èäaxŕaas, See áxŕoyau.

Èóhnral, 561.1210, see silë'w. s'ográfm, Ionic ôgtdëm, to celebrate a festival, Herod.

2, 60: imperf. êógwfov, Isoc. 392: fut. êoçráoœ, Herod. Vit. Hom'. 29; аог. êóçraaa, êoçw'waz, Arist. Ach. 1079. ênaws'w, see aíváo. ênawwî, see идёт.

Ènavçíaxw and ¿nal/9&0 (Ém', AT1-7.2), t0 enjoy, hit, Poetic and Ionic, Theogn. lll ; Hes. Op. 417: 2 aor. ¿nai/"gov, диабет, ênavçsïv, Pind.

Pyth. 3, 65; Il. 13, 649; 11, 573. -Mid. ênavgíaxoyaz, to enjoy, have the advantage or disadvantage, to profit by, Il. 13, 733: fut. дисплей voyou, Il. 6, 353: aor. ënavgápnv, ênaúgaoůat,



Hippocr. : 2 аог. ênnvgóunv, ënav'çeo, Eurip. Hel. 469; Il. 15, 17; Pind. Nem. 5, 89.

êmtta'louat and ¿mueléouat (êm', pêle), to take care о]; care for, fut. êmushíaouat, Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 22 : perf. pass. ¿natanti/Intim, Thuc. 6, 41 : аог. зашитым, Xen. Cyr. 1, 6, 15: fut. pass. ¿ntpelnůn'aouat equivalent to ëntttelríaouat, Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 8. Verbal êntuslnze'os, Xen. Mem. 2, 1, 28.

êníarauat (EIIIZTAQ), to know, widerstand, learn, mñected like i'arauat in the present and imperfect, imperf. flntordunv, Soph. Col. 927: fut. êmatnaouat, Arist. Nub. 991: aor. timoni ůnv, Herod. 3, 15. дядин; Epic ¿nia-ry, pres. ind. 2 sing. for ênlo'moat, jEsch. Eum. 86; Theogn. 1081 : subj. Ionic èntare'mpat for êtrt'atmpat, Herod. 3, 134.-ñ1rturs'aro ог êntars'ato, imperf. 3 plur. Ionic for бывшую, Herod. 8, 88. 97. — The accent of the present subjunctive and optative is thrown as far back as possible; as êntarmat, êtrt'omoâs, ёлбашпш' ênt'aruto, ênt'orutro, ênt'awtoůe, ênloratvro.

This verb is derived from the substantive EHIZTHE (equivalent t0 глисте, knower), compounded of Em' and IZTHZ from Idil. Compare edlerdoyat from edge'rnç (51110 Aaan), xiaozdœ from xldarnç (nldœ, to break), vaterdm from 110118117;- (valut) ; also oits'm and oiroiouou from â'rr; (ААЛ), dotre'

o,uat from 8011150 (ДАЛ), ßœatge'm from ßœorn'q (ßooiw), ¿2.a

atge'm from 811101159 (510101).

But as МЛ. was originally

F1412, it is natural to suppose that the original form of 5m' Марш Was ent Fiorauat.

In fact, the nounS êmlutmg, ¿ml

öuwv imply MILF-tarwe, entFtöttœv.-Others consider it аз а modification of ¿tplatattai from ¿qtlornpt (êm', ì'arrjftt), and compare it with the English understand (under, stand), German verstehen (stehen). It seems, however, that ¿ntom Auut is no more related to 't'uwpat than polite is to пинту. ­-Others, by a series of arbitrary changes derive it from

ì'uoîftt as follows; ì'anpt, pass. î'tmpat, by inserting т before a, ï'orayat, hence êniawyai.- Buttmann, in his Lexilogus,

proposes a new theme beginning with п, but not connected with nlurtç (nelůw).

êntrdaow, see rdoom.



Ёштёит, see zŕllœ.

ёштбао'ш, see ruyxaím. ЕЛЕ, to say, see шил, êvŕzm. ŕ'nm, to be employed, be after any thing, Il. 6, 321 : imperf. eînov, Xen. Mem. 2, 9, 5; 11.2, 207: 2 aor. Залог, anaïv, anniv, Herod. l, 73. _Mid.

ŕ'noyat, to be after, simply to follow, imperf. sinó утри, Thuc. 5, 60: fut. ê'zpoyat, Soph. Aj. 814: 2 аог. (ŕmto'yqv) ¿n-sanóyqv, citó/tat, anoíppv, алой, anŕaůat, errónea/os, Pind. Pyth. 4, 237; Herod. l, 32; Plat. Theœt. 67; Eurip. Phœn.

426; Pind. Pyth. 4, 70.­Mid. also ŕ'o'noyat (compare Btöáaxm, дыша), êï'axw), Odys. 4,826;

Hom. Hym. 29, 12; Subj. ŕ'anwpat, Pind. Olym. 8, 15; opt. ëanoítugv, Pind. Olym. 9, 123; Pyth. 10, 26; imperat. êmrs'aům, Il. 12, 350; inñn.

ê'unsoûat, Pind. Isth. 5, 26: imperf. ёалбдт/ usually as aorist, Il. 3, 239; Soph. Trach. 563. -The compound nsçtŕzm has also pass. 71691.5 noyar, lo be handled, treated, imperf. nsçtsmd (upv, Xen. Hel. 3, l, 16: fut. negtŕlpopat as passive, Herod. 2, 115; 7, 149: aor. мудрецу, Herod. 6, 15. ë'nsuxov, £q>e'1uaxov, imperf. iterative, Odys. 12, 330. —апа?о‚ 2 аог. imperat. 2 sing. for 01105 (unéo), Il. 10, 285. -— ёипёодщ, infin. from атомам, with the accent on the репц11(1), 11. 5, 423.

The present â'unoyat is suspected by some critics. The imperfect êanópqv is usually considered a second aorist with the anomalous augment §­­ for EL. The depend ет mOOdS ë'anœyat, гипофиза ёалёадш, ё'олюдш 0r ёапёадш, гапбщуо; аге generally subjoined to êanóyqv. But the rough breathing of the augment; the necessity of admitting that this augment remains through all the moods; and the accent

o( the infinitive аллюзии (also ёапёадш 1), seem to go against this arrangement. Further, the meaning of ёипбщу and the dependent moods ё'апщлш, êunolpqv, dac. is not always ao пенс. The mid. ŕ'noyat is etymologically connected with the



Latin sequor, English seek, French suivre. The active ё'пы тау be connected with the Latin opus, opera.

ёрйщщРоейс for дробь), inflected like tantum, 1l. 3, 446; Pind. Pyth. 11, 75: imperf. npdprgv, Pind. Pyth. 3, 34: aor. 159511111511711 (ce), Il. 14, 317; 20, 223. ê'oärai, subj. 3 sing. Doric, analogous to fammi, 61511171111, Pind. Pyth. 4, 164: 0pt. ¿gatpäiq Doric, Pind. Pyth. 11, 76.

-­ ё’едтш, indie. 3 sing. for ŕ'gämi, Theoc. 2, 149. »€901 aaůs, imperf. 2plur. protracted from дебош (759025055), Epic, Il. 16, 206.

¿gdm (1i), to love, desire, be passionately fond of, Bion, 16, 8: imperf. броши, Хеп. Ages. 3, 1:

aor. pass. râpádûnv as active, Soph. Aj. 967: fut. pass. ¿gacôńaouai as active, jEsch. Eum. 852. _ Pass. ëçáoyou, to be loved, not very common, Xen. Conv. 8, 3; Eurip. Troad. 1052.--See

also фарш.


гробы, only in composition, ¿gegeten to pour out, Athen. 6, 94: aor. ¿Myriam Arist. Vesp. 993; Ach. 341. £97d§onai (597011, EPFQ), t0 work, d0, imperf.

eigyaïóyvv: fut. 139706110511111, Soph. Aj. 109: perf. sipyaajuai actively-or passively, Arist. Plut. 1113;

Soph. Tyr. 1369: aor. pass. eìpyaíaůiyv always passive, Xen. Mem. l, 4, 5: aor. mid. sipyacoi uur, Thuc. 3, 39.

.ipp/runt (5971.1), дойдут/идя, for .tipp/vut, siaeíç711vyl., Herod. 4, 69: imperf. ¿597111115 Odys. 10, 238. EPFJZ, to do, see 59601.

£9701, the theme of ¿ley/runt, to shut in, confine, not found in the present, fut. эрга, §v11ŕp§w, Soph.

Aj. 593: aor. дуги ог ŕ'p§a, Odys. 14, 411 ; Herod. 3, 136: perf. pass. 59751111, Hom. Hym. 2, 123: aor. pass. 39701311, Il. 21, 282.-See also £ŕç7w. telenet, perf. pass. 3 plur. (for вертеп), Epic, Il. 16,




481 ; Odys. 10, 283. _Eplaza pluperf. pass. 3 plur. Epic, Il. 17, 354.

597m (ЕРГАОЛ), the original form of ¿tgp/w, to shut out, exclude, debar, prevent, Herod. 3, 48;

Odys. 3, 296: aor. Egger, in composition â'nsçga, Herod. 2, 124: perf. pass. ŕ'çyyat, à'nepyyal, ' Herod. 2, 99 : 2 aor. ê'pyaûov, Il. ll, 437 : 2 aor.

mid. ëçyaůónnv, 597060021, transitive-Esch. Eum. 566: fut. mid. ê'çgopat as passive, Soph. Tyr.. 890. — See also êŕçya. It seems to be etymologically connected with the Latin areeo. As to âgnéœ, it probably has little or no relation ю

ì'gyw and arceo.

See also «ЁАёЕы.

града and £98@ (EPFJZ), to do, sacrifice, Poeticy and Ionic, Il. 10, 503; JEsch. Sept. 233: im-A perf. ŕ'çöov and ëçôov, Il. l, 315; Herod. 9, 103:

fut. ŕ'p§w, Soph. Phil. 1406: aor. Ёрёщ ÍESch.

Sept. 924: 2 perf. ŕ'oçya, Il. 2, 272: 2 pluperf.. ëópysw, Ionic ¿69;/sa, Odys. 4, 693; Herod. 1,.

127. — See also éa'ê'w. Ё’едшиот, imperf. iterative, Odys. 13, 350.-ê'npyà'v„ 2 perf. 3 plur. for ¿69;/aut, Hom. Batr. 179; with the ending of the first aorist. The original theme was FEPTJL, hence Радует, in the

Elean inscription; yußsgyóç, in Hesychius. lish work, German Werk.

Compare Eng

¿gesti/m (êçŕw), to ask, Epic, Il. 6, 145: imperf. ŕgŕewov, Odys. 4, l37.-­­Mid. ¿pssívoptat aS active, Odys. 17, 305.

Ёргбдш, to prop, fut. ëçsíam, Call. Del. 234: aor. бегаю, Soph. Antig. 1236: aor. pass. âgeíaůnv' as middle, Il. 7, 145. -Mid. êçeíöonat, to lean

upon, Il. 14, 38: perf. демарш and дефицит, Plat. Loc. 5; Herod. 4, 152: аог. битвами”, Il. 5, 309. êpngs'öa'tat and £91iquvtou, perf. mld. 3 plm'. Ер1с, Il. 23, 284; Apol. 2, 320: pluperf. 3 plur. ¿gqgéöaro and. 13


sgat 4

'âgn'qrtvtm Odys. 7,95; Аро1. 3, 1397.-1igrigsta'tat, perf. mid. 3 sing. Orph. Argon. 1142: pluperf. 3 sing. tigrigetoro, Il. 3, 353.

¿gsíxm (EPIKJZ), to rend, tear, burst, break in

pieces, aor. ìjçstga, Arist. Vesp. 649; frag. 88; also íjgtga, Hippocr.: perf. pass. ëçtjgtypat, Hip pocr.: 2 aor. ñgmov, Soph. frag. 184; íy'gtxov is commonly intransitive, to be rent, torn, burst, broken in pieces, Il. 17, 295. It may possibly be connected with ‘РАГд, the theme of éńyvvpi.

(Compare ¿pelnm from élnrw.)

гейша (EPIIIJZ), to cast down, overthrow, fut. ëçeíipœ, Xen. Cyr. 7, 4, 1: aor.1’;'get1,ua, Pind.

Pyth. 4, 469: perf. pass. ëçn'çstuttat later: plu perf. pass. 3 sing. фёетто, Il. 14, 15: 2 аог. îy'gtzrov intransitive, to fall down, Il. 5, 47: 2 aor.

pass. part. ëgme'vu, Pind. Olym. 2, 76: 2 perf. êgtjgm-a, intransitive, to have fallen, Il. 14, 55: aor. mid. ávnçettpdpnv Epic, impelled upwards, carried of, Odys. 1, 241. It is probably connected with êtnrœ, ètmí.

Ège'úyoptat, Epic and Ionic for ëçuyyde, Il. 15, 621: fut. ëçeúgouat, Hippocr.: perf. ŕ'geuypat, Hippocr. _See also êçvyydvm. ¿get/'300 and ¿gvůaivœ (EPTÜQ), also ëçuôgat'vm (591/6969), to redden, I'l. 11, 394; 10, 484; Хеп.

Cyr. l, 4, 4: аог. ŕ'çevaa, 591170011, and égúônva, Il. 18, 329; Apol. l, 791: 2 aor. pass. opt. e'gevßsinv, Hippocr. Etymologically connected with the English red, ruddy, German roth, and perhaps with the Latin ruber. For the commutation of э, Ь, and d, compare 013.9119, Latin uber, English udder.

âgée», to ask, Epic, Il. 7, 128; not to be confounded with ëçŕco, the future of eípw, to sag/._Mid. ¿gŕouat as active, Il. l, 332.



демарш, subj. 1 plur. Epic for фв'ошеш, 11. 1, 62: im

perat. ì’9eto (Куём), for the common £9017, Il. 11, 611.

§9t3aíwa and £9töpaíwa, for ŕ9íZw, Il. l, 574;

Theoc. 12, 31 : аог. ë9íörgva, Apol. 1, 89: aor. mid. infin. ë9tôiíaa00at as active, Il. 23, 792. -— ll. 16, 260, грядущую, to provoke. ë9íäm, to contend, quarrel, fut. этом, Odys. 4,

80: aor. бума, Хеп. Ages. 1, 5. _Mid. ¿9&0 рои as active, Pind. Isth. 4, 49: perf. ê9rj9wpat

as present, Hes. frag. 152. EPOMAI, to ask, question, fut. ê91íaopat, Xen. Hel. 4, 5, 6: 2 аог. 159611127, ё'дашш, ëpoípqv, 39013', Ёрёодш,


Soph. Phil. 576.

Eurip. Orest. 874;

The rest is borrowed from

фалды. —— See also sipayat, t0 ask. As the 2 pers. ofthe subjunctive of this verb is found after pú in prohibitions, it is clear that the dependent moods belong to the aorist 15961111111, and not to the present EPOMAI. Arist. Ran. 434—5, ‚1118511 ратей]! 0171513374, ‚4116, aůůtç ênows'gy pe. j

ë9nv'fw, for Ерши, 11. 23, 225: aor. ei'9núaa, Arist. Ran. 488; part. ê9núoas (ú), Theoc. 22, 15.

фит, to creep, crawl, imperf. eî9nov, Soph. Tyr. 83: fut. гетры, 1Е5с11. Eum. 500. Etymologically connected with the Latin ветра.


pare 299m.

ё'дёш (EPJZ), to go away, go to destruction, perish, fut. êêêiy'o'œ, Arist. Vesp. 1329: aor. iy'ëëiyaa, Arist. Ran. 1192; also Ерш, oìzróa9aa, causative, to force or sweep away, wash or hurry away, Il. 6, 348; 21, 283. 329: perf. ijéêigxa, Arist. Thesm. 1075. The original theme was F'EPJZ or гидры, hence ждёт, ßaéésî, ßfêêeúu, in Hesychius; ‚359179, рьецддйщ in the Ety mologicum Magnum.- The Epic ¿Mipop (u ­ — —)‚ «ino e'gaus (u — — — и) were probably ano FFegoy, апо FFsg aus, respectively. ­- In its usual acceptation it corresponds



with the Latin erro; as a causative verb, it seems to be connected with verra (to sweep away).

59117703101 (EPTTJZ), to eruct, disgorge, Eurip. Cycl. 523: 2 aor. 119117011, Arist. Vesp. 913. It is an onomatopy, etymologically connected with the Latin erugo, ructo.

дот/даёт and громят, see градом. Ègůxoivco and ëgüxavoiœ, for Буйков, OdyS. 10, 429 ;

i, 199. дойка: (ЕРТКАКЛ), long v, to keep back, detain, impede, Poetic, fut. драги, Il. 8, 178: aor. брига,

Xen. Anab. 5, 8, 25: 2 aor. 1191511601011 (й), Il. 5, 321. _Mid. ¿91511011011 as active, Theogn. 1207. 119150107) to draw, pull, Epic. imperf. 5917011, Il. l2, 258: fut. гейш (i1), without the а, Il. 11, 454; 15, 351: aor. £91100: (по), Il. l, 459; 10, 490;

Odys. 8, 51. _ Mid. 591/’011011, to draw to one’s self, to draw, move, rescue, deliver, protect, guard,

imperf. £91161th, ll. 6, 403: fut. ¿9150011011 (до), Odys. 21, 125; also дебоши without the 0,11. 14, 422: aor. ¿9171101111111 (ce), 11. 1, 466; 4, 530.

_The forms 122911011, s290001, ei91111011, sí'9vap10u, si915u1111, ei9v'a191111, and ¿1911110911111 are referred to £ì9v'w. 119171111, pres. mid. 3 sing. from EPTMI, Apol. 2, 1208: infin. £91111 дон, Odys. 5, 484. _ гейш), imperf. mid. 2 sing. likewise from EPTMI, Il. 22, 507; 3 sing. 2491710, Il. 4, 138; 3 plur. ï9vvza, Theoc. 25, 76._Hes. Theog. 304, £91710 as aorist is passive, was confined, watched. _€915 aucxe, aor. iterative, Il. 10, 490.

The Latin servo seems to be parent of ¿915111 and 917011011. Compare salvo, Мю, and sorbeo, 90111101.

597011011 (E/IETQJZ, E/ITQJZ, E/IQJZ), to come, go, fut. действуем, Esch. Prom. 854: 2 aor. 1111119011 Poetic, Il. 1, 152; commonly 11119011, БАЗЫ, Ыдощс, ¿11%, £1ůai'11, ¿130511, t0 come:

2 perf. айда/да, Epic ¿11110111901 rarely 111111901,



êlnlvůoínv, Soph. Trach. 7; Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 17; Il. 1, 202; Hes. Theog. 660; part. Epic вдали/1955 and ¿inlet/frais, Odys. 19, 28; Il.

15,81. Of the full form of the second aorist only тузы, так, Жида аге found. As to ůlúâoyev in Goettling’s Hesìod (Theog. 660), it is usually edited ńlůâayev. -eîln'lov 9pm', 2 perf. 1 plur. syncopated, Epic, for êlqlúůaysv, Il. 9, 49. -Also êtrílvyev for êlnlyâaprv, and ¿1151.qu for ¿117115

.датг, Hephœst. 1, 3.-1}v.90v, 2 aor. Doric for 1171.301, Theoc. l, 2—0: subj. авт, opt. Натри, part. диоду, Laconian for È'lům, 111991111, êlâoiv, AriSt. Lys. 105. 118. 1031. The present {gl-opa; is a modification of EAOJZ. For the commutation of 1. and Q, see швы. For the change of 19 into l, сотраге 5971089, 591':sz ° 11.4012, 7101011».

EPJ2, see sïpm, ê'goyou, and ё'дёш. 5963, see si'pw, to tell; also ëgŕw, to ash.

¿pmŕœ (Едкий, één), to jîow, move, hasten, give way, des-ist, Epic, Il. 2, 179 : fut. ¿parfum Il. 1, 303:

aor. 159671601, Il. 23, 433; opt. 2 plur. êçmíaane causative, cause to give way, drive back, Il. 13, 57. _Theoc. 13, 74, ëgónas, forsook, left, jled from.

êaänpŕvos, Ionic for ůaůnnévos. êoůím, sometimes года) and ŕ'✠(ФАГЛ), t0 eat, Il. 24, 213; Odys. 9, 75: fut. ё'додш, later

êâoííyaz and (робу/орал -гаш, Arist. Nub. 129; Athen. 8, 23: perf. ëörföoxa, Xen. Anab. 4, 8,

20; Athen. 7, 7l: perf. pass. êôríôfquat, Epic êôn'ôopar, Plat. Phaedo, 137; Odys. 22, 56:

aor. pass. ńöŕaůnv, Athen. 12, 58: 2 perf. ŕ'ânöa Epic, Il. 17, 542: 2 аог. ê'fpayov, Xen. Anab. 4, 8, 20. ì'öpsvai, pres. infin. Epic, syncopated for ¿ös'ysvat (Ё'деш), Il. 4, 345. - фауёоц, 2 aor. opt. 2 sing. almost barbarous for qwiyolç, Phocylid. 13, 145. The form года: is obtained by annexing вы (for the usual 13 *



г'дш or dew) to the root of i'öœ ° thus £3-31», imitan-The usual form дожа. is a prolongation of ë'oâw. Its original form was Гебы, hence убита, in Hesychius; compare 756m, фАгл. It is etymologically connected with the Latin edo, English eat, feed (fed), food, fodder, Saxon hitan, fedan.

ŕ'dnouat, see ê'nm. ¿anim (i'arnpt, ê'oznxa), to stand, rare, Hippocr. de Aer. ё 25; Athen. 10, 4.

For ëonígw, гондо

‘иш, see i'ornut. ¿audio (écria), to give an entertainment, entertain,

feast, fut. ¿andere Athen. 8, 57: aor. ziaria аи, Arist. Nub. 1212 : perf. eiozíáxa, Dem. 565:

aor. pass. eiottdûnv (a), Dem. 400. _Mid. ecou оборвав, to feast, make merry, intransitive, Arist.

Vesp. 1218: fut. гашиш, Athen. 1, 14: perf. Y eiatiotyat, Herod. 5, 20. ВЕЛ, to be, see etui'. sílaba, see «Ёж/Забит.

eůöw, to sleep, imperf. аббат: and nůöov, Eurip. Rhes. 769; Plat. Conv. 29: fut. eúôtíaa, ./Esch. Agam. 337. eůegyezéw (sůaçyétns), to do good, to benefit, im

perf. eůnçyŕreov and eůegye'reov, Xen. Ages. 4, 4 ; Apol. 26: fut. едет/811560), Хеп. Меш. 2, 6, 7: aor. ebnçyŕrnaa and eúeçyŕtnaa, Lysias, 329; ISOC. 52: perf. eůngyŕ'cnxa and eůsgyŕtnxa, Ly curg. 233; Dem. 467: perf. pass. aůnçyémuat and sůeçye'rnuat, Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 3; Dem.

478. 469. Verbal eúepyernrŕos, Xen. Mem. 2, 1, 28. . „мы (eůwí), to put to bed, put to sleep, Epic and Ionic for eůvdfw, fut. sůvtíow, Anthol. 10, 26:

aol?. eilt/noot, Odys. 4, 440: aor. pass. еда/1501711, -rarely еда/50117, as middle, Herod. 6, 69 ; Hip

­ pocr. ­- Mid. еда/ободом, to sleep, Soph. Col. 1571.



sú9íoxw СЕТКИ), to find, fut. едины, Thuc. 5, 20: perf. Щепка, sůgiíxotpt, Soph. Tyr. 546; Herod. 1, 44: perf. pass. sů9npat, Soph. Aj. 615: aor. pass. fú9é011v, Xen. Cyr. 1, 6, 40: 2 аог.

559011, Thuc. 4, 44. Verbal sů9ntŕos, Arist. Nub. 728.-Mid. sů9íaxopou, to find for one’s self, Xen. Anab. 2, 1, 8: fu't. eů91íaopaz, Xen.

Anab. 5, 8, 22: perf. адептом, Dem. 1280: 2

aor. sů9ópnv, later ¿1590911215 Thuc. 5, 32; Apol. 4, 1133; Call. Epigr. 48.

sil'zoptat, to pray, boast, imperf. nůxópnv and 8616 (щи, Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 15;, АпаЬ. 1, 4, 7: fut.

sůgopat, Eurip. Andr. 1105: perf. „буден, Plat. Phaedr. 147 : pluperf. „будит, Soph. Trach. 610: aor. nůgápnv and .ei/Manif, Eurip. Aul. 1603; Taur. 21 ; Odys. 3, 45. Verbal sůxrs'os,



ninfa, 2 aor. mid. syncopated, Epic, Hom. frag. 2, 15.

абаз, to roast, singe, Odys. 2^, 300: aor. sůaa, Odys.

9, 389 : perf. pass. adam, ijzpwyat, Athen. 9, 17: aor. pass. sůůsís, ázpavůeís, in Suidas. Éxůaipm (EXQJFÍPQ), to hate, aor. будит, Soph.

Phil. 59 ; Eurip. Hero. 1087: fut. mld. 511911901? par as passive, Soph. Antìg. 93. Verbal ¿190:9 rŕos, Soph. Aj. 679 (written also ŕzů9owrŕos).

ëxůoöomjo'at (диадема), to have a noisy conten tion with, a defective aor. inf. found only qnce, Il. l, 518. 519:0, to hate, Poetic, used only in the present, Soph. Aj. 459.-Pass. гидами, JEsch. Agam.

417: imperf. драму, Odys. 14, 366. — See also dnexůtívoyat. ~ It seems to be etymologically connected with the English . hate. ‘

szw (EXQ, ZXEJZ, EXHMI, ZXEQQ), to have, imperf. si'zov, fut ë'gœ and opium, Xen.




Anab. 3, 5, ll ; Soph. Elec. 223: perf. Замки, Plat. Apol. 5: perf. pass. ëoznpaz, Dem. 1204:

aor. pass. êols'ůqv, Eurip. Dan. 6. 27: 2 aor. ê'o'lov, oxo?, ozoíqv, dlŕs, ожег”, oxo'w, Xen. Hel. 4, 8, 5; Cyr. 7, l, 36; Il. 2l, 309; Soph. Elec.

1013; Thuc. 1, 9; Odys. l, 157; also ë'ozsßov Poetic, oléůw, olŕůozyc, ozŕůe, ozŕůew, ozŕâmf, Il. l2, 184; Arist. Lys. 425; Eurip. Rhes. 602; Odys. 8, 537; ЕзсЬ. Prom. 16; Pind. Pyth.

6, 19 : perf. part. (битого) o'vvozœxós Epic, found only once, Il. 2, 218.

Verbal ¿míos and

ozarŕos, Arist. Ach. 259; Plat. Phœdr. 126. Mid. груш, to hold one’s self, endure, get hold

of, hold by, borderI upon, imperf. ¿10'qu ° fut. ë'gopat and отдадут, Xen. Anab. 7, 6, 4l; Il. 9, 235: perf. ê'oqual, Xen. Anab..7, 6, ll: 2 аог. 561614737, Glénat, oloípuyv, 61017, oxŕoům, „драме, Soph. Tyr. 1387; sometimes used passively, as Herod. l, 31 ; Odys. 3, 284. elles, imperf. 3 sing. Ionic for elle, Herod. 1, 118.— azsůésw, 2 aor. infin. Epic for uze'âew, Il. 23, 466. —Хеп.

АпаЬ. З, 4, 2, öláazy, paroxytone, is referred to öie'uzov ° but ölauzñ, perispomenon, the other reading, must be re ferred to the assumed theme ZXHMI, whence also 0155.—

ênailaro, were closed or defended, Il. 12, 340. It seems to be a pluperf. pass. 3 plural, Ionio as to form, from Блоха, compounded of ¿nl and OXJZ, whence also äloç. Compare ovvolwnw'ç. The original form was ‘EXJL with the rough breathing; herice fut. E'Sw, and the derivatives Бы, êxréoç, êEñç, „адепта;

(тог, ma). Вы все нет. s@ 5. 1 (ггвх): 24.—ТЬ03е who class ik@ with the Latin veho virtually connect it with

(11;/ш to which veho seems to be related.

ŕ'tpœ (ВИН, nŕnrœ), t0 600k, bOil, imperf. 15mm',

fut. êtpńom, ётрцооуш, Athen. 1, 62; Plat. Rep. 2, 13: аог. îy'lyqoa, rarely бутс, бит/туи, Arist. frag. 355 ; Athen. 9, 73 : perf. pass. ñwqym, Herod. l, 188: aor. pass. 1511111229171', Athen. 3, 58. ё'цргг, imperf. 3 sing. Ionic for q'rpe, Herod. 1, 48.-.êrpoö



ш, падал/101701, pres. 3 pluI'. implying ¿il/¿'02, хадгфёш, Хеп.

Eq. 9, 15.

Е42, to be, see sini’. ‘EIL lo clothe, put on, see гуаши.

‘EJZ, to send, see Е'щм, íŕœ. ‘EIL to seat, lace, cause to sit, set, aor. .sida or ŕ'aa (ou), пасу, gaat (по), ё'аав and si'aas, Il. 2, 549; 13, 657; Odys. 7, 163; Pind. Pyth. 4,

486; 5, 54; Odys. 10, 361; Herod. 3, 126.

Mid. fut. ei'aoyat and ё'аодш (до), to seat one’s self: to sit, Apol. 2, 807; Il. 9, 455: perf. брасс

as present, to sit, 500, 1560011, finer/os, Il. 19, 345; 3, 406; l, 134; Eurip. Sup. 355: pluperf. ijnv as imperfect, sat, was sitting, Il. 9, 190: aor. sí

dápnv and ëaáynv (по), êwaáynv, transitive, to place, crept, build, êiraai, eiaápsvos and êaoápavos, Pind. Pyth. 4, 363; Odys. 15, 277; 14, 295;

Thuc. 3, 58; Herod. l, 66. -See also inlän you, îôpúœ. ё'ппщ and ‚еЁатщ, perf. mid. 3 plur. for vivrai, Il. 3,134; 10, 100.—ё'ато and йота, pluperf. mid. 3 plur. for бую,

11. 7. 414; а, 149. The original theme was FEJZ, hence pres. mid. imperat. 2 sing. yéwou, in Hesychius. See also Ёсщшь.

ŕ'œvrat, See oirpŕwvrat, oitpínpu. Z. Zalm (ZHMI), to live, imperat. Zij, Zñůi, infin. Щи, Soph. Antig. 1169; Anthol. ll, 57: imperf. Efo:

ov, and .€va only in the first person singular, Soph. Elec. 323 ; Eurip. Ale. 295 : fut. Маш and Inconnu Arist. Plut. 263 ; Dem. 794: aor. ê'Znaa, Anthol. 7, 470. _ The forms Ёж; and 2217 (contracted from ïçueç, ì'g'as) of the imperfect suggested ZIIMI, whence the imperative сём, and the new imperfect 12117.

гашиш and Zevi/úw, later for {бы transitive.



Zëv'yvůpt and Csvyvv'w (ZETFQ, ZTPJZ), l0 join, yoke, Xen. Cyr. 8, 5, 1 : fut. Zeitges, Esch. Agam. 1640: aor. ê't'evga, Thuc. l, 29: perf. pass. Дат/удал, Хеп. АпаЬ. 1, 2, 5: aor. pass.«ë§eúxůqv,

Soph. Antig. 947: aor. pass. дыми, Soph. Tyr. 826. — Mid. {едут/(‚ша transitively, Zeúgopat,

Еды/добуду, Odys. 3, 492; Eurip. Sup. 1229; Xen. Cyr. 6, l, 51. §5vyviipw, pres. infin. Epic for gevyvdvm, Il. 16, 145. Compare ôtůot'wat, патины, from (Идиш, 118171“.

It is etymologically connected with the Latin junge,

jugum, English join, yoke.

(im, to boil, commónly intransitive, fut. Сбит, Esch.

Prom. 370: аог. Eïeaa, Eurip. Cycl. 392; Herod. l, 59: perf. pass. Дыши, Hippocr.: aor. pass. êïéaůnv later. (бы, гаге for (da, imperf. Zóev (ê't'oev), Anthol. 13, 21. Сбил/щи and ¿Imi/vda (Z012), to gird, fut. Мат, аог.

ê'Zœaa, Arist. Thesm. 255: perf. ëfwxa, Anthol.

9, 778: perf. pass. È'Zwapat, Thuc. l, 6. — Mid. {сбит/ш reflexive, Il. 11, 15: aor. êZœodpnv, Il. 14, 181. Шт, Epic and Ionic for Zalm, to live, Il. 16, 15:

imperf. ê't'mov, Herod. 4, 112: aor. Цанги гаге, Herod. 1, 120.

H. nßdœ (Яви), to be at the age of puberty, be vigor ous, Thuc. 3, 36 ; also ńßdaxw, to be approach ing the age of puberty, Xen. Anab. 4, 6, l : fut. ńßríoœ, Xen. Cyr. 6, l, l2: aor. iißnoa, Eurip.

Alc. 654: perf. бдит, ТЬис. 2, 44. ñßoiotp t, pres. opt. 1 sing. Epic protracted from ‚арфу; (ñßdotpt), Il. 7, 157.

Compare dgoiorpt from denim.

ńye'opat (душ), to lead, consider, think, fut.,i271ío’o­




par, Thuc. 5, 40: perf. ìjynaai, Eurip. Phœn. 550; in the sense to consider, it has the force of

the present ; part. iyyqpévos (Doric áyqpévos), ac tively or passively, Dem. 1072; Herod. 1, 207; Hippocr. de Aer. ё 34 ; 3 sing. 311570101: passive ly, has been related, Antiph. 620.

iìys9s'ůoaat and nyspŕopat (á75í9w), to be collected, assemble, intransitive, Epic, Il. 3, 231 ; 10, 127:

imperf. nys9sůo'ynv, Il. 2, 304. баш (020806002, 244.12), to please, very rare in the active; part. neut. plur. iy'âovra, pleasures, Plat. AX. 5. —— Mid. ijôouat, to be pleased, delighted, take pleasure in, Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, ll : аог. pass.

"0191711 as middle, Arist. Av. 880: fut. pass. „001500001: as middle, Soph. Tyr. 453: aor. mid. ńooipiyv rare, Odys. 9, 353. Athen. 8, 26, Ãamt, by some referred to this verb, seems to belong to Ёрш, to sit.

ñs9s'00pai (ásí9w), to hang, move, be unsteady, in transitive, Epic, Il. 3, 108: imperf. @9506117215 Il. 2, 448.

ůíoxœ, for ëí'oxm, Il. 2l, 332; может however in

this verse may be imperf. l plur. from ê'loxm. бит, to соте, to have соте, return, as perfect, Xen. Anab. 2, 5, 6 :_ imperf. басом, came, had соте, re turned, as pluperfect, Xen. Hel. 5, 3, 25.

таят (Metoyou), to wander, a'ct foolishly, Call. Dian. 251.-Mid. ůlaívopat as active, Theoc. 7, 23. табака: (021050001), to wander, Il. 2, 470; also ůlaoxaiïœ, to wander, flee from, escape, ll. 18,

281; Odys 9,451 "ион, to sit, see ‘EIL to seat, place; also 210600001. ma’ (anni), say I, Latin inquam, colloquial, Arist.

Ran. 37: imperf. ijv, ñ, in the phrases 170 ô’ £755, said 1; iíô’ ds, said he, Arist. Eq. 634; Plat.



Lys. 32, 38.-But 17, he said, is used by the

Epic Poets without the appendage ö’ ô's, Il. 3, 355. драйв (й rarely 0), lo bow down, sink, stoop, fall, Il. 2, 148; Apol. 3, 1400: aor. брода, 11.2, 373:

perf. busyviy'püus, are bent down, Il. 22, 491. ñaûnyévoç Ionic êaůque'vos (500159), clothed, dressed, a defective perf. pass. part., Eurip. Hel. 1539; Herod. 3, 129.

ñoadopai or 1§naíopwu (йоту, iy'zwv), lo be infe rior, be worsled, defeated, conquered, fut. дифто дш commonly iìtrqûńooyal, Xen. Anab. 2, 3,

23; Cyr. 3, 3, 42: perf. биотит ог ijzmyau, Soph. Aj. 1242; Xen. Cyr. 4, 1, 10: аог. {Inmi ûqv or iìniíânv, Thuc. 8, 27; Xen. Cyr. 3, l, 18. Verbal 'ñoomŕos or ñrnìre'os, Soph. Antig. 678; Arist. Lys. 450. Generally speaking, the forms with ou are used by the Tragedians and Thucydides; those with тт, Ьу Aristopha nes, Xenophon, and the Orators. l

é). ůadaoœ, lo sit, Epic, Odys. 3, 336; contracted

ůdoom, in Attic Poetry, Soph. Tyr. 161 : imperf. дебатами, ll. 9, |94. #dio/iat, Doric for ůne'oym, Pind. Pyth. 8, 64. олеат, Ер1с for догмы, Odys. 6, 63.-Theoc.

25, 16, замет, to cause to grow, produce.

овамо (ЗА/112), lo bloom, flourish, fut. оливы, causatively, will give birth lo, Brunck’s Analect. l, 419 (5) : 2 аог. ê'ûaÀov, Hom. Hym. 18, 33: perf. félin/1a, Doric réŕìála, as present, Soph. Phil. 259; Pind. frag. 95, 5; Theoc. 16, 90:

pluperf. щадят as imperfect, Odys. 5, 69: fut. mid. ůalńooyai later, Anthol. 7, 281. Pind. Olym. 3, 40, imperf. â'âalle causatively, caused to



grow, jewish-1595111170:, 2 perf. part. fem. Epic for rtânlvïa, 11. 9, 208.

ЭААПЗ, See ůvrfaxœ. 001011011, to gaze at, behold with admiration, behold,

a Doric verb, Arist. Ach. 770: fut. ůáaopai (d), Theoc. 15, 23: aor. êôáaáynv, ůnaaíynv, ůoîaai, 006000001, Theoc. l, 149; 2, 72; Odys. 18, 191.

1%le (ОАФЛ), to bury, fut. ůáipœ, JEsch. Sept. 1028: aor. ё’дщри, Thuc. 5, 11 : perf. pass. re' Нашлась, Xen. Hel. 2, 4, 19: aor. pass. защищу

гаге, Herod. 2, 81 : 2 аог. pass. êtázpnv, Thuc. 5, 74: 3 fut. pass. rsßálpo'yar, Soph. Aj. 577. 1141. Verbal äunrŕos, Soph. AjIl 1140. 001000), see ůaáaaw. „

000001500: (001171101), Epic for ûavyáfco, fut. 0010140111507, Odys. 8, 108.


дАФЛ, to bury, see 006лт. ат; '


@AQUA to be astonished, Epic and Ionic, perf.. rétìoupa transitive, to astonish, Athen. 6, 72: 2 perf. réûnna as present, rsônrzós, Odys. 23, 105;.

Il. 4, 243: 2 pluperf. êteûrjnea, Odys. 6, 166: 2 aor. ëroupov, zaqmív, Pind. Pyth. 4, 168 ; Odys. 16, 12.




ЗАЛ, to suekle, Epic, aor. infin. 0150011, in Hesy-v chius. ­-­ Mid. 006011011, infin. üñaûat (006800011),

to milk, Odys. 4,89: aor. ëûvaoíynv, to suck, _ Il. 24, 58; also to висте, Нош..Нут. 1, 123. этом, to behold, see, fut. `t'hsoíewyou (a), Xen.

Cyr. 7, l, 22: perf. pass. -rsûs'áyan Arist. Nub. 370: aor. ëöaoiaápnv, Xen. Anab. 5, 7, 26: aor..

pass. ëůsdönv passively, Thuc. 3, 38'? Verbal4 ůsarŕos, Plat. Soph. 65.

’ y `


. #sii/w, to smite, Poetic, Il. 17, 430: imperf. ê'ůewov, JEsch. Pers. 418: fut. ůewâ, Arist. Ach. 564: ¿aor.l ê'ûewa, Il. 20, 481: 2 аог. ëôevov, @én/w, »






0in/s, бегай, Bavoir (Мути), Eurip. Rhes. 687; Негас1. 271; Cycl. 7; Arist. Av. 54. ůélm, the same as êůélm, fut. 0.53.1566), Xen. Mem.

l, 4, 18: aor. ëûŕlnaa, Soph. Col. 757: perf. reâŕlnxa, Esch. 306. According to Phrynichus, the perf. „шиш belongs to the Alexandrian dialect; he condemns it.

дерипгйш, to serve, court, regular: fut. mid. @sga nsúaopat usually passive in sense, Plat. Alc. Prim. 61. Hom. Hym. 1, 390, двеипейиопш is transitive.

эфиром, to warm one’s self, heat, burn, Poetic, Il. 6, 331: fut. üéçoouott, Odys. 19, 507: 2 aor.

pass. ¿Bégnv as middle, subj. @agée (Bagni), Odys. 17, 23. ůéaoaoßat, to pray that it may be, to obtain by prayer, found only in the aor. mid. 3 plur. 0éoaavro, and part. Отойди/05, Pind. Nem. 5,

17; Hes. frag. 9; Apol. l, 824. ttŕœ, to put, see таща. {Нед (@ETJZ), to run, imperf. авт, Il. 20, 229: fut. Затащи, Arist. Av. 205.

#néopat (дебоши), to gaze at, behold with admira tion, behold, Ionic, Herod. l, 10: fut. Отворил,

Hes. Op. 480: aor. ëůnnadprlv, Herod. 3, 23. штат ( 6111.2), to touch, as with the hand, fut. Bigopat, Eurip. Hip. 1086: 2 aor. ê'ûtyov, 0tysî'v, ûtyaiv, Soph. Antig. 546. Etymologically connected with the Latin tango (root tag­).

дыбы, to bruise, break, Athen. 8, 41 : fut. Hilden,

Hippocr.: aor. ê'ûläaa, Odys. 18, 97: perf. pass. réûlotopat, Doric re'ßlaypat, Athen. ll, 30; Thuc. 22, 35. dynamo (шит, 6NAJZ), to be dying, die, fut.

Havŕopat, доп/обуви, Il. 4, 12;' Xen. Cyr. 7, l,



19; also тадийёт, reůvn'goaat, ./Esch. Agam. 1279 ; Lysias, frag. 42: perf. 1.5611111101, Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 2: 2 aor. Един/ом, Soph. Col. 1706:

2 perf. réůvaa, тет/«51711, Iŕûuaůt, гада/обуви, ‘rs ôveós, see Rem. § 68: 2 pluperf. êteûvásw, Rem. @ 68.

19011551, for Gastone, in Attic Poetry, Soph. Tyr. 2. #ou/atta, to feast, feast upon, Xen. Ages. 8, 7;

equivalent to доп/сборам from 001váo1. дыши, to entertain festively, Eurip. Ion. 982:

imperf. ëûoívaov intransitive, I feasted, Hes. Scut. 212: aor. Евой/шов (as if from ¿551), Herod. l, 129: aor. pass. Защиту” as middle, Odys.

4, 36.-Mid. 00u/donut, to feast, feast upon, Eurip. Cycl. 248: fut. доп/боцман and 00u/aloo pat (á), JEsch. Prom. 1025; Eurip. Cycl. 550: perf. ивой/арт, Eurip. Cycl. 377: aor. 50011/17 aoiptnu, Anthol. 9, 244. @0122, See 09150101.

дробит (m9110001), to disturb, Eurip. Rhes. 863: aor. §09aga, Орём, Esch. Prom. 628: perf. 1.5119111111, as present intransitive, to be tumultuous,

Epic, Il. 7, 346: pluperf. 121911'1211/ as imperfect, intransitive, Il. 2, 95: aor. pass. заедает, Soph. frag. 812: fut. mid. 69a§o17paa in Hesychius, explained шторм. It is formed from raga'aom by metathesis and contraction, rapoíoam, щипает, тейааш, @polaca The change of т into 3 may be considered an anomaly. Perhaps the original theme was @PAXJL _This form gives 1961159 Ionic 19111112, rough,


(дРЕФЛ, See трёте).

ÜPEXJZ, see 19.5151. 1991121111 ( 0РТФ12), to break in pieces, crumble, debilitate, aor. ê'ô9v1pa, Hippocr.: aor. pass. ¿09691161111 later, Anthol. 5, 294, 15: 2 aor. pass. 5191591121', Il. 3, 363.-Mid. 091lïrtouat, to put



оп airs, be dainty, be rendered vain, spoiled,

Esch. Prom. 891: fut. âçúufopai, Arist. Eq. 1163: perf. rŕůguoyat, Xen. Mem. 1, 2, 25. #góoxœ ( (9013.12, 910012), t0 leap, spring, jump,

fut. ûoçŕopou, ůoçoüpou, Il. 8, 179; lEsch. Sup. 874: 2 aor. 500901', Herod. l, 80.

19:/im dissyllabic, for ûúm, to rush, move rapidly, Hom. Hym.> 2, 560. этого, see rúepœ. 615m and @úvœ (й), t0 rage, rush, move rapidly, Il. 1, 342; Pind. Pyth. 10, 84: imperf. 501701: and ê'ôüvov, Il. 11, 180; 2, 446: fut. Oúow,

napôúam (й), Outrun, Anthol. l2, 32: aor. 500 oa, Call. frag. 82 'l _ See also Bvíœ. Bv'w, to sacri/ice, fut. @dem (й), Eurip. Heracl. 877: aor. ê'ůüoa, Xen. Anab. 1, 2, 10; Odys. 9, 231 :

perf. réůůxa, Athen. 9, 54; Arist. Lys. 1062;

Anthol. 11, 413: perf. pass. zŕûoyai, JEsch. Eum. 327: aor. pass. ëzúôiyv (й), jEsch. Choëph. 242.

Verbal 0011505, Arist. Av. 1237.-Mid.

дйодш, to sacrifice formally, on some special occasion, or for some important purpose, Ото/„сои, réâvyai, Èûvoápiyv, Arist. Thesm. 38; Xen.

Anab. 7, 8, 21; 3,5, 18. Herod. 7, 197 (twice), #alcohol is passive in sense. The penult of the present is generally long. Eurip. Elec. 1141, and Arist. Ach. 792, дйш

I. догмы (IA/1.12.), to send, Poetic, fut. ialai, ¿nia/105, Arist. Nub. 1281: aor. 2371007), Odys. 22, 49;

8, 443 ; the L is long in consequence of the aug ment. дебоши, to cure, heal, fut. ídooyai (a), Eurip. Troad.

1232: aor. íáoáyiyv, Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 25: aor. pass. idůip/ passively, Plat. Conv, 16.



Herod. 7, 236, ävteůvrut contracted from «intona» (oin áovrai), for cinéma», as future.

10610: and Zazŕm, to shout, Eurip. Elec. 707; Orest. 965 : imperf. talon, Il. 1, 482 : fut. 201115001, Eurip. Phœn. 1523 : аог. ìálnaa, Arist. Ran. 217: perf. part. fem. щит, 000101010, as present, screaming around, Il. 2, 316. We suppose that the original theme was FAXJZ, hence Fi Faim, like ßtßᜠfrom ßáw, and finally îágœ. Compare ßoigw

(fía/p, Дань), dßaus'm, Boiuzoç, 'Ianzoç_(Fi For 11109),

oiviagoç (a Fialoç), rigog, rizni, Romaic oilo'ç (Úloç).

íôço'w, to sweat, fut. íôçaío'œ, Il. 2, 388: aor. Ё'дрто oa, Xen. (Econ. 4, 24. In the Epic and Ionic dialects, it is contracted as if the

present were in -áw ' as opt. 3 sing. ïdgqiq, Hippocr. de Aer. 5 17; ран. Тет. 1690100: (159001100), fOr idem-Jaa, 1l. 11, 597;


protracted from

îôgnivmg (îögaovwç),

Odys. 4, 39. _ Il. 11, 119, îögalovaa presupposes а theme in

œoEtymologically connected with 56mg, Latin sudo, English water, wet, sweat.

íôgv'œ and ‘IJPTNJZ (i't'œ, ё'дуи), to seat, place, lo cate, fut. iöçv'aw (ü), Eurip. Bac. 1339: aor. i'ögvo'a, Herod. 4, 124: perf. pass. i'ögůyat, Eu rip. Heracl. 19; Thuc. 2, 15: aor. pass. 589150111' and iôgúvůnv usually as middle, Arist. Av. 45; Thuc. 4, 44; Il. 3, 78; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 10.

Verbal idpvrŕos, Soph. Aj. 809. «- Mid. Ёдейодш, to place, establish, build, erect a building, dedi

cate, consecrate as a temple, Dem. 256: fut. Édçúaoyou, Arist. Plut. 1191 : perf. î'dpüyai, He rod. 2, 42: aor. îâpvaaty v, Thuc. 6, 3; pre

ferred to its equivalent síaaynv from ‘EIL Idil, see EIJJZ.

ïepwu (sini), to hasten, Xen. Cyr. 4, 1, 17; Il. 12,

274; 2, 154; Herod. 6, 134: imperf. ie'ynv, Arist. Eq. 625. 14’


tsm This verb is the middle of tint, to go.

Many modern

critics, however, refer it to inni, to send, that is, to cause to

go, and accordingly write tenui, with the rough breathing.

îe'w (Ell), to send, neâtr'œ,11. 6, 523 ; 10, 121 ; irn perat. fet (i'se), Il. 2l, 338; Odys. 1, 271 ; infin.

Беги, ovvtsïv, Theog. 565: imperf. tavv (î'eov), Arist. Vesp. 355; Il. 1, 479; Herod. 4, 125. The forms îeîç, ist are often written ì'etg, ist, in which case

they are referred to tot.

î'Cœ and шт (ŕ't'onat), to seat, place, establish, institute; also intransitive, to sit, settle, sink, IEsch. Eum. 18 ; Soph. Antig. 1000; Il. 23, 258; Thuc. 2, 76: imperf. Йоги, Il. 18, 422. ­ Mid. î't'onat, to sit, Il. 3, 162; Herod. 1, 119. — See also тэта. î'nnt (ie'œ, ‘1252), to send, imperf. fnv, Pind. Isth. l, 34: fut. fiom, Epic also sam, ávéow, Arist. Ran.

823; Odys. 18, 265: aor. баш оп1у in the in dicative, Xen. Anab. 4, 5, 18; Epic ê'nxa only in composition, dipe'nxa, êtpŕnxa, диета, Il. 18, 108; l, 8; also opt. гамм, dve'oatnt, Il. 14,

209: perf. fixa, Dem. 966: perf. pass. Sinai, Dem. 292; Herod. 8, 49: aor. pass. ¿fânv and

ŕ'ânv, £005, Eurip. Phœn. 1376: fut. pass. ¿Grioo nat, Xen. Ven. 7, 11: 2 aor. ño, c5, si'nv, ë's,

sii/at, sî's, Arist. Vesp. 574; Soph. Tyr. 1405. Verbal ête'os, see datant. — Mid. гады, to send one’s self, hasten on, desire, fut. дворца, Eurip. Hel. 1629: aor. батут: гаге in the Attic writers, used only in the- indicative, Eurip. Elec. 622: 2 aor. sî'nnv and ê'nnv, einen, aïnnv, об (ё'о, 560), ê'aůat, ê'nevos, Xen. Hier. 7, 11; Odys. 4, 76;

Il. 1, 469; Soph. Tyr. 1521.-See also сардин. The singular fixa, flung, âne, and the 3 plur. dmv, with good writers are much more common than the remaining

forms of the aorist {иль—Оп the other hand, the _singular



of the 2- aor. û is not used in the indicative. See also Rem. ё 72. ïsw, imperf. 1 sing. for 'im or rather ‘t'ovv (tsar), трат, See dqulrìpt’ ngo'ïew, Odys. 10, 100; 3 р|иг. Ерйс 'iev fOr

ì'eoorv, Il. l2, 33u- ë'œ, ê'y ç, gy, 0r s'lw, 2 aol'. Subj. Epic for 15, 5g, &c., Il. 1, 567; 3, 414; also3sing. 11.17, дуй”, for ¿11.17, Il. 2, 34.-ë'wna, perf. act. for aina, Etymol. Magn. voc. дубина — ê'mvrai, perf. pass. 3 plur. for eine», see dipinfu, dqos'œu'rw’ dve'ovrai, perf. mid. 3 plur. for драит

(not for the`present длани), Herod. 2, 165. The Floren tine Codex has диёшпш, analogous to йсрёшитш. See Buttmann’s Lexilogus (дёшевы, 29).- ngooîzo, 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. for ngotîro, Xen. Anab. l, 9, 10.-The fut.

îow, dviaœ, and the aor. opt. ávéoaipt are by some referred to ‘вл, to place, put, seat, set,- the former, however, clearly belongs to и“.

гейш (50255), long v, to direct straight forward, Odys. 9, 78: aor. ïûůva, Odys. 23, 197: aor. pass. байт/0117, Il. 16, 475. _Mid. ìův'vouat tran sitive, Il. 6, 3; Odys. 5, 270.

i01/’a1 (й), to rush straight forward, Epic, Il. 11, 552: aor. ïâüoa, Il. 6, 2; Herod. 4, 122.

ixoivw (i'xw), long a, to come, Poetic, Il. l, 254: im perf. i'xo'wov as aorist, Il. 6, 370.- Mid. гидам.

you as active, Epic only, Il. 10, 118. ian/¿ouai (i'xœ), to come, Soph. Tyr. 798: fut. i'go росс, Herod. 2,29: perf. гущи, Soph. Trach. 229: 2 aor. îx'ópnv, Il. 1, 362.-Prose writers use the compound oitplxvs'optat, бсфёоуш, oirpïyptat, âzptxó (tnv. - $ее alSO ixo'wœ, гит.


ïxro, 2 aor. mid. Epic for Типа, Hes. Theog. 481 : part.

ì'npevoç adjectively, favorable, fair, as wind, Odys. 2, 420.

i'xw (i), to come, Epic, Il. 10, 142: imperf. Тису, Il. "

1, 317: aor. fgov, Hom. Hym. l, 230; Il. 5,

773; Hes. Scut. 32. -See also Rem. ё 54. iláoxopat, Epic also победив and Í'Àäpat, to pro pitiate, Il. 2, 550; Hom. Hym. 20, 5; rarely

ils'ouat and ileóouat,JEsch. Sup. 116. 127 ; Plat.



Leg. 7, 10: fut. lláo'opai (ai), later Epic шага pai, Call. Epigr. 46, 5; Apol. 2, 808: aor. pass. îláaůnv passively, Plat. Leg. 9, 6: aor. mid. flä odprp/ (oa), later Epic ilagápigv, Il. 1, 100; Apol. l, 1093. -­ See also the following. ‘I/lHMI (Dialogue), to be propitious, imperat. iläûi and 1711301, ТЬеос. 15, 143 ; Odys. 3, 380: perf.

subj. ¿Mixen as present, Odys. 21, 365; opt. íhíxoqu as present, Hom. Hym. l, 165. Hlm, for sí'lw or elllen, Lysias, 359.

ipsígœ (‘IMEP.!Z), t0 desire, Odys. 10, 431 : aor. pass. ípégâqv as active, Herod. 7, 44.-Mid. анафора: as active, Odys. l, 4l : aor. fysigdpqv, Il. 14, 163.

ìpŕêêœ, lEolic for ipeípm, Sapph. l, 27. ï'rtrapat (rrs'roptai, HTAQ, 1ПТНМ1), t0 fly, aS а bird, inflected like i'orapai, in the present and imperfect, imperf. inrdpnv, Eurip. Aul. 1608: fut. rtrrfo'optat, Arist. Vesp. 208: 2 аог. Ёптй’щт’, rrrrâyaz, итоговая, птйргтв, Il. 5, 99 : 2 aor. act.

ê'nryv Doric ê'nráv, лжёт, nn'jvau, más, Hes. Op. 98; Esch. Prom. 115. The early writers commonly use ne'ropai, гладит, and in poetry noroiopou, ¿iro-raópqv, Instead 0f inrupal, în-ráprlv.

i'oápt (12.4.2, EIJQ, ot'öa), to know, a Doric verb, Pind. Pyth. 4, 441; 2 sing. î'mys, Theoc.

14, 34; 1 plur. î'oapev, Pind. Nem. 7,20; 3 sing. гады, Theoc. 15, 146; 3 plur. ïoavu, Theoc. 15, 64; part. dat. sing. i'oavu, Pind. Pyth. 3,

52.-See also Rem. 0 70. This verb is derived from the noun IEA or IZH, formed from MJL after the analogy of ваза from öone'œ (AOKJZ),

¿an from бы or ‚мл. Compare áaáopai from à'an.- Others suppose that it was suggested by мы, the 3 plur. of oïäa. _ See also ёпбатаддш.

ïdxœ, for даже, 11. 11, 799; 16, 41 ; Odys. 4, 279: imperf. ïoxov, Odys. 19, 203; 22, 31.



Thema-2,167, and Аро1. 1, 834; 2, 240,; 3, 396; 4, 1718, ì'auov means they said. Many critics, both ancient and modern, are of opinion that the later Epic poets misun derstood the Homeric passage (Odys. 19, 203) tous tpsv'dea nulli: душу ¿zúyoww ôyoîa, telling many falsehoods he made them appear like truths, where ôyoïa may be said to be su perfiuous, inasmuch as it is implied in ìbue. - Odys. 22, 31 (а vexed passage), ì'axsv 0111179 ё'иаатос, every man labored

under a mistake, conjectured, did not know the true state of the case, attributed the fact to а wrong cause, made a wrong


tardi/a, for tarato, i'arnyi, Dem. 807. îazoím (ETAJZ), the original form of i'arnyi, Herod. 4, 103: imperf. i'o'raw, Herod. 2, 106. i'arnyt (iatoiar, ŕotríxw, ETÁJZ), to cause t0 stand,

set up, erect, raise, place, fut. atrium, Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 25; also ëazrígw, êarn'goyai, intransitive, shall stand, Thuc. 3, 37; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 17:

aor. ê'arnaa, Thuc. 7, 24: perf. ê'aznxa as pres ent intransitive, to stand, Xen. Cyr. 1, 4, 19;

later also ë'aräxa transitive, Longin. de Sublim. 16, 2; Anthol. ll, 139; Plat. Ах. 18: pluperf. ¿aníxew or siarrjxew as imperfect intransitive, was standing, Thuc. 1, 89: perf. pass. ŕ'aroiyai rare, Plat. Tim. 62: aor. pass. êazolânv (ai), Soph. Tyr. 1463: 2 perf. êbraa, êcró, êazaínv, ê'otaůi, êaroívai, êarós, аз- present intransitive,

Rem. § 68 :- 2 pluperf. ëarásw as imperfect in transitive, Rem. § 68:anîûi, 2 аог.011511011, 501171: crois, intransitive, I stood,l 0103, qraínv, Xen. Cyr. 1,4, 18.

Verbal столбов, Хеп. Суг. 8, 1,

10. — Mid.i'azayai, to stand, also transitively to

set up, erect for one’s self, Xen. Hel. 2, 4, 14: fut. arńaoyai, Arist. Thesm. 697; Soph. Phil. 8, 33: aor. êatnaoíynv’ generally transitive, Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 53. -lSee also icuii/œ, iotoiw, fain'xœ, , atrium.


The subjunctive and optative passive may take the accent



on the antepenult, if the last syllable permits it; as, subj.

¿alarmen Dem. 1112. ­- Hippocr. de Salubr. Diaet. § ll, 0pt. 3 sing. Evvtaw'iro for Evvtaza'iro.-‘t'uraaxov, imperf. iterative, Odys. 19, 574. — 2 aor. azáauov, iterative, Il. 3, 217; 18, 160. —- ê'ozäaav, 1 аог. 1 plur. Epic for ì'arnaav,

Il. 12, 56; Odys. 18, 307; 3 sing. ё’ашаг later, Anthol. 9, 708. ­- As to 2 aor. 3 plur. ê'aräaav, Il. 4, 331, &.c. it is now edited ë'oraoav, were standing, from гамбит. — ё’атйу or магу, 2 aor. 3 plur. Epic for ё’ащаау, Il. l, 535; 9, 193: Subj. 1 plnr. Epic otis'œnev and artlonsv, for moines, Il. 22, 239; 15, 297; 2 sing. arn'nç for „де, Il. 17, 30; 3 sing. om,” for arñ, Il. 5, 598; 3 dual arńezov

for urñrov, Odys. 18,182: imperat. 2 sing. unì for with, only in composition, as â'vorü for ¿valuta for àváorqůt, Theoc. 24, 36.-ëcte'atat, perf. pass. 3 plur. Ionic for

garan/mt, Herod. 1, 196. _tordůnv (ä), аог. разв. for ¿orol ат: (d), Call. Min. 83.- In some compounds whose middle is intransitive, the perfect active may be translated as a real perfect; as dvlomnt, to Set up, dviazanat, to rise ир, dre'otn иа, to have risen up. The theme ZTAJL is etymologically connected with the Latin sto (root sta­), sista, English stand, stay, sty, German stehen, &.c. &.c.

telai/œ and Захват/оба (щи), to check, repress, Il. 14, 387; 5, 89.

ialve'onat (taxa), see ůmozva'onat. iop/aiuto (iop/ós), to attenuate, make lean, dry up, aor. Кишат, Ionic i'ozvnva, Arist. Ran. 941; Herod. 3, 24: aor. pass. гадают, Hippocr.: fut. mid. íalvavoünat as passive, jEsch. Prom. 269. tala (Egan), to have, hold fast, grasp, seize, check, withhold, restrain, hinder, Soph. Antig. 304: fut.

opina, perf. гадка, 8Lc. as in Ela. IJZ, to go, seeaïpt. i'm, another form of inni, used only in composition, subj. daino, Xen. Cyr. 8, 16; opt. àtpíotnt, Plat. Apol. 17: imperf. §úvtov, Il. 1, 273. For nene rtnŕvos, See neůínnt. The only forms which prove the existence of ‘im are .Eúvtov

xaůn and yspsttpe'voç.


As t0 netting, psâlet, s'Eiei, &‚с. psâlm,

„этом, they may, by a change of accent, be referred to îs'w ' that is, they may be accented peäteïç, давит, l11519107. pl., GLC.


„шлага, later Epic for 110111.06501, which see. KÄÄJZ, See nativi/pu, zalfœ.

тощего (1101001969, KAQAPJZ), to purify, clean, fut. 1101001905, Xen. (Econ. 18, 6: aor. ¿1100911901 and ëxá0á9a, Thuc. 3, 104; Xen. Anab. 5, 7, 35; perf. pass. 110110090199011, Xen. Anab. l, 2,

16: aor. pass. ëxaôaípûnv, Thuc. 3, 104. Verbal 110100191505, Hippocr. — Mid. 110100119051011, to clean one’s self, fut. 11016019o17u011, Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 27: aor. 511010119051111', Plat. Leg. 9, 8. xaôf'l'optat (natal, ê'Zouai), to sit down, Eurip. He racl. 33; Xen. Anab. 5, 8, 14: imperf. êuaůstó

una», in Poetry also xaôet'ópnv, usually as aorist, Thuc. 2, 18; Soph. Col. 1597: fut. 1101061101?

aat, later xaůsân'aoptat, Arist. Ran. 200; Diogen. Laert. 2, 72 (Aristipp.): aor. pass. ¿110105001111 as middle, later, Anthol. 9, 644: fut. pass. 11010500#

oouau as middle, IEschin. 558. 11a0s1l301 (natal, .ei/'801), lo sleep, imperf. ëxdůsvôov, 100108133011 or xaôniiâou, Xen. (Есоп. 7, 11; Il. 1, 611; Plat. Conv. 40: fut. xaôsvön'oco, Xen.

Hel. 5, 1, 20: aor. 110105116171101, Hippocr. Verbal xaůsvdnrŕos, Plat Phœdr. 91.

‘ xaíûnuau (капай, брось), to sit, sit down, моющиеся, xaûoíptnv, истцов, иоадбадш, xaůnpsvos, Arist. Eq. 754; Xen. Cyr. 5, l, 7: pluperf. ëxaůnpnv or поведут: as imperfect, Xen. Anab. 4, 2, 6;

Arist. Eccl. 304.


выйди] perf. 2 sing. later for Laraítìrlaau ‘ 0pt. l plur. 1101.977’ ради (like пептида from падёт), Ariat. Lys. 149, сош



monly written „выдави ‘ imperat. 2 sing. „мы, later for „авт, Septuagint. Psal. 106, 20.

xaöít'w (starai, î'Zm), to set, place; also lo sit, fut. хитов, 200103, Ionic xaríow, Doric xaôi§e5, Xen. Anab. 2, 1, 4; Herod. 4, 190; Bion, 2, 16: aor. êxalâwa, Doric 520101501, Il. 3, 68; Arist. Ran. 911 ; Theoc. 1, 12.-Mid. xaůil'ouou, t0 sit,

Arist. Eq. 785: fut. xaûrfn'ooyat, Plat. Phœdr. 5: aor. êxaůwdpqv usually transitive, Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 7.

:cati/vuoti (KAÀIZ), to excel, surpass, be distin guished, t0 be adorned, ornamented, Poetic, im

perf. Éxocwv'ptryv, Odys. 3, 288: perf. xe'xaopou, xsxoioûaz, xexaoptŕvos and xenaöptévos, Odys. 19, 82; 4, 725; Il. 24, 546; Pind. Olym. l, 42:

pluperf. ëxeuoío'ynv, Il. 2, 530. We may suppose that the noun uo'apoç is formed from the theme 101411,'. thus naß-pag, кош-рое, заборов, with the

accent on the penult contrary to the analogy of verbals in ‚абс.

xaivm (maia/m), l0 kill, Poetic, fut. отгиб,- Eurip.

Hercul. 1075: 2 aor. ê'xowov, Soph. Col. 545; Theoc. 24, 90.


Xen. Anab. 7,6, 36, xamuexavo'ng, in some of the re cent editions, for the common naraxavo'vreç' it implies a

2 perf. „ёжит.

See Schneider’s note on the passage.

жаба) (KATQ), also xda long a and Without con traction, to burn, .set jire to, kindle, Arist. Lys. 9 ; Xen. Hel. 4, l, 1 : fut. ‚сайта and xazídoptai, Xen. Cyr. 5, 4„ 21 ;` Arist. Plut. 1054 : aor. ê'xavoa, Poetic lalso ê'xea, Epic Enna’ or ê'xeia,

Thuc. 7, 80; Eurip. Rhes. 97; ./Esch. Agam. 849 ; Il. l, 40; Odys. 21, 176; 9,231: perf. xéxawxa,

~ Xen. Hel. 6, 5, .37: perf. pass. xe'xavuai, Eurip. Cycl. 457 : aor. pass. выводу, Thuc. 3, 74: _ 2 aor. pass. êxoínv (ä), Epic and Ionic, Il. 1, 464 ; . Herod. l, 51. -M1d. aor.. ëxavoáuzgv- and ¿imá



any transitively, not Attic, Herod. l, 202; Il. 9,

88; part. also швабры/09, Odys. 16, 2; Il. 9, 234. идиш (KA/LQ, KAAQ), lo call, fut. комбат, ка ló, Dem. 93; Xen. Anab. 3, 1, 46: aor. Endle

oa, Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 30: perf. хатка, Arist. Plut. 260: perf. pass. xŕxlnyaz, Eurip. Нес. 480: аог. pass. êxlrjônv, rarely £xalŕoůnv, Thuc. 6, 2;

Hippocr. : 3 fut. pass. nsxhíaoyaz, Soph. Aj. 1368. Verbal xlnrs'os, Plat. Rep. 4, 6. _ Mid. мамаш, to call, summon to a court, fut. хама yai, Arist. Eccl. 864: aor. êxalsaoiynv, Xen. Anab. 3, 3, 1.-Eurip. Orest. 1140, fut. mid.

2 sing. хим? as passive. usxls'atat, perf. pass. 3 plur. Ionic for xs'nlnwai, Herod. 2, 164: opt. 2 sing. индо, Soph. Phil. 119; l plur. xe uly'ysâa, Arist. Lys. 253.-xale'eouov and идиша»,

imperf. iterative, 11. 6, 402; 9, 562; Apol. 4, 1514: pass. ипАе'ахсто, ll. 15, 338.

Etymologically connected with the Latin calo, English call. -

xálnyi, from колёса, Soph. 1, 16; infin. xahíysvat for падёт/ш, 11. 10, 125. косит/бёдрам (худа/дао), to roll about, spend one’s time in, Herod. 3, 52; Thuc. 2, 52.

кобры/аз (KALMQ, KMAJZ), to labor, grow weary, be sick, fut. xapiŕoyai, nayoůyai, Apol. 3, 580; Soph. Trach. l2, 15: perf. xe'xpnxa, Thuc. 6, 34: 2 aor. гиды, Хеп. Hel. 3, 3, l ; Epic (xé

xayov) vendues,

1, 168: 2 perf. part. хетты,

-râros or -óros, Il. 23, 232; ll, 802; Thuc. 3,

59: 2 aor. mid. êxayópnv as active, Epic, Il. 18, 341.

KAIITJZ, to breathe, Epic, aor. êxoinvaaa, Il. 22, 467.

xaroíyvüyi and xatayvv'w

¿ig/vont), to break in

pieces, fut. «встаёт ° аог. хцтёигщ rarely naviga' 15



2 perf. xarŕáya, Ionic цветёт/ос, rarely xdtnya, Hippocr.: 2 aor. pass. попадёт”. uursáëaç, aor. part. for naráënç, Lysias, 159.-uarwyn'i, 2 aor. pass. subj. for naruyn'i, Hippocr.; part. nateayst'ç, Lysias, 156.- uuvdEatg, aor. opt. 2 sing. for nardfaiç, Hes.

Op. 664. 691. It is formed as follows; orTginal theme FAFJZ, With aard, natal-_.4112 nataF-aâatç, :tar F'aäatç, quFaEatç, like янтарный, xarßalew, кадрами,

also :tard: уди}, uutyovv, nayyo'vu' finally, by dropping the second F and changing the other into u, xavo'täatç, the actu al form. Compare eilaos from думы.

naraeívvov, See ë'wvnt. xatavalíaxw, See dvalíaxm.

копа/уроды (aard, жмёт), Ionic for dnoypa'co, to be stißicient, imperf. 3 sing. xatéxpa, Herod. 7, 70.

Impersonal naragçd, for the common dnólçn, Herod. l, 164: fut. xarazgtíaet. xavd§ats, see камбуз/иуд.

КАФЕЦ, to pant, Epic, 2 perf. part. xexatpncôs as present, Il. 5, 698; Odys. 5, 468. ` xaxldïm or шиши (X/IAAQ), to bubble up, swell, Pind. Olym. 7, 3; Apol. 2, 570. It seems to be an onomatopy, connected with the Ro maic zoxloigoo.

xda, see xaíœ.

кебабам/Щи (KEJAJZ), Epic for отдаёт/иуд, pass. part. издан/уйдете, Anthol. 5,276: aor. êxe'âaoa

(aa), Il. 5, 88: pluperf. pass. xexs'öaato, Apol. 2, 1114: aor. pass. êxeödoůnv, Il. 15, 657. nsôówrrat, pres. pass. 3 plur. protracted from игбиЪ/тш (ueöoiovtat), Apol. 4, 500.

xeïnat, Epic and Ionic xéonat (НЕД, КЕЫ2), to lie down, xŕmnat, неофит, xaîao, nsïaůat, naine vos, Il. 22, 510; Xen. (Econ. 8, 19; Herod. 1,

67: imperf. ¿xaínnw fut. xeíaonat, Soph. Antig. 73. The infinitive of the dompounds takes the circumñex on



the penult; aS 610111019011, 5101111100111’ xardxs19a11, 110111111700011 ‘ as if 1101110011 were contracted from 1100110111. _110101, 2 sing.

Epic for 110111011, Hom. Hym. 2, 254; 3plur. 110011111 and 1101011111, Ionic for идиш, Herod. 1, 14; Odys. 24, 527.

Subj. 3 sing. 1151011, contracted from 110171011, Odys. 2, 102; 19, 147; Il. 19, 32; edited alSO xeîra1._110lwvra1, Subj.

3 plur. in an ancient inscription, Boeckh’s Corp. Inscript. Снес. 102, 10.­­010i11519a1, Subj. for 111011101119111, Plat. Phaedo, 77. _ 110'011010, imperf. 3 sing. iterative for 15110110, Odys. 21, 4l; Ionic 3 plur. 0'110'0110 0|' е'иыЁаго, for 0311511110,

Herod. l, 167; Hes. Scut. 241. 175; Apol. 4, 1295.

110í901 (KEPJZ), to shear, fut. 1109001, 110915, also 110'9001, Il. 23, 146; Plat. Rep. 5, 16; Mosch. 2,

32: aor. 0'1101901, Poetic also 01109001, Soph. Trach. 1196; Hes. Scut. 419: perf. pass. 110110199011, Xen. Hel. 1, 7, 8 : аог. pass. 0110901111, Pind.

Pyth. 4, 146: 2 aor. pass. 0110191111, Anthol. 9, 56. _ Mid. 1101909011, to shear one’s own hair, fut.

11090179011, Eurip. Hip. 1426 : aor. 01101901'91711, 0110900191311, Arist. Nub. 826; Esch. Pers. 952. Etymologically connected with the Latin curtus, Saxon жути, English shear, short.

паба: and 11001, Iwill lie down, Epic, Odys. 19, 340; 14, 532; 7, 342. The regular future of KEIJL 0r KEJL would be издаю, 1100111 ‘ by dropping the а, 110101, иёш. Buttmann supposes that 1101'10 is contracted from 1101'01, the second future of 110111, after

the analogy of 111.0101` for als'ov; for лещ.

Compare 51;’01.

110111.09011, See 1115109011. идеологов (игдгйт), to cheer on, Epic, part. 1101.011

1160111 protracted from 1101011111511 (каминам), Il. l2, 265; 13, 125.

„то; (KE/LQ), to come or bring to land, as a ship, fut. 1107.001, fEsch. Sup. 330: aor. 01101601, Soph. Trach. 804. Etymologically connected with the Latin pcllo.

110109011, to order, request, exhort, Poetic, fut. 11011;'

009011, Odys. 10, 296: aor. гид/тащу, Pind.



Olym. 13, 113: 2 aor. xsxhópinv and ëxsxlóprlv, Il. 4, 508; Hes. Scut. 341. uwlópevog, 2 aor. part. as present, Il. 8, 346; Soph. Tyr. 159. This form gave rise t0 xs'xlnpai used by the later Epic Poets, as Apol. l, 716.

xsi/réf.: (KENTQ), t0 Epic aor. infin. xévoai xe'opwu, See идиш. xepoívvínu and несший.) and Water, Athen. 2,

prick, puncture, regular. for xsi/view, Il. 23, 337. (xepa'w), lo mia', as Wine 3: fut. педагога (й), xeçoi,

ois, qi, in Hesychius: aor. ëxe'çáoa, Xen. Anab.

1, 2, 13; Epic and Ionic (ëxçnoa) êmxçiîoai, хобот, Odys. 7, 164; Hippocr.: perf. pass. xs xêpaquat, commonly xe'xpápou Ionic xŕxpnyou, Athen. 13, 36; Arist. Plut. 853: pluperf. pass.

êxexpdynv, Plat. Polit. 15: aor. pass. êxsçaíaûiyv and êxpoiůnv (a), Ionic ëxpn'ânv, Xen. Anab. 5, 4,

29 ; Soph. Trach. 662 ; Herod. 4, 152 : аог. mid. ëxapáodpnv transitively, Odys. 3, 393. Verbal xgare'os, Plat. Phil. 147. ­-­ See also издаёт, aap voiœ, пап/щи. The forms uéngîpur, ëngáůqv are formed by metathesis and contraction from usxsgäyar, ausgrîůqv. Compare âpoíuum.

negato», t0 mix, Epic, imperat. xŕgá and négocie, Athen. 2, 29; Il. 9, 203; part. шведу, Odys. 24, 364;

Athen. ll, 33: imperf. ëxŕpaov, Apol. l, 1185. -Mid. изойдут transitive, 2 plur. xeçoíaoůe protracted from xegoioôe (xeçoieoůs), Odys. 3,

332; subj. 3 plur. xŕçwvmi as if from négayat, like öúvwvrat from öúvayou, Il. 4, 260: imperf. ëxepaóynv, Odys. 15, 500; 8, 470. xeçöaívw (IIEPÃÁQ, IÍEPÄÁNQ), l0 gain,

fut. пардон/50), xepöowoi, later xsçön'ow, Ionic neg ôijoopar, Herod. 1, 35; 3, 72 ; Arist. Nub. 1115;

Anthol. 9, 390: aor. êxs'pôáva, Ionic ëxŕgönva, êxŕgânaa, Pind. Isth. 5, 33; Herod. 8, 5; 4, 152:

perf. xeuŕgöayxa and xexégônxa, Dem. 1292.



xeúâm, Epic xsi/Heim (KTQQ), to hide, conceal, fut. xsúaw, Odys. 3, 187 ; Il. 3, 453 : aor. ê'xavaa,

Odys. 15, 263: 2 aor. ê'xvûov, Epic also (nénu дои) кгкйдш, шип, Odys. 3, 16; 6, 302: 2 perf. xe'xevûa as present, Il. 22, 118: 2 pluperf. ¿xs игйдгш as imperfect, Odys. 9, 348. The root KTQ- seems to be etymologically connected with the Saxon hydan, English hide.

xezláöw, see X/IAZQ. xŕœ, see xaíœ.

идёт (ЕЁ/1.452), to vea', trouble., атм, Epic, Il. 17, 550: fut. пищит, Il. 24, 240: 2 perf. xŕxnôa as present middle, to sorrow, Tyrt. 3, 28.-Mid.

апроши, to sorrow, care for, Il. 6, 55: fut. иг

náöiiooyal, Il. 8, 353: aor. Èxnösaoiynv, imperat. 2 sing. xiíöeaai, JEsch. Sept. 139.

мухой/ш, See живёт/со. nidi/nai, for :fedeli/vont, andati/vont, Poetic, Herod.

7, 140.- Mid. nidi/anat, Eurip. Нес. 916. mabianca, Poetic, for шлёт, Esch. Sept. 217. IIIKQ, See dnŕxi§av. xii/éco, to move, regular. _The fut. mid. xivriaoyai

is either refiexive or passive, I shall move myselj, or I shall be moved, Xen. Cyr. l, 4, 19; Plat.

Theaet. 98. _The fut. pass. anon'ooyai is also used as middle, lEschin. 547.

nii/vaat, to move one’s sem Epic for xwéoyai, Odys. 10, 556; ll. 14, 173: imperf. 5x11/linnn, ll. 4,

281. . mpi/ciw and »tipi/nyc, for napalm/opa, Herod. 4, 52; imperat. xica/adi, Pind. Nem. 9, 119; infin. Epic тембра: for :api/vivai, Pind. Isth. 5, 31; part. mpi/ois, IEolic :eign/ous, Odys. 16, 14; А1с. 1, 3: imperf. êníçi/aov and диету, Odys. 7, 182; 14,

78. —— Mid. xica/anat, Eurip. Hip. 254. atleti/w (KIXHMI), Poetic; in the Tragedians 15“



also мухой/(о, to find, reach, Il. 17, 672; Eurip. А1с. 477; also жжёт: imperf. êxíxavov and ¿xi zeov, Il. 2, 18; Odys. 24, 284: fut. xtytíaonat, later Epic also myriad, Il. 2, 258; Apol. 1, 1482:

2 aor. ê'xtzov and êxíznv, жжёт (myd), ждёт, xtztínsvat, xtxst's, Odys. 16, 379. 357; Il. l, 26; 2, 188; 15, 274; 16, 342.-Mid. xtxdvonat as active, Il. 11, 441 : aor. êxtznodnnv, Il. 4, 385:

2 aor. (or pres.) part. титанов, Epic, Il. 5, 187. ut'Earo, aor. mid. 3 sing. in Hesychius, explained niet», ëtaßtv, ¿irri/nsw. _Anthol. 15, 27, ì'ntEa is by some referredV to this verb. We are not prepared to say that it means any thing. When a poem has the form of “ a Swallow’s Egg” it is absurd to suppose that there is any sense to it.

xíyçnnt (19de), to lend, Dem. 1250: fut. yçtíoa, Herod. 3, 58: aor. ê'lçnaa, Arist. Thesm. 219: perf. pass. жёлтым, Dem. 817. _Mid. xílça nat, to borrow, imperf. штату, Anthol. 9, 584: aor. ëzgnodnnv,Eurip. Elec. 190. ­- Com pare депеша, to lend; daveílonat, to borrow. xtlgâoâat, pres. mid. infin., Theoph. Char. 30.

xfa: (KI/10.2), to go, Poetic, xt'w, xiotnt, nis, nim',

жёг, ./Esch. Choëph. 680; Sup. 504; Odys. 1, 311 ; 7, 50; Plat. Cratyl. 91 ; Il. l, 35: imperf. ê'xtov usually as aorist, Il. 1, 348 ; 12, 138; Hes.

Scut. 284: 2 aor. êxiaůov (t), only in the com pound nerexiaůov, Il. 11, 52. 714. The part. mail' takes the acute on the last syllable, after

the analogy of îm'v and éd», frbm sint and tint'.

Мат/оста and :clay/yin: (xldt'œ), to bark, JEsch. Eum. 131 ; Theoc. Epigr. 6. жмёт


КАНГД), to

shout, scream, clang, Poetic, Soph. Antig. 112: fut. xldyëw, xsxld7§onau jEsch. Pers. 947; Arist. Vesp. 930: aor. мат, 1, 46: 2 aor.


1 75

ŕ'xlayov, Eurip. Aul. 1062: 2 perf. жги/11170; and xŕxlayya as present, 11. 2, 222; Arist. Vesp. 929. Arist. Vesp. 929, 2 perf. subj. пышны, in Dindorf’s edition “ингуши, implying „вклада. It is an onomatopy, connected with the Latin clango, English slang.

идиш (II/1.41112), also xloíw, long a and without contraction, lo weep, cry, Arist. Ran. 654: fut. xlaúoœ, кипящим ог xlavaoíîyat, also кит? am and xlańaw, Theoc. 23, 34; Arist. Lys. 505; Pac. 1081 ; Dem. 546. 440: aor. ê'xlavaa,

jEsch. Sept. 828: perf. pass. xéxlavyaa, Soph. Tyr. 1490; later and doubtful xéxlavapar, An thol. 7, 281 : aor. pass. ëxlaúaůqv later, Anthol.

App. Epigr. 341 : 3 fut. pass. „падаешь, Arist. Nub. 1436. _Mid. „Маш, 1Е5с11. Sept. 920: aor. ëxlavaoíppv transitively, Soph. Trach.

153: perf. xŕulavyar, to be bathed in tears, ÍEsch. Choëph. 457. 731. KAAQ, to call, see хамы. кыш (й), to break, aor. ê'xldaa, Odys. 6, 128: perf. pass. забитыми, Хеп. Eq. 7, 6: aor. pass.

êxloíaůqv, Тhuc. 4, 37: 2 aor. part. „мае, eino

xloís, implying K/IHMI, Anacr. frag. 16. жмёт, to shut, close, fut. щебет, Xen. Anab. 6, 6, 13: aor. ê'xlawa, Xen. Anab. 7, 1, 36: perf. xé

замши, Theoph. Char. 18: perf. pass. xs'xletyaz, commonly xe'xlewyal, Herod. 2, 121 (2) ; Arist.

Vesp. 198: аог. pass. êxlaíaůqv, Xen. Anab. 4, 3, 21: 3 fut. xexleídoyou, Arist. Lys. 1071. _Mid. xleíopou, aor. êxlewaíyvgv reflexive, Xen. Cyr. 7, 2, 5; sometimes transitively, as Thuc. 6, 101. xaraulraï, fut. 3 Sing. for uaraxleluu, Bekker@ Anecd.




Etymologically connected with the Latin claude, clavis, (ища, xlm'g). Its original form was probably „мгш, whence the Ionic xlnt'w.

atleta, to celebrate, see aléa.

ждёте.) (K/IEIIJZ), to steal, fut. хитра, xlŕiponat, Arist. Eccl. 667; Xen. Cyr. 7, 4, 13: aor.

ê'xlsipa, Soph. Aj. 1137 : perf. xéxlotpa, Arist. Plut. 356: perf. pass. „гаммам, Soph. Antig. 681: aor. pass. êxlëtpůnv, rather Ionic, Herod. 5, 84: 2 aor. шиит, later: 2 aor. pass. гима mpf, Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 12. Verbal метёт, Soph. Phil. 57. . „кладут ('!), perf. pass. for us'nlsnnat, Etymol. Magn. voc. ¿ntrstpdtparau

:aléa and atleta, to -celebrate, name, Odys. l, 338;

Hes. Theog. 32: imperf. Зима”, Apol. 3, 246. ­-Pass. xléonat, Pind. Isth. 5, 33: imperf. 2 sing. êxlŕo or ê'xlso (for êxlŕeo), Il. 24, 202. 1:1.er61 contracted from идиша, to celebrate, name, call, Soph. Tyr. 48: fut. alfiere, Hom. Hym. 31, 18: aor. ê'xlyoa, Arist. Av. 905; also Exig §a, Orph. Arg. 1007.

xlníïœ (atleta, идёт), to celebrate, call, Poetic, Apol. 4, 1153; Xen. Cyr. 1, 2, 1: fut. жмёт

Doric, Pind. Olym. 1, 176: perf. pass. пах/115; anat and êxltjtanat, Apol. 4, 618. 990: pluperf. êxlnio'nnv, Apol. 4, 267. — See also ямки. „мы (atlete), to shut, Ionic, Herod. 4, 7: aor.

ëxln'taa (au), Herod. 1, 37; Odys. 24, 165:

perf. pass. xexltíwnat and малышам, Herod. 7, 129; 3, 117: aor. pass. êxlniaůnv, Herod. 1,

165. ­- See also ямба. :this: contracted from xlním, to shut, Herod. 7,

129: imperf. ê'xlnov, Eurip. Rhes. 304: fut. жмёт, Thuc. 4, 8; Doric etage?, Theoc. 6, 32 :

aor. .tx/Inca, Doric ê'u/laga, Thuc. 4, 35; Theoc.



15, 77: perf'. pass. жёлтым, Eurip. Hel. 977: aor. mid. ëxlycoiynv, Doric ênlagoíynv, Thuc. 7, 52; Theoc. 18, 5. The Doric forms xlaêu'i, глаза, мышцу аге written also xlqìai, È'xqua, ¿alqëoiprjm

кит (i), to bend, incline, fut. клуб, Arist. Plut.

621: aor. .ix/lira, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 3: perf. xs’ xlì'xa; Anthol. 12, 213: perf. pass. xŕxliyai, Il. 3, 135: aor. pass. êxlídnv (i), Soph. Trach. 1226; also мыт Poetic, Il. 3, 360: 2 aor.

pass. êxlívnv (i), Arist. Lys. 906. -Mid. xli

vopwu, to lean, incline, reflexive, fut. штамм, Arist. Lys. 910: aor. басит/обут, Odys. 17, 340. The Latin clino is evidently the same as ulivo; ’ clivus is connected with it; also the Saxon hlinian hleonian, and the English lean.

:cli/’œ (KATMI), to hear, Poetic, Soph. Antig. 1207: imperf. .ix/Ivor as aorist, Odys. 2, 42; Soph. Col. 1766: 2 aor. imperat. 1:11731 or né nlúůi, Il. l, 37; 10, 284; 2 plur. идёте or xŕxlůrs, Il. 2, 56; 3, 86: 2 aor. mid. part. x11/'pme as an adjective, celebrated, renowned, Theoc. 14, 26; Athen. 11, 38.

KMÁJZ, see notava. тат for the regular жмёт, to scrape, Arist. Av. 533; infin. „дави, Plat. Gorg. 107: imperf. 3 sing. ê'xvn contracted from Зап/ш, as aorist, Il. 11, 638: fut. :c1/rider, Plat. Theœt. 60: аог. .im/n

aa, Arist. Vesp. 965: perf. pass. кбит/парад, Arist. Plut. 973: aor. pass. êxmíoŕhgv.-See also xvil'm. хита, lo pinch, claw, tear, fut. кубов, Arist. Ran. 1198: aor. ŕ'xwaa, Doric ê'xw§a, Arist. Vesp.

1286; Pind. Pyth. 10, 94: perf. pass. xéxw anat, Arist. Plat. 973: aor. pass. Зап/5619111! as

middle, Theoc. 4, 59.- See also вся/оба.


noem These two verbs, поёт and зет/Ша), seem to be etymologi

cally connected with the English knife.

поёт, See voe'œ. хот/идёт, to rattle, ring, resound, Epic, Il. 2, 466:

aor. ёжит/0631160: (n), Il. 2, 334. кот/[ш (i), to raise dust, sprinkle with dust, Il. 13,

820: fut. хоз/баш (i), aor. гибли, perf. pass. жжёт/Даш, Il. 14, 145; jEsch. Pers. 163 ; Hes.

Op. 479. _ Mid. идущим, xovíoonat, 'êxoviooí ‚щи (oo), refiexive, Anthol. Planud. 25; Orph. Lith. 25 ; Xen. Conv. 3, 8. The perf. pass. nexo'vaar, sometimes subjoined to this verb, belongs to the regular „суши, Theoc. 1, 30.

xowŕw, see поёт. xózrrœ (ХОЛЛ), to cut, strike, knock, fut. xótpm, aor. ê'xotpa, perf. xe'xotpa, Xen. (Econ. 18, 5; Hel. 5, 4, 7; 6, 5, 37: perf. pass. xŕxopnai,

Thuc. 4, 26: 3 fut. pass. xsxdtponal, Arist. Ran. 1223: 2 perf. :cánones Epic, Il. 13, 60: 2 aor. pass. ëndnnv, Thuc. 6, 27. _ Mid. xónronon, to smite one’s self for grief, bewail, lament, Herod.

2, 61 : aor, êxoipolnnv, Eurip. Troad. 623. коей/уйди (KОРЕЛ), to satiate, fut. ‚софит, Epic жрёт Herod. l, 212; Il. 8, 379: aor. êxo'gsoa,

Soph. Phil. 1156: aor. pass. êxogŕoůnv as mid dle, Eurip. Hip. 112: 2 perf. part. xexognós as middle, Epic, Odys. 18, 372._Mid. теги/и ¿um reflexive, perf. nudge-anat, not Attic xexópn nai, Xen. Mem. 3, 11, 13; Il. 18, 287; Odys.

8, 98: aor. ¿xopsodnnv (do), Il. 11, 87. xopůúvœ and „афиш, to heap up, raise up, collect, muster as strength, aor. ëxóçůüva, Hes. Theog. 85. _Pass. xopův'opal (й), Il. 9, 7.

xopv'oow (KOPTQJZ, no'gvs), t0 arm, Poetic, Il. 2, 273: aor. гидры Doric, to butt as a horned animal, Theoc. 3, 5. _ Mid. xogúoooyai reflexive,



Il. 10, 37: perf'. part. ижора/дубрав, Il. 3, 18; Eurip. Andr. 279: аог. ¿xoçuaoíynv (аи), not Attic êxogvgoipnv, to butt, Il. 19, 397; Hippocr. xors'œ and пашню, to be angry, Poetic, Il. 14, 143; jEsch. Sept. 485: aor. Забит, Hom. Hym. 4,

255: 2 perf. part. xexornós, Il. 2l, 456. _ Mid.

xore'oyat as active, imperf. êxorsóynv, ll. 2, 223 : fut. xorŕooyat (au), Il. 5, 747: aor. ¿xorsootynv (da), Il. 23, 383; 5, 177.

xoxv'œ (жги), to trickle down, imperf. noxa/'taxer or xolúöeoxov (ai), Epic, Theoc. 2, 107. идиша (KPAFQ), to cry aloud, fut. ngel/5a, com

monly xexpoëoyat, Anthol. ll, 141; Arist. Ran. 258: 2 aor. Exçayov, Arist. Plut. 428: 2 perf. xŕxçáya as present, Soph. Aj. 1236: 2 pluperf. êxsxçáysw as imperfect, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 10. xéxgazât, 2 perf. imperat. 2 sing. syncopated, Arist. 'Vesp. 198; but 2 plur. usagfiysn, Arist. Vesp. 415. xgayo'v, 2 ног. part. neut. as an adverb, vociferously, loudly, Arist. Eq. 487. 1t is an onomatopy, connected with amiga, néons, napalm, 759119911191511», щебет», un'ovE (crier), Latin corvus, стадо, English crow, cry, croak, Saxon hrœfn or hrefn (raven).

пеший/го, а prolongation of xçaívm, Epic, imperf. дробит/ау, Il. 2, 419: aor. êxgrjnva, Hom. Hym. 3, 223; Il. 1, 41 ; 9, 101: perf. pass. 3 sing. xa

„ватт (da), Odys. 4, 616 : pluperf. pass. 3 sing. nexçoiavro, Odys. 4 132: aor. pass. ¿xga оба/07111, Theoc. 25, 196..

метёт (KPANIZ), to finish, complete, rule over, Poetic, fut. xpm/<5, Eurip. Sup. 375: aor. гита, Epic гита, jEsch. Agam. 369; Odys. 20, 115 : perf. pass. 3 sing. xŕxgavrat,_]Esch. Sup. 943; Eurip. Hip. 1455: aor. pass. дробя/07111, Pind. Pyth. 4, 311 : fut. mid. xgavéoyat as passive, 11. 9, 626.

KPAJZ, see :capota/vont..


. 313}



nge'nanat, to hang, be in a state of suspension, be hanging, inñected like i'oranat, opt. „дедами and xçsnoinnv, Arist. Nub. 870; Vesp. 297: imperf. ëxçsndnnv, Il. 15, 18: fut. xçeniíoonat, Arist. Vesp. 808._See also xgsndwunt, apn’ НИШ" uge'nnnt, the active form, occurs in the part. „ездит, Athen. 1, 46.

agenda/vont (agenda), to hang, suspend, fut. apend аса (й), apano?, Arist. Plut. 312: aor. êxçŕnäaa, Arist. Nub. 229: аог. pass. êxçendoûnv, Xen. Anab. 7, 4, 17. _Mid. пироги/идеи, to hang',

intransitive, usually xgénanat, which see: aor. êxgsnaadnnv reñexive; sometimes transitive, as Hes. Op. ‘627. ngenóm, fut.. protracted from неврит (agendas), xgsndw), Il. 7, 83. The simple theme agende» is not used by the classi cal writers.

ищут/абаз and замути, for „дама/шиш, part. x91; nva's, Pind. Pyth. 443. _ Mid. xçn'nvanat, jEsch. Sept. 229: imperf. ëupnnvávto, поднимут/бую, Hom. Hym. 6, 39. KPIZQ, to creak, shriek, squeak, 2 aor. ŕ'xgtxov,

Il. 16, 470: 2 perf. xéxpíya as present, Arist. Av. 1521.

:egim (t), to separate, judge, decide, fut. xgwŕw, apta/¿5, Hippocr. Jusjur. 5 1; Soph. Col. 79: aor. ê'xgiva, Xen. Hel. 1, 7, 38: perf. xŕxçïxa,

Dem. 283: perf. pass. xŕxginat, Eurip. Phœn. 1663: aor. pass. êxçíůnv (t), Epic заедет,

Pind. Pyth. 8, 121 ; Il. 3, 98. Verbal путём, Hippocr. de Art. § 15.-Mid. agir/anat, to de cide, dispute, choose, select, interpret as a dream, fut. xpwŕonat, жест/обут, Odys. 18, 149 ; Eurip.

Med. 609: aor. êxçwdnnv, Odys. 4, 778; 8, 36. _ See also степей/суш.



It is clearly connected with the Latin вето, crevi, cretum.

xgúnm (KPTBQ), to hide, conceal, fut. nieuwe, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, l2: aor. ê'xnga, Thuc. 2, 34: perf. xéxpvtpa, Hippocr.: perf. pass. ne'xçvypau, Soph. Tyr. 1398: aor. pass. диетам, Thuc. 2, 39: 3 fut. xsxpúwoyai, Hippocr.: 2 aor. pass. гидами the usual aorist passive, Soph. Aj. 1145.

Verbal перигее, Soph. Antig. 273. -— Mid. xçúnroyai reflexive or transitive, Xen. Anab. 1, 1, 6 ; Soph. Aj. 647 : fut. xçútpoyai, Soph. Trach. 474; Eurip. Bac. 955: perf. pass. xe' примеси, Dem. 836: aor. детсаду, Soph. An tig. 246. ê'xgvßov, N. T. Luc. l, 24, usually regarded as a second

aorist active. -xgún шамот, imperf. iterative, Il. 8, 278. — Soph. Aj. 1145, the 2 aor. part. „дудел; is edited also ugu q>elç, implying KPbeJZ. Eurip. Bacch. 955, for upv/‘Jij топ, the Codex Palatinus has uguqniy'wai. See Matt. Gram.

ё 193. Obs. 3 (5th edit. 1832). It is not absurd to suppose that xgúmw is a modification of памяти)" see oile'ëm.

погода“, to acquire, fut. nrríaoyat, Soph. Trach. 471 : perf. xs'xrnyai and ê'xnyyai as present, to possess, have, Thuc. 1, 33; jEsch. Prom. 795:

aor. pass. êxzrfônv passively, Thuc. 1, 123 : aor. mid. êxrnaa'ynv, Soph. Aj. 777: 3 fut. :centrico Aaai and êxzríaoyai, shall possess, have, Eurip.

А1с. 181 ; Plat. Lach. 21.

Verbal xznréos, Plat.

Rep. 2, 13. ие’ищтш, perf. subj. 3 sing. Xen. Conv. l; 2 plur. amniotic, Isoc. 37: opt. мантии, Plat. Leg. 8, 7; 1 plur. nexrln'jisâu, Plat. Rep. (i, 15.

Also 0pt.. 3 sing. некий-го,

Хеп. Ages. 9, 7; 3 plur. usurqípeäu, Eurip. Heracl. 282.

пей/т (KTENQ, KTANQ, KТАЛ), to kill, slay, fut. лжёт, xrsvai, Epic also xravŕœ, Herod. 3, 30; Thuc. 3, 58; ll. 18, 309: aor. ê'xrewa,

Soph. Tyr. £92: perf. ê'xzäxa and ê'xrayxa



later, Aristotel.; also êxróvnxa rare, Xen. Hier.

3, 8 : aor. pass. ëxrdônu Epic, and ¿ardt/61p' later, Odys. 4, 537; Anthol. 14, 32: 2 perf. ŕ'xrova

the usual perfect active, Xen. Anab. 2, 1, 8: 2 aor. ê'xravov Poetic, Il. 2, 701 ; also (from

KTHMI) ê'xrav Poetic, xra'í, жабры/аи ог жаб

nev for пойти, xtois, Soph. Trach. 38: fut. mid. xravs'onat as passive, Il. 14, 481: 2 aor. ¿ard nnv Poetic, лобовая, xtdnsvos, as passive, Il. 15, 437. 558; jEsch. Pers. 923.-See also Rem. ё 72. xréwnrv, 2 aor. subj. Epic for лабуду, dissyllabic in pro nunciation, Odys. 22, 216. It is connected with wird, and Latin cœdo, cudo, English cut.

Its primary meaning seems to be to smite, strike, beat, cut; hence to kill, slay, put to death.- We suppose further that null/m is the causative of дубины, to die; hence the

construction диодами rino' шит, to die by the hand of any Une.

:ainsi/os (uffa, KTIIlII), n, ov, Epic, built, found

ed, a defective 2 aor. mid. part. with a passive signification; used only in composition, êuxrt' nevos, Il. 2, 569.

xvii/vont and кии/йод (univa), to kill, only in com position, ánoxtíwvnt, Xen. Hel. 6, 5, 7; 4, 4, 2;

Plat. Gorg. 53. dnox'tlvvvnsv, Subj. 1 plut’. for dnourtvvliœnev, Plat. Gorg. 53; rather doubtful. Compare ausüdvvvat, спадами

rat, from андезит.

xrvrrŕw (KTTIIJZ), to sound, crash, Poetic, Il. 13,

140: aor. ëxrúmgoa, Soph Col. 1606 : 2 aor. ê'anov, Il. 8, 75.-Mid. xrvns'onat as active, Arist. Plut. 758. xvŕw and núm, to be pregnant, Il. 23, 266; Arist. Lys. 745; also to bring forth, later, Palœph. 2,

1. 5: fut. кидаю, xvtíaonat, Hippocr.: aor. .im/'n



aa, Arist. Thesm. 641 ; also ŕ'xûaa causative, to

impregnate, Esch. frag. 38: perf. xsxúnxa, An thol. 7, 385. :e1/taxa, to conceive-Mid. xvîoxoyat as active, Herod. 2, 92: aor. mid. êxoodynv or гит/добуду (oa), Il. 6, 26; Hes. Theog. 125. xvlívdœ, индийца, and пси/1100), to roll, Soph. Antig. 590; Arist. Vesp. 202; Xen. Anab. 4, 2,

3: fut. хила/Маш гаге, Herodes Attic. Pag. Triop. 35: аог. тиса, Arist. Thesm. 767; Pind. frag.

2 (£§auúlltaosv) : perf. pass. xsxv'ltaptac, Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 1: aor. pass. êxulíoonv, Soph. Elec. 50._ See also xaltvâe'optat.

avvia (KT12), to kiss, fut. xuwíoopat, Eurip. Cycl. 172: aor. ê'xůoa (oo), Arist. Ran. 788; Il. 8,

371. _The compound пробки/560, to worship, is regular; as aor. ngooexúvnaa, Poetic'also 719065 nuca, Soph. Phil. 533. It is not absurd to suppose that it is etymologically con nected with the Saxon сузят, German küssen, English kiss.

xunta (KТФЛ, xürpds), to stoop, fut. гейша), com monly nútpoyat, Arist. Av. 146; Plat. Euthyd. 71: aor. ŕ'wia, Xen. (Econ. 11, 5: perf. xéno фи, Arist. Lys. 1003. :tz/'gw (o), to fall in with, meet, chance, Eurip. Hip. 746: fut. xúpow, Soph. Col. 225: aor. ê'xupaa,

Herod. 3, 77. _ Mid. xúçoyat as active, Il. 24, 530.

núm, to be pregnant, see xve'w. KTJZ, to kiss, See xvi/Éco.

:impatto (minos), to revel, celebrate in song, regu lar: aor. гидрида, Doric гидрида, Eurip. Here. 180; Pind. Nein. 2, 38. _ Mid. xwyoil'optat ap parently as active, nayoioopat, Pind. Isth. 4, 124 ;

Pyth. 9, 157.


лиры А.

AABQ, see lanßdwo. штат (ААХЛ, AHXJZ, AEFXQ), to obtain by lot, fut. lógonat, Ionic ¿dgonau Plat. Rep. 10, 14; Herod. 7, 144: perf. sïlnla and идиша,

Doric этажа, Soph.

1058; Col. 1235; The

oc. 16, 84: perf. pass. гашиш, Dem. 873: aor.

pass. êtrjlônv, Dem. 990: 2 aor. Etalon', Thuc. 5, 21. Verbal Années, Isaeus, 176. titular', 2 aor. Epic for ату, Horn. Hym. 4, 86._ ИМЕЮ», 2 aor. subj. Epic, to cause to partake, Il. 7, 80.

Ãdt'onat and Машинам, Poetic for Àanßde, Il. 4, 357; Arist. Lys. 209.

ldûonat, Doric for lnûonat. 1149.2, see ).avůdvm.

).axdt'm for Adotta, Esch. Sup. 872; Sept. 186. Àáxs'w, Doric for Ацидоз, Adatta. AAKJZ, see Adatta.

).anßa'vw (AABJZ, ААМВЛ, AHBQ), to take, fut. Mítponat, Ionic ).dnlponat, Doric ).alpoůnat, Xen. Anab. 1, 7, 9; Herod. l, 199; Theoc. 1, 4: perf. ei'lntpa, Thuc. 1, 77; Ionic Àsldßnxa

rare, Herod. 4, 79: perf. pass. si'Ãnnnat, some times Ãélnnnat, Ionic Ãŕlannat, Xen. Conv. 3, 13; Arist. Есс1. 1090; Herod. 3, 117: aor. pass.

затрат, Ionic ëÀdnrpůnv, Soph. Trach. 810; Herod. 2, 89: 2 aor. ê'laßov, Soph. Tyr. 276. Verbal hnnrŕos, Arist. Eq. 603. _Mid. Аир/Зоб— vonat, to take hold of, Eurip. Heracl. 48: 2 aor. êtlaßónnv, Soph. Col. 373. È'Ãlotßov, §11ußdn'qv, 2 801'. Epic for äaßov, ¿laßdnrpg Odys. l, 298; 5, 325. _lelaßëaůau 2 aor. mid. Epic for haßs'oâut, Odys. 4, 388.

lannsrómv (Мёрли), shining, a defective participle, protracted from lanneróv (­daw), Il. 1, 104.



lat/Gaim, Poetic also Айда: (ААОД), to lie hid, escape notice, Soph. Tyr. 1325: fut. Афиш, Arist. Есс1. 98: aor. Юлии rather rare, Thuc. 8, 10; Xen. Cyr. l, 6, l; sometimes causatively, to

cause to forget, Odys. 20, 85: aor. pass. ¿Ãa oůnv Doric, to forget, Theoc. 2, 46; part. ¿m

Àaoôe'v, unnoticed in song, forgotten, Pind. frag. 86: 3 fut. pass. lelijooyat as middle, I will for get, Eurip. Alc. 198: 2 aor. Надо», Thuc. 4,

133: 2 perf. lŕlnûa, Xen. Mem. 2, 3, 11 ; some times as middle, to forget, Herod. 3, 46. —— Mid. lavâoivopat, Poetic also Àn'tìoyat, to forget, Il. 9, 259: fut. Äríooyat, Odys. l, 308; sometimes

as passive, Soph. Elec. 1249: perf. pass. ¿élu oyat, Epic also Адмирал, Soph. Elec. 342; Il. 5, 834: aor. êlnaoiynv equivalent to Надир, Apol. 3, 737; Doric êlaooíynv, Mosch. 3, 63: 2 aor. дивами, Esch. Sup. 731. lélaâov, 2 aor. Epic for Надели, causative, to cause to

forget, ll. 2, 600: but opt. leláůo ц“, Аро|. 3, 778, has the regular meaning-1.1101361117», 2 аог. mid. Epic for éla âópnv, 1l. 4, 127. ­-- Hes. Theog. 471, opt. leldůotro equivalent to the active láôot. -­ ls'lrîâa, êntlélo'ttìa, 2 perf. Doric, as middle, to have forgotten, Pind. Olym. 10,

4. -êxleloiâwig 2 aor. part. adjectively, causing forget fulness, oblivious, Theoc. l, 63; with the accent on the ре

nult. This verb is etymologically connected with the Latin lateo.

мат (ЛАКИ), to speak, gabble, Poetic, Eurip. Andr. 671 : fut. Àaxn'aoyal, Arist. Pac. 381 :

aor. êláxnoa (d), Arist. Pac. 382, but a, Nub.

410: 2 aor. Нашем, Soph. Trach. 824: 2 perf. Адамов, Epic Aélnxa, as present, jEsch. Prom. 407; Il. 22, 141 : 2 aor. mid. lelaxo'ynv Epic, Hom. Hym. 2, 145.-See also lig/œ, to say, tell. шланга, 2 perf. part. fem. for лимита, Odys. 12, 85.

lapúooœ, to devour, see Забит. 16*



AAXJZ, see лишат. . ДАЛ, to bathe, see Абы. lám, t0 see, Epic, Hom. Hym. 2, 360; Odys. 19,

229: imperf. Айву, Odys. 19, 230. It may possibly be etymologically connected with the English interjection lo.’ equivalent to ìôoú! see! behold!

lám, to wish, see h5.

hiya, to say, tell, regular: aor. pass. always 51.510121/ ­ fut. mid. le'gonou as passive, Eurip. А1с. 322. The perfect шар is not found. This verb is connected with мат (AAKJZ), which seems to be nothing more than an onomatopy. Further, the Latin loquor is connected with laluna», and consequently with Нут, 100.015, lalays'w, lullige.

Нут, to enumerate, gather, collect, select, choose, Il. 23, 239: fut. läge», Odys. 24, 223: aor. ê'Àsëa,

Thuc. 8, 44 : perf. эпоха, Dem. 328: perf. pass. ¿they/pat, sometimes Адепты, Dem. 650; Herod. 7, 40: aor. pass. ¿laß-¿01211, Xen. Mem. 3,

5, 2: 2 aor. êÀéynv, Dem. 1208.

Verbal laure’

09, Plat. Rep. 3, 19; 5, 6. _Mid. le'yopiar usu ally as active, Il. 8, 508. 547: fut. lŕ§oyan Doric Äsëoziptat, Call. Min. 116: aor. Éle§oíynv, Il. 2,

125. _ The forms .st/1010:, alley/you or ¿élan/yat, 5151071», ¿M7/nv are found only in composition, as avhléyw, бит/гати, ovlhe'leyyal. But Élé zönv, Il. 3, 188. tts'ypnv, 2 aor. mid. as passive, Odys. 9, 335; 3 sing. 1.5'qu transitive, Odys. 4, 451. Not to be confounded with

the corresponding forms from AEXJL. It is natural to suppose that the meanings t0 enumer ate, &.c. are modifications of the general idea то пттвв А soUND, sAY, TELL, which idea is as physical as any other.

AEPXJZ, see la7/Zaire».

яйлы and ¿innata/œ (/IIIIQ), to leave, Thuc. 8, 17: fut. марш, Soph. Phil. 1084: aor. â'ìenpa. later, Pythagor. 70: perf. pass. Aélaipyar, Xen.



Cyr. 2, 2, 3: aor. pass. ilsítpônv, Thuc. 3, 11: 3 fut. pass. leleítpoyat, Xen. Anab. 2, 4, 5:

2 aor. Нити, Soph. Antig. 143: 2 perf. Адепт, Хеп. АпаЬ. 1, 2, 21.

Verbal Àume'os, Eurip.

Herc. 1385. _ Mid. малом, to be left behind,

be inferior, `fall short of, Àsítpoyat, Ãélctyyat, Hes. Ор. 198; Eurip. Sup. 904: 2 aor. Elmóynv, Il. 3, 160; sometimes transitively, to leave for one’s self, Herod. 1, 186; 2, 134. ls'lltnov, 2 аог. for Нити, Apol. 2,1034.-£1lq>317v, aor. pass. for ширму, if not a mistake in copying, Apol. l, 1325,-ì’15m10, imperf. pass. for вылет, as aorist, Apol. 1, 45; formed in imitation of the old Epic forms дёхто, Muro, &.c. _ Herod. 7, 164, the imperf. мифам is transi tive.

The form Aiynoívw is etymologically connected with the Latin lingua; and Asino», with the English leave.

leila: (AEIXMJZ, AIXZVIJZ), to lick, aor. Нага, ./Esch. Eum. 106: 2 perf. part. Аэлиты and леммы, playing with the tongue as a serpent,

Hes. Theog. 826. It is hardly necessary to remark that this verb is connect ed with the Latin lambo, lingo, lingua, English lick.

Медиум, see Ãtlaíoptat. ¿súoow (lám), to see, defective. ./IEXQ, to put to rest, cause to sleep, Epic, aor. É'Äsga, Ãŕ§ov, Il. 14, 252; 24, 635. Not to be

confounded with the corresponding forms from Mya. _Mid. AEXOMAI, to lie down to rest, sleep, fut. lŕgoyat, Odys. 4, 413: aor. êÀegoiynv, ll. 14. 360. lèypevoç, pres. mid. part. syncopated, Odys. 2, 196. _ limo or Шато, 2 aor mid. syncopated, Odys. 19, 50; 4, 453: imperat. 2 sing. ltEo or НЕМ, 11.24, 650; 9, 617; Odys. 19, 5981inlin. ls'läat, natals'gůal, Odys. 15, 394. The nouns Аддис, bed, and lo'xoç, an ambush, are derived

from this theme. Compare also the Latin lectus, lectulus, Saxon ligan, legan, English lie, lay.



АНВЛ, See Äanßde.

твоем (Маю), êxlnûdvm, to cause to forget, Odys. 7, 221. Айда), See АОН/добив.

).níïœ, to pillage, carry of forcibly, rob, Thuc. 4, 4l; rare in the present active: perf. pass. ls Àtítonat and Àélyonat, Eurip. Med. 256; Troad. 373: aor. pass. êlníoûnv, Apol. 4, 401.-Mid. lníïonat transitive, Herod. 4, 112: fut. Antoo nat (aa), Herod. 6, 86; Odys. 23, 28: aor. 51n

tadnnv (oo) and щиту, Herod. 3, 47: Il. 18, 28.


Inicia, Epic for Àdaxw, Odys. 8, 379.

ÀHXÍZ, see досужей/т.

мага, etymologically connected with идут, in Не Sychius. _ Mid. Майоран, to turn aside, separate

one’s self, also to drop, fall, sink, Epic, Il. 20, 420 ; 24, 96: pluperf. Àsltdonnv, Mosch. 4, 118: aor. pass. ¿ltdaânv as middle, Il. 15, 543; 1, 349. /IIZJL or AIITJZ, to twang, aor. туги, Il. 4,

125. ¿thaionat (AI/IAQ, leía), to desire earnestly, crave, Epic, Il. 13, 253; 20, 76: perf. ищут,

Theoc. 25, 196; part. lattanti/os means also eager, hastening, Il. 4, 465: pluperf. мандат, Аро1. 3, 646. Observe that the t of the root is dropped in the perfect and pluperfect; compare nústoç from „мы.

Àtnna'vw, See laines. Миш, to desire earnestly, Apol. 4, 813: perf. mid.

шиш transitive, lEsch. Sept. 355, 380. It is etymologically connected with the Latin libet, libido. The root ).m- may possibly be connected with the English like.

Методом and lironat, to supplicate, Il. 1, 174 ;



VArist. Thesm. 313 : aor. ê/lwoípnv (M), Odys. 1 l, 35 ; 10, 526; 11. 1, 394 : 2 aor. êÃtro'pnv, Odys. 14, 406; 11. 16, 47. даёт, to bathe, transitive, Epic, imperf. êlóeov, Elo’ evv, Odys. 4, 252: aor. ¿Ãóeaa (ou), ll. 23, 282.

_ See also Мю, Àovŕœ, Àoúm. _ Mid. to bathe, reflexive, fut. ).oŕoaopat, Odys. 6, 221 : aor.

догмату, Нез. Ор. 620. love'm for loúw, Hom. Hym. 4, 290.

Àoúw contracted from Àoéw, to bathe, transitive, regular. _ See also Àoéœ, Мю, Àovŕw. This form is not much used in the present and imperfect. AS t0 È'lou, дойдёт, lol-5pm, Дай, loi'uůou, дойдет; дофин, usually subjoined to this form, it would on the whole be more

satisfactory to refer them to 7.6m.

Абы, the original theme of Ãoéco, Poetic in the ac tive, imperf. 3 sing. Мг, ё'Аои, Odys. 10, 361;

Arist. Vesp. 118; 1 plur. Найдет! (êlóopsv), Arist. Plut. 657; 3 plur. Mov, Hom. Hym. 1, 120._Mid. Мощи, Àoüpat, to bathe, reflexive,

Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 11; Arist. Nub. 838; imperat. ).017 (Мои), in Hesychius; infin. Мидии, ).015 oůat, Hes. Op. 747; Odys. 6, 216; part. lou’

psvos (loópevos), Arist. Plut. 658: imperf. £11011’ pnv (добуду), Athen. 4, 60; 3 sing. ¿Àoůro (êldero), Herod. 3, 125; 3 plur. Надя/20 (5116 ovro), Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 4. 7.051110, protracted добыто, imperf. mid. 3 plur. implying a theme ААЛ, Call. Min. 72. 73.

This verb is connected with the Latin lavo, lautum. We may assume then _4A Гл аз the original form.

¿oponía/anat (ATMANJZ), to outrage, injure, in sult, frustrate; sometimes passively,


826: fut. дурит/обут, Хеп. Суг. 6, 3, 24: perf. Àelúpadpat, 3 sing. Àslúpavral, Dem. 1375. 570; sometimes passively, Herod. 9, 112: aor.



pass. ‚гм/догмат passively, jEsch. Choëph. 290: aor. mid. ëlvpnvaiunv, Herod. 8, 28. lila, to loose, release, untie, fut. Маш (o), Soph. Tyr. 407: aor. ëhüaa, Il. 2, 808: perf. шиш, Athen. A13, 44; Arist. Vesp. 992: perf. pass.

Àŕlùnai, Il. 8, 103: aor. pass. êlúûnv (ú), Arist. Thesm. 1207: 3 fut. ).slúoopal, Xen. Cyr. 6, 2,


Verbal lurŕos,

Plat. Gorg. 80. _ Mid.

Àúopai, usually to ransom, Айва/„юн, ).ŕlupat, êhvodynv, Il. 1, 13; Dern. 958; Xen. Anab. 7, 8, 6. Xen. Cyr. l, 6, 9, naratúaapai is apparently passive in sense. _Eurip. Med. 146, naralvaalpnv likewise apparently passive.

tetñro, perf. pass. opt. 3 sing., Odys. 18, 238. _ Нут, (17), 2 aor. mid. as if from ATMI, Il. 21,80; 3 sing. 1.1510

(й) as passive, Il. 21, 114. 425; 24, 1; 3 plur. Нута as passive, Il, 7, 16; 15, 435-11795 2 aor. imperat. like 11173:, Pind. frag. 55.

Etymologically connected with the Latin salvo, solutus,

English loose. For the prefix so­, compare sorbeo, ¿amén ° servo, tPTJ! (гейш); сошраге also English slack.

1103, Doric for délai, contracted from lám, his, hij,

laines, hize, loivu, Arist. Lys. 981. 1105. 1162. 1163; Theoc. 1, 12; Athen. 6, 28; infin. Аду, Thuc. 5, 77; part. lair, Athen. 6, 28._ See also lilaíopal.

lœßdoyai, t0 maltreat, insult, fut. Àwßiíoonat, Plat. Crito, 7: perf. lshóßnuai passively, Herod. 3, 155: aor. pass. êlwßiítrnv passively, Soph. Phil. 330: aor. mid. êÀwönodunv, Il. l, 232. Soph. Aj. 217, дышим, according tothe Scholiast, is

either passive or reflexive. Ellendt prefers the latter mean ing, has been disgraced.


МА @12, see „отдаёт/ш. natpᜠ(МАЛ), long a, to desire earnestly, to



rage, Poetic, Il. 20, 490; 13, 78; Soph. Aj.

50: aor. фосфида, Il. 5, 670. ‚индийским, 3 plur. protracted for paranoia: (ya: douai), Il. 13, 75 : part. ‚лишать -nimua, -uiwvroç 0r -oiorrog l. l5, 742.

542; Apol. 2, 269; Herod. 8, 77.

yaíva (MANIZ), only in the compound гидам, to madden, Eurip. Hip. 1229: aor. Зрим, Arist. Thesm. 561; Soph. Trach. 1143: 2 aor. pass. ¿paia/nv as middle, Soph. Aj. 726: 2 fut. pass. yawíooyat as middle, later, Anthol. 11, 216:

2 perf. néant/a as present middle, to be mad, rave, Soph. Antig. 790. _ Mid. yaívopat, to be mad, raving, fut. растащили, Herod. 1, 109: perf. payait/nya: Epic, Theoc. 10, 3l: aor. ¿ynvápigv Epic, Il. 6, 160. paíoyat (MAIZ), to feel afier, touch, seek, probe, Odys. 13, 367; Soph. Aj. 287: fut. ‚майоран

(oo), Il. 4, 190: aor. ënaooiynv (do), Odys. 13, 429.

. MAKIZ, see шпагами. „шит (MAQIZ), to learn, understand, fut. pta

ůríaoyat, Soph. Aj. 284: perf. „шабаша, Xen. Mem. 3, 3, 11: 2 aor. градом, Thuc. 1, 40:

fut. mid. „шагами Doric, contracted from ya dŕoyat, Theoc. 11, 60. Verbal yaânrs'os, Arist. Vesp. 1262. ë'nyaäov, 2 aor. Epic, Odys. 17, 226; 18, 362.

добра/ирис, to fight, Poetic, infiected like iaraptat .in the present and imperfect, Il. 4, 513; subj. добра/туш, Hes. Scut. 110; 0pt. депутату, Odys. ll, 513; imperat. ,unipi/ao (добежав), Il. 15, 475: imperf. темами, Eurip. Phœn. 1142. Pind. Nem. 5, 86, ind. 3 sing. догмат тау have a long penult.

página (ZVIAPIIIZ, MAHIZ), to take hold of, seize, catch, fut. (избушка, Il. 15, 137: aor. граду/ос,



Soph. Aj. 444: 2 aor. ne'nagnov, also without the ç, ê'nanov and nŕnanov, Hes. Scut. 231. 252. 245: 2 perf. nénagna, Hes. Op. 202. êns'nagnro, pluperf. pass. 3 sing, Hes. Scut. 245, in Goetling’s edition, for the usual nénagnov.

naartóœv, protracted from рапиду (naartdœv), scourging, a defective Epic part. equivalent to nacrtyöv from the regular naottyóm, Hes. Scut. 431. тайга), Epic notaría, to scourge, whip, lash, Il. 17, 622; Hes. Scut. 466: aor. ênoíortëa, Il. 5, 768.

nail/anat, Epic and Ionic also nazéonat, to fight, Il. l, 272; Herod. 7, 104: fut. naxŕaonat, nayéo nat, расходная Attic, also nayńaonat Epic, He rod. 7, 209 ; Il. 2, 366; l, 298; Soph. Phil.

1253: perf. Аигдшзбжщдш, rarely „гусарам, Isoc. 127; Xen. Cyr. 7, 1, 14: aor. ênaxsodnnv (ao), Xen. Anab. 1, 7, 17; Theoc. 22, 74.


nalezŕos or naynrŕos, Plat. Soph. 73. 56. Some critics, for the sake of uniformity, write aor. mid. град/75:10:10 for фирмам, a reading not supported by manuscript authority, and therefore worth little._Xen. Cyr. 7, 1, 14, avnnsnageons'vœv iS Written also ovnnale aanévwv._na1etónsvoç and naxeoiinevoç, pres. part.

Epic, Odys. 17, 471 ; 11, 403.

МАЛ and МЕНЫ, to desire earnestly, or strong

ly, to be eager, intend, Poetic, 2 perf. nénova and „еще; as present, nendm, nenaais, Il. 5, 482; Esch. Sept. 686: 2 pluperf. ênsndstv as imper fect. _Mid. ndonat as active, Soph. Col. 836; infin. nóso as if from wie», Doric, Xen. Mem. 2, 1, 20; infin. nóaŕtat, Theogn. 769._ See also

шут/150210. Theoc. 25, 64, nénaev is an imperfect from a new pres ent. Compare dwp/09511, детали, ênénnuov, versůlerov, from ANEQJZ., dpapt'axot, nnudonat, Isúlœ. _ The 2 perf. ne'nova evidently belongs to this theme. Compare мы, yéyova, from yiyvonat.



This theme may possibly be connected with the Latin moveo, meo; perhaps it once had the dígamma, MA Гл. Further, Mavors, the original form of Mars, the ímpetuous god, may be connected with it. The Latin rnens, mind, is usually referred to MENJZ, whence дате.

pe'ôopat, to concern one’s self about, think of, plan, machinate, Epic, Il. 2, 384; 4, 21 ; 9, 622: fut.

peöiíaoptou, 11. 9, 650. Etymolo'gically connected with уйдешь pílw, pélopat, and perhaps with the Latin medeor, meditar. For the commuta tion of ö and 1, compare ’Oöuuasúg ’Olvoosúç, Ulysses; 6u’ xgvov, lacryma; ôa-, law' декаде, loiawç' MIZ, dit," 1’in

(0412), odor, oleo.

pe'ôm, to rule, Soph. Antìg. 1119; Il. 2, 79; part. pe'öow and peâéwv, Il. 2, 276._The participle „гашу Ьаз usually the force of a noun, ruler. ‚идёшь: (parat, Бди), to send of, let go, grünem, &.c. as in î'npt: perf. prpŕůetxa, Anacr. frag. 78: perf. pass. part. pspaupévos Ionic, Herod. 5, 108: fut. mid. pernoopat аз passive, Ionic, Herod. 5, 35. _See also fm. pedi/'am (дадим), to intoxicate,

aor. êpŕůüaa,

Athen. 9, 51 : perf. pass. psps'ůvdpat, Athen. 4, 78: aor. pass. êaeůúoůnv аз middle, to get drunk, Eurip. Cycl. 167; Arist. Vesp. 1252. _ Mid. peůúoxopat, to get drunk, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 11. See also paddo. 41691511.9111', aor. pass. infin. ¿Eolie for psävoâñvat, А1с. apud Athen. 10, 35. Some editors, without manuscript authority, write ‚давнему, with the circumŕlex on the last syllable.

AS to the

infinitiveS угри-‚119177, entyçaqunv,

отгфаишдцщ пинцет of the inscriptions (Gregor. Corinth), they prove nothing, inasmuch as the accents are omitted.

„гады (й), to get drunk, defective, Odys. 18, 240. MEIPJZ (MEPJZ, MОРД), to divide, distribute, allot, Poetic, 2 aor. ê'ppogsç, Apol. 3, 4; 4, 62: 2 perf. груде: аз middle, Il. 1, 278; Odys. Op. 17



345. _Mid. реформ, to obtain, transitive, Il. 9, 616; Hes. Op. 576: perf. pass. 3 sing. imper sonal афишам, it is fated, Dem. 1435 ; part. афишей/05, fated, ordained by fate, Soph. Trach. 169; also pieptópnrat, ysuognye'vos and nepopptŕ vos, Apol. l, 646; Anthol. 7, 466. 700: pluperf.

pass. 3 sing. impersonal eipagro, it was fated, Dem. 293 ; also pieno'pnro, Apol. 1, 973. грифами, 2 perf. 3 plur. Doric, in Hesychius.­-nsn0'. gama», perf. pass. 3 sing. in the sense of аиром, Plat. Loc. 2; implying MOPAZJZ.- Äußgotrai for ei'paprou, апс1 гдрдадёщ for ripugpérn, in Hesychius; formed as follows; MEIPJL, ¿pag-ral, вдарит], like mäßige», È'tpůotouat, ¿qnůaoué и; ' by metathesis and epenthesis, флеши, еддеадщ. Com. pare â'yßooroç from d-, Auoorziç' будете? from duagur'vœ’

yapßgóg from ya'yoç ' ‚Анапу/59:50: from yéaoç, rips'ga ' cucum~ ber, French concombre, Latin cucumis or cucumer; number, French nombre, Latin numerus. _ßaßgane'vmv for sinag

pa'vwv, in Hesychius; formed from MEPJZ by changing ,u into ß. Compare рант, „шеи ‘ раут, ps'ya, Latin magis, magnus, English big. Etymologically connected with the Latin morior, mors



„мы, to be about to do any thing, to intend, delay, imperf. ënellov and бредом, Thuc. 7, 20 ; Dem. 292: aor. ¿ntl/Inca, and драмам rare, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 15; Hel. 5, 4, 65. _ Pass. pillo piat, to be delayed, Xen. Anab. 3, l, 47.


nellnrŕos, Arist. Есс1. 876. „ат, to be an object of concern, to concern, also to

care for, rare in the personal form, Odys. 9, 20 ; Il. 10, 92; Soph. Antig. 873 ; Aj. 689: fut. „амёбы, Il. 5, 228; 20, 137: 2 perf. „едим as present, Epic, Il. 2, 25; 4, 353: 2 pluperf. ¿pe

уйдем! as imperfect, Odys. 1,151.

Verbal pe

Ànrŕos, Plat. Rep. 2, 8. _ Mid. piélouar as ac

tive, Eurip. Hip. 60, 109; Hel. 1161 ; Soph. Col. 1138: fut. „выведав, 11. 1, 523: perf. pe



ya'lnpat as present, later, Anthol. 10, 17: plu perf. шрифту аз imperfect, later, Theoc. 17, 46: aor. pass. part. „вливая; аз active, having cared for, Soph. Aj. 1184._See also impé loyat.

Impersonal gilet, it concerns, is an object of concern, уйду, pilot, шиш, yŕlsw, yŕlov, im perf. едем: fut. „этом, Хеп. Cyr. 4, 5,17: aor. Зубцов, Хеп. Cyr. 6, 3, 19: perf. „гущи, peyelnxŕvat, psyslnxós, Dem. 1350: pluperf. гранита, Xen. Hel. 3, 3, 9. мёртвым, perf'. mid. 3 sing. Epic, Il. 19, 343; Hes. Theog. 61; 2 plur. „душевое, Аро1. 2, 217: pluperf.

3 sing. „дурите, 11. 2l, 516. Formed from pito», by meta thesis and epenthesis; see ртам.

ysyvóyevos, see шрифта). yŕyora, see MAQ, ,nii/œ.


yŕvœ, to remain, wait for, await, fut. разлёт, ysa/ô, Herod. 8, 62; Xen. Cyr. 4, 4, 5: aor. ê'yetva,

Thuc. 5, 40: perf. asyŕvnxa, Isoc. 116: 2 perf. lue'ptova very rare, Eurip. Aul. 1495. Verbal usuarios, Thuc. 2, 88. The 2 perf. „Ероша must not be confounded with the corresponding form from MAIZ, MENIZ.


Etymologically connected with the Latin manco, English re-mazn. Y

yepyngítco, to ponder, reflect, devise, fut. peçynçígw, Odys. 16, 261 : аог. êyaçyrjçtga, Il. 1, 189 ; also infin. шерифом, oinopepynpioat, to doze, Arist. Vesp. 5. упадёт; (paroi, pilar), it repents, like the simple ,us'lea yarapte'loyat (yard, ye'loyat), Ionic ptsrapelŕoptat, to repent, fut. part. упада/172061157“ аз passive, Xen. Mem. 2, 6, 23.

Impersonal yaraye'lerat, yarays'leodat, Plat. Demod. 3.



neu'nnt, Ionic for ред/Гида. nnnaonat (MAKQ, MHKQ), to bleat, as sheep or goats, IEsch. frag. 54: 2 aor. ê'náxov, Il. 16, 469: 2 perf. „ёмко: as present, Il. 10, 362. êns'nnxov, imperf. from a new present, Odys. 9, 439. See also daagtouw.- n and# via, 2 perf. part. fem. for nenn xvïa, Il. 4, 435.

ушат/йодид (nnyavrf), to contrive, machinate, de vise; rare and Poetic дышат/обод, Soph. Aj. 1037: fut. nnxawjaonat, Xen. Mem. 3, 11, 9: perf. „штамм; actively or passively, Xen. Hier. 11, 4; Cyr. 8, 3, l; Soph. Trach. 586; Dem. 604; lsoc. 27: aor. фашист/136901117, Xen. Ages.

2, 5.

Verbal nnyavnrŕos, Plat. Gorg. 80.

nulavómvraç, part. protracted from nqzmänaç (уша vd0vraç), Odys. 18, 142. ' Connected with the Latin machina, machinor.

ntaívw (MIANJZ), to stain, dye, pollute, fut. ntavaî, Antiph. 638: aor. ëníáva and ¿nini/a, Eurip. Hel. 1000; Il. 4, 141: perf. neníayxa later, Plutarch. Tiber. Gracch. 5 21: perf. pass. ns níacnat, Thuc. 2, 102: aor. pass. ¿nidi/31p', Soph. Col. 1374. nidi/.9171', aor. pass. 3 plur. Epic for „бигуди (êntávânaav), 11.4, 146. Compare 2 aor. 3 plur. tyran for ŕ'yvov (гут oav), from ‚аул/фант.

nipt/unt or шут/баз or ‚Мажа (M1112), t0 mia', mingle; „Едут is the oldest form, Pind. Nem.

4, 35; Il. 3, 270: fut. pige, soph. Col. 1047: аог. ê'ntga, IEsch. Choëph. 546: perf. pass. né ntynat, Xen. Cyr. l, 3, 10: аог. pass. Énfzůnv as middle, Soph. Tyr. 791 : 2 aor. pass. дрёму as middle, Arist. Av. 698: 3 fut. pass. nsnígonat, Hes. Op. 177. Verbal ‚мигов, Plat. Tim. 21. _Mid. níyvvnat or nio'yonat, t0 mingle with, `join one’s self to, have intercourse with, fut. ní §0nat, Odys. 24, 314.



,ritmo or ŕ'piuro, 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. syncopated, Odys. 1, 433; Il. ll, 354. Etymologically connected with the Latin misceo, mixtus, English mix, mingle.

шубами, to imitate, fut. муфтам, Eurip. Rhes. 211 : perf. paptípnpou actively or passively, Plat. Cratyl. 66; Arist. Lys. 159: aor. pass. ëpipiíůvgv passively, Plat. Leg. 2, 10: aor. mid. детсаду, Dem. 420. Verbal ptpnzéos, Eurip. Hip. 114. шутит, for pipi/w, уймы. ptpviíoxœ (MNAQ), to cause to remember, remind, Odys. 14, 169: fut. 111/12002,“ 15, 31 : aor. 5111113

va, Il. 1, 407: aor. pass. Ера/1566111! аз middle, to remember, Thuc. 3, 90: 3 fut. Ipass. peuviíoo pou as middle, will remain mindful, Xen. Cyr. 3, l, 27.-Mid. „штатам, to remember, recol lect, call to mind, mention, Odys. 15, 54; Epic

also рея/оборвал, to remember, Theoc. Epigr. 14: fut. двигавшая, 11. 4, 172 : perf. ,ue'pvnpai aS present, to remember, Soph. Tyr. 1401 : aor. душами Poetic, Il. 4, 222. Verbal pwnarŕos, Plat. Tim. 72. ‚нём, pres. mid. imperat. 2 sing. as if from -aiœ, Apol. l, 896; compare pulso from МАТЬ—„потрать Ргез. part. protracted Ггот [ivoiyevoç (uvadprroç), Odys. 4, 106: „ждало or tpaniovro, imperf. 3 plur. protracted from ¿pvo'iv'm (ipvolono), Il. 11, 71; 2, 636.-,1aŕpvnat, perf. 2 sing. for „душат, contracted „Круп, Epic, Il. 21,442; 15, 18: imperat. 2 sing. дёрна for „фута, Herod. 5, 105:

ран. psyudpsvoç fOr pspvnye'voç, Archil. frag. 1:

subj. pspvópaûa, 1 plur., Soph. Tyr. 49; Odys. 14, 168;

perhaps the only person in use: 0pt. „эрудита, 11. 24, 745; 3 sing. радуйте, Arist. Plut. 991.

Also 2 sing.

ради/фа от дёргаю, Хеп. АпаЬ. 1, 7, 5; 3 sing. удлинён, Epic „едущие, Хеп. Cyr. 1, 6,3; 11.23, 361; 3plur. ps1/oulala, Ionic for pr'pvuwro, Pind. frag. 277. This verb is etymologically connected with the Latin memini, memor, membro, English remember.

идиша, Poetic for рёв/ю, ЕзсЪ. Again. 74. 17 *



„плюш (MINTft, ревёт»), to diminish, make less,

also intransitive, to be less, Il. 15, 492; Hippocr. : aor. дин/1581760: and ¿nn/153160:, Hippocr.: perf. nenrvúůnxa, Hippocr.: aor. ¿navi/’91311, Hippocr. Connected with the Latin minor, minus, minimus, тётю, díminuo, English diminish.

nioym, see níyvvnt.

„шагом, to remember, see щит/бдит. _n1/donar, to court, woo, Odys. 16, 77; Herod. 1, 96. 205:

aor. ênvnooinnv, продет/поймете, Xen. Mem. 2, 6, 36: in this sense it is not restricted to the

Epic language. („п/бакса, nviíoxonat, for шут/балт, ntnvríoxonat, Orph. Hym. 76, 6; Anacr. frag. 69. MO/IJZ, see ‚Шабаш.

nópyuvnt, „друг/пущ, ênogëofnnv, for dndgyvvnt, Mosch. 2, 96; Simonid. frag. 108, Gaisford’s

edition. núïa, later душа: and „идёт, to suck : aor. ênútnaa, Il. 4, 218.

Not to be confounded with the fol

lowing. nútm (nö nö), to mutter, grumble, (to cry n1? nö, Arist. Thesm. 231,) aor. ënv§a and ïnvoa,11. 4, 20; Hippocr.

Not to be confounded with

the preceding. nüxáonat (MTKJZ), to bellow, Odys. 10, 413: fut. nvmío'onat, Anthol. 9, 724: aor. ênvunod nnv, Arist. Nub. 292; later aor. act. Ènúxnaa, Anthol. 6, 220: 2 perf. nénůxa as present, Il. 18,580: 2 pluperf. ênenúxew as imperfect, Odys. 12, 395: 2 аог. :ini/nov, Il. 749. It is an onomatopy; compare the Latin mugio, Romaic novynglëœ, novynogovaai, ßoyxai 0r рощ/паб.

núw (ü), t0 close the lips or eyes, Athen. 8, 34: aor. ê'ní/oa and ê'nůoa, Hom. Batr. 192; Soph. Antig. 421 : perf. nŕníma, Il. 24, 420, not to be confounded with nénvxa from nvxdonai.




шпага (vate'rns, vaina), short a, to inhabit, or to be inhabited, situated, Epic, Odys. 9, 2l; Il. 4, 45. vateráœoa, part. fem. Epic, protracted from ушибет (vaisrdouaa), Il. 2, 648.

Compare ovini, t'aám, from ouden.

rateroiaonov, imperf. iterative, Il. 2, 539.

vaíw (ПАН), to inhabit, settle, Poetic, Soph.

Trach. 40: fut. váooyat (ou), Apol. 4, 1751: aor. ê'vaaa (do) causative, to cause to dwell, build as a city, establish, Odys. 4, 174; Pind.

Pyth. 5, 94: perf. midwévaoyat, Herodes Attic. Sim. Reg. 8: aor. pass. ¿voto-finir, 11. 14, 119;

Eurip. Med. 166: aor. mid. êvaooiynv (oo) re fiexive, Hes. Op. 637. Eurip. Taur. 1260, oineváooaro seems to be equivalent to the causative ê'vaooe. _ Arist. Vesp. 662, uarév 01002 is now edited nare'vaoäev for narsváoůrloav, the reading of the best manuscripts.

voioow or vaina, to staf, press close together, fut. valga (l), in Hesychius: aor. ifi/aga, Herod. 7, 36. 60; Odys. 2l, 122: perf. pass. vs'vaoptat, Ionic vévayyat, Arist. Eccl. 840; Theoc. 9, 9;

Hippocr. НАД, to dwell, зее vaíw.

vota (oi), to flow, Il. 2l, 197; Odys. 6, 292: im perf. voioi/ and vaïov, Odys. 9, 222. Arist. Ran. 146, oisì voîv is now written detroit', from delvaoç (delving), overflowing.

vaio'o'oyai, see viaooptat. жжёт, to reproach, chide, Epic, fut. vsixŕaw, Il. 10,

158: aor. êvsíxso'a (ao), Il. 3, 59. 38. ripa, to distribute, think, consider, pasture, transitive,

Soph. Elec. 150: fut. vend, warfare, Plat. Phileb. 156; Eurip. Epist. 5, 77: aor. .ifi/etna, Thuc. 3, 48: perf. vai/¿pinna in composition, Xen. Cyr. 4,



5, 45: perf. pass. vavénnnat, Xen. Anab. 7, 3, 21 : aor. pass. êvsnríônv and ëvenéûnv, Xen. Hel. 7, 4, 27 ; Dem. 956.

Verbal vennrŕos, Xen.

Eq. 7, 36. _Mid. vŕnonat, to allot t0 one’s self, inhabit, feed or pasture, intransitive imperi'. Зиг nónnv, Epic also veneôónnv, Il. 11, 635: fut. vsnŕonat, venoû'nat, Herod. 1, 173; Dem. 579:

perf. vevŕnnnat, Isoc. 298: aor. ŕ'vatndnnv and êvsnnadnnv, Thuc. 8, 21 ; Athen. 12, 58. néonat, contracted vců'nat, to go away, return, usu ally as future, Epic, Il. 18, 101. 136; Theoc. 18,

56; 2 sing. тайм (vŕsat), Odys. 11, 114; Subj.

2 sing. sénat, Il. l, 32. умрёт (ve'cpos, ШЕФЦ), only in composition, гите (раб, t0 be clouded, to lower, Eurip. Dan. frag. 4, 7; Arist. Av. 1502: perf. гниёт/0720, Arist.

frag. 142; 349. 1/e'w, t0 swim, Herod. 8, 89: fut. vsvooů'nat, Xen. Anab. 4, 3, 12: aor. trecca, Thuc. 2, 90; Pind.

Olym. 13, 163: perf. vévsvxa, Plat. Rep. 4, 16. 61111501', imperf. Epic for 7115011, Il. 2l, 11. The kindred noun vaüç, ship, that is, jioater, swimmer,

and the Latin navis, connected with по, nare, presuppose a

digammated theme, NA Fn.

тёса, t0 heap up, Herod. 4, 62: aor. ê'vnaa, Eurip. Cycl. 387 ; Thuc. 2, 52: perf. pass. vŕvnnat and „этом, Хеп. АпаЬ. 5, 4, 27 ; Arist. Nub. 1208.

_See also Идёт, unvŕœ. veve'arat, perf. pass. 3 plur. Ionic for veraneo, Herod. 2,

135; 4, 62. véto and 1215002, t0 spin, Hes. Op. 775 ; Plat. Polit.

29: fut. vtíoa, Arist. Lys. 519: aor. ê'vnoa, Il. 20, 128 : perf. pass. us'vnonat (Т), Etymol. Magn. (voc. мэр/0215011): aor. pass. ¿1111191715 Plat. Polit. 23: aor. mid. ага/110060111: as active, Odys. 7, 198. vnŕœ and утёса, Epic and Ionic for vécu, ­to heap



20 1

up, Il. 23, 139; 7, 428; Odys. l, 147: aor.

êvrjnoa, Herod. l, 50 : aor. mid. êvnnooípnv transitive, Il. 9, 137.

wíôm, see vŕœ, to spin. трёпа, зее vne'œ. viíxm, commonly Иисуса, to swim, Poetic, Odys. 5, 375; 7, 275: fut. ungenau, Arist. Eccl. 1104: aor. êvn§olunv, Call. Dell. 47. Лёт, later убит (NIBQ), to wash, as the hands or feet, fut. шара, Herod. 6, 19: aor. ê'vnpa,

Eurip. Sup. 765: perf. vévtppat, Il. 24, 219: aor. pass. êvíipůnv, Hippocr.-Mid. “года: and vínropat, Odys. 18, 178: fut. víipopal, Arist. Av. 1163: aor. êwipoípnv, 11. 16, 230. The form „(торсы is rare in pure Greek. Моцион and veíooopat, for угоден, Epic, Odys. 10, 42; Hes. Op. 235. удрав, to snow, cover with snow, impersonally, Arist. Ach. 1141: fut. vía/m, Plutarch, р. 949: aor. ê'wwa, Arist. Ach. 138. Etymologically connected with the Latin nix, nivís, ningo, nivesco, nivo, Saxon snaw, English snow.

voŕw (FNOJZ), to think, perceive, regular in the Attic dialect. _ The Ionians have ê'vwaot, шёпота,

ve'vaat as active, ¿vai/¿1pm as active, êvœooípnv, for êvóno'a, тез/бдит, SLC., Herod. l, 68; 3, 6; 9, 53; Theoc. 25, 263. The original form of this verb was TNOEJz.


the compound á-yvoéœ. For the omission of y before v, compare the Latin nosco for gnosco, nascar or gnascor.

ifi/ardía, to feel sleepy, drowsy, Arist. Av. 638: aor. êvúoraoa, later ëvúoraga, Athen. 1, 62; Theoph.

Char. 7.


gsm H


на, to scrape, scratch, aor. ê'geoa (oo), Il. 5, 81; Odys. 5, 245: perf. ê'geonoa, Alcidam. 85, 18.

¿Myair/01 (511965), to dry, fut. гирю/(Б, Eurip. Cycl. 575: `aor. дырами, Ionic ê§1j9nva,Thuc. 1, 109; Herod. 7, 109: perf. pass. êgńçaonai, Herod. 7, 109: aor. pass. щемит/‚11. 21, 345: fut. mid. гидом/обдав, Hippocr. гит/жрёт, зее vewŕw.

gvpŕw and gvpoiœ, to shave, regular. _Mid. com monly gv'çonaů. §úœ, to polish, Odys. 22, 456: aor. ê'gvaa, Il. 14, 179; but ëyëv'ag (ü), Eurip. Beller. frag. 11:

perf. pass. ê'gvanai, Hippocr.: aor. pass. 556061111, Plat. Rep. 3, 14: aor. mid. ë§voolnnv transitive,

Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 32. О. t

öödgonoa (ôâov's), to bite, fut. ôôagn'oonat as passive, Hippocr.: perf. öôaynai, Soph. frag. 708: aor. cbda§ofnnv, Anthol. 9, 86. ôôdgw, to smart from a bite, imperf. äâaëov, Xen. Conv. 4, 27.

04TH, Poetic, perf'. mid. ôôóâuonai as present, to be angry, Odys. 5, 423: aor. mid. 68:/войди (oa), Odys. 1, 62; Hes. Theog. 617; but cau satively, óöúaaro, made angry, Hom. Epigr. 6, 8. It is probably connected with the Latin odi, odium.

îiZœ (0.4.52), to emit a smell, have the smell of, fut. бывая, Ionic ôtéoœ, Arist. Vesp. 1059 ; Hippocr.: aor. бдит, Ionic öffent, Arist. frag. 538; Hippocr.: 2 perf. ödcoâa as present, Athen. 2, 9: 2 pluperf. ôâóöew and òôrböuv as imperfect, Odys. 5, 60;

Anthol. 13, 29.



Connected with the Latin odor, oleo.

öûoyat, to care about, mind, Epic, Il. l, 181: im perf. öůóynv, ll. 5, 403.

aiya and oi'yvvyt, to open, Poetic, Hes. Op. 817; Arist. Eccl. 852: fut. oî'gœ, Eurip. Cycl. 502: aor. oiga, commonly ¿ii§a,ll. 6, 298; Eurip. А1с. 547: aor. pass. part. oilôtís, Pind. Nein. l, 61.

_ Pass. imperf. oiyo'ynv and cityvúynv, Apol. 2, 574; Il. 2, 809._Prose writers use the com

pound âwoíym, which see. It may be connected with 113100, to yield, give way. We may suppose that its original form was Геную. The Epic form civaoi'ywuov (avaFoiysoxov) iS one 0f the facts in favor of a digammated theme.

oïôa, to know, see EIJIZ. oiäaíwo, oiös'w, oìôoiw and oiôoivœ, to swell, intransi tive, Arist. Pac. 1166; Ran. 940; oiâa'veo is usually causative, to cause to swell, Il. 9, 554:

fut. oiöriow, Hippocr.: aor. ëânoa, Eurip. Hip. 1210: perf. cb'ônxa, Theoc. 1, 43._Mid. 05806 voyou, equivalent to oiâaíi/w, Il. 9, 645. âiïiíœ, to wail, be miserable, Il. 3, 408: aor. ô'i'ïüoa,

Odys. 4, 152.

oiptóïw (oí'yoi), to bewail, lament, fut. oìycâ§optai, later oipárgœ, Dem. 938; Anthol. 5, 302: aor. dyaga, Il. 3, 364; Xen. Hel. 2, 3, 56: perf. pass.

oi'yœyyat, Eurip. Bac. 1286: aor. pass. part. ot’

yœlôeíç, Theogn. 1204. oî'ouat and oïyat, to think, 2 sing. always oi'st, Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 50: imperf. dóunv and 0511110, Хеп. Щсоп. 5, 19: fut. oiiíaopat, Dem. 1297: aor. cin'ônv, Thuc. 2, 81. The Epic Poets revolve 01 into o't ' thus, dl'oyai and día (i), 1|. 1, 78. 59: imperf. nit'o'ynv, d'l'ero, Odys. 10, 248;

Hom. Hym. 1, 342: aor. 011019110, Odys. 4, 453: aor. mid. diuoijrqv (i), later (дивами, Odys. 1, 323; Mosel). 2, 8. -—

The form ¿'t'w has sometimes Г, Il. 1, 558; 11, 609; 13, 153;



Odys. 2, 255. _ Arist. Lys. 156, for от, Dindorf has 'oîn'i circumflexed. _ The syncopated form ninna is used paren thetically, I think, methinks, in my opinion. “ According to the ancient grammarians, the forms aînat, фут: were em ployed only in cases of conviction [ënì ônoloyovps'vov] ; where however Attic urbanity avoided in this way the harsh ness of positive assertion.” Buttmann.

oîyonat as perfect, t0 be gone, imperf. aixónnv as aorist, sometimes as pluperfect, Odys. 16, 24; Xen. Anab. 4, 3, 30; 4, 5, 24: fut. oiltjoonat,

Arist. Vesp. 51 : perf. afgana, sometimes фиата, Epic also dignita, Soph. Aj. 896; frag. 227; Il. 10, 252: perl'. mid. dgnnat, Ionic 0i'xnnat, equiv alent to atlanta, Hippocr. de Art. 5 15; Herod. 4, 136. The perfect atlanta presupposes OIXOIL. According to Buttmann, it contains the Attic reduplication, after the anal ogy of avv-0101x115; from вши-0100.

But then, as the Attic re

duplication Shortens the radical syllable (compare alg-alguna,

Еду-финт, from aigéw, tintin), the analogical form would be o-xolla or o-zotxa, not. oilgwxa.

6ta, t0 think, see 02'0nat.

OIJZ, to bring, see (pépin. ölwßaívœ also 611100de (011127032), rarely öl.: 00cho, to slip, slide, Thuc. 7, 65; Athen. 6, 28:

aor. ólíaůnoa, Anthol. 11, 238: perf. ólíoûnxa, Hippocr.: 2 aor. ¿51400015 Soph. Elec. 746. бит/ш and 61.2.1502 (011.12), t0 destroy, lose, Soph. Antig. 673; Archil. frag. 79: fut. ólŕaw (00), 01.50, 0103, Hes. Op. 178; Odys. 2, 49; Herod.

1, 34; Soph. Tyr. 448: aor. ¿ilsoa (00), Eurip. А1с. 893; Pind. Pyth. 3, 71: perf. дымка, Dem. 350: 2 perf. titula as . middle, t0 be un done, have perished, Soph. Aj. 896: 2 pluperf.

мазям, rarely oilóletv, Antiph. 739. _In prose отбит/ш, ándllvnat. _ Mid. öllvnat, t0 perish, fut. bléonat, öloůnat, Ionic ôlaůnat, Herod. 7,



218. 209 ; Soph. Antig. 59 : 2 aor. (Эмму, Soph. Tyr. 822. ôlésuuev, imperf. iterative, implying also», Il. 19, 135. -dlo'psvoç and otildpevoç, 2 аог. mid. part. аз an ad

jective, pernicious, destructive, fatal, Eurip. Phœn. 1029; /Esch. Prom. 399; Il. l, 2.

ôlotpv'çopat (v), to lament, bewail, mourn for, fut. ôÃotpi/goiipat, Lys. 829 : aor. òhocpvgápnv, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 14 : aor. pass. part. ôloipvgûsís as middle, Thuc. 6, 78. 0.452, зее öÄÄvpt.

аут/щи and ripulito (0111!2, ОМОЦ), t0 swear, Il. 14, 278: fut. будит later, commonly öpoiîpou, -ei, -sîraa Anthol. 12, 201; Phocyl. 13, l5; Thuc. 5, 23: aor. ò'pooa, Xen. Anab. 2, 2, 8: perf.

ôpópoxa, Eurip. Hip. 612: perf. pass. ôpópopou and ôpázpoopou, Eurip. Rhes. 816; jEsch. Again. 1290: aor. pass. будет and ópóoûnv, Dem. 1174; Xen. Hel. 7, 4, 10: aor. mid. душами,

Dem. 1174. бродим, pres. part. from смол, Herod, 1, 153___. dpoiiv-rœv, oinopoiivzwu, fut. part. doubtful, Lysias, 573. _tipim'peâoc subj. mid. Laconian for 5poipeůa, Arist. Lys. 183.

Compare ¿nati/mi for ёпшгй.

ôpóçyvvpt (OMOPFJZ), to wipe aß; Il. 18, 415: fut. ôpo'ggw, Eurip. Phaëth. frag. 2 (2), 6: aor. брода, Eurip. Orest. 219: aor. pass. part. ¿pog ztisís as middle transitive, Arist. Vesp. 560. _ Mid. ôpógyvvpat transitive, Odys. 11, 526: fut. öpdpâopou, Eurip. Hip. 653: aor. oipop§oipnv, Il. 2, 269.

¿vii/npr (0NAQ, ONHZWI), to benefit, help, in flected like i'ornpt in the present and imperfect: fut. дубом, Eurip, Негас1. 1044: aor. ¿ii/noa, Xen. Anab. 6, l, 32: aor. pass. будет, Doric

будет аз middle, Theoc. 15, 55._Mid. 61u’ 18



vanua, to derive benefit, Plat. Rep. 2, 19: fut.

ôvno'onat, Soph. Trach. 570 : аог. òväooinnv later, Anthol. 7, 484 : 2 aor. óvdnnv, (За/осётр, битва“,

Eurip. Hero. 1368 ; also (Вт/фигу, 571360, dvijoûou, биты/05, Odys. 11, 324. зубил, 2 aor. act. infin. doubtful, Plat. Rep. 10, 4.—

Odys. 2, 33, âvńnsvoç! God bless him!

ôvonoit’n1(b'vona), to name, call, regular: aor. also «5w/'naga Eolic, Pind. Pyth. 2, 82: fut. mid. also ôvvnoígonat onlic, transitive, Pind. Pyth. 7, 6. b'vonai (ONJZ, ONOJZ, ONQMI), to insult, de

spise, think lightly of, find fault with, reproach, infiected like ôíöonai in the present and imper fect, Odys. 17, 378; Herod. 2, 172: fut. дубас

nai (oo), Il. 9, 55: aor. óvoooínnv, Epic also òvoínnv, Il.' 17, 173. 25 : aor. pass. 051/6601211 equivalent to óvoooínnv, Herod. 2, 136. oiîvsaůs, 2 plur. for liv-:09s, think ye it a slight matter, Il. 24, 241.

ôvonaím, for душица, commonly Epic, fut. 013110 nowéa Ionic, Herod. 4, 47: aor. óvónnva, ¿vonn то, Isaeus, 36; Il. 2, 488; Odys. 4, 240; 11, 327.

ôvorátœ, 6voroit'onal, equivalent to ô'vonai, Poetic,

Hom. Hym. 2, 3; lEsch. Sup. 11. rinvia, to marry, said of the man, Il. 13, 379. 429 : fut. ômíoco (o), without the L, Arist. Ach. 255.

01H2, See ôçdw. ónœne'w, а new present from banana, Orph. Arg. 184. 1025.

фига: (01H2, EIÀQ, 1.452), to See, Ionic 095m,

imperf. ŕcâgaov, Ionic брат, (Зевсу, or ô'peov, Herod. 1, 11 ; 4, 3; 2, 148: fut. Бушмен, 2 sing.

always 01net, Eurip. Med. 352: perf. дебета, rare and Poetic êópo'aca, Dem. 217 ; Arist. Plut.



98; Thesm. 32. 33: perf. pass. ëóçayat and dyyat, Dem. 1121. 314 ; JESch. Prom. 998: aor. daůnv, rarely niçoiûnv, Plat. Def. 4; Anthol. 12,

197: 2 perf. блата 1оп1с and Poetic, Herod. 3, 63; 7, 125; Soph. Antig. 6: 2 aor. elöov, i'öov, see EIJIZ.

Verbal ònréos, Thuc. 8, 48._See

also Syrian-Mid. bçofoptat as active, to see, Epic, Il. 13, 99; l, 56; 20, 45; Hes. Ор. 532:

аог. ôipoipnv, ênoipoíynv, very rare, Pind. frag. 58: 2 aor. eiôdptnv, iâóynif, see EIÃIZ. It is not absurd to suppose that ögáw is c_onnected with -xóooç (Overseer), морг?” (to see, look after), ovgoç (watcher), -ovgo'ç (as in unnovgóç), -wgo'ç (as in nvlwgóç), Latin cura, English care, guard, ward, warn, wary, a-ware, be-ware.

The obsolete 011.12 is connected with dtpûalpo'ç, ¿urlloç or rimllloç, dataloç, Latin oculus.

ópe'yœ and ôpe'yvüyt, to stretch out, Il. 1, 351 : fut. ôpe'âœ, Eurip. Med. 902: aor. браги, Soph. Col. 846: aor. pass. 030510111: аз middle, Xen. Mem. 1, 2, 16. _Mid. ôgŕyouat, to stretch one’s self forward, desire, Il. 24, 506: fut. ôge'goyat, Eurip.

Hel. 353: perf. 3 plur. ôgmçe'larat Epic, Il. 16, 834: pluperf. 3 plur. ôçroge'zaro Epic, Il. ll, 26:

aor. cigagaiynv, Hes. Theog. 178; Xen. Mem. 1, ‚

Etymologically connected with the Latin rego, por-rigo, English right.

bpe'oyat, зее 119011011. 6'9an (ôga'œ), to see, Doric,Theoc. 6, 22. 25; subj.

2 sing. öçnai or ôçiiat, Epic, Odys. 14, 343. The form doña» comes directly from âgáopar thus, 59de

0011, ändern, contracted after the Doric manner ôçñat' com pare ‚111/1921011 for ,ui/.95p from pvâe'eat.

dpi/opti and ¿Qi/úw (ОРИ), to rousc, raise, Pind. Olym. 13, 15 : fut. 00002, Soph. Antig. 1060: aor. cipria, JEsch. Pers. 496; Il. 17, 423: 2 aor. ¿igo 900, Odys. 4, 712: 2 perf. ô'gapa as present



middle, ll. 3, 87: 2 pluperf. ôga'açew and ágcâgew as imperfect middle, Il. 2, 810; Soph Col. 1622. ­- Mid. деп/щади, t0 rise, rush, Esch. Sept. 90: imperf. also ôgaóyqv from dgŕopai, Il. 2, 398; 23, 212: fut. ògoüpaz, Il. 20, 140: perf. 090192 ,um as present, Odys. 19, 377. 524: 2 аог. ¿196 01121, Il. l2, 279. -­-See also ô'goyai. aigre, 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. syncopated, Il. 5, 590: imperat. 2 Sing. ô'guo, and ô'poeo Contracted ô'goev, Il. 4, 204. 264;

3, 250: infin. Беды, Il. 8, 474: part. ô'gyevoç, Il. 11, 326. —090391110ц, perf. mid. Subj. 3 sing. from dgëopw, Il. 13, 27h-Il. 13, 78; Odys. 8, 539, 2 аог. 3 sing. ¿1'9on has the force of the perfect, that is, it is intransitive.

It is etymologically connected with the Latin criar, and

rua (ôqoúw), and perhaps with the English raise, rise, rouse, rush.

ô'goyou (Зет/щи), ëmdgoyaz, to exercise watch over, superintend, imperf. 3 plur. ën-ógovro, Odys. 3,

471; 14, 104. The passage ¿n2 ö’ ¿rägsç ¿031.01 Ёрш/то тау Ье com pared with гл; 6’ дуде 50.91.69 69059“, Il. 23, 112.

6915000: ог 6925110) (ОРТГЛ), to dig, fut. 691550),

aor. ögväa, Xen. Anab. 5, 8, 9 ; Soph. Aj. 659 : perf. ôgógvga, кос-[090290109 Plutarch. p. 1141 : perf. pass. ôgfbgvyyai and бентоса, Herod. 3, 60; 2, 158: pluperf. paSS. Ögwgv'y/uyv and 03901 Qv'yyîgv, also áçúyyvyv, Herod. l, 186. 185; Xen. Anab. 7, 8, 14: аог. разз. ¿ngz/'161715 Herod. 2,­ 158: 2 aor. pass. 039257170, Хеп. АпаЬ. 5, 8, 11 :

2 fut. pass. ôçvyńaoym written also ögvliíaoym, Arist. Av. 394: aor. mid. óçvgáyqv, to cause to be dug, Herod. 1, 186.



öaaopou (ОПЛ), to see, lo see mentally, foresee, forebode, Epic, Odys. 7, 31 ; 18, 154 ; 5, 389; Il. 1, 105: imperf. ôaaóyiyv, Hes. Theog.

551. It is formed from OIIJz after the analogy of néaum from

ms'mm (HEINZ), and ¿visum from шиш (ЕАЧПЛ).



ôo'tpgaívopou, rarely ôotpçáopat (ОХФРЛ), to smell, perceive by the smell, Athen. 7, 55: fut. dorpen’ oopat, Arist. Рас. 152: аог. разз. „тешат not common, Athen. 7, 32; 13, 39: aor. mid.

ôoipgnooipnv later: 2 aor. mid. aiaqipópnv, Ionic aiotppoipnv, Arist. Ach. 179; Herod. 1, 80.

oiilópevos, see b'lìmpt. odi/e602, see дуй/щи. oůgŕco, mingo, imperf. ¿oi/'peor and oilgeou, Dem. 1257: fut. обедаю, commonly oůgiío'opat, Arist. Pac. 1266: aor. êov'çnoa and обета, Hippocr. de Loc. in Homin. 6 39: perf. êoiígnxa, Arist. Lys. 402: aor. pass. oůgiiûnv, Hippocr. We suppose that the original theme of обеда; was Ранено, formed from Form (the original theme of étai, to jlow) by inserting the kindred diphthong ou after F'._It is etymo logically connected with the Latin urina.

oůroiw (UTTHZWI), Epic for the regular oůroíZw, to wound, aor. oíirnoa, oůrijônv, Il. 4, 469; 22, 375 ; 8, 537: 2 aor. (oůtäv), 3 sing. идти, infin.

o'ůroipevott or oůtoipeu, Il. 4, 525 : 2 aor. mid. part. oůroipevos as passive. (irpef/1o: (ОФЕАЛ), Epic ôipŕÀ/lw, to owe, I ought, must, 11. 19, 200: fut. ôipetln'oœ, Dem. 866: aor. étpsílnou, Thuc. 8, 5: pluperf. aifpetliíxsw im plying perf. oitpeílnxa, Dem. 1111 : 2 aor. ¿igie Àov or ô'qnslov, used only in expressing a wish, О that! would to God! Latin utinam! IEsch.

Prom. 48; Soph. Tyr. 1157; Eurip. Med. l; Il. 24, 254 ; it may be preceded by гё’дг, otitis, or ós. ¿qu 511011, 2 aor Epic for diqnslov, Il. 14, 84; 24, 764. ­­ Hes. Op. 172, the imperf. oi'ipstlov is equivalent to фаршу. In the later writers the 2 aor. diariov or ô'tpslov has the force of aparticle, N. T. Corinth. 1, 4, 8; Galat. 5, 12.

ötpŕMw, to increase, enlarge, glorify, assist, Il. 3, 18"*l



62; 15, 383: aor. opt. 3 sing. dmail/teler, Il. 16,

651 ; Odys. 2, 334. афишам ( 0115/112), to be guilty, incur as a pen alty, owe, Soph. Antig. 470: fut. ôrplnom, Dem. 459: aor. ò'zplnoa rare, Lysias, 488: perf. 6502117 xa, Arist. Nub. 34: 2 aor. 15911011, ôzpleïv, ôtpláw, Dem. 542; Eurip. Med. 403; Arist. Ach. 691. dialer, 2 aor. 3 sing. Ionic for siate, Herod. 8, 26; com pare tlm, ê'tpm.

ôyâñoai, to feel vexed, indignant, Epic, found only in the indic. 3 plur. 132501200111, and part. ôlôn'oas, Il. l, 570; 15,101; 4, 30; 11, 403; Hes. The

og. 558. II.

ЛАГИ, See any/vont. II/IQQ, see побоищ. nafta, to play, sport, jest, fut. naígonai or magazi nou, later also несёт, Anthol. 12, 46. 211 ; Xen. Conv. 9, 2: aor. Ёлшаа, later ê'rzaräa, Arist.

Thesm. 947; Anthol. 5, 112: perf. nŕnama,

Anthol. 2, 86: perf. pass. nŕzrawnar, also né naiynoa, Arist. Thesm. 1227; Plat. Sisyph. 4: aor. pass. ënaíyůnv later, N. T. Matt. 2, 16. Verbal natoréos, Athen. 15, 4. nato, to strike, fut. naíoœ, and пищат in Attic Poetry, Xen. Anab. 3, 2, 19; Arist. Nub. 1125:

aor. ê'nawa, ÍEsch. Pers. 409: perf'. nŕnama in composition, Dem. 1217: perf. pass. nŕzrawnar, ênrrerratonévos, embossed, stamped, Athen. 12,

62: aor. pass. ênaíodnv, jEsch. Choëph. 184: aor. mid. ênatooínnv transitive, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 6. ломота, to wrestle, contend, fut. nalaíaw, Pind.

Isth. 4, 90: aor. ënálaioa, Odys. 4, 343: perf. лапищами, Anthol. 12, 90: perf. pass. nend


21 1

latayat, Anthol. 9, 411 : aor. pass. ênalaíodnv,

Eurip. Elec. 686. ламами, aor. opt. 3 sing. for nalataeta, Herod. 8, 21. 'It implies IIA/MIL.

naltlloyŕw, to repeat, pluperf. pass. 3 sing. ¿na ltllo'ynro, Herod 1,118. milla (IIA/IIL), to shake, brandish, agitate, aor.

ê'nnla, Soph. Elec. 710: 2 aor. part. нападай], áynenaloiv Epic, Il. 3, 355; 5, 280: 2 aor.

pass. ёжит: later. _ Mid. nálloyat, to be agi tated, tremble, perf. nŕnalyat, lEsch. Choëph.

410. 524: aor. ênnloiynv, Call. Jov. 64. „мы, 2 aor. mid. 3 sing. syncopated, like dlro from dllopat, 11. 15, 645.

nagowe'm (побродив, oli/os), to act improperly when under the influence of wine, insult, imperi'. ¿rra

gdveov and ¿napoli/cov, Dein. 658. 1257: aor. шарфа/пасс and Énapnii/naa, Xen. Anab. 5, 8, 4;

Dein. 612: perf. nanaçqivnxa, jEschin. 320: perf. pass. nenaçqivnyat, êunsnapnivnyat, later, Lucian.: aor. pass. ênagepwíůnv, Dern. 612. HAPIZ, see НОРД. náoaodat (na), see national. náaaoůat (ná), see ПАЛ.

natale: (IIAQIZ, HHQQ, IIENQIZ), to safer, feel, be aßected, fut. neiooyat, Soph. Tyr. 228: aor. ê'nnoa rare and doubtful, JEsch. Again. 1624: 2 perf. nénovda, Epic nŕnnůa (nena дуга), Soph. Col. 595; Odys. 17, 555; very rarely nénooza Doric, Etymol. Magri., quoted: 2 pluperf. (ênsno'vdsw) ¿Timón/317, Arist. Eccl. 650: 2 aor. ê'nadov, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 10. пёпоадс, 2 perf. 2 plur. for mno'vâarr, Odys. 10, 465 ; 23, 53. -ovvsurrsrrovâaiç (oliv, tti, nsnorâniç), 2 perf. part., benefited, well treated with, Dem. 105, 149.

The Doric 2 perf. ninooza shows that the l is one of



the radical letters.

The steps are IIAQJZ, попади (like

ötöoionw, Лика), Milano), fTOm dldAXJZ, eî'xœ, AATKJZ), noialœ ' Compare the DOÚO ô'pwlsç for Èpwâsg from бету. —

Some suppose that auw was appended to the root; thus тих-Зины, and by transferring the aspiration of »9 to и, and dropping the remainder, náuzw' highly satisfactory to deaf and dumb scholars, or, which amounts to the same thing, to such persons as find it extremely difficult, if not absolutely impossible, to pronounce th as in thin. At any rate, the bequest of the э cannot be supported by analogy.

Etymologically connected with the Latin patíor, развив.

naze'oyat (ПАЛ), to taste, eat, Poetic and Ionic, Herod. 2, 37: fut. náooyae (à), Esch. Sept. 1036: pluperf. итогами implying perf. nénu душ, Il. 24, 642: аог. Ёпбъайуцщ Il. l, 464;

Soph. Antig. 202. — Not to be confounded with nars'oyou from the regular полёт. It is formed from ПАЛ after the analogy of аЁтаЁодш, âre'm, from AAJL ­ that is, it presupposes a verbal noun in _1”, or ­nyç. The theme ПАЛ seems to be etymologically connected with ßóuxœ (l), Latin paseo, pabulum.

пабы, to cause to cease, stop, repress, fut. падаю, Soph. Elec. 795: aor. ê'navoa, Xen. Меш. З, 6,

1: perf. ns'nawea, Dem. 478: aorspass. ¿nazi 191111 and ënaúm'hyv as middle, Hes. Theog. 533 ; Herod. 5, 93: fut. pass. nauůríaopae as middle, Thuc. 1, 81 : 3 fut. pass. :tazraúoopat as middle,

Soph. Antig. 91. Verbal uavoréos (бы? шабаш), Plat. Gorg. 167. ­- Mid. майоран, t0 cease, stop, ' fut. naúcopat, Soph. Col. 1040: perf. :sénat/paz, Thuc. l, 6: aor. ênavaápqv, Xen. Hel. 3, 3, 4.

Verbal navorŕos (де? пайгадш), Dem. 151. The imperat. 2 sing. nails is often used as middle, cease, stop, Hes. Scut. 449; Soph. Phil. 1275.

ПАЛ, to taste, eat, see narŕopal.

ПАЛ, mid. IIAOMAI, to acquire, find, fut. noi

o'oyae (á), jEsch. Eum. 177: perf. nënáyar as present, to possess, Esch. Choëph. 191; Pind.



Pyth. 8, 103: pluperf. ênsirápnv and пел/7171110 аз imperfect, Anthol. 7, 67; Xen. Anab. 1, 9,

19: аог. ênádoípnv, Esch. frag. 199. 7181007 (111052), to persuade, fut. netsw, Eurip. Нес. 294: аог. Encina, Dem. 1296: perf. né лгши, Хеп. АпаЬ. 6, 4, 14: perf. pass. nénu

opat, Thuc. 5, 40: aor. pass. êneíaůnv, Dem. 991: 2 aor. ê'můov Poetic, Pind. Pyth. 3, 115; Epic also nŕmůov, Hom. Hym. l, 275; 3, 7; Il. 1,100; 9, 184: 2 perf. nŕnotůa, калошами,

аз present middle, to trust, Soph. Aj. 769 ; Arist. Ach. 940._Mid. naíůopat, to persuade one’s self, hence to believe, obey, fut. neíaopat, Soph. Antig. 67: perf. ninetopai, fEsch. Pers. 697: 2 aor. ¿71:196an Poetic, Soph. Tyr. 321. Verbal netvlies (8577 пгЕ0го'0ш), Хеп. АпаЬ. 6, 6, 14.

From theA 2 aor. ëntůov comes a new fut. můiío'w, will obey, Odys. 21, 369: aor. âníůno'a, ntůiíous, trusting, Il. 4, 398; Pind. 4, 194.—

From the Epic 2 aor. ne'mŕtov comes another new fut. nemůiíow equivalent to neíom, will per suade, Il. 22, 223. êrrérrtopev, 2 pluperf. Epic (from the root m.‘}­) for ênenoiůsipev, Il. 2, 341; 4, 159; 14, 55.—Р1п‹1. Isth. 4, 122, 2 aor. part. штат is equivalent to тлеют, trusting.

Hermann objects to this use of лещади, and proposes 71501!— nog' Pindar, however, seems to prefer nsmůw'v. It may possibly be etymologically connected with the Latinrf-a'û, _fldus (mirw'ç, nlovvoç),jldes (7150179), English


избит and nexréw, to shear, comb, fut. Doric n.556, Theoc. 5, 98: aor. ê'nsâa, Anthol. 6, 279: perf.

pass. nŕnsypai, ánonŕnaxrat, in Hesychius: aor.

pass. ënélůnv, Arist. Nub. 1356: aor. mid. Éne §oipnv rellexive, Il. 14, 176; as passive, Theoc. 28, 13. The form muréw presupposes a verbal noun in _mg from

the simple падки (IIEKJZ).


new Etymologically connected with the Latin pecto, pecten.

штабы (à), to hunger, be hungry, regular, except that it contracts as, au into n, y, respectively;

as newñv for леи/010, Arist. Nub. 441 ; Il. 3, 25. arewrinsvar., infin. Epic, as if from лапши, Odys. 20, 137.

Compare rrsvůn'ncvai, фибрами, from nsvůc'm, tptle'w.

nezgaívœ, Epic for парады, Pind. Isth. 8, 49: aor.

ênsígnva, Odys. 22, 175: perf. pass. 3 sing. лг neípawat, Soph. Trach. 58. netgoíœ, to try, prove, fut. netpáoœ (á), Thuc. 4, 43: aor.e’1reíçáoa, Soph. Col. 1256: aor. pass. êneipoíttnv as middle, Arist. Eq. 506._Epic and Ionic netgrioœ, êncígnaa, êneignůnv, Il. 12,

301 ; Herod. 7, 135. _ Mid. несвободен generally equivalent to the active, fut. neigáoonat, Xen. Eq. 10, 5: perf. neneígánai, Dem. 255. `1453: аог. ênetçao'ánnv, Thuc. 2, 44.

Verbal netpa

'rëos (dat катайтесь), Хеп. Mem. 1, 2, 34. :reign (ДЕРН), to pierce, transjìœ, pass through, fut. negó', Soph. Aj. 461 : aor. Знает, Herod. 4, 103: perf. pass. nŕnapnoa, Arist. Ach. 794: 2 aor. pass. §noígn11, Herod. 4, 94. Soph. Aj. 461, m'layoç napo? may be compared with x15 ëalg4nslng, and neige xc'lsvâov, Il. 24, 8; Odys. 8, 183; ’It seems to be etymologically connected with the Latin

veru, English spear, spur, pierce, Italian sprone (whence Romaio amgolim).

nsldw (nŕlas, 111414.12), to cause to approach, bring near, Epic, infin. :relatar (nelqîv), Hom. Hym. 6, 44; also палата: (à), to approach, in Attic Poetry, Eurip. Rhes. 556; Arist. Thesm. 58: perf. pass. nŕnlnnou, Odys. 12, 108: aor. pass. êrrloiůnv (d) as middle, in Attic Poetry,

jEsch. Prom. 896; Eurip. Rhes. 920: 2 aor. mid. ënln'nnv, to approach, Hes. Theog. 193; Il. 4, 449; 14, 438.



The theme HAAJZ is formed by syncope, or rather meta tliesis, from шлаг.» ‘ thus, „мы, имам, шил. Etymologically connected with „мы, Latin pello.

rrêlw, to be, Poetic, Il. 3, 3: imperf. ënelov, ne'lov, Pind. Olym. 1, 72; Hes. Scut. 164. _ Mid. rze'loyat, equivalent to the active, and more com

monly used, Il. l, 284: imperf. ênslóynv, Helo’ ynv, Il. 9, 526. ì'nle, was, imperf. 3 sing. syncopated, for È'nele, 11.12, 11. _ê'nlsa contracted tutti: and лиги, imperf. mid. 2

sing. syncopated, as present, thou art, Il. 1, 418; 9, 54; 24, 219; 3 sing. ê'nlero, he is, Il. 1, 506.-nlóyevoç, c'ntnlópsvoç, nsgtnlo'yevog, pres. mid. part. вупсораюд,

revolving, surrounding, Odys. 7, 261 ; 1|. 23, 833.

nei/95's: (nii/tros), to sorrow, regular. _Epic infin. new Этими, like atlríyevai, as if from nei/{ln

„ь, Odys. 18, 174. ПЕНЭЛ, ne'nfoode, see побит. n'ŕnpcorat, nençmyŕvn, See ЛОРД. жёлто), see шёпот.

negati/m (nicas), to complete, put an end to, fut. negara?, Thuc. 6, 86: aor. ënŕgava, Soph. Aj. 22: perf'. pass. infin. nenepdvůat, Plat. Gorg. 61: aor. pass. êneçoívŕtnv, Xen. Hel. 2, 4, 39. Verbal nepavrr'os, Plat. Leg. 4, 7. negata, to go over, pass through, fut. трогаю (a), Xen. Cyr. 7, 2, 20: aor. ênŕgao'a, Soph. Tyr. 674: perf. цапфами, Esch. Pers. 65.-Epic

and Ionic летаю, ënŕçnaa, Il. 5, 646; 21, 594. For the Epic тещ”, ênis'oůoa (со), пелёещщь, see umori anni, to which they properly belong.

nŕçâopat, pedo, Arist. Nub. 9: fut. nagôríaoyai,

Arist. Ran. 10: 2 aor. ê'naçöov, побудив, Arist. Eq. 639 : 2 perf. nénogöa as present, Arist. Nub. 392: 2 pluperf. ênenógörw as imperfect, Arist. Vesp. 1305. Arist. Vesp. 394, ai n o п oí o ö ш is written also oi no п ag d n'i,



implying 2 aor. pass. €nágöqv, analogous to защит from öe'guopai ° whence also 2 fut. pass. nugôrjoopm, It is an onomatopy, connected with the Latin pedo.

7159802, to [ay waste, sack as a city, Poetic, fut.

néçoœ, Soph. Phil. 114: aor. ê'napooc, Odys. l, 2: 2 aor. ïnçaůov Epic, Pind. Pyth. 9, 141 : fut. mid. négoopat as passive, Il. 24, 729: 2 aor. mid. êngaûópiyv as passive, Odys. 15, 384. Pass. nŕoâopau, uspôóysvos, as aorist, Il. 2, 374:

imperf. êneçâóimv as aorist, Il. 12, 15. _Prose writers use the regular nopôŕœ. ns'pâar, 2 aor. mid. infin. syncopated, as passive, Il. 16,

708. It seems to be etymologically connected with the Latin perda.

neptŕïrœ, See ë'rm.

:régi/qua (zegde), Poetic for mnpoíoxw, part. лгут/обе, 11. 22, 45; Eurip. Cycl. 271. -­- Pass. :régi/apar, Arist. Eq. 176: imperf. диет/обут, Pind. Isth.

2, 11. négvaoxe, imperf. iterative, like ì'aromns from i'cnuu, 11 24, 752.

néo'oœ or nérrw, later nŕnm (HEINZ), to cook, digest, aor. ënelpu, Il. l, 81 : perf. pass. nénsypae,

Arist. Plut. 1126: aor. pass. êne'fpůigv, Arist. Vesp. 668. Y The theme явил is etymologically connected with the Latin coque, cocus, coquina, English coo/c, calce, bake, kitchen. .

nérapou, see zeroíoyou. падёт/щи and unam/úw (IIETJL), t0 expand, later штабы, Хеп. АпаЬ. 7, 1, 17: fut. usedom

(d), штаб, agis, Eurip. Taur. 1134; Suidas voc. ávoureuâ : aor. ênéráoa (oo), Eurip. Phœn. 788; Il. 4, 523: perf. nsns'woyat, Attic nŕmáyat, Herod. 1, 62; Athen. 4, 29; Arist. Nub. 343:




aor. pass. ênaráoûnv, Eurip. Cycl. 497. _See Rem. ё 17. Etymologically connected with the Latin рано, pando.

neráopou, and nŕrápai like i'orapat, for ne'ropou, to jly, Herod. 3, lll ; Pind. Pyth. 8, 128: aor. pass. êneroioônv, Anacr. 40, 6. ’Anacr. 9, 2, пёташ, 2 pers. sing. from nérapm, like tumour from ïumpai. It is by some changed into ns'zaaaat, by others, into mrdaou from nsráopai, like xoipà'aou, döui'äaou,

Alexandrian for холм}, ôôuwjl. But as this Anacreontic 0de was written when the language was in its decline, which implies that Anacreon had nothing to do with it, it is fair to suppose that its author considered the penult of "traum long. There is no end to proposing such emendations.

nsïoiw, see natali/wpa.

nŕropou. (HETÍZ, HETÁJZ), lo fly, Eurip. Ion, 90: fut. nein'oopai, Arist. Pac. 77: 2 aor. ¿mó pnv syncopated, моё/‚при, птёадщ, nróprvos, Soph. Aj. 693; Tyr. 17; Plat. Phaedo, 134;

Rep. 2, 8. _ See also î'nrapat. HETJZ, see ustávat, nŕropou, nimm. neúůopat, see „театрам

nŕtpvov, see @ENSL _ y míyvvpt and nnyviiw, 'later :rifatto: or anno: (ПА— ГЛ, ‘ПНГЛ)‚ to fasten, Лаг, згтп, freeze, transitive, 6, aor. 7: fut. mgm, Il. Aj. 22, 283i; Pind.Xen. Olym.Ven. 6, 4:1 ê'nn§a, Soph.

821: perf. pass. némyypat later: aor. pass. ¿mí gthyv not common, Eurip. Cycl. 302; Theoc. 23, 31 : 2 _aor. pass. ênoiynv the usual aorist passive,

Esch. Eum. 190: 2 perf. némyya, Doric nino?. ya, as present middle, to be fired, stand fast, Il. 3, 135'; А1с. 1 : 2 pluperf. ênrmiyetv as im-'

perfect middle, Thuc. 7,_ 38._Mid. mjy/wpa; transitive, Hes. Op. 807: aor. ênnäoípnv, Herod. 5, 83 ;` Pind. frag. 137.` '


19 -




nńyvûro, pres. mid. opt. 3 sing., Plat. Phaedo, 154. The analogical form would be тишина 0r miyvvuo, like iowïro or öu'vairo, formed by annexing —по to the root тушь.


according to the ancient grammarians the diphthong w. cannot stand before a consonant. Therefore the 1 was drop ped and the o lengthened. See Eustath. ad Il. 13, 379; also Bekker's Anecdota, ônvúnv, Csvyvúnv, in the Index; and

сотраге lrlfno, dau/tito. —ё'пци10‚ 2 аог. mid. 3 Sing. Syn

сора1ес1, 11. 11, 378. The theme ПАГЛ. is connected with nóooaloç, Latin pango, paxillus, palus, vallus, pessulus, figo, English peg, pole, Romaio naloúxi.

ПН@12, see ndoyca. „драят (mina, HHMANJZ), to injure, fut. m; nave'ro, n'nnavai, Il. 24, 781 ; Eurip. Aul. 525: aor. ênnnnva, Soph. Со1. 837: aor. pass. ¿nn návânv, jEsch. Prom. 334: fut. mid. тиши/об nai reflexive, Soph. Aj. 1155., Arist. Ach. 842, nonavsïrai, in Dindorf’s edition лц naval 11.

miauw, see rrn'yvvnr. molta (ms't'œ), to press with the hand, grasp, take hold of, catch, aor. êníaga and ëníaaa, Theoc. 4, 35 ; N. T. John, 2l, 3 : aor. pass. ëmáoânv, Hippocr. me't'w, to press, squeeze, fut. me'om, Athen. 4, 11 : aor. ênísoa, not Attic 5715150, Herod. 9, 63 ;

Hippocr.: perf. pass. nenísanat, and nsníeynai not Attic, Hippocr.: aor. pass. êniskônv, and

171113501,» not Attic, Herod. 4, 11 ; Hippocr. Epic and Ionic melt», Hippocr.: imperf. ¿niélgzov con

tracted ёшгёшу, Odys. 12, 174: pres. pass. part. nrcçsánwoç contracted msëeúnsvoç, Herod. 3, 146; 6, 108.

711015002, 711015009, see легат. mlváco (neldw), to cause to approach, bring near, Epic, Hes. Op. 508. _Mid. nílvanar, to ap proach, like i'omnat, Il. 19, 93; Hes. Theog. 703.

mnzrlolvonar, Epic for nínnlanou, Il. 9, 679.




:dyn/IWL (II/IAQ, тупит), Ionic also тупят, to fill, inflected like Е'ашрш in the present and imperfect, Il. 2|, 23; Arist. Av. 1310; Hes.

Theog. 880; Herod. 7, 39; Hippocr.: imperf. Задним”, rarely ëníynlmv (wmv), Xen. Anab. 1, 5, 10; Cyr. 6, 1, 26: fut. Maiora, Eurip. Hip.

691 : aor. Erz/117m, Herod. 2, 87: perf. rre'rrhgxa, выгляди, Plat. Gorg. 157: perf. pass. пг’пмг quou, Plat. Rep. 7, 3: pluperf. pass. ¿nenlrâumg Lysias, 820 : aor. pass. ênlrjaôryv, Eurip. Heracl. 646. Verbal нимбов, Plat. Rep. 2, 14. Mid. nípnlayat, aor. ¿nlqaoíyqv transitive, He rod. 2, 87: 2 aor. гамму as passive, Il. 17, 499; Odys. 8, 16; Hes. Scut. 146; Theog.

688; in the Attic dialect злым” is reflexive. The present and imperfect drop the first ‚4 when, in com position, another .“ comes to stand before the first syllable; as дряблым, not Eyníynlmu. The same remark applies also t0 nlyrrgqyi., ES ёрпблещн.

êpnínlqâi, imperat. 2 sing. for граммы, П. 21, 311. ­- ¿pum/Isig, part. from Epmnléw, тащи, Hippocr. Etymologically connected with nlñůoç, nolúç, „но; or тёщу, nlry'gqç, Latin plus, populus (with the reduplication), p'lebs,plur1`mus, plenas, pleo, plerusque, English fil, full.

пёрлрцщ апс1 myngoím (ПР/1.12), rarely нейдет, to burn, like i'orayou in the present and imper fect, Eurip. Troad. 893; Хеп. АпаЬ. 7, 4, 15; Hel. 6, 5, 22; Il. 9, 589: fut. nerim, jEsch.

Sept. 434: aor. гнета, Хеп. АпаЬ. 4, 4, 14: perf. néngqxa, únona'zzgqxa, Hippocr.: perf. pass. пёпрцуш and ns'ngqapaz, Arist. Vesp. 36; Herod. 8, 144: aor. pass. ênçrg'aäryv, Thuc. 4, 29: 3 fut. pass. мифов/‚ша, Herod. 6, 9. See also :dyn/IWL. пирамид, йлопёрлеуш, pres. subj. Ssing. with the Epic termination -ш, for the analogical тупей, Arist. Lys. 348. Compare axföa'vvüm from спадёт/при — ё'пегаа, аОГ.

act. for гнета, Hes. Theog. 856.



Etymologically connected with 71179, English lj'íre, burn, brown.

mvúaxœ, later nwúoow (ITINT12, IINT12), to ren der intelligent, advise, ./Esch. Pers. 830; Nau

mach. 32: perf. pass. ne'm/üpat as present, to be animated, wise, discreet, Il. 24, 377; imperat. nénvůoo, Theogn. 29; inñn. nsnvúoûat, ll. 23,

440; part. пат/дрёму, Hes. Op. 729: pluperf. гнет/фат: as imperfect, Odys. 23, 210. The forms пёлпщш, &c. are generally subjoined to mém. The theme IIINTJ?. is formed from IINTJZ by simply in serting ь before v. Compare ‚лба, Latin mina.

:rivm (IIIIZ, ПОЛ), to drink, fut. utopia: com monly long L, also тобдш гаге in the early au thors, Soph. Col. 622; Xen. Con. 4, 7: perf. nínœxa, Eurip. Cycl. 536 : perl'. pass. пе’иорш, Dem. 34: aor. pass. êno'ûnv, IEsch. Choëph. 66: 2 aor. ê'mov commonly short t, nim, níotpt, лёг сошшоп1у nïôt, тегу, móv, Soph. Tyr.

1401; Arist. Vesp. 1489 ; ll. 16, 8.25. nore'os, Plat. Leg. 2, 14.


nel», 2 aor. infin. for тегу, Anthol. 11, 140; perhaps an attempt at synizesis.-Pind. Olym. 6, 147, ntoyai com monly considered as a present, I drink. “ But I can see no reason,” says Donaldson, “for making this an excep~ tion to the general rule. The meaning [of the passage rà'ç ¿garen'òv . . . . {lys/ov] is, ‘ whose pleasant water I will drink, when I weave a hymn for warriors.’ ” Connected with the Latin рога, bibo (with the reduplica tion). '

лежбища (IIIJZ, nim), to give to drink, lo water, Hippocr. de Loc. in Homin. $ 39: fut. пат (i), Pind. Isth. 6, 108: aor. “ё'шай, êve'moa, Pind.A

frag. 77, 1 ; Hippocr. de Loc. in Homin. §38: aor. pass. êníoŕhgv later Epic, Nicand. Ther. 624: aor. mid. ¿moápnv later Epic, Nicand. Ther. 877. nínlw, атм”, for nightly/1t, rare and doubtful, Hes. Scut. 291.



пирогами (negata, ИРАН), to sell, Call. frag. 419: fut. трогаю (à), Epic infin. перейди! (neçáoew, nepoîv), Il. 2l, 454: aor. ênéçoìoa (ad) Epic, Odys. 15, 428. 387: perf. ns'nçáxa, Dem. 104: perf. pass. nŕnpo'tpat, Xen. Con. 4, 31 : aor. pass. êngoiůnv (á), Soph. Trach. 252: fut. pass. npaün'oopat rare, Athen. 4, 51 : 3 fut. pass. nsnçoioopat the usual future passive, Xen. Anab. 7, 1, 36. _ Ionic ninpn'oxa, nënçnpat, ênpiítìnv. Verbal прогибов, Plat. Leg. 8, 13. For the Epic предам, iniqua, Attic writers use ¿nodeloo ‚дм, ointôópvìv, from dnoótömpi. _The perf. pass. infin. nr ngôîatìm is often equivalent to the aor. pass. infin. прижим, AriSt. Ach. 734. 735.-The forms ningu'axm, m'rrgäna, ne'noapat, and заедет аге formed from negrita by metathesis and contraction. Compare xsçávai.

яйца: (HETQ, IITEQ, IITOJZ), to fall, fut. ns ooiípou, resolved neoe'opat Epic and Ionic, Thuc. 5, 9; Herod. 7, 163; Il. ll, 824: aor. ê'nsoa

rare in the early authors, commonly ëneoov, ÍEschin. 303; Soph. Aj. 620: perf. ne'nwnot, Thuc. 4, 112; rare and later ягдташ, пети xóras, Anthol. 7, 427 : 2 aor. ê'nszov Doric, Pind.

Olym. 7, 126; Pyth. 5, 66: 2 perf. part. ns nrsais, ­o'iros, and питай, wia, -o'iros or -óros, Epic, Odys. 22, 384; 11.21, 503; Apol. 2, 832; Attic nantais, mitos, Soph. Antig. 697; Aj. 828. The part. пищей; must not be confounded with the corresponding form from my'auœ.

nuvola and nírvnpt (nervio), for natali/rupi, to ea;

pand, Epic, part. nin/ois, Odys. 11, 392: imperf. 3 sing. лёта/й, 3 plur. nirvo'w for ¿nini/dow, Il. 21, '7; Pind. Nem. 5, 20. _Pass. imperf. 3 plur.

гнёта/шито, Eurip. Elec. 713. nin/w (HETJZ), for nínrœ, t0 fall, Poetic, 71900

nin/oper, продлён/01:13, ntrvo'vrow, Soph. Col. 19’



1754; Esch. Pers. 461 ; Eurip. Elec. 691 :

imperf. ê'mrvov as aorist, Soph. Col. 1732. The Гогтз nin/m, nirvstç, m'rm, m'rvovtn, m'rvwv, Лёт/ожег, аге written alSO 7111107, 474, -sî, -oůut, 451', 415:/reg, aS if from mrvéw, the existence of which, however, will always be

considered doubtful, until its supporters produce the forms mrvoiiyev, mrvsïrs, ¿nin/ovv. ­­­ Eurip. Негас1. 617, 1190115— rvet, in Dindorf’s edition ngom'rvœv, Elmsley’s emenda.

Нот—Рта. Isth. 2, 39, 711111077101, implying vrtrvviw' Donaldson edits mwo'vra, 2 aor. part. as from unfair' „тот (pres. part.) would be more exquisite; but exqui siteness is no test of geuuineness.

nupav'axco (qaoímcm, ФАЛ), to say, tell, JEsch. Eum. 620; 11. 10, 202. 478 ; also t0 show, JEsch. Pers.

661. — Mid. пирайакодш and mzpoíoxoyat, Hes. Theog. 655; Il. 21, 99. Originally :PAI-_12, пира Fuxœ.

IILQ, see nívw.

ПААГН, see 711150010. 7110Ст (II/1.4111112), to cause to wander, Poetic,

Il. 2, 132: аог. ё’71107;0‚ Odys. 24, 307: аог. pass. 501071000 as middle, Odys. l, 2; Il. 1, 59. — Mid. nloíì'oyat, to wander, Soph. Aj. 886: fut. nláygoyou, Odys. 15, 312: aor. mid. 571107 ёобрт: later Epic, Apol. 3, 261. ПААЛ, see 010011501, 7111500. 711510 (ПАЕТЛ), to sail, fut. nlav'aw, commonly

011000001 ог 711г000171101, Dinarch. 92; Хеп. АпаЬ. 5, 6, 12; Thuc. 1, 53: aor. ê'nlevoa,

Eurip. Med. 7: perf. nŕnlwxa, Soph. Phil. 72: perf. pass. nŕnlsvopou, Dem. 1286: аог. pass. ¿nlaúaûqv not classical, Scholiast. Thuc. 2, 97.

7111500 (IL/14.12), to be full, abound, jEsch. Pers. 272: 2 perf. nénhyůa as present, Theoc. 22, 38: 2 pluperf. 57115711150510 as imperfect, Apol. 3, 271. 711150007 ог 711751110

(II/11411.12, H/IHFQ),





strike, fut. пьёт, Esch. frag. 255: aor. Enlqga, Eurip. Aul. 1579: perf. pass. nénhmuai, Arist. Ach. 1218: aor. pass. ênìńlůqv rare, Eurip. Troad. 183: 3 fut. nenhjëoyou, Arist. Eq. 272: 2 aor. nŕnlrlyov Epic, Il. 23, 363. 660: 2 perf.

nénhyya, Il. 2, 264; Arist. Av. 1350: 2 aor. pass. ênlríyvyv, Doric ¿nláyrlv (d), in composi tion днищу (й), as кандидату, Dem. 525; Thuc. 1, 81; Call. Cer. 40.

Verbal nhpaêos,

Dinarch. 72.-_Mid. имеющим also 711157112; Аион, Thuc. 4, 125: aor. ¿10.1250541715 Herod. 3, 14: 2 aor. nsnlqyóyiyv Epic, ll. l2, 162. ëns'nlqyov or ns'nlnyov, a new imperfect, Il. 5, 504; Odys. 8, 264. —- nazenliiy'qv and ¿Senlriyfpg 2 аог. разв. for _0?qu in Homer, 11.8, 31; 18, 225; Нот. Hym. 7, 50, _nmlńymg part. from а new present „mlm/w, Call.

Jov. 53. _The 2 perf. ns'nlnya sometimes is used passive ly, especially by the later writers.

nlv'vm, lo wash as clothes, fut. лимба), люд, Odys. 6, 31; Arist. Thesm. 248: aor. è'zrlüva,

Dem. 1259 : perf. pass. nŕnlůpat, Athen. 9, 22: aor. pass. ¿nM/’6131, (й), Hippocr. Verbal nlu Iéos, Athen. 3, 86. — Mid. 7th/’vayan reflexive, aor. тамаду, Herod. 4, 73: fut. „лишат,

Arist. Plut. 1064. „мы, Epic and Ionic for яды, to sail, Odys. 5, 240; Herod. 8, 23: fut. mlóaoyat, aor. ênlwo'a,

perf. :rán/lama, Herod. 8, 5; 4, 99; Il. 3, 47: 2 аог. Enlwv, диализе, Hes. Op. 648; Odys. 3, _ 15; l2, 69. “ The use of nénlmm by Aristophanes [Thesm. 878] who puts it into the mouth of Euripides is supposed to have been in ridicule of the Tragedian for introducing it at Hel. 532, where however Matthiœ edits mnhvxára.” Carmichael.

nve'œ (IINETJZ), to blow, breathe, fut. nvsúdw,

commonly nvsúaoyai or nvavaoůyac, Dem. 284; Eurip. Andr. 555; Arist. Ran. 1221: аог. ë'



wwwa, Xen. Hel. 7, 4, 32 : perf. лётчика, Plat.

Phœdr. 100: aor. pass. ênveu'oônv laten-See also aipnvú'm, mvv'axœ. We have already attempted to connect this verb with the Saxon blowan, English blow.

nvíyœ (i), to choke, strangle, sufocate, fut. uvigo,

Athen. 2, 74: aor. ê'nwga, Xen. Hel. 3, 1, 14:

perf. pass. nénvtynat, Arist. Vesp. 511: 2 aor. pass. ¿mig/121,0), Dem. 883: fut. mid. лигой yat, Athen. 2, 57. IINTJZ, see danvúœ, mvúoxw, nomvúœ. поёт, see полёт. ' падёт (2:6005), to desire, regret, miss, fut. подбит, noßéoopaz, Xen. Mem. 3, ll, 3; Plat. Phaedr. 106: аог. 571601160: and ênóßeoa, Xen. Hel. 1, l, 30; Isocr. 385: perf. nerróůnxa, Anthol. ll, 417. подбили, infin. Epic, as if from поэты, Odys. l2, 110.-The noun nóâog is derived from плел (ПЕОЛ, пытал). And as the primary meaning of „дат is to ez perience an emotion or sensation, the primary meaning of 71600; must be emotion, feeling.

notée: and поёт, to make, do, regular, Arist. Ran.

522. 526: 3 fut. pass. nsnonjoonat, Hippocr.: fut. mid. ironíoopat as passive, Hippocr. The form поёт, without the i, is of frequent occurrence in ancient inscriptions; as encuadrar', пот, Ёлбеюгу, for

ênotnoámv, полей, ёлобцагу, Boeckh’8 Corp. Inscript. 25; 103, 17; 8, 9. Add to this fact the analogy of the Latin рвёт, noinrn'ç.

notva'onat (nonni), to exact retribution, punish, in Hesychius: fut. nowáaoaai (á), Eurip. Taur. 1431. norma/’m (тёса, UNTIZ), long v, to bustle about, Epic, Il. l, 600; 24, 475: aor. ênoíuvûaa, Il. 8, 219.

nolspítw and пожуй!» (716151105), Epic for :ro/1s



„бы, lo war,_/ìght, Il. 13, 123. 223: fut. помрёт and nzolsyígm, ll. 24, 667; 2, 328: аог. mole' yl§a, Apol. 3, 1233. novŕm (no'vos), to labor, feel fatigue, safer pain, produce by labor; sometimes to cause pain, dis tress, Pind. Pyth. 6, 268: fut. пот/75062, novéaœ,

ÍEsch. Prom. 343 ; Hippocr.: aor. гибрида, ëno' vsoa, Xen. Anab. 7, 6, 4l ; Hippocr.: perf. лг— пбтхи, Arist. Pac. 820; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 22:

perf. pass. nenóvnyat,1soc. 43: aor. pass. ёло wíůnv, DOFÍC Бит/(101111, Pind. Olym. 6, 17; aS

middle, Eurip. Hel. 1509. Verbal поп/171509, Isoc. Antid. p. 123. - Mid. novéoyou as active, fut. nowíoonaz, Odys. 22, 377: perf. лжёт you as present, Soph. Trach. 985; Herod. 2, 63: pluperf. Елены/бдит: as imperfect, Il. 15, 447: аог. ênovno'a'ynv, Odys. 9, 250.

HOP!! or HPOQ, and ПАРЕ, lo give, Poetic,

2 aor. ënogov, Il. 17, 196; Soph. Tyr. 921 ; infin. nanoçeïv and папаша: Epic, to show, make

known, cause to appear, Pind. Pyth. 2, 105: perf. pass. 3 sing. nŕnçmraz, is fated, jEsch. Prom. 519; part. имевшей/05, decreed by fate, Il. 3, 309:

pluperf. 3 sing. nŕngcoro, it was fated, Hes. Theog. 464. — Perf. part. narrowyŕvn as а sub stantive, fate, destiny. Hesychius has nsnugsúozyov, el'iquçaarov, aams'ç' 1re парт, ётдйзщ, anyñvnu. — The form НАР]: тау safely be connected with the Latin pario,parco.

nogav'w, to cause lo go, convey, carry, rather Poetic in the active, regular: aor. pass. ¿noon/’0111, as middle, lo go, march, Xen. Anab. 3, 4, 10. noráoyou, also nozŕoyac not Attic, Poetic for лёта

дш, to jly, regular. 11012, зее nivo».

пейте-э ог nçárm (HPAFJZ), to do, fut. несёт,



Soph. Col. 645: aor. ê'rrça5a, `Xen. Cyr. 5, 4,

23: nénçáxa, Dem. 972: perf. pass. nŕnçaypou, Eurip. Нес. 1038: аог. pass. êngdxônv, Thuc. 6, 28: 3 fut. pass. „тщеты, Arist. Plut. 1027: 2 perf. nŕnçáya intransitive, to have done well or

ill, Pind. Pyth. 2, 134. Verbal nçaxre'os, Soph. Tyr. 1439. -­ Mid. продавшая, to exact as money, require for 0ne’s Self, пробёоуш, пёпуиудш, гидами, Thuc. 8, 37; Dem. 786. 931. 845 ; Xen. Hel. 1, 5, 19; Soph. Tyr. 287. The Ionians change и into п throughout, as дебита), пё— щтуа, which shows that the penult of this verb is also long by nature. _ In connexion with certain adverbs (as ей, uann'íç), the ac

tive is intransitive, to do well or ill, to be prosperous or un fortunate, in which case néngäyu is its proper perfect. Xen. Hel. l, 4, 2, néngayu has the force of the perfect

middle néngaynat ‘ the antecedent of «5v is put in the geni tive by attraction; návzœr niv, for návra niv.

ИРАН, see паштета, ningaíaxœ. uçríůœ, see играешь. ПР1АМАД to buy, 2 aor. êrrçtaínnv, лущат, ngtaíynv, легато and прёт, ngíowûat, прибре vos, Arist. Nub. 23.

The rest is borrowed from

óvŕopat. „916, (Е) and лета, to saw, gnash the teeth, Arist. Ran. 927; Plat. Theog. 4: aor. ê'nçtdot, Thuc. 4,

100: perf. pass. néngwyat, аог. pass. глушат, Arist. Pac. 1135. 1261. про/353021111, See Видами.

проговорив, to afer an extended hand (for charity), to beg, Archil. frag. 28, 2: fut. nycîadoyat only in composition xamnço'í'aaoyat, will get of un punished, do any thing with impunity, always ac companied by ой, not, Herod. 3, 36 ; Arist. Vesp. 1396.

проект/бы, See жмёт.




пропадёт, to abuse, insult, defective and Poetic,

1 plur. ngovasloůpev, Arist. Ran. 730 : part. pass. nçovasloúyavos, JEsch. Prom. 438. Hesychius has ngo'os'lsi, леопцдакгёи ' ngovyelsïv, „девиации, ůßplgsw. The Etymologicum Magnum (voc. d Wilmot) has прощение“ le'yovui 16 ůßgícuv. ‘ ` и equivalent пролпдахгёш (7196, nnlo'ç) suggests Нос, rsh, swamp, pool. We may therefore assume ngouFa­ lem. By dropping F, we obtain ngoae'lu, ngovuslleîv. The form nçovyeleïv is obtained by dropping а and changing F into y. Buttmann, oddly enough, objects to this derivation on account of its apparent agreement with a word of a simi lar mcaning, „отдалит, which is derived from nqlo'ç, mud.

ngoipaaíïopat (имущие), to make pretexts, feign an excusê, fut. ngoqßaawüyat, fEschin. 416: aor. nçoůipamaáyiiv (ngoetpaawápqv), Thuc. 5, 54: aor. pass. part. nçofpawwâév passively used, Thuc. 8, 33.


máçvupat (ПТАРЛ), to sneeze, Xen. Anab. 3, 2, 9: 2 aor. ê'maçov, Arist. Ran. 647: 2 aor. pass.

part. nraçeís, Hippocr.

HTAQ, see ï'zzrayai, univoco. unicam (HTAKJZ, HTHKJZ, ПTAQ, HTHMI), to Crouch from fear, to fear, be terrified, fut. ‚ unige, Anthol. 12, 141: aor. ŕ'zrnßa, Soph. Aj. 171; Col. 1466; sometimes causatively, to'ter-`

rzfy, Il. 4, 40; Eurip. Hec. 180: perf. гнида, Isoc. 94: 2 aor. глюком, Esch. Eum. 252 ; also

2 aor. 3 dual nriiniv Epic, Il. 8, 136: 2 perf. nenniœ's, wia, «5105, Epic, Odys. 14, 354. 474. The 2 perf. part. mamá; must not be confounded with the corresponding form of „шт.

птодгуёёсо, зее nolsyíïco. HTOQ, see nimm.

mv'a, to spit, fut. múo'w, zzn/’dopen (й), Hippocr.: Anthol. 5, 197: aor. ê'můaœ, Soph. Antig. 653:



аог. pass. inrúoônv, 2 aor. pass. Éarilnv, Hip pocr. ‚ It is an onomatopy, connected with the Lat-in spuo, English spit.

núôœ (ü), to cause to decay, rot, transitive, Hes. Op. 624: fut. núam (if), Il. 4, 174: aor. ê'nuaa, Hom. Hym. l, 371. 374; but :I1/’oe (й), Call. frag. 313. _Mid. núůopat, to rot, intransitive, Il.

23, 32s. Etymologically connected with the Latin puteo, puter, ' putris.

„шагаю, lo make dense, cover up, regular: perf.

pass. part. nenvxaöns'vos for птицами/ос, Sapph. 3_0. . ^° nvvûatvopai (HETQJZ, HTQJZ), Poetic also 1mi борщ, to inquire, learn by inquiry,»hear, ŕEsch. Agam. 988: fut. nsúooyai and nevaoůpai, Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 11; ЕзсЬ. Prom. 998: perf. nénu суш, Thuc. 8, 5l : 2 аог. mid. ënvûöynv, Epic пат/8651117, Soph. Col. ll ; ll. 6, 50; 10, î381. Verbal neuoréos, Plat.` Sophist. 61. _ ‚ лёпиааш, perf. 2Sing. Poetic for nénvout,_Odys. 11, _494.

:rugiada: or nvçe'rw, to have a fever, fut. nugs'gœ, aor. ënúçe§a and êrrúpeoa,_Hip„pocr. тиара; go about, Il. to 5,go,350., Epic, i Theog. (мы), 781 ; fut.toaaliy'oopat, i Hes. Odys. ’4, Сотрите 811, nails" stands „шиш (тишь), ‘not fOr'n'tuls'o. Odys. 5, 88,fornoigoç ya ¿révl об“ 'äuße ­ ¿sie ‘ also Il. 18, 385. -—лш1.г’оигто‚ imperf. iterative,A Il. ‚1, 490.

. ,



P. ‘РАГЦ, see éiíyvupi.



@aim ('PANJZ, 'PAM/Q), lto sprinkle, fut. ¿iai/ó',

Eurip. Thes. frag. 1: aor. задам, Ionic ëêônva, . Epic ë'ëêaoa,`Eurip. Cycl. 402; Odys. 20, 150:



perf. pass. ё'дёиарщ and ŕ'éêapyaz (Ч), щипли, шиш, Schol. ad Il. l2, 431 ; Hesych. voc. ëëèáôazar aor. pass. êêêávânv, Pind. Pyth. 5, 134. ёёёйдатад, perf. pass. 3 plur. Epic, Odys. 20, 354: pluperf. pass. 3 plur. ёдёйбаго, П. 12, 431. Etymologically connected with the English rain.

@doom (cPÄIUZ), for èríaoœ, èn'yvvpl, fut. даёт, Thuc. 8, 96: аог. ê'êéaga, Xen. Hel. 7, 5, 16:

aor. pass. Éëéoízůnv doubtful, Thuc. 7, 6. êêZm (EPFJL, cPEIÉJZ), for ê'çöw or ë'gâw, lo do, Poetic, Il. 21, 214: fut. gie'gœ, Soph. Phil. 1191 :

aor. ëêêega, Poetic also Брага, Il. 9, 536; Soph. Col. 539: aor. pass. part. éslůeís, Il. 17, 32. ‘PETJL is formed from ЕРГл Ьу metathesis.


was FEPFn.' therefore the original form of ‘Щ'ш was Ревёт. Compare the English wrang/it, wright, with the kindred тогда ês'xnlç, ésanig.

@éco (cPETJl, `РТ.!2), lo flow, fut. êsúaoyou, later

ésúow, Eurip. Thes. frag. 1; Anthol. 5, 125; Athen. 6, 94: aor. ëêêwoa, Arist. Eq. 526:

perf. ëêêúnxa, Isoc. 159: 2 aor. pass. ¿obi/’nv as active, Thuc. 2, 5: 2 fut. pass. @Uniroyal as ac tive, Isoc. 187. -­ Pass. imperf. ëêêeóynv, Eurip. Hel. 1602; Xen. Anab. 1, 5, 4. дюймы“, pres. pass. part. Ionic for дедушек, as if from éeeóysvoç, Herod. 7, 140.


Its original form was еегш, or perhaps Feel-_01. pare ревю, Latin rinus, English river, brook (grins).


‘РЕЛ, to say, perf. aípnxa, Soph. Col. 414: perf. pass. ei'pnyai, Thuc. l, 139: аог. pass. 5651531111, (31136, Xen. Cyr. 6, l, 19; sometimes ëêêŕůnv, Ionic £591#th and síçéi'ìnv, but only in the indic ative, ¿Eschim 216; Herod. 4, 77. 156: 3 fut.

eîgńooyai as future passive, Thuc. 6, 34; Xen. Cyr. 7, l, 9. Verbal énrŕos, Dem. 612. -— See also EIHQ. 20


97271’ Its original form was FPEJZ, hence Fqurga for (Игра,

in the Elean inscription.

It is moreover connected with

Щит, to say, and EPOMAI, to ask, and perhaps with (ревёт ' also with the Latin oro, whence orator (мине).

éiíyvüyt and ênyvv'm CPA/111.12, с1,511112), Poetic érjeam, to break, Dem. 535; Il. 18, 571 : fut.

ériger, Soph. Aj. 775: aor. ëêénga, Herod, 1, 85: perf. pass. ê'ëênynat very rare, Odys. 8,137: aor. pass. êêôríyůnv rare, Hippocr.: 2 aor. pass. ëêêoíynv, Soph. Antig. 476: 2 perf. ê'êêœya as passive, to be broken, torn, Soph. Tyr. 1280; Arist. Plut. 546. —— Mid. êrp'yvvaat usually transi

tive, fut. érigoyou, Il. 12, 257. 224: aor. ¿éénäoi (щи, Herod. 8, 99. The original theme was FPATJI., connected with the Latin frange, English wreck, rag, break, German brechen.

According to Trypho ($ 11), Alcœus used Репы; for è'iëlç.

двум (‘Р1Г12)‚ to shudder, fear, Poetic, Pind. Nem. 5, 92: fut. @L7/riem, Il. 5, 351: aor. êêéí

таи, Soph. Со1. 1607: 2 perf. ê'êéïya as pres ent, Odys. 5, 52; Il. 3, 353: 2 pluperf. Éëêíyew as imperfect, Odys. 23, 216. ëêét'yovn, part. dat. sing. from а new present, Hes. Scut. 228.- Connected with étyo'œ, фетиш, and the Latin frígeo, frigus, rigen, rigor, English fright. We may suppose that the original theme was Грина.

ètyów, to shiver with cold, infin. étyoův, part. gen. plur. étyov'vwv, Xen. Cyr. 5, 1, 10; Hel. 4, 5, 4: fut. ¿iq/aim, Xen. Mem. 2, l, 17: aor. ëêêí ушат, Arist. Plut. 846. дьусё, subj. 3 sing. for éryoï (érg/6,17), Plat. Gorg. 155: opt. 3 sing. étyrp'r, for êtyoï, as if from -u'm, Hippocr.: inlin.

@Lydie for ддуоби, Arist. Vesp. 446: part. fem. étyn'íoa for êiyof/ua, Simonid. 230, 26 (Gaisford’s edition).

@inw and êtrrzŕm CPIQQ), to throw, cast, Herod. 4, 188; Xen. Anab. 4, 8, 3: fut. дара), Eurip.



Herc. 562: aor. ê'êênpa, rare and Poetic града, Soph. Tyr. 719; Pind. Pyth. 6, 37 ; Hom. Hym. 2, 79 : perf. ê'êéupa, Lysias, 349 : perf. pass. ê'êétppat, Arist. Thesm. 829: аог. pass. êêèíqaůriv, Soph. Aj. 830: 2 aor. pass. êéçíipriv (ï), later фату, ЕвсЫп. 319; Anthol. 12, 234. дантисту, imperf. iterative, Epic, Il. 15, 23.-gs glqaůou, Perf. pass. infin. fOr £ée't'tp3ai, Р1ш1. frag. 231.

èotïéw, to whiz, whirl rapidly with а whizzing noise, aor. ëëéoít'rida, Soph. Trach. 568 : plu perf. pass. 3 sing. ŕêèoífrito, Anthol. 11, 106. éoläuuus, imperf. iterative, as if from -áw, Hes. Theog. 835 ; it is written also (Защита.

(P 012, зее дебит/щи.

‘РТЛ, see êŕw, to flow. éúopai, to defend, rescue, fut. (Si/’dopant (й), Hes. Theog. 662 : aor. êêéüaápiiv, Soph. Aj. 1276 ; but ¿ii/Joigny, Il. 15, 29. éůoâai, infin. as if from ‘PTML Epic, Il. 15, 141 : im perf. 3 sing. ё’ёдйто as aorist, Poetic, Soph. Tyr. 1352; 3 plur. éúaro (Quino), with the usual meaning ofthe imper fect, Epic, Il. 18, 515; Odys. 17, 201.

See also Egon»,

eîgúw. -ëúanmh imperf. iterative, 2 sing. contracted from étioxeo, Epic, Il. 24, 730.

évnaívw, t0 make dirty, fut. @unda/:5, Isoc. 245. датам, to be dirty, Arist. Lys. 279 ; Av. 1282. évnám, protracted from guardi, Epic, Odys. 23, 115; part.

évnónw protracted, Odys. 6, 87.

‘РТЛ, to flow, see èŕœ. 113121152, seeíériyvli/,ut (ŕ'êêwya). @mwa/¿u and 9mm/vw (РОД), to strengthen, Plat. Loc. 11 : aor. ëêêwaa, Dem. 141 : perf. pass. ê'êgœpat as present, to be strong, Dem. 601 :

pluperf. pass. êèéóyriv as imperfect, Thuc. 2, 8: aor. pass. êééóoâviv, Xen. Ages. 1, 27. ïéémao, farewell, Latin vale, perf. pass. imperat. 2 sing., Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 33; 2 р1иг. t'géœuůs, Hippocr.: infin. êëg'aioůat, Dem. 419.


out@ 2.

caigo (ZAPJZ), to sweep, aor. ê'onga, Soph. An tig. 409.-2 perf. абсцесс as present, to grin,

snarl, chiefly in the part. osongós, Doric osca Qw's, Athen. 13, 23; Arist. Vesp. 901; Theoc. 5, 116. Usoůgvïa, 2 perf. part. fem. for acangv'iu, Epic, Hes. Scut. 268. It may be connected with образ, Е’ёфш, ё'епш, Latin erro, verra, serpe, Romaic „раунды.

cabrito: (ZA/IHIFFJZ), to sound a trumpet, aor. êoálniyga, later êodlmoa, Xen. Anab. 1, 2, 17 ;

N. T. Rev. 8, 7: perf. pass. oecd/lawaai later. баба) (adm), to save, preserve, Epic, Call. Del. 22 : fut. oaoíom, aor. êaaíœoa, êoaoiůnv, Il. 1, 83; 8, 500; Odys. 3, 185: fut. mid. oaoíoopai reñex

ive, Odys. 2l, 309.- See also solo, обед, coito, and adm. adm, imperat. 2sing. for odou (ados), Epic, Odys. 13, 230. ­- aám and байт, imperf. 3 sing. for odou and êooíov (udec, salire), Epic, Il. 2l, 238; 16, 363. The contracted

forms'of odou, ëuáau would be aai, tun?, which by protraction become oder, года», instead of абы, гады ' compare ratsraímaa

from mierda). tive oúw.

The same remark applies also to the impera

adm, to save, preserve, only 3 plur. color/oz, Tyrt. 2, 13 ; opt. 3 sing. бобов, Theogn. 866. The original theme was probably сага). Latin salvas, salveo, English save, safe.

Compare the

See also lám, to


adm, to sift, 3 plur. aôut (adm/ot), Herod. 1, 200;

commonly my'ůa, aor. Бота, Hippocr. de Vet. Medic.§8: perf. pass. oéonyoa and аёоцщцш, Hippocr. Not to be confounded with the pre ceding. Probably connected with the English sieve, sift.



oße'vvvyt and адепт/баз (ZBEJZ), to extinguish,

Pind. Pyth. 1, 18: fut. идёт (по), Arist. Lys. 375; Herod. 8, 77: aor. ê'oßaaa, Xen. Anab. 6, 3, 25: perf. ê'oßnxa as middle, Xen. Cyr. 8, 8,

13; JESch. Again. 888: perf. pass. ê'aßwpat, Parmenid. 13: аог. pass. ëoße'oůnv, Xen. Hel. 5, 3, 8: 2 aor. Зет/3172: as middle, орда/ш, ärm eßeís, Doric ê'oßa'w, Il. 9, 471; Herod. 4, 5; Theoc. 4, 39. _Mid. идёт/дои and одет/йода“, to extinguish one’s self go out, be extinguished,

die out, Hes. Op. 588: fut. oßrfooyat, Plat. Leg. 7, 12. ' небогатые, to forbear out of respect, a defective aor. mid. 3 sing. Epic, Il. 167. 417. dëßífor and o'sßt'è'optat, for aŕßco, o's'ßopat, Poetic, aor. êoŕßwa, aor. pass. êoeßíat'ìnv as active, Soph.

Antig. 943; Col. 636.



игры and оторви, to revere, worship, aor. pass. êaŕtpânv, Soph. frag. 175; part. fem. ответов, moved with reverence, Plat. Phaedr. 76. daim, to shake, fut. дебош, Eurip. Orest. 613: aor. ê'oswa, Thuc. 4, 52: perf. агонии, Athen. 11,

63: perf. pass. oéostouat, Pind. Pyth. 8, 134: aor. pass. êoeíoůnv, Soph. Antig. 584: aor. mid. ëo'swdnnv reñexive or transitive, Il. 8, 199; Theoc. 13, 13. ' «ii/acostarme, imperf. iterative, Epic, Hom. Hym. l, 403. — êoostovro, imperf. pass. 3 plur. Epic, Il. 20, 59.

ZETJ2 and ZTJZ, to move, impel, urge, drive, Poetic, aor. ëooeva and беби, 11. 5, 208; 20,

189 : аог. pass. 56153111/ and êoaúůnv as middle, Eurip. Hel. 1302; Soph. Aj. 294; Col. 1724: 2 aor. pass. án-ŕoaova, Laconian for 5662573, he is gone, dead, Xen. Hel. 1, l, 23. _Mid. oeúoyat, to hasten after, run, pursue, ll. 3, 26; 2, 808: perf. ê'oovuat as present, ll. 6, 361 ; Pind. Isth. 20*



8, 133; part. Saav'uevos, 1l. 11, 554: aor. davoi „137,11. 7, 208; 17, 463; 20, 148: 2 aor. 56615

(mv, то, 4110, П. 16, 585; 14, 519; Odys. 9,

447.- See also бойцом. авйтаь, pres. mid. 3 sing. for огйпш, as if from ZETMI, Soph. Trach. 645: pres. part. обрез/ос, as from ZTMI, ./Esch. Agam. 476; Еиш. 1005; others refer it to the per fect Kooiman-1l. 17, 463,818 (redatto iS also edited fit’ ёааейапо. Its original tbrm was perhaps EFE тл. We may further suppose that the Homeric expression ô'ra аейипо was örs o Реи a п о.

mítica, see adm, to sift.

unitair/m, to mark, regular: perf. pass. cearínaoyat, Herod. 2, 39; Boeckh. Inscript. 154. orina» (БАЛЛ), to rot, transitive, corrupt, fut.

cricca, jEsch. frag. 255: 2 perf. aŕanna as pas sive, to be rotten, Il. 2, 135; Xen. Anab. 4, 5,

12: 2 aor. pass. êooirrnv, Arist. Eq. 1308. oír/opac, Ionic awéonat, to injure, Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 15; Herod. 9, 13. 73; 5, 74; later ail/œ, Pa lœph. 1, 3; 29, 6: perf. аёшщьш rare, Hip

pocr.: aor. mid. гоп/обут: гаге, Herod. 8, 31. etwnoíw, to keep silence, fut. atmmíam, commonly ошибочная, jEschin. 737; Soph. Tyr. 233 ; &.c. regular.


asaaínäyar, perf. pass. Doric for аешсбпщшь, Pind. Isth. 1, 88: fut. mid. шпагами, edited also otyáaoyat, Pind.

Olym. 13, 130. EKA/LIZ, see EXE/1.4.52. отдай/шиш and отдаст/баз (ZKEJÁQ), t0 scatter,

Dem. 1257 : fut. anaôdeœ (à), axeâó, ais, Theogn. 879; jEsch. Prom. 25 : aor. êaxŕůào'a, perf. pass. êexéôaepat, Thuc. 1, 54; 2, 25: aor. pass.

êaxeödmftnv, Thuc. 3, 98. —— See also набеги/иуд,

nidi/nut, anida/mut.


oneöáwvat, öraoueöáwvur, pres. act. subj. 3sing.,



Plat. Phœdo, 60. It is contracted from аигдауйдш (with the old ending -‹п‚ like гадами); the analogical form would be oxeönwuiai like nlpngpot.-axeöávvüzat, diaaxsöa'würat, pres. pass. subj. 3 sing., Plat. Phœdo, 58; contracted from uusöavvúrjrai, like бйутш from duratura», or rather dvvs'nrat. See also „дупло from miyvvpi. We have already attempted to connect this verb with léa», English scatter, sputter.

ЕЛЕ/11112 (EKA/LQ, ZIK/1.4.2), to dry up,

aor. 50mila Epic, Il. 23, 191: perf. гашиш as middle, to be dried up, Athen. 2, 57: 2 perf.

part. галифе, 4510;, as middle, Apol. 2, 53: 2 aor. ê'axliiv, оживёт, axìtrivat, as middle, Arist.

Vesp. 160; see also Rem. §72._Mid. axé). lopat, to wither, intransitive, jEsch. Prom. 481 :

fut. oxfloüpat, later самоедом, Hesychius; Anthol. 11, 37.

The rest comes from the active,

дикции, fax/triés, ê'axlriv. длинным, 2 aor. opt. 3 sing., in Hesychius, explained oinoânpat'vot, oinoäoivot.

axe'rrropaz, see axonŕœ. мёда/пул, for „изогнут, Poetic, Hes. Theog. 875 : aor. pass. дамба/0600111], Hippocr. _ Mid. сгибат yat, Il. 11, 308.

ZIK/1.452, see ¿IKE/1.412. oxonŕm or oxorzoíipat, sometimes one'nrouat, to view, consider, Il. 16, 361; 17, 652: fut. oxéipopai,

Xen. Mem. 3, 6, l2: perf. pass. ëoxepiuai tran sitively or passively, Xen. Mem. 3, 6, 13 ; Thuc. 7, 62: aor. pass. êoxa'cpâiiv rare, Hippocr. de Art. 3 19 : aor. mid. аппарату, Xen. Anab. 7, 3, 37: 3 fut. pass. êaxŕtpopat passively, Plat. Rep. 3, 6. Verbal oxemŕoç, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 17. The present one'mopat was probably never used by the classical Attic writers.

It will be observed that the elements of ouémopat (root аист) аге the same as those of the Latin specio (spec-). _ Further, the root ахт- тау possibly be connected withl 01112, to see.




cada, фа, to smear, anoint, rub on, Arist. Thesm.

389: aor. Espada, Athen. 7, 124. It borrows the aor. pass. êoun'lônv from the regular дюйм, which in the present is not Attic. _ Mid. apolo дои, -oima Herod. 9, 110: aor. êopnooíunv, Doric

êouáooianv, Herod. 4, 73; Call. Min. 32. ободом contracted бойцом, equivalent to osi/’ouai the middle of ZETQ ­


6017005, бабищ,

Arist. Vesp. 458; jEsch. Pers. 25: imperat. aoû, ooúoûœ, аобидг, Arist. Vesp. 209; jEsch.

Sept. 31. абаз, for шага, to save, subj. oóys, són, обедал, П. 9,

681. 424. 393. As to обедал, it may be referred to ados, and formed by contraction and protrac tlon.

onda, to draw, pull, fut. ondoso (à), Soph. Aj. 769 : aor. Задаёт, Arist. Thesm. 928: perf. ëo'rráxa,

Dem. 442: perf. pass. ŕ'orraouat, Xen. Anab. 1, 5, 9: aor. pass. двигает, Herod. 6, 134. _Mid. ondoyat transitive, aadoonat, ê'orraaptai, Arist. Ran. 564. 477; Xen. Anab. 7, 4, 16. влагу, ons'oôai, see ê'im.

arraigo» (ZHEPQ), fut. амеб, Eurip. Elec. 79: aor. ê'anstpa, Xen. Mem. 2, l, 13: perf. pass. ê'oaaguat, Arist. Ran. ­1206: 2 aor. pass. ¿anoi gnv, Soph. Tyr. '1498: aor. mid.l дожмут transitive, Apol. 3, 1028.

слёт/дат, to одет a libation to the gods, fut. ansiosa, Herod. 2, 151: aor. ê'o'irstoa, Xen. Anab. 4, 3,

13: perf. ê'orrsma later: perf. pass. ê'anuouat, Thuc. 4, 16; 3, 111 : aor. pass. êorrsíoûnv, An thol. 7, 27. _Mid. слёт/домом, to conclude a trea

ty, методом, ё'бпыбуш, êonsiooípnv, Dem. 392; Eurip. Med. 1140 ; Arist. Ach. 292. 27T/1Q, See Е’о’щш.



’ YTIBft), to tread, press down, make com



pact, aor. ё'атщиа, Soph. Col. 467: perf. pass. êazíßnyai as if from ZTIBEQ, Soph. Aj. 874. шеф/т (ZTIXJZ), to go, Poetic and Ionic, aor. ê'ozetga, Odys. 4, 277: 2 aor. ê'auxov, Il. 16, 258.

темы (ETE/LQ), to send, array, rig or fil out, equip, fut. падёт, 0151.6, Odys. 2, 287; Soph. Phil. 623: aor. гати, Tliuc. 7, 20 : perf. Зашло: in composition, Xen. Hel. 1, 5, 3: perf.

pass. Ema/Iyar, Soph. Trach. 776; Herod. 4, 189: aor. pass. ¿ard/10W, Boeckh. Inscript. 3053, 4: 2 аог. ¿ordinal usually as middle, Pind. Olym. 13, 69; Arist. Vesp. 487. — Mid. otŕlloyau, to go, set out, ëoralyai, защищу, Xen. Anab. 5, 6, 5; 3, 2, 7; Eurip. Bac. 821. гатаыдато, pluperf. mid. 3plur. Ionic for endian», Herod. 7, 89; Hes. Scut. 288; as if from 212444412.— oin-s'orotluow, perf. 3 plur. for oineatoibmm, Bœckh. In

script. 3047, 2.

Compare ì'ogyav from EPFJZ.

отпадёт (mém), to sigh, groan, fut. метёт, Eurip. Taur. 656: aor. ¿arévagng Dem. 690. area/ofzo: and агат/обходом, Poetic for опа/0550, 1Е5с11. Prom. 99; Il. 19, 132; 4, 154.

отпадёт, see orovaxífœ. лёжа, to sigh, Poetic, Esch. Prom. 399.

orsge'œ and опутает (ZTEPQ), to deprive, Soph. Col. 376 : fut. стащат, Т1шс. 4, 64 : aor.

êors'gnaa, Epic Забота, Хеп. Hel. l, 4, 14; Odys. 13, 262: perf. ëarŕçnxu, êars'gnyau, Xen. Anab. 6, 6, 23; Cyr. 5, 5, 23: аог. pass. ¿alegrí

ânv, Soph. Antig. 13: 2 aor. pass. part. angels rare and Poetic, Eurip. Hel. 95; Таиг. 474: fut. mid. oregiíoouat as passive, Soph. Antig. 890. —— Mid. areçŕoyou, commonly otepíoxopac, Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 63; also orégouaz expressing а state or situation, but not continued action, to be in want



0f, t0 want, be or have been deprived of, go with out, Xen. Conv. 4, 31 ; Anab. 3, 2, 2. алиментам, fut. mid. 2plur. (contracted from аи еёгадв), Andoc. 74. Etymologically connected with the Latin adjective sterilis.

drsiîrou, he pledges himself, aßirms, threatens, strives, wishes, Epic, Il. 3, 83; 3 plur. отгбпш, Езсь.

Pers. 49: imperf. 3 sing. arsůro, 1l. 2, 597, atrium (Е'атщц, ŕ'arnxa), to stand, later, N. T. Rom. 14, 4; Corinth. 1, 16, 13.

ZTIBJZ, see araíßœ.

arovazíïm, arovazíïoaat, and латвийцам, Epic for arevoiïœ, Hes. Scut. 344; Theog. 159; Il. 2,

781. 784. падшим and arder/apt (ZTOPJZ), to spread, strew, lay out, fut. croçŕaw, creyó, Theoc. 6, 33; Arist. Eq. 481; Athen. l2, 78: aor. êordgsaa,

Thuc. 6, 18: aor. pass. ёатоеёабцщ Hippocr. Mid. падёт/тщась and Идет/щам transitively, Theoc. 23, 33: aor. êerogsaápnv, Arist. Есс1. 103. — See also myriam/vat. идет, pres. imperat. 2sing. for отберут, Arist. Pac. 4 Etymologically connected with the Latin sterno, English strew.

argéch, to turn, twist, fut. теща, Eurip. Hip. 1176: aor. Евграфа, Хеп. АпаЬ. 4, 3, 26: perf.

ëerçorpa, Athen. 3, 63: perf. pass. ëargappat, Xen. Anab. 4, 7, 15: аог. pass. êargs'çaûnv rather Poetic, rarely êarçoífpûnv Ionic, Il. 16, 308; Arist. Thesm. 1128; Herod. l, 130; Theoc. 7, 132:

2 aor. защищу, Soph. Aj. 1117. _Mid. arge’ popat, to turn one’s self, turn one’s self back as if t0 flee, argŕlpoptar, Xen. 6, 3, 27; Il. 6, 516.

The aorist is borrowed from the passive. atça'wvůpu and atpœvvv'w (ZTOPÍZ, ZTPOÍZ),



Athen. 2, 3l: fut. dzpa'zdm, Athen. 2, 29: аог.

ê'orpmoa, IEsch. Agam. 921: perf. pass. ê'argœ pat, Eurip. Med. 380; Herod. 8, 53: аог. mid.

диетам” transitively, Theoc. 2l, 7. _ See also отведёт/шиш. urguíwü, pres. imperat. 2 sing. for атрибуты, Athen.

2, 29. aruys'w (ETTTQ), to shudder at. dread, hate, aor. ¿crib/rica, later Epic ëowga, Soph. Col. 692; Apol. 4, 512: perf. êorúyiixa, áneardyrixa, He rod. 2, 47: aor. pass. гаммам, jEsch. Sept. 691 : 2 aor. ê'arvyov, Il. 17, 694 : fut. mid. пир; capaz as passive, Soph. Tyr. 672. Odys. 11, 502, arúëatyi causatively, would render terri ble.

orúopat (ú), to be in a state of priapism, aor. ê'orü

oa, perf. ê'an'ma, Arist. Av. 1256 ; Lys. 869. 598. стратега), See ávrdco.

визитки/0629, see погожее. avvolmxós, See душ. ovpítw and ovgírw, to hiss, whistle, play on the

pipe, fut. ovpígopat, Lucian. Nigrin. б 10: aor. êoúptga, later êoúpwa, Arist. Plut. 689; Lucian.

Harmonid. 6 2. ov'pw, to draw, aor. Зайди, jEsch. Prom. 1065:

perf. oŕovgxa (8taoeoúçrixa), Athen. 6, 51 : perf. pass. oŕovppat, ávaoŕovgpat, Theoph. Char. 6: 2 aor. pass. ëoúpiiv, Anthol. 9, 56: aor. mid.

âovpdpriv, Theoph. Char. 11. lt may be connected with aalen», ïéém, Sem», Latin verra, "T0, SCTPU.

афиша or otpa'rw (ЕФАГЦ), to slay, kill, by cut ting the throat, fut. oqzágw, Eurip. Herc. 602: aor. impugna, Xen. Anab. 2, 2, 9: perf. pass.

ïotpaypat, Odys. 10, 532: aor. pass. êoipoízôiiv



rare, Herod. 5, 5: 2 aor. pass. êotpolynv the usual aorist passive, Xen. Anab. 4, l, 23.

бомбит (ЕФААЛ), to cause to fall, trip up, de ceive, fut. otpahoï, aor. гит/ш Doric Évora/1a, Soph. Trach. 621 ; Aj. 452; Pind. Olym. 2, 145: perf. pass. ê'otpalyai, 2 aor. pass. гашиш, Xen. Hel. 4, l, 17; Anab. 7, 7, 42: fut. mid.

cipaloüyat refiexive, Xen. Conv. 2, 26. Etymologically connected with the Latin fallo, English fall, fail.

‘­ . agota: and ажио, to cutopen, let loose, Arist. Nub. 409; Xen. Hel. 5, 4, 58: fut. aldoor, in Hesy­ chius: aor. ê'oxäoa and ê'oläo'a, Eurip. Phœn. 454; Arist. Nub. 740; Call. frag. 104: aor. mid.

ëogaodynv, to leáve of, give up, abandon, Arist. Nub. 107.

ayeïv, ozŕtìew, See 5109. obte (бабы, adm), to save, fut. собою, Dem. 622: aor. ê'omo'a, Thuc. 1, 74: perf. os'owxa, Dem. 25: perf. pass. oéoœopat, Xen. Anab. 7, 7, 56 ;

sometimes oŕowyat, Plat. Critias, 4: aor. pass. êoáaâvv, Soph. Tyr. 1457.-Mid. oo'JZopoa usu ally transitive, to save for one’s self, fut. oóoopai retieXive, Dem. 355: aor. ëowooípnv, Eurip. А1с. 146. — See also cada, ообоэ, обоз, adam. ашш, fut. for anion», in an ancient inscription (Boeckb. 70, b. 7), after the analogy of гейш, wvúm.

daim, another form of идёт, Odys. 9, 430; Il. 8, 363. — Pass. adoucit, Apol. 2, 612. T.

TARQ and ТАЛ, to take, Epic, imperat. 2 sing. ni (contracted from rois like {i} from Zola), take thou, there, Odys. 9, 347; Il. 14, 219: 2 aor. part. reraydw, Il. 1, 591 ; 15,23.


24 l

This verb is connected with the English take, Swedish taga. Those who class it with the Latin tango, virtually admit its connection with шлёт, English touch.

ТАААЛ and ТААЛ, to bear, safer, endure, dare,

venture, Poetic, fut. rlrjoouat, Soph. Aj. 463: aor. ¿tallada (по), Il. 17, 166; 13, 829: perf.

rŕrlnxa, Il. 1, 228: 2 perf. re'tlaa, Ietlaínv, Iŕrlaût, rerloívat, rerlno'as, зее Rem. 5 68:

2 аог. ê'zlnv, 12.6, rlaínv, 111561, rhîvat, Ilets, Il. 18, 433; see also Rem. 5 72. Etymologically connected with the English toil.

'wiwi/w, see тётю). 'ravv'co (reír/w), short v, t0 Stretch, Epic, Il. 17, 390;

Ionic also ravi/úw ' fut. тост/йога (й), Epic ravv'œ, aor. ¿rávůaa (ou), Odys. 21, 97. 174. 409; 11. 11, 336: perf. pass. zeroívvayat, Odys. 9, 116; Il. 10, 156: aor. pass. ¿ravúoůnv as middle, Hes. Theog. 177 : 3 fut. :eravúoaouat later, Orph. Lith. 319.-Mid. rai/tional usually re fieXive, ravúaopat (oo), Archil. frag. 4: aor. ¿ra vvodynv (au) reñexive or transitive, Odys. 9, 298: Il. 4, 112. Tdi/vrai, pres. pass. 3 sing. as from TANTMI, Il. 17, 393.

тобою ог мат (ТАГЦ), to arrange, order, fut. raga, Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 7: aor. ê'raga, Thuc. 4, 32: perf. ráfaga, Dem. 888: perf. pass. iŕra- \

удои, jEsch. Sept. 448: aor. pass. 310110177, Xen. Ages. 2, 17: 3 fut. pass. reroígouat, Arist. Av. 637 : 2 aor. pass. ¿ráynv very rare, Eurip. frag. incert. 142 (Variorum, Glasgow, 1821).-Mid.

Tatoooyat or zotnoyat reflexive or transitive, Xen. Anab. 1, 8, 14: аог. Ёшгобрщи, Thuc. 2, 83.

Tbe compound ¿mroio'oouat has fut. êntroi§oyat as passive, Eurip. Sup. 521. таит, perf. mid. 3plur. Ionic, but common with Attic writers (Хеп. АпаЬ. 4, 8, 5). The same is true of




the following-¿Isrnízarm pluperf. mid. 3 plur. Ionic form, Thuc. 4, 31.

ТАЗ, зее ТАГЛ. rŕůnna, see 0/1ФЛ, to be astonished. ‘reír/w (ТЕНИ, TAQ), to stretch, extend, fut. тещБ,

Arist. Thesm. 1205: aor. ŕ'zswa, Soph. Antig. 716 : perf. réroïxa in composition, Plat. Gorg. 47: perf. pass. rŕrůnat, aor. pass. этом; Soph. Phil. 831 ; Antig. 124. Verbal tarios, Plat. Epist. 7, 340, 19. Etymologically connected with the Latin tendo.

1eí9m(TEP.!Z), to rub, атм, fut. re'gam, Theoc.

22, 63. TEK-Q, See тётю.

151562, to finish, pay, fut. isléow (ou), rslŕm, isla?, Pind.'Nem. 4, 70; Il. 23, 559; 8, 415; Soph. Tyr. 232: aor. ¿rétsoa (аи), Хеп. Меш. 2, 9, 1 ;

Il. l, 108: perf. veillera, Plat. Apol. 4: perf. pass. rsrélsonat, Eurip. А1с. 132: aor. pass. ëtslŕoůnv, Thuc. 1, 93 : fut. mid. Telefonat, 1.91.017— дш, Odys. 1, 201; 23, 284. Verbal relsors'os, êrursleors'os, Isoc. 240.

тё11со (ТЕ/112), to perform, produce, raise, com plete, Soph. Phil. 1138: аог. ё'ти1а, Pind. Olym. 2, 126. Also intransitively, t0 spring up, rise, as ' the sun, Soph. Elec. 699; Herod. 4, 40; jEsch. Again. 27. — Mid. tél/10pm, to be, exist, Pind.

_Olym. 1, 122; Pyth. 4, 457. _It occurs chieñy in composition. ’Evre'llw commonly ëvrs'Monat, to enjoin, commission, Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 46; Soph. frag. 252;

Antig. 218 (ënsvrŕllm) : perf. ëwéralpat always passive, Herod. 1, 60: аог. граммами, rarely êvérstla, Xen. Anab. 5, 1, 13; Pind. Olym.

7, 73.



’Entré/lla, to enjoin, command, Il. 9, 369: aor.

¿aérer/1a, Il. 5, 818: pluperf. pass. винтами, Odys. 11, 524._Mid. Emu'llopat as active, Il. 2, 802: aor. ênsretláariv, Odys. l, 327. Also, to rise, as a celestial body, Hes. Op. 381. 565.

Тёщ/ш (TEMJL, TAMQ), Epic and Ionic ‘reim/w, Il. 3, 105; Herod. 2, 39 : fut. идёт, пуд, Hip

pocr. Jusjur. § 2; Plat. Cratyl. 9: perf. término: in composition, jEschin. 555: perf. pass. rŕrpripat, Soph. Elec. 901: aor. pass. êtpriônv, Thuc. l, 143: 3 fut. pass. rerpzioopat, Plat. Rep. 8, 14: 2 aor. Euhm', rarely Erapov, Eurip. Hel. 231; Thuc. 1, 81 ; 2, 55: 2 aor. mid. s'repópriv, rarely êtapo'griv, Xen. Hel. 3, l, 7; Herod. 5, 82:

2 perf. part. rsrpnós as passive, later Epic, Apol. 4, 156. Verbal rpnréos, Plat. Sophist. 9. _ Mid. тогда/адом transitively in the present and imperfect, Herod. 4, 70; Odys. 5, 243. _See

also тубуса. при, pres. 3 sing. written also rispet, Il. 13, 707. _ ën'rpsra, 2 aor. mid., like ёхёхдпо, Orph. Arg. 366; Her

mann edits ëre'pvsro. - re'riujoäov, éxtëtpqaůov, perf.

pass. subj. 3 dual, Plat. Rep. p. 564, b (Steph). _ Eurip. Troad. 480, ¿rpq'âqv as middle.

régim, to delight, amuse, réguler, ê'reçtpa, Thuc. 2,

41 ; Soph. Col. 1281: aor. pass. êrŕgzpûiiv, Epic êtáptpôiiv, as middle, Xen. Mem. 2, l, 24; Odys. 6, 99: 2 aor. pass. ¿ráçmiv as middle, Epic, Odys. 23, 300. 346._Mid. re'çzropai, to feel delight, enjoy one’s self, be sated, rŕgtpopat, ërsptpápriv, Soph. Antig. 691; Odys. l2, 188; 16, 26 : 2 aor. êtapnópnv and rarapno'piiv Epic,

11. 24, 636. 513; 23, 10. rganslopsv, 2 вот. subj. l plur. Ер1с for ragns'mpev, ragno'ípw, Il. 3, 441; 14, 314; Odys. 8, 292; in the ex

pression rqamlopev sůvqâévn. (расами.

Hesychius explains it ng



reçoaívm (rŕgoopou), to dry, make dry, aor. ¿répon ум, Il. 16, 529._Mid. regaaívopat, Apol. 4,

1405. _ See also the following. régooyai, to become dry, be drying, Epic and Ionic: aor. ê'rspoa later Epic, to dry, Nic. Ther. 96. 693: 2 aor. pass. infin. путаны/ш, reçor'jvai, Odys. 6, 98; Il. 16, 519: aor. mid. ¿regodpnv later

Epic, Nic. Ther. 709. It may possibly be connected with the Saxon drig, Eng lish dry.

Ie'tuov or Éteruov (TEMQ), t0 find, a defective 2 aor. act. Epic, Il. 6, 374; 4, 293; subj. тёща, Odys. 15, 15; opt. re'ryotye, Theoc. 25, 61. targati/o1 (ТРАВ), to peiforate, bore, fut. Terga

vs'm, ‘tarpon/0;, Herod. 3, l2: aOr. êtŕtpn'va, Odys. 5, 247: aor. pass. ¿targati/61111, Anthol. 6, 296:

aor. mid. êterçnvdpnv transitive, Arist. Thesm. 18. The rest is borrowed from urpdw. re'rgnla, see ůçáoo'w. таи/хай, tsrvxdunv, see rnúoxoyat. TETXEJZ (1517109), perf. mid. infin. rerevliy'oůat, to arm one’s self, Epic, Odys. 22, 104. TE TXQ, t0 happen, See 1117106102. nula (TTXJZ), to prepare, make, тайги, ê'rsuga,

Il. 14, 240; Odys. l, 244: perf. rŕrsvla as pas sive, Odys. 12, 423: perf. pass. rs'ivypai, jEsch. Agam. 751 : aor. pass. 51610171', Ionic может, Hes. Scut. 366 ; Anthol. 6, 207 ; Hippocr.: 3 fut. pass. 1sr£ú§oyat, Il. 12, 345. _Mid. fut. rsúgopat transitive or passive, Il. 19, 208; 5,

653: aor. êrsvgáynv transitive, Hom. Hym. l, 221. 245. _ See also rvyxde, rtrúcxoyat. The forms sírvypai, ¿111131711 are found intransitive, nearly equivalent t0 sipl, Ivy/loira), È'rugov.

„подашь, perf. pass. 3 plur. Ionic, Odys. 2, 63; Il.

13, 22: pluperf. 3 plur. ¿15151511110 and retcůgaro, Il.



11,807; Hes. Theog. 581.-1sretilarov 0r rnetilsrov, imperf. 3 dual, Il. 13, 346.

The former is rejected, because

it belongs to rim/¿a which cannot be used as imperfect. The latter comes from a new present, with _mv for am',

like ötoixsrov, latpliaaerov, for öths'rnv, lawvaaŕrnv.


also â'prygev, Militaer, è'm'tpunov, ¿pilunxom from dpugiouw, 660.

1n', see TAI'Q. nim (TAKQ), to melt, regular: aor. pass. ërńzůnv rare, Eurip. Sup. 1029: 2 aor. pass. êzáxnv, Eurip. Hel. 3: 2 perf. 1t1nxa аз middle, to melt away, Arist. Plut. 1034 ; Soph. Elec. 1311 ; Xen. Anab. 4, 5, l5.

пробами, to be deprived, Poetic, 1n1äoûat, 112163542 vos, Hes. Op. 406; Soph. Elec. 265; Col. 1200; Pind. Nem. 10, 146.

TIEJZ, to sadden, vea', 2 perf. part. unna'is as pas sive, saddened, dejected, vexed, aßlicted, Il. 9, 13.

30: perf. pass. тащишь, тешит/05, Il. 8, 447. 437; Hes. Theog. 163. 1t0ŕœ(\9ŕw), to put, place, imperat. 1í0s1(1í6se), Pind. Pyth. 8, 14; Herod. 1, 133; Thuc. 6, 14:

imperf. ¿ríûovv (iríûeov), Arist. Nub. 59. 63: fut. mid. rtûiíaopat, Hippocr. ríânyt (идёт, дёш), to put, place, fut. dijera, Soph. Aj. 573: aor. ê'ûnxa only in the indicative, ./Esch. Prom. 444: perf. 1e'0etxa, Eurip. Elec. 7: perf. pass. 1é0stuat, Demad. 271 : aor. pass. 51501111, Dem. 714: 2 aor. 50177, 1915, ůzínv, 32's, #eti/at, ůeís, Eurip. Troad. 6; Soph. Col. 480; Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 19. Verbal ůsrŕos, Xen. Mem.

4, 2, 15; Hippocr. de Art. § 15.-Mid. 1í0e­ [tat transitive, ůiíaoyat, тёдгщш, Thuc. 1, 35;

Dem. 530: aor. êûnxoianv not Attic, Herod. 1, 26; Pind. Pyth. 4, 52: 2 aor. êůe'yegv, ůóuat, ůaíanv, (д‘ёо'о) 8ёо, 19017, Üŕaôat, дёргает/09, Dem. 1007; Odys. 10, 333; Il. 4, 410; Soph. Tyr. 1448. 21*


тшт The singular è'trqua, Капищ, ё’Эцив, and the 3 plur. ê'ůqxav,

with good writers, are much more common than the remain

ing persons. -On the other hand, the singular of the 2 aor. Ё'дт is not used in the indicative, at least by good writers. Of the aorist middle only the indicative ёэциоёдщу and the participle amatuer/0g are found. ”Этапа; and “дёрн, infin. Epic for идёшь Il. 23, 83; Pind. Pyth. l, 78: part. uůrjysvoç, Il. 10, 34.-19ste

and esta, 2 aor. subj. Epic, Odys. 24, 485; Il. 16, 83; 1 plur. дедами for 36am', Il. 23, 244: infin. дёрна: and âs'psv, for дат, Il. 2, 285; Pind. Olym. 2, 33. —.9ы!о_

‚лаг, 2 aor. mid. Epic for trainen, Il. 19, 17: opt. 3 sing. «90710 in composition, ovvůoïro for ovl/.95110, Xen. Anab. 1, 9, 7; 10nic 3iotro, ngoaůs'o по, HerOd. l, 53; 7,237.

- ётбдги, imperf. 1 sing. Ionic for idem', or rather ¿rt .9sov from идёт, Herod. 3, 155; 3 plur. ёпдёшн, for

êttâsov, laterbVilloison. Anecdot. Grœc. vol. 2, p. 122. Compare ifm, ya, È'a.

The radical oto» occurs in the compound 3 plur. ngo Üs'ovot, Il. 1, 291.

ríxrœ (ТВИН), to bring forth, beget, fut. tégen,

commonly rŕgopat, Arist. Thesm. 509 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 23: aor. ê'rsga rare, Arist. Lys. 553:

perf. pass. rérsypar later: aor. pass. êrélŕhlv rare in the classical authors, Eurip. Dan. 44 ; Hippocr.; Boeckh. Inscript. 1907. bb: 2 aor. ê'rsxov, Xen. Hel. 4, 4, 19 : 2 perf. тётка, Arist.

Vesp. 651. ­- Mid. ríxropat rare and Poetic, as active, ­lEsch. frag. 38: 2 fut. infin. rsxsîoůal.

very rare, Hom. Hym. 3, 127: 2 aor. ¿rsxópnv Poetic, Hes. Theog. 308; Arist. Av. 1193.

rivm (rtw), to pay, expiate, atone for, тёща (i), ërîca, Soph. Aj. 113; Il. 1, 42: perf. re'uxa in composition, Dem- 543. 1036: perf. pass. réu opaz, aor. pass. êtíoůnv, Dem. 758. 836. Ver bal uorŕos, duorwrs'os, Xen. Rep. Lac. 9, 5. —

М1с1. ‘ria/opac and rivm/,aat or ria/vaat, to avenge one’s self, punish, Il. 3, 279 ; Herod. 5, 77 ;

Eurip. Orest. 323: fut. тащит, Odys. 14, 163: aor. êrloápnr, Soph. Aj. 182.



ttraívw (nim), to stretch, pull, draw, Epic, Il. 2,

390: аог. (ëu'niva) тиф/0:5, Il. 13, 354. _Mid. ища/ода: transitive or refiexive, Odys. 2l, 259 ;

Il. 22, 23. шефы (ТРАВ), to perforate, bore, aor. ê'rçnda, Dem. 977: perf. pass. 1ŕ19npat, Arist. Lys. 680: aor. pass. ê191i0nv, Plat. Tim. 53._See also играй/(о. Etymologically connected with the Latin terebra, terebro.

1119150201 (ТОРИ, TPOQ), to wound, fut. трёпа, Хеп. Hel. 2, 4, 15: aor. 51901001, Xen. Anab. 4,

3, 33: perf. pass. 1é19wpat, Pind. Pyth. 3, 85: aor. pass. 5190531211, Xen. Cyr. 4, 1, 4: fut. mid. rpó0opat as passive, Il. 12, 66: 2 aor. 1ŕ1opev, in Hesychius, explained ê'1pm0ev. rt1ú0xopat (1515107, TTXJZ), to prepare, arrange, take aim at, deliberate, Epic, imperf. тис/626117111,

Il. 21, 342; 8, 41; 13, 23. 558: 2 аог. (títu xov) 1.9111116111, Odys. l5, 77. 94: 2 aor. mid. tstvxdpnv, 11.1, 467; Odys. l2, 283; 21, 428.

_The active 1111502110 is very rare, Simonid. 18 (Gaisford’s); Arat. Phœnom. 418. The rough mute ¿f is changed into its corresponding Smooth х. Сошраге dtdoioxw (1001. didnt/p), and xt'xadov, neuaöópnv Ггот ждёт.

1in, to honor, fut. 1t’0m (t), Il. 9, 142: aor. ёжит,

Soph. Antig. 22; perf. pass. Tŕrlptat, reriaévos, Hes. Theog. 415. _Mid. йодом as active, Hes. Theog. 428.

TAAJL, see TA/IAJZ. ТМАЛ, See 15m/01. тубус: (répvœ, 1ŕ1pnxa), also губам), to eut, Epic, Il. 16, 390; Mosch. 2, 81: fut. ritrigw, Apol. 4, 1120: aor. ïritnëa, Il. 11, 146; Theoc. 8, 24:

2 аог. Ёцшуоу, Odys. 7, 276: 2 aor. pass. щег



7171/, later ¿zany/nv, Il. 7, 302; Apol. 4, 1052: aor. mid. ¿rungdpnv transitive, Anthol. 7, 480. 109.501 (TOP3), to pierce, Hom. Hym. 2, 283: fut. тобою, Hom. Hym. 2, 178: aor. êtó9110'a, Il. 5, 337: 2 aor. 5109011, Il. 11, 236. Arist. Pac. 381, fut. rs109q'ow, shall speak with a pierc ing voice. _ For re'roq er, he wounded, see 111911502111.

róooai (11171/de), a defective aor. infin., synony mous with торги, and found only in the com pounds êns'roo'os, part. êmróaoats (onlic for ëmróooas), Pind. Pyth. 4, 43; 10, 52. It is probably a modification of тога: or '1st011, from

ттхл, ТЕтхл. TPAFSZ, see тубуса. r9a1teíoyev, see тёрло). тромбы, another form of 19:51:01, Epic, Il. 10, 421. _Hes. Scut. 301, ётооблгощ trod, as grapes, equivalent to ëadrsov. 19d1po1, see r9s'tpa1. ТРАВ, See Itr9da1. тобою (тега), to tremble, imperi'. 51914101', the rest may be borrowed from the simple трёпа. It is the same as the Latin tremo, English tremble. The simple тег?» is connected with the Latin causative terreo, and the adjective trepidus.

трёпа, Ionic r9dno1, to turn, Herod. 2, 92: fut.

19ê1pa1, Dem. 685: aor. ê'r951ya, Ionic ër9a1pa, Thuc. 7, 43; Herod. 4, 202: perf. rérgotpa, Arist. Nub. 858; rarely rŕr9awa, Dem. 324: perf. pass. rér9ayp0u, Arist. Lys. 127: aor. pass. £195’va rare, Ionic ër9átp31gv, Xen. Hel. 3, 5, 20; Herod. 4, l2: 3 fut. pass. rer9dwoyai, in Hesychius: 2 aor. ê'r9aaov Ionic and Poetic, Il. 5, 187 : 2 aor. pass. êt9dmp/ usually as middle, Soph. Aj. 743. _Mid. r9e'1r0yat, Ionic rgánoyat, to turn one’s self, to flee, Herod. 4,



60: fut. 19in/optar, Ionic 190i ouai, Xen. Anab. 3, 5, 13; Herod. 3, 155: per . тётращшс, Arist. Ach. 207: 2 aor. êrçanópnv always reflexive, Thuc. 1, 50.--The middle is also used transi

tively in the sense to turn, put to jlight, in which case it has aor. ê1gs1poípnv generally transitive, Xen. Anab. 5, 4, 16; Hel. 5, 3, 2. Odys. 1, 422; 18, 304, and Herod. 7, 105, ¿rgsipápqv is reflexive. Il. 16, 657, and Hes. Theog. 58, 2 aor. ì'rpanov is intran sitive.-rergoíqm1at, perf. mid. 3 plur. Ionic as to form, Plat. Rep. 7, 13.

1gérpœ (QPEdïíl), to nourish, feed; sometimes rpoíqaœ, Pind. Pyth. 2, 82: fut. ůçŕipœ, Soph. Antig. 660: aor. ê't'ìçswa, Dem. 1351 : perf. 1ŕrpopa, Soph. Col. 186; also Etpotpa intransi tive, Hippocr.: perf. pass. ridgappat, Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 54: aor. pass. êůgŕrpânv not common, Eurip. Нес. 351 : 2 аог. ê'rçarpov as passive, Il. 5, 555; Odys. 3, 28: 2 aor. pass. дрейфит, Xen. Cyr. 2, 1, 15.

Verbal 891711509, Plat. Rep. 3, 13;

Xen. Mag. Eq. 8, 8. _Mid. 1gŕ<pouat reñexive, fut. арбу/адом, Xen. Anab. 6, 5, 20: aor. .€095 watunv transitive, Odys. 19, 368; Pind. Olym. 6, 78. The perf. n'rgotpa is found intransitive, to have accumu lated round, to adhere to, Odys. 23, 237. — Pind. Nem. 3, 93, rqoiqns, if not an imperfect, must be transitive, synony mous with зовет. Compare Hes. frag. 86.-1@s'q>ow, pres. opt. 1 sing. for rgétporpt, in the Etymologicum Magnum, quoted.

@exa (oPEXn, прими, APMM), [0 тип,“ fut. ůpŕ§optaa commonly (ôpays'oyat) брадоб yat, Arist. Nub. 1005; Vesp. 138; rarely 69a yó, Athen. 10, 10: aor. ŕ'ůçega rare, Eurip. Aul.

1569: perf. âaâgánnxa in composition, Herod. 8, 55 : perf. pass. ôeůgoíynuat, Xen. (Eco. 15, 1 :



2 aor. ê'ögapov, Xen. Anab. 4, 5, 18: 2 perf. öéôgona Epic and in composition only, ávaöéögo ya, Odys. 5, 412. Verbal ůpexrŕos, :rapides xráos, Plat. Theaet. 47.-See also öpopdw or весомого). ögoinopiat, fut. mid. ~after the analogy 0f È'Öopai, m'oyar, «pdg/opal, Anthol. 9, 575.

rçŕw, to tremble, aor. ê'rçsaa (oo), Xen. Anab. 1, 9, 6; Il. 11, 546. -­- See also тёща. rgít'm (TPIFJZ), to chirp, screech, scream, Odys.

24, 5: imperf. ê'rgtl'ov, Hom. Batr. 88: 2 perf. rŕrgïya as present; part. rsrgtyaís, mitos, Il. 23, 101 ; 2, 314: 2 pluperf. ¿rarpíysw as imperfect, Il. 23, 714. ТРТФЛ, see trgv'rrrw. rgv'lw (й), another form of rçv'w, Odys. 1, 248: fut. 19:/'gon Odys. 17, 387: perf. pass. rstpúxmptat,

Thuc. 4, 60. — Pass. rgvxóopai, Mimnerm. 2, 12. rgúw (й), to атм, wear out, Soph. Trach. 124: fut. rçúdw, Esch. Prom. 27: perf. pass. тётей— nat, Herod. 1, 22.

тубуса (ТРАГЛ), to eat, fut. rçóëopai, Arist. Vesp. 155: aor. ê'rgwga rare, Hom. Batr. 126: perf. pass. rŕrgwypat, Arist. Vesp. 371: 2 aor. ê'rpayov, Arist. Av. 655. Ivy/Zaino (Isúxw, ТТХЛ), to obtain, hit, happen,

chance, fut. Cyr. 2, 3, Odys. 14, Athen. 13,

rsúäoyat, Soph. Antig. 778; Xen. 4: aor. êtúxnoa Epic, Il. 4, 106; 334: perf. rŕrsvga not common, 44; commonly zsrv'ynxa, Xen. Cyr.

4, l, 2:


Ersrsv'xsa Ionic, happened,

Herod. 3, 14: 2 aor. .ën/xav, Soph. Col. 780. In the sense to happen, chance, happen to be, this verb has плоды, ёпЁДш/ощ êw'gnoa, €1srs1i1sa, is'rvzov.- Thuc. l, 32, 1511511711; takes the meaning to happen, chance, happen to be.

'trimm (TTIIQ), to strike, fut. runníoœ, Arist.

Plut. 20: aor. ê'rulpa, Herod. 3, 64: perf. pass.



rŕwptpatt and rsw'nniptat, Herod. 3, 64; Dem. 1255: 2 aor. ê'rwrov rare, Eurip. Ion, 767; and

part. 1s1v’110w (not 1s1v71m'v), Call. Dim. 61 : 2 aor. pass. ¿ri/’mim Esch. Prom. 361 : fut. mid. 1on11i0opat as passive, Arist. Nub. 1379. Ver bal 1v7111i1ŕos, Dem. 1271. _ Mid. Idaropou, to smite one’s selffor grief, to bewail, Herod. 2, 40. 42. 61 : aor. êrvtpoípnv, Herod. 2, 40. Etymologically connected with the Latin stupeo.

1útpw (дТФЛ), long v, to raise smoke, smoke,

burn, Soph. Antig. 1009 ; Arist. Vesp. 457 : аог. ůúipatt, in Hesychius: perf. pass. тёдищдш, - ЕзсЬ. Sup. 186: 2 aor. pass. ¿rútpriv (ü), Arist. Lys. 221. 222. Т. ůytaívœ, to be in good health, fut. úytawâ, Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 10: aor. души, Ionic 15;/inra, Dem. 1256; Hippocr.: aor. pass. ůytdvûnv, Hippocr. de Art. § 5. Arist. Ran. 165, бдит, good bye, Latin vale.

таит and дым (d), to bark, as а dog, to yell, Odys. 16, 9; Theoc. 25, 70; jEsch. Sup. 877:

imperf. ů'láov, Odys. 16, 5. _ Mid. imperf. 151.016 itnv as active, Odys. 16, 162. ůnaíxœ, see stm, to yield. о

‘basal/riposta, See ripida). блюд/йодид (bud, taxa, душ), Poetic and Ionic dnioloitat, to promise, pledge one’s seif, Xen. Anab. 7, 6, 38; Odys. 8, 347; Herod. 7, 104:

fut. ůnoeliiooitat, Dem. 445: perf. únŕ01nitat, Thuc. 8, 48: aor. pass. basal/.€31,15 1511001591711, rare, Plat. Phœdr. 25: 2 aor. mid. благодати, Soph. Col. 227. danach/co (tiamina, ° ТФАШЛ), to weave, fut. Úpavai, Arist. Eccl. 654: aor. domi/a, Doric ů'qao'tva,



Eurip. Taur. 814; Odys. 13, 303: perf. iltpayxa, owúzpayxa, later, Dionys. Hal. Composit. Verb. б 16 (р. 215, Schaaf): perf. pass. ůqnaoyaz, He rod. 3, 47: aor. pass. vendi/31111, Herod. 1, 203. _Mid. zizpaivoyai transitive, aor. йота/обут, Xen. Mem. 3, 11, 6. The perf. pass. was also 17111151111110111111, with the Attic reduplication, Etymol. Magn. Suidas writes it iarjouoaai, and, what is worse, tries to defend it.

Etymologically connected with the English weave,‘ wuqf, web.

Útpdro, to weave, found only in the Epic 3 plur. iupówoi protracted from 1511115111 (Útpa'ovoi), Odys. 7, 105. See also iapaiwo. ­ {бы (17), to rain, rain upon, Hes. Op. 550: fut. iloco (u), aor. boa, Arist. Nub. 1118; Pind.

Olym. 7, 91 : perf. pass. bayou, aor. pass. 17031211, Xen. Venat. 9, 5; Herod. 3, 10: fut. mid. {loo

pat as passive, Herod. 2, 14. Perhaps connected with ¿féw (X T12), to pour, which see.

Ф. Sli/111.2, see ëoâíro. «paire (фобао, ФАНН), to show, shine, Plat. Tim.

14; Arist. Nub. 586: fut. para?, Soph. Antig. 325:

aor. ê'tpnua, Xen. Hel. 3, 5, 10: perf.

ns'tpayxa in composition, ánorrŕtpayxa, Dinarch. 40: perf. pass. картуш, -avoa1, ­avra1, Xen. Hel. 5, 1, 29: aor. pass. àpdvůnv not common, Soph. Tyr. 1485: 2 aor. ê'tpw/ov, Epic iterative 3 sing. (poivrons, he appeared, would appear, Il. 11, 64; Odys. 11, 587: 2 aor. pass. ¿poil/11V as middle, Xen. Anab. 3, 2, 9: 2 perf. nécpnva as middle, JEsch. Prom. 111. _See also (роба), to shine-Mid. patronat, to show one’s self, to appear, fut. wavŕopai, (рои/обуви, Herod. 3, 35; Thuc. 7, 56: perf. карающая, Il. 2, 122; Soph.



Tyr. 1184: aor. ¿qinvoípnv transitive, to show, Soph. Phil. 944 : 2 aor. (êrpavo'pnv), subj. 2 dual cpavñoůov, Plat. Eryx. 17. wavolnv, fut. 0pt. for qmvo'ïpr, Soph. Aj. 313-qm дуэт or êqma'vůqv, aor. pass. by protracting а, for ¿adv от, Epic, ll. 1, 200; 4, 468.-(puwì'y, 2 aor. pass. subj. Epic for (parli, Il. 22, 73.

rpáaxro,.see aznar', mipav'axro. (роба), to shine, Epic, imperf. 3 sing. (pois (a), Odys. 14, 502: 3 fut. nsrpn'aopat as middle, Il. 17, 155. Not to be confounded with the following. _ See also waívm. ФАЛ, зее ФВАГЛ, rpnpí, maiav'oxm. «psíôóuat (@1452), to spare, fut. psicopat, Xen. Hel. 2, 3, 34; also nsptůn'oopat Epic, Il. 15,

215: 2 aor. mid. opt. mairâoípnv, usqnôŕoůat, Epic, Odys. 9, 277; 11.21, 101.

@ENJZ and ФАЦ, to kill, Epic, perf. pass. 3 sing. nŕrpärat, 3 plur. nŕzpavrat, infin. rretpa'oůat, Il. 15, 140; 5, 531; 13, 447: 3 fut. pass. main’ борщ, Il. 13, 829; Odys. 22, 217: 2 aor. né

(рт/011 ог ŕ'nsrpvov, ne'rpvm, nswvŕysv (лафа/агу), reían/cov (not netpvoz'v), Il. 13, 363; 20, 172; 16, 827; 6, 180; Soph. Tyr. 1497; Odys. 22, 346. These two forms follow the analogy of ТЕМП. I'AJZ, yr'yova, ysynra’ ЛИНИИ, М'АЛ, pëpova, уйма. Further, quNJZ is the theme of (poi/og, gioni.

pŕpßm, to feed, transitive, Eurip. Hip. 75: 2 plu

perf. ¿nerpo'pßew implying 2 perf. nŕtpogßa, Hom. Hym. 2, 105. rps'pnfu, wat, Epic for rpŕpoo, Odys. 19, 111.

«pigro (01!2, ВЫВЕЛ, ENEPKJZ, ENEIKJZ), to bear, bring, carry, fut. oïaw, Soph. Tyr. 638: aor. бич/ха, Soph. Elec. 13; Ionic iii/ema, He rod. 3, 30; also (ardua) infin. ага/фот very rare, Herod. 1, 157: perf. ëvńvola, Dem. 550: perf. 22



pass. êwy'vsynat, Eurip. Ion, 1340; Ionic £1111’ vuypat, Herod. 2, 12 ; rarely aldaar, Lucian.

Parasit. 3 2: aor. pass. 151/¿1191115 Xen. Anab. 4, 7, l2; Ionic ijvsízůnv, Herod. 1, 66: fut. pass. êvelůiíooptat, oiatrn'aonat, Thuc. 7, 56; Dein. 1094: 2 aor. ijvsyxov, Soph. Col. 521. Verbal oìors'os, Soph. Col. 1360. ­- Mid. qis'çonat usually transitive, to bear or bring for one’s self, fut. otoopat, Soph. Elec. 969: perf. губя/душ, Dem. 814: aor. ńvsyxápnv, Ionic nvstxápnv, Xen. ’ (Econ. 7, 13; Herod. 1, 57. qaégrs, pres. imperat. 2 plur. syncopated for фёдгп, Il. 9, 171.-oios, -s'w, _ne aor. imperat. Poetic, Arist. Ran. 482; 11.19, 173; Odys. 20, 154: infin. oias'yslrat, oio'é'

у“, 0r oì'osu, for oioou, Il. 3, 120; 18, 191 ; Pind. Pyth. 4, 181.-11wvsvsynrai, that iS, oivsvrjvsyxrat (oirá, ¿Wj

vsyunu), perf. pass. 3 sing. from ENEFKJZ, in an ancient Attic inscription (Boeckli. Inscript. 76, 4). Also ¿nar/emi плутом, perf. pass. Ssing. in another Attic inscription (Boeckh. Athen. Nav. p. 259). Connected with the Latin fero, porto (rpóqroç), English bear, wear. For the commutation of ф and ß, compare disgtlen, Beatrix” ‘ Iltilmnoç, Bilimroç.

(ребус) (ФТГЛ, ФТИН), tojlee, fut. (psv'gonat or фгигойрш, Хеп. Не1. 4, 4, 5; Arist. Plut. 447 :

2 aor. ê'çwyov, Soph. Aj. 403: 2 perf. ns'tpsvya, тиры/705117, Arist. Vesp. 994; Soph. Tyr. 840; also part. лафа/16159, Epic, Il. 2l, 6; 22, 1.

Verbal tpsvms'os, Eurip. Hel. 860. ­- Mid. perf. part. nstpvyps'vos transitive, having escaped, Odys. 1, 18: aor. infin. âwupsúgaoůat, Hippocr. jEsch. Again. 1307, ärpsvëuç, to utter фей, moan, does

not come from (ребус), but from the interjection фей, after the

analogy of фриза from 01pm, and nirárvëa from ôzoro'î.


passage КАБ. фей qm?. ХОР. rl mûr’ È'tpsuâaç; may be compared with MNIIZ'. pû pil. ETP. u' púgerç; Arist. Thesm. 231. Connected with the Latin fagio, fuga (чл-715).

anni (ФАЛ), Doric päpí, to say, (pô, фибр, фиат,



(расти, «país' also мат, to say, aßïrm, imperf. арт, usually as aorist : fut. (тёща, Dem. 33 ; Doric «paiera and amaai, Pind. Nem. 7, 150; Theoc. 11, 70: aor. Ефима, Хеп. АпаЬ. 5, 8, 5: Doric

ê'tptìoat, Pind. Nem. l, 99: perf. pass. З sing. nŕtpàrau later Epic, Apol. 2, 500; imperat. лг 1p1í06a1, Plat. Tim. 48; part. netpaapŕvos, Il. 14, 127. Verbal (растём, Plat. Phileb. 84._Mid. фарш, „года, as active, Odys. 6, 200; 10, 562; imperat. todo, „года, growth, Odys. 16, 168; 20, 100; Il. 9, 422; infin. qid03011, Il. l, 187;

part. pápsvos, Il. 5, 290; Xen. Hel. 1, 6, 3: imperf. êtpoipriv as aorist, Il. 8, 498; 1, 33.

Generally Poetic. The dependent moods of the present are generally (if not always) aoristic, that is, they follow, in sense, the imperfect È'tpnv, êqwiitrjv. — qui”, subj. Epic for Wj, Odys. 11, 128.

Athen. 1, 14, «poivat in the trimeter È'rrctta (privat ‚плед? 5511111111901/ has apparently a long penult. Etymologically connected with the Latin for,fari,fatus, fama, vatis (npo-qm'znç).

qiůdvm (@0412), to anticipate, fut. 1,2001'001, Xen. Cyr. 7, 1, 19; commonly p31i0oita1, Thuc. 5, 10; Isoc. 56: aor. ё'фдйаи, Arist. Plut. 1102; Doric Etpůaga, Theoc. 2, 115; perf. ê'epůaxa,

Dem. 239 : 2 aor. ê'způviv like Запри, фдб, (рдшЁ 12v, @dip/011, aidés, Il. 16, 314; Xen. Hel. 7, 5,

10: 2 aor. mid. part. «pttoípsvos as active, Epic, Il. 5, 119; Hes. Op. 568. The present «pâiívw and imperfect ì'tpâuvov have й in the Epic writers, and à' in the Anim-(pâtir, 2 aor. 3 plur. Epic for ì'tpůnaav, Il. 11, 511 Subj. Epic mârip, qaŕìs'mitev, qn'ìe'œat, for 1113.1?, můaipsv, m9150511. 16, 861 ; Odys. 16,

383; 24, 437: opt. 3 sing. tpâat'nat, метании, very rare for 9130117, Il. 10, 346.

tpûeígm ((PÜEPJZ), to corrupt, destroy, fut. 1,01% 915, Epic @059010, Soph. Trach. 713 ; Il. 13,



625: aor. ê'rpůscça, Thuc. l, 69: perf. ê'způaçxa, Eurip. Med. 226; perf. pass. ê'qnůagyaz, Soph.

Elec. 765: 2 aor. pass. ёфдобоци, Thuc. l, 24: 2 perf. Sfpůoça (ôtéfpůoça), Soph. Elec. 306: fut. mid. (рдгрёорш, фдгуобдш, and фдаоёо‘иш, Herod. 8, 108; 9, 42; Soph. Tyr. 272. The 2 perf. Е’фдоеи is also used intransitively, to be ruined, but not in the Attic dialect, Il. 15, l28.-¿q>19á­ para», pluperf. pass. З plur. Ionic form, Thuc. 3, 13.— бьгфдаог'ато, 2 аог. mid. 3 plur. Ionic for ömpůofgowo, as pluperfect passive, Herod. 8, 90.

фдбшо (фдбоэ), to perish, sink as to health, be соп sumed, usually intransitive, Odys. 5, 161 ; Soph.

Col. 610 : 2 aor. ê'fpůtûov, обпёфбсдоу Epic, Odys. 5, 110. 133.

This form has the same relation to <p3íw that дот has to бйш. Soph. Elec. 1414, Фит is transitive, for (půíet. Also Theoc. 25, 122, фэбиоиш for qaŕh'ovzu.

qnûíœ (Ф01М1), to waste, consume, destroy, Il. 18,

446: fut. (рдбо'оэ, 90016, 11. 6, 407; Soph. Aj.

1027: аог. ё'фдши, Soph. Aj. 1027; jEsch. Eum. 172; Odys. 20, 67: perf. pass. ê'fpůì'you,

Odys. 20, 340: pluperf. pass. êfpûífugv, Il. 1, 251: аог. разз. ёфдбдт: (Ё), Odys. 23, 331.— See also qoůívw. ­- Mid. to perish, fut. фдбоодш, Il. 11, 820; Odys. 13, 384: 2 aor. âpûíypv,

Subj. (рдбодш, Epic for (рдбщсш, «stat for agrar, Il. 18, 100; 14, 87; 20, 173; Soph. Tyr. 962; opt. qvâíyqv (Е), 3 sing. «p6ïro, Odys. 10, 51; 11,

330; imperat. 3 sing. (půíaôw, Il. 8, 429; infin. фдббдон, Il. 9, 246; 13, 667; part. фдбргуоз, 11. 8, 359. фдебодш, фдг'бадш, later for qaůlaâm, фдбодш, Ар01. 3, 778. 754. -The analogical form of the 2 aor. mid. 0pt.

would be фЭщщу, фдио, like Бота-бум, ïaw-ïo. Hesychius has (рвы, дубоии' 938615175, фдаовбп; ' фдб боа/топ, дшфбаейоопш, implying фдёш and ФОПМЬ



фига (Ф!А.!2),дго love, entertain, regular: 3 fut. nstptln'aouat, Call. Del. 270 : fut. mid. rpthíoo Iaat as passive, Odys. 1, 123. Epic aor. mid. ¿qiïla'pnv as active, from фмл, Il. 5, 61 ; subj. atlwpoa (ï), Hom. Hym. 4, 117; imperat. фат (ana logically фит), Il. 5, 117; ран. ф?1йупо‹;‚ Apol. 4, 990. —

qartńnerat, pres. infin. Epic, as if from филин, 11.22, 265.



to rend, burst asunder,

swell as with lust, 2 aor. афиш, tEsch. Choëph. 28 : perf. pass. nŕqalaoyat, dvanŕrplaopat, Arist. Lys. 1099. ~ plata, another form 0f öláœ, to bruise, Arist. Plut.

784: fut. rploíaœ, Doric rpláoó, Theoc. 5, 148: aor. ê'zpláaa, Pind. Nem. 10, 128; ê'cpláoa, Theoc. 5, 150: perf. pass. néplaouar, aor. pass. ŕrpláoůnv, Hippocr. de Genitur. 6 9. rplsyŕôœ (rpls'yœ), Poetic, transitive or intransitive, to burn, Latin uro or ardeo, Il. 17, 738; 18,

211. — Pass. (plsyŕôoyat, Il. 23, 211. <p).v’m, to boil up, blab, 11. 21, 361: aor. Erplvaa, JEsch. Prom. 504; Anthol. 7, 351 ; also ê'rplvga, Apol. 3, 583. Archil. frag. 104, aor. âne'qńooav may be referred to this verb.

флот, to scorch, whence the compound пгоцрМт, Arist. Nub. 396: perf. pass. nsgmŕtplfvopat, Herod. 5, 77.

форда, (ФВВЛ, фарш), to terri/y, frighten, cause to fear, regular: aor. pass. êtpoôiíûnv as middle, Eurip. Rhes. 47: fut. pass. „медведи аз middle, Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 18. _Mid. tpoßŕoptat,

to fear, cpoßńaoyar, nstpóßnyat, Xen. Hel. 2, 3, 39; Soph. Aj. 139: aor. mid. êtpoßnaa'pnv later and doubtful, Anacr. 3, 11. Etymologically connected with the Latin рапса, pavor.




«poçŕm (905902), to carry, wear, regular: aor. ¿prign o'a and êpópsoa, Il. 19, 11 ; Isaeus, 71. «poorjvat and qiogn'asvat, infin. implying форды, Il. 2, 107; l5, 310.—‹ро9ёц0щ pres. ind. 3 sing. implying (родины, Bion, l, 84.

tpgaöoíœ, for rpgdt'w, in Hesychius tpgaâoíov, aor. rpgáöaoas, Pind. Nein. 3, 45.

appalto (ФРААЛ), to tell, explain, fut. фрегат, Soph. Tyr. 330: aor. ê'rpgada, Thuc. 3, 42: perf. yrs'qngaxa, Isoc. 101: perf. pass. 7159090: opat, Isoc. (Antid.), 97 : аог. pass. êrpgdoönv as middle, Pind. Nein. 5, 62; Herod. l, 84: 2 aor. ns'rppaöov and êrrs'tppaöov Epic, Il.

Hes. Theog. 74. 162.

14, 500;

Verbal rpçaorŕos, Plat.

Epist. 2, 312, 30. _Mid., fpçoít'onat, to consider,

perceive, fut. (positional (do) Epic, Odys. 19, 501 ; 5, 188: perf. nŕpçaonat, Soph. Antig. 364: aor. ëzpçaoolpnv (oo) Epic, Il. l, 537. #gonsmgaöps'vog perf. разв. ран. for леолгфеащлд/ос,

previously named, Hes. Op. 653.

909060010 or «pçolrm (@PAPQ), to stop up, fence; rarely wçdyvvpt, Thuc. 7, 74: aor. ê'rpoaga, Odys. 5, 256: perf. pass. ns'rpgaynat, Arist.- Vesp. 352: aor. pass. êtpgaílûnv, Xen. Hel. 5, 2, 5: 2 aor. pass. 590905771]! laten-Mid. треф/тиран

transitive, Soph. Antig. 241; Arist. frag. 336: aor. êpgagoipnv usually transitive, Il. l5, 566; Esch. Sept. 63; Thuc. 8, 35. :platoon or rpgírrm ( ФР11(.!2)‚ to shudder, shudder

at, t0 be rough, aor. ê'qigiëa, Dem. 559: 2 perf. rzs'tppixa, Arist. Nub. 1133. . nsrpgtxovroç (t), part. from a new present лафете), Pind. Pyth. 4, 325.

«pgúyœ (й) and срубит, to roast, parch, Arist. Ran. 511 ; Theoc. 6, 16 : fut. Doric ppi/ën?, Theoc. 7,

66: aor. ê'rpçvëa, Athen. 9, 34: peril'pass. né fpçvypat, Thuc. 6, 22: aor.- pass. êpgúzûnv,



Hom. Epigr. 14, 4: 2 aor. pass. êppúyriv, Anthol. 7, 293. Etymologically connected with the Latin frigo.

901177011111, another form of «petty/a1, Soph. Elec. 132; Herod. 6, 16.

@TFQ and ФТИЦ, see фейут. qwloi00w or «puldtrm (@TAAKQ), to guard, azu „ lágw, mid. «pvìtáaoopaa to guard against any thing, regular. „рощицы (фМадгЭе), pres. imperat. 2 plur. Epic for неоценимые, Нот. Hym. 1, 538; formed from ФТАА

кл after the analogy 5101131 from druif» ' thus, профили: te, песчаники, npoqnilorl-âa.

tpúçœ (o), to knead, mia', aor. ê'tpuçoa, Odys. 18, 21: perf. pass. нарушив, Xen. Ages. 2, 14: aor. pass. êtpúpůriv, jEsch. Again. 732: 3 fut. pass. nspúgoopat, Pind. Nero. l, 104 : 2 aor.

pass. ¿pi/'91211 later.


The forms from ФТРАл аге regular; thus, ipvgáoœ, Ionic tpvgriaw, ÖLG.

qaúm, to produce, beget ,­ rarely as middle, to grow,

spring up, Il. 6, 149: fut. 1p1/’001 (ú), Soph. Tyr. 438: aor. ê'tpüaa, Xen. Mem. 2, 3, 19: perf.

nŕpúxa usually as present middle, to be by na ture or naturally, to be, to be born, Thuc. 3, 45 ;

Soph. Phil. 79: pluperf. êrrstptfxsw as imperfect middle, Odys. 5, 238: 2 perf. nŕtpüa, nspvtâs, 4510;, as present middle, »to be, grow, Epic, Il. 4,

485; l, 513; 14, 288; Odys. 5, 477; Theog.

396: 2 aor. ê'zpüv usually as present middle, to be, to be born, tpalm, «pdnv (o), çvüvott, (pv's, Soph. Antig. 79; Col. 1113; Theoc. 15, 94: 2 aor.

pass. êzpihiv, (рубим, qzvsís, n_ot- Attic, Hippocr.; Palœph. 6, 3._Mid. qidopat, to be begotten, produced, to spring up, grow, fut. 1p1/'00',aott,]Esch. Prom. 871. The' rest is borrowed from the ac-r tive, nŕipvxa, ênstpv'xew, ns'qwa, ê'tpuv.



пгфйип, pluperf. 1 sing. contracted from лцрйиш, Theoc. 13, 40.-¿né¢pvuav, imperf. from a new present, пирата), Нез. Ор. 148 ; Theog. 152.- Hippocr. 1, 399 (Kühn’s), Ёщрйаодш, transitively. It is etymologically connected with the Latin FUo (whence

fui, fare), jio, faeío (1). —- It seems to be the parent of note'w 0r поёт (ПОЛ).

X. хобби: (XAÃQ), used only in the compound ¿vald Ею, сотшоп1у хобёоуощ to give way, yield, retreat,

mostly Epic, Il. 5, 34. 249; Xen. Anab. 4, 1, 16: fut. gáaopou (оо),11. 13, 153; also тишай

аса causative, will cause to give up, deprive ty”, bereave, Odys. 2l, 153: 2 аог. xŕxaöov causative,

to cause to give up, deprive, Il. 11, 334: аог. mid. inf. Zofoao'ůat, ötazdo'oto'ůott, Xen. Cyr. 7, 1, 31 : 2 аог. mid. xsxaöo'yigv, Il. 4, 497. For the change of z into и, сотраге reruxsïv, татииёадш,

from тпйаиоуш ' дёиоуш, for безумии. It is etymologically connected with the Latin verb ceda.

zati/w, зее хобота. xaígœ (XAPJZ), to rejoice, fut. комодов, Herod. l, 128; also xsxaçiíaœ, xelagq'aopat, Epic, Il. 15, 98: аог. ёхабрцаи later, Plutarch. Lucul.

§25: perf. xsyágrgxa as present, Arist. Vesp. 764: 2 аог. разз. êzdgvv as active, Arist. Av. 1743: 2 fut. pass. Zapńaopat later, as active, Gregor. Corinth. : 2 perf. part. xsgaçqós as present, Epic, Il. 7, 312.-Mid. as active; present and im

perfect not used : perf. xsldçvyat and наговорив аз present, Poetic, Eurip. Aul. 200; Cycl. 367: aor. ¿ngdpqv not Attic, Il. 14, 270: 2 aor. xs zaçópngv, Odys. 4, 344 ; 2, 249. The present middle galgopat was probably considered a barbarism; Arist. Pac. 291.

„мы, to loosen, fut. gulden», in Suidas: aor. Eloí



¿doa (oo), Arist. Thesm. 1003: Hom. Hym. 1,

6; Doric дойдёт, Pind. Pyth. 1, 10: perf. xs yoílaxa, Hippocr.: perf. pass. xsloflaonat, An thol. 9, 297: aor. pass. думает, 1Езс11. Prom.

991: aor. mid. тамаду transitive, Apol. 2, 1264.

хамишь, (101117169), to be ofended, fut. Zalma voi, Plat. Crito, 16: aor. êzale'nnva, Il. 16, 386: aor. pass. ¿zalsnoívônv as active, Xen. Anab. 4,

6, 2. _Mid. „пишешь аз active, Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 18.-Pass. zalsnaívoyaz, to be treated harshly, Plat. Rep. l, 10.

хоп/добив (X/IÄQ, XÁNÁÍZ, XEIVÃJZ), l0 соп

tain, grasp, hold, fut. ysíaopat, Odys. 18, 17; Hom. Hym. 3, 253: 2 aor. ê'gaöov, Il. 4, 24; 14, 34: 2 perf. идиш/да аз present, Odys. 4, 96:

2 pluperf. xezo'wâsw as imperfect, ll. 24, 192. ХАМИ, зее zot'axoo.

xapíïouat, to grati/y, present, fut. zaptoů'yat, He rod. l, 90; 3,39: perf. xsgotçtopat, Isoc. 392: aor. êlaçraotpnv, Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 1. Herod. 8, 5, pluperf. 3 sing. ¿urlágraro impersonally, an acceptable service was done, the request [of the Eubœans] was complied wz'th.- leaprops'voç, n, ov, usually as an

adjective, acceptable, Il. 5, 243; Xeñ. Mem. l, 3, 3.

„агат, later хай/а) (ХАЛ, XANJZ), to gape, fut.

хоп/обут, Arist. Lys. 272: 2 aor. flavor', Soph. Aj. 1227: 2 perf. xe'lnva as present, to be open, gape, Arist. Av. 51 : 2 pluperf. ¿mgm/stv, .inalá vn, аз imperfect, Arist. Ach. 10. Arist. Ach. 133, ”1151111, 2 perf. imperat. usually written я rzn'v а 1 г. It is a kind of onomatopy, connected with pjur, Latin hio, hisco, German gähnen, English yawn, gape, gander (то, anser), and perhaps goose.

Zét'œ (XEAQ), cacare, fut. xŕoopat, commonly le aoíipat, Arist. frag. 207; Vesp. 941 : aor. это;



and Elsdorf, Arist. Есс1. 320 ; Thesm. 570: perf. pass. xs'gso'pat, Arist. Ach. 1170: 2 perf. xs'zoâa, Arist. Av. 68 : aor. mid. êlsooípnv, Arist. Eq. 1057. It is not absolutely absurd to suppose that the form lácatro (Arist. Eq. 1057) was coined by the poet for the purpose of making а chime with puztuatro. 1t seems to be etymologically connected with zsh», anni@ gen. нимбе. See also onedoivat.

yugo'opat (Zeig), to subdue; sometimes passively to be subdued, Eurip. Elec. 1168; Arist. Vesp. 439 ; rarely 1519610, to handle roughly, treat with

violence, Arist. Vesp. 443 : fut. xstçóoopat, Soph. Phil. 92: perf. xsgsíçœpat passively, Thuc. 5, 96: aor. pass. êletgo'zônv passively, Herod. 4, 96: aor. mid. êgstçwodpnv, Thuc. 3, 40. Zŕw (XETQ), to pour.' fut. Zŕw, хай, Zei”, like the present, Eurip. Sup. 773; Arist. Pac. 169; Epic Zsúow, 152102, Odys. 2, 222; later Zaai, ëxzsö, Septuag. Joel, 2, 28: aor. ê'lsa, géo, zs'ov, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 9; Epic, ê'xwo'a, ŕ'gsva, Il. 4, 269;

Odys. 24, 81 ; rare and doubtful ê'züo'a, Arist. Av. 210: Xen. Mem. 4, 3, 8: perf. xs'lüxa, ëxxs'xvxa, Anthol. Planud. 242: aor. pass. ¿zz/’

0111,(17), Arist. Vesp. 1469. _Mid. 1500011, Epic Zsúopat, transitive, Eurip. Orest. 472; Hes. Ор. 581: fut. zéopat like the present, Isaeus, 149:

perf. xŕzöpat, Il. 5, 141 ; Eurip. Bac. 456: aor. êlsápnv, Epic ëlsvoínnv, Soph. Col. 477 ; Il. 5, 314: 2 аог. 512111711: (27), Epic, Odys. 19, 470; 10, 415; Il. 23, 385; 4, 526; jEsch. Choëph. 401. 371657101,


ёцебпа, part. fut. contracted from

Зуд/боли, Theoc. 10, 53.

This verb may possibly be connected with „падшим, ив доЁИ/щы, léger, Latin Sagitta, Saxon haer (einer), English shed (Saxon seed), shoot, shot, German schossen.



X/IAZJZ (XAAJJZMO swell, sound loudly, bubble

up, 2 perf. part. 11511016055, Pind. Olym. 9, 3. „шагаю, а new present, hence infin. „110101115 part. „гиды v, Pind. frag. 48; Pyth. 4, 318.

z01ó01 (1610s), to incense, render angry, regular: aor. pass. ¿10111101111 as middle, Il. 13, 206 : 3 fut.

pass. xejgo10'10opt0tt as future middle, Il. 1, 139; 5, 421. _ Mid. 1010011011, to be incensed, angry,

fut. zo10'100pa1, Il. 14, 310: perf. 1111610151011, to be angry, Odys. l, 69; Il. 1, 217: aor. £10101 oápnv, Il. 14, 155.

10911101 (1090's), t0 dance, regular: fut. 1091515001, zoçstí0op1a1, Dem. 1001: perf. pass. 3 sing. im personal xelópeurat, Arist. Nub. 1510: aor. mid. ¿10961/001an as active, Arist. Thesm. 103. zdc), to heap up, dam; also 161/иди; and 1021/111101, rare in the early authors, Herod. 2, 137; Plat.

Leg. l2, 9; Ctes. Epitom. 36:'fut. 103001, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 11 : aor. Excma, Dem. 795: perf. xé хата, йуахёхтхас, Dem. 1279: perf. pass. xéyœ строи, Herod. 2, 138: aor. pass. 12103061111, Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 17.

XPAIZMJZ, to assist, help, ward о]; avert, Epic, fut. 19a10p1i001, Il. 20, 296: aor. êlpaíapnm, Il. 16, 837: 2 aor. ŕ'zçawpov. With respect to sense, it is related to 0111's», vipdvœ, cion' ym, «Ёрш», which see.

1901011011, to use, fut. 191i0op011, Arist. Plut. 941:

perf. xe'jgçnpat generally transitive, Dern. 297; Herod. 7, 145: aor. pass. £y91i001iv generally transitive, Dem. 520 ; Herod. 7, 144: 3 fut. pass. negeriwpat, Theoc. 16, 73: aor. mid. êygnaoípnv, Thuc. 1, 6. l l.

Verbal xçnazŕos, Xen. Mem. 3, 1,

дыба), to lend, See всё/1911511. 190101 (ä), to give an oracular response, Herod. 4,



164: fut. ypiíoco, Herod. 1, 19: aor. £19176“, Thuc. 5, 32: perf. xŕxçvxa (1), Са11. frag. 456: perf. pass. xs'lçiypat and хёдщадои, Herod. 4, 164; 7, 141 : аог. pass. ¿lçóoûmg Thuc. 3, 96. _Mid. Zçolopat, to consult an oracle, Herod. 4, 150: fut. yçńaopat, Odys. 8, 81; Herod. l, 46. xpcperíëw and XPEMIZQ, to neigh, aor. ëlçépwa, Il. 12, 51 ; Нез. Scut. 348. 1917’ (ХРАЛ), it is necessary, there is need, imper

sonal, subj. X915, opt. 19st”, infin. ‚избит and ходу, part. жребии, Arist. Lys. 133; Nub. 1059; Soph. Tyr. 555; Aj. 520: imperf. 519751: ог 19157 (never Elpqv), Soph. Phil. 1062: fut. 1911' ага, and aor. Eigner., see the compound ánólgny. The inf. zeñv occurs as a noun, 16 19;-1:1, necessity, Eurip. Нес. 260. — The part. 19m# occurs also as an indeclinable noun, та Neely, тай 1950511, Eurip. Нет. 828. 21.-195g and 195030:, 2 pers. sing. personally, thou needcst, Arist. Ach. 778; Cratinus apud Suid. ­- Mid. perf. иёдщрш, xslgqpe'voç, to need, Eurip. Aul. 382; Odys. 1, 13.

zggjt'm, to need, wish, beg, Soph. Trach. 408; а1зо to deliver an oracle, equivalent to дабы, Eurip. Hel. 516: fut. хобот, Plat. _Loc. 6: aor. гудим, Herod. 5, 20. ` zerlíïw, the uncontracted form of yçyjfw, Ionic, He rod. l, 4l : fut. дубов, Herod. 7, 38.

жеста, for жижа), Eurip. Heracl. 915: fut. жюбёо par, Theoc. 10, 18: aor. pass. ëzçotíaßqv (он) later. жижа (XPOQ), later избита/ш and хот/шт, l0 color, pollute, stain, Eurip. Phœn. 1625: aor.

Element, Anthol. Planud. 138: perf. pass. xŕlçm opac, Eurip. Med. 497: aor. pass. ёдоаоцъ, Athen. 14, 17.

yúwo, later for Zéro. XT12, see lám. ждущим, See 16a.



il’. арабы, to rub, ipp', трубу, Soph. Trach. 678; Arist.

Eq. 909: imperf. ê'ipaov, Eurip. Taur. 311 : fut. apnea, Arist. Lys. 1035: aor. гущи, Herod. 1, 189.-_Mid. шарм reflexive, Arist. Eq. 910: fut. wńoopat, Arist. Pac. 1231: аог. ¿wnooíunm Arist. Eq. 572. wnait'oyat (wñrpos), to vote, decree; also ipnrpít'co later, commonly to calculate, compute, Anthol. 11, 168. 171: fut. tpntpíaoyat, tpnquoiîpat, Lysias, 414; Thuc. 7, 48: aor. êtpńrptaa, commonly êwnrptoáynv, Soph. Aj. 449; Xen. Anab. 5, 1, 4: perf. êtpnrptxa, Xen. Anab. 5, 6, 35; com

monly êtpńrproaar actively or passively, Dem. 427; Thuc. 6, 15: aor. pass. êwnrpíoânv pas sively, Isoc. 170: fut. rpmpraûńaonar passively, Isoc. 135. Verbal ipntptaréos, Xen. Hel. 2, 4, 9. л.

räôŕm (л 052), to push, fut. 151925610, commonly diam, Arist. Eccl. 300; Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, 18: aor. ê'waa,

Thuc. 2, 90; Epic and Ionic doa, Odys. 9, 488; Herod. 7, 167: perf. ëcoxa, êgŕœxa, Plutarch.

p. 48: perf. pass. ê'œoaat, Ionic nitraat, Xen. Cyr. 7, l, 36 ; Herod. 5, 69: aor. pass. 51131101211, Xen. Hel. 4, 3, 12. dnew'ůnv, aor. pass. for 0111505031711, Hippocr. ­­- ngoíoaç, aor. part. for профита, Anthol. l2, 206. è We have already assumed Глел as the original theme of this verb. Compare English push. For the commuta tion of F (v, w) and П, сотрате náauuloç, palas (pastillas), vallas, English pole; narn'g, pater, vitricas; migra, vera; vello, pall. `

râw'oaat, to buy, imperf. гоп/щит and aivsóanv, Dem. 987; Lys. 263: fut. дубовом, Arist. Plut. 23



140: perf. ¿ói/naat actively or passively, Dein. 975. 406: aor. pass. ŕœvrfůnv passively, Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 12: aor. mid. Зап/710060111: or aimed рт! chiefly later, Hippocr.; Lucian. Dial. Mort. 4; Boeckh. Inscript. 2840, l ; infin. Затейте later, Diogen. Laërt. 2, 66 (Aristipp.). -Instead of êmvpodpnv, classical writers almost always use ënptdpnv from HPI/.1MAL буйволам, aol'. mid. subj. Dorit: for аббатом, Etymol.

Magn. voc. mii. Its original theme is probably F'mvsoput.

And since to

buy and to sell are correlative words, it is not absurd to sup pose that Fmvsopar is etymologically connected with the Latin veneo, велит, vendo. The same confusion is observed ` in aiiöoiw, ажио; di'œ, aÍO.



ANCIENT INSCRIPTIONS. (From Boeckh’s Corpus Inscriptionum Grœcarum.) l’

(Юной Ншг Hoo’ airôtroo’ ats st (apt)o‘o’rov a sûsxs кои rs ßota :tat x(al).m lsa zat a)7aat6sa 19:/умею Hoa <pr).o(t) .Antoiig vis', d; dtpâtroç aieì si, a.49111011011 ofê'ûnns ual rs Baia #ai Kalli#

lsra под Иуашдёа, ai; фит. Line l. arrâiroo, for баронов, contrary to the common rule. ­­- 2. новости”, with au, for aetaror.

2. ¿saw . . . . op. o . . . . orgaaaa потащат: кои aůsvslao' Но uvaato 5 хоп mousâov :tat @agay Ho agg/soria ион aögaoroo :cat ßogôayopao' :rat xlstroo' На awrovoo’ 10 xa: aptaroaaxoo’ xa: v. 1078016 23'



IIo-roipœv uaì Eâsvs'tiaç 5 ¢’It/aalen

5 #ai 'lnnopte'âœv

#ai Geigen' 5 140150111:


ual. ’Aöqaaroç

под Bogâayo'gaç ual Kleïroç ö Zlvrwvoç

10 :cui ’./lqtaro'aazoç Line 4. утаю, without the aspirate H. - 5. торгаш, with one п, and without the aspirate. _6. едет, for the common ßńgœv. -iAgzsoilog from ’Apgsoilag compounded 0f 5910; and

tao'g, equivalent to legittime-8. Boqûayógaç, supposed to be the saine аз ‚098076905. 8.

nai 8100 stIHowrot ösKZaL roö ausi/HHM a yalpta

ooi 7019 sneuKHopsi/oo 1001 aisladas ygoIIHov irai Jtòç, ’Eanoivrrp дг'Еш uid’ dyquns'ç dyalya.

001 yd@ ënwxo'pevoç 10171’ ¿ritmos Tçóqiwv. In this inscription ПН stands for Ф, K2' for E, and KH for X. ­­- l. apevHIIso, for apsptpca.

4. 19500 ‘ruga o'aouo' ötö on amawtat Tav For жоп: xa: 1011101 naw a âapttogyoa napayog 5 ad ngoäsvot atvxov appogtöapioo 017010019 Zoo ovarao’ гшиор 00’ 0509, Tula’ Zan'irtg 616

mu Брита/501 ‘tdw oi




#lav #ai 1011101 ndi/1:

¿101111019195- 1101901769 а. 5 aç ‘ 1196551'01 Mij/11011', 149110516011105*l „4711119019 105, ’010110113 ’Em'xmgoa Line l. Ending, Saotis, a woman’s name. _ быть, Doric for (“дашь—2. 21110111111, to Sicœnia, a woman’s name. _3. 11311101, by crasis, for 101 „шт—4. 1101110191'0'ç, Doric for 6111110119769 a chief magistrate. ­- 5. ‚ил/ноу, for Mij/11011'. _6. 019110516011100,

without the aspirate II.

8. Inscriptio Sigea. Upper inscription (Ionic).

1pm/031110 ¿,111 10911011 9011100 1o 71901101'1'11 010 119111119 а. да 11011 1111011 9771119101/ И

011 1101101' es 11 9111011'11101'

10 £601st 011116 £11011' diavoöt'xou £1,111 101191.1011

Lower inscription (Attic).

1pm/031110 иуд 10 Н 5911011901100 10 1190110 1'1010 110170 11901119a 11011110101101' 11011 Heůpt 01' ss 119111011'1101' к 301101 рез/ерш туги w01 5011' de 11 пасах

o ps1söa1vsv (Юг о 01;'ete0 11011 11 то 10 £1021' H011001100 11011 110132111101 diavoöt'xov 11,111 той ‘Е‘шоиейюис той 1190x0 2

901110; той 119011011111 ot'ov. Kerrie 01 dè 11011 1171011

дожа uviipa 21711 абы. ЕМ 51'11 110101 , s œ, ‚майдан/ш! 111, œ )

91111i910v и— aì 11191101' ё; 11


vnulov. Папуа; 11901111901 э , \ < 1101111010110# кои n311 5 011 ¿ç 1191/11111101' ì' `



gv'rawjtov 10 ì'öœxev 2'vxet-


Kal y’ ¿ná

10 ногу Ai'ownoç на?



Line 2. roůgyougoluoç, by crasis, for тоб ‘Ееуоиообтгов. _1190 uovnut'ov, in the Attic inscription, with one у, for Hgoxovvqulov. ——-3. xdyai, for #al êyui. ­- 4. udnloror'rov, fol' «ai érrlamrav.

Observe that ¿nio-raro» in the Attic corresponds t0 Í/rrouprjm'gtov in the Ionic inscription-5. ибоиа, а mistake for едока.— 6. тушеная, а mistake fol' Gij/swat. _9. Zij/enig, V00. plut’. for the common ztym'íç.‘- 10. ovusevaw, another form for Ulysse ат — Aïcœnoç, with the aspirate. — ůôelquot', by crasis, for об oiörlqnol.

In the Ionic inscription, the characters H and л correspond to 1; and о) respectively. In the Attic, His the same as the Latin or English lt. 10.

(т)о atho ¿L30 ayt дубовою ион то o'rpslao' ‘roii mirati llůov cip) oivöptoiç под 16 афёАас. тайгой llůou eìji’ обл/дою}; xaì тб oçps'laç. It is clear that this verse is an iambic trimeter acatalectic, and that crasis and elision are left to pronunciation; thus, ‘rofl ati/roi is to be read тайгой ' tipi dvöqtáç, cip.’ dvôptoiç.


below.) ­- The form u Рига is a prolongation of a Fco, from

сиг-тов, the original form of aůróç. Favgsw (old orthography FOPEO).

Compare Годы (ééw),

11.' Inscriptio Elea.

a Реестра: ‘ratp гадают xat ‘row гр Faototo’ avvyaxta x sa эхолот: гена agzot де ко: то: at да и 850: atta плов еще F мрут: о'иугош x обломаю ш 1 a). :cat na 5 g violano at де ya out/sav томатом и apyvgo anotwotav 'cot 8L elw/mot tot xa демарша: Àarpstoycvov at де up 'ra 7 gatpea ‘rat xaôaleotro atte Farao“ atte т



s/'lsara aus öaaoo’ sur smapot x svsz 10 otro rowravr sypaysvot ‘H én'rgot roi; j[Ilsl'oiç noti 10743119— atsůat ’ avyyalia du si'r] ëxa'rôv 5111,

â'pzot ô’ dv rovrl.

Ei de' u “о: tirs Ènoç si'rs

ì'gyov, avreïsv dv dlln'lorç, 1a' re 01110: «ai zxs 5 @i лоцман ' si di )ui avvsïsv, 101100107 o'ir

dgytiqov dnou'votsv 'rai ¿tti 'Olvpntup rq'i nara ösönlrhus'vtp табуном Ei 6s' ш; roi y qa'ppara ravtì naradnloîro, sî're È'rnç sì'rs 1 slcarn'ç si'rs Örîpóç êart, ¿wtspslrp ¿fr ёж}—

10 otro 103 êvraiiäa ysygapps'rqi. Line L spFaotoa, dat. plur. from ngaotou, /Eolic for c[Iga нос, аш1 that for the common теша, derived from 719010,

Непга, а city of Arcadia. _2. avvpazta, for avppalr'a. _3. rol. seems to be the demonstrative rá strengthened by t, after the analogy of rourt, roöt, (for rovro'l', roôs't'.) Boeckh accents ro't'. See rat, below. _ 4. alalow, fOr dlldlotç, that is, dlln'lotç. _

at., for dit', 61110. —т9, for nso', met. Compare meyer for i'gyov. _ 6. ät, fOr dit', contracted. _ olvvmot, fOr ’Ghanaian _ uaöalspsvot, for uaööalnas'wp, :rara-dsönlnps'rm, passively, from


For .the omission of the reduplication compare

vdnyoa, nolnpou, JEOlic, for vevdnpat, nsnolnpoa, in the Etymo

logicum Magnum. _7. диареи, implying nom. sing. „сарае, from ygátpw, after the analogy of 119570; from ngoíooœ (ПРА тш, 10 Ье divided za'i', the р1ш-а1 01` ro'l' (line 3), 1|1‹е ravrl (for шиш?) fOr roiiro. _ xaônls'atro, for xoröönls'otro, xaraönis'otra. _ rslsaror, 01d for rshsarrjç. _ 9. sur, for Err', êi'rl

(s'orl).­-smorpor, that iS, ënuígrp, connected with ¿qprepfr'râhin Hesychius. _ 10.

rowravr, that is, ‘rq'i ’Vwiilh и; c'vraiirot.

Here rai' does not drop i. _ 10. sygaptsvot, for sygayysvoi, ¿ygapas'l/gy,


that for yrygaplps'wp.

Сотраге ëßÃoiornna,

ì'ylvaftat, êylairrtayoa, ê'ygomrut (Oppian. Cyneg. 3, 472), ¿alrit aaat, дуг/публика, È'rgoqia, ¿aalltldynra (Herod. 1, 118), ¿prud

шото (Hippocr. de Art. 5 22). In this inscription, the aspirate His not used; thus a, sgra оюш, sxarav, for Ha, IlspFaotoia, Hexaror.

13. Htapos laporta/oo' Hta9(oa) aptaarodaaoa


APPENDix i. ïaobç Xaqonîroç, 1aed; a


Agtooroöapoç. Line 1. Нищие, for îxoo'ç. _111901on а mistake for lago mroç. _ 2. aotearoöapou, With oo.


Htapov о âswoptsvsoa И“! TOL биеаиобшь

то; ö: тросу arto кидаю e[doom 5 Авшорёуюс #ai lroi децибелы и; ¿Il Tvééoiv’ nim; Kůpaç.

Line 1. Htagov, for ‘Item/.- о, without the aspirate H. — -3. or, contracted from ¿HL-wouw, for Tvëgírjvß that is, Tuêënvá, sc. axila.


aggevsoo' год sorsoev sorso’ sry/vo’ Но до: ayaŕro xou . . . . Moliner; róô’ È'ornoev Ё'отпа’ êyyvç 3 dii; dyaůoíi :tai . . . .

Line 2. svg/vu, for ¿Wie-11060», бдф', depending upon ¿yyúg' near the road.

25. toůaloaorrola....

Водонос: ¿ya sgxop(svo) vnaroöogoa alimony/(snor) sacada-row 19e/3am ­...ro.9aloç5]102.u.... Botairtoç ¿E год/одной '

tTiromiöwgoç Motocroyelrwv €nonaoiiow, Отводы.



Line 2. ela, for the common :55.-3. unaroöogoç, without

the aspirate H. -agwaroysnov, with ось—4. ênoqaázav, aor. 3 dual, Doric, for the common ёлоцайщу. 29.

та97(ыг)оь avsůsv tot Загс tov Qoçwůoůev ‚ c â'rsâw щ.. Alì um' . Kogivâóůsv. 1119;’sz l






oi ¿19;/stat avsâeaav щ: All my Koçwůo'äev.

Here zaeyeirot stands for 102 ’Aw/aïe».

It is not certain that

wey . . . ot was шеуигоь, with the digamma.

Still we may

safely suppose that the original form of 'Agysïog was .497m Fo ç,

hence the Latin Argíví. — пиве», 2 aor. 3 plur. for Мету. _dim the dative of ¿112. The original form of Zeúç was ZWEI-_21 By dropping 2“, and changing s into t, we obtain ¿I F2', hence .4t FI, in this inscription ; this nominative modi

fied becomes ¿112, hence mög, мг, ¿fía ' also Latin Dies-piter, Dis, divas, deus, dium. By dropping А, we have Zio'ç, 056g. Further modifications, Zńv, Ju-piter, Jovís. The root of the oblique cases of Jupiler is Jov, which in Greek letters would be 10F, strikingly resembling the Hebrew njnt. 30.

{eI/os 01m/mo vaföç ’Olvpm'ow


чаша ya nosas . . . . Koîo'ç ps mique. . . . .


ôsësrat ‘lov Hongv дёЕпш 16v Зету.


@www им то иугдцигу

. . . apa aman mn oÀÃœw



‘.Egpvmcivaë rip a'aç dvzlßrjxsv . . dpa Zai@ 'min


Ыпе_3. .rœnollmvh by crasis for ”и; Индишщ. Itis in the Ionic dialect. The character H here is not a breathing; the character л stands for О long.



(About B. с. 416.) (sö)o;¿o‘£v ты ßolet кои 'tot Зеро: кгиоото superar/eve pvaotůeoo'c г („ранимости/г evnatůeo ancorate носимого гите anoôovat ‘roto 3com’

(т)ос Zçepara ra отмоешь глыбе ты aôs тиши: Ia традиция: тихом/101)

avevaveyxrat so' поди: Ha гфо'гфшто vopt optaron' nyeö(a)7ro anoöt(ö) 5 (o)vat 35 arto ­rov жетоном a so' стадион:

$0'er тою деош гфагфьбу(г) va 1a тг :rapa roto’ ¿llevo-capitato суш vvv xat Talla a ¿ou Iovrov (т)

ov gpsparov пои 'ra su rw декана глидош npaůet Àoywaoůov 85 Н(о)

(L )QW/Loran Hoo’ тешит/то: Hotvegvvv ra ocpeloysva тою Beato' отца) и avvayoyeo’ 6(5) zo). Äoytorov г ßole оттоком rop soto отойди/тот! (3€ т)

10 a джута: Но: ngz/caved Aasta 'rw ,Bolso ион ехаосдшроиоу шифон)

ATTic iNscan'rroNs.


arroöoatv {srsaavrsa ra rs mvaxta xat 1a ищу

aarsta кои sau n(o al.) .1001 st 7s79aypsva антрацит/топ 6s ra 7s

yçaaasva Hot rs Нищета и) ш Hot Htsgonotot xa: st rta alloc otösv ra

puaa 3s airoxvausvs(tv то) vrov rov ходило” Horaa то 1ao’ allaa a9 gaa жившие roa rov HL 15 H rov rsa aûsvataa Нот/тов 6s тощими/тог sa пойм sv rot отод(одо) дот ra rov ûsov ходами Hoaa ôvvarov кои. oatov xat-avvavotyov тот: xat avyxlstovrov raa бурого то omaôoâouo xa: avasaatvsaôo v rota rov rsa aůsvataa тащит naga 8s тот! vvv raatov xa: rov t smo rarov :tat rov Hispanotov rov sv rota Hrsço

пою Hot vvv ötaxsptZoQu) 20 v anaptůasaaaůov :cat airoaůsaaoûov 1a 19s para svavrtov rsa ßo/l(s) o’ (гл; Holst :tat napaâslaaaůov Hot rapaat Hot ¿alot/rsa naga rov vv(v) apzovrov nat sv arslst avaygalpaavrov 3L(x)ata navra каб sxaarov rs rov @sav 1a гремит Honoaa sariv sxaarot nat avpn'avrov кирас/Мю v Zogno' то rs идущими xat ro днюют nat ro Àourov avaygacpovrov Н 25 ot atsr raatat so' arshsv xa: Ãoyov âtôovrov rov rs ovrov жег/‚штат: 24



:tai iov протопоп: roto ûeoto :rar sow u a(v) avahtoxsrat nata 'tov s wat/tov ayoo ­roo loyrorao хш evůvvao ôtdov

'tov касс ёж navaûevac


(0)11 so' лошади/ша to). loyov Забот/тот :cada

neg Hot 1a Iso' aôsvatao’ 1(a) (pikt/oww то 3s orslao sv ato avaygacpooot .

ra иезуитов та. Hiep (a u) 30 (195101011 sp. :relu Hot тщиш шабаш 6s ano

Задора/ос и roto @foto (ra) (19) spara so то vsogtov кои ra rezza ‘roto as groot zgsoûat xgeaaoûv).

’.'Edoâ'sv 1j; рощ}? #ai rai drip@ ‘ Каждый; êngvroivevs, Mw; olůsoç i ygappwitws, Luneiânç ¿neordrslq Kalliag eine ‘ dnoöovval. 1’


107; 86079

'ra' датами roi отмоют, ёлыдэ) 1,17 ’Aônrat'a roi rgtozllta топали э f r u , r ‹ -о_ arsvnvsyurat ё; поди a гфцфшю roploaaroç предали; ninoötö ~ zpnpoirmv «ii в; ‚ amiöoolv з ~ 198mg . 5 душ де. dnd twv ¿our lrotç

¿vorwei их, ‘rd ‘rs nood ‘roïç ¢_El.lmlorapt'arç Зла Viiv zal trilla zii ¿ou roiirwv 1 .. ‚ .. ‚ .. ‚ . . . wr xgnaarœr, кш ‘ra ¿u ‘mg делите, ¿nstöar rrqaůy ' Мути oůcov öè 5—


t Мулат) Hog rgtduovta Howspvur 1d dcpstlóptva toïç 19807; ' (Уди— ç ovvaycoynç де twv Муки-ш: n ßovh] потирание сито) ' ало— Ödvrwv дё 1: и









10 о? ggrjpara о? noorden; und 15; ßovliiç #ai ìSalstqno'vrwv глыбой l ö < l r f ` о ~ \ ‚ I ano wow ¿innova/re; ra тг mrama иш ш ygapparsta ион sar nov ů'Ãч



l 6‘ З ' ° ’ Iv ö` ' e ' " o t l1] угуещщеш антраша ту в так ууещлщш otra îsgsîç x aì oï îsgonoroì код eì'uç â'llog oïöev' tapia; öë unoxvayeúew то— www uw ‚тушит! amv ne@ rag alla; anla; кадансе топ; Э











tov III. —



l5 II ‘tov ‘mg Aâ'qvat'uç’ autos дБ ташгибишг ¿v adler. è'v ngi omoâoöá v — и l ц ч ‘ a \ pq) ‘Ia ‘twv дети иприта aaa övz'atov иш outov, пои ovvm'ot ,

уби `







twv кои. ovyuluovrœv ‘zag дура; tov отадоборои кои. анап

‚ишиг'аЭш v тов; ‘mw 117g Aůnvalaç шиш; uuì 16v ¿ma по
















naga de raw vvv тщишу




шиш! xm топ! Isgonotwv raw ¿v тон; Iltsgonotç ot vvv дих—

хглебёошл— з







20 и илаеддуцааадшг паи алоатцааадшг ш детища ëvownov ‘nîç 1301115]— g ¿v nale», под паеадегйадшу oi тащил oí ¿agar/rag паев? табу ,


уйу ›








aglowwv, um ¿u 01171.11 avuyguymwœv ôuwua липа, над Ёмаатбг те ~










'ruw диву 1a ‚цитата опоаи ¿any maar@ иш аципапши #unilate \ r s r \ \ \ n » a Il, zwei; то и uqugtov ион то 19:/агат ' um то lomov пущ/90: фбишу oî miel mylar ¿ç um'lqv, #al lo'yor ötöâvrœv 1151' te Биту

дщдйтшу \ ‚l ~ и \ r э y v um ‘mw протопоп то“; 35mg, кш ¿av и агадьаицшь каш ròv ë ушиб”, nçdç тот); loywtůç, под видит; öiöovww, #al ¿n ’



Пси/идти!— wv ¿ç Havaân'vata 161 16;/ov ötöo'vrwv, ‚сидите o» ‘tu ‘mg Aânvat'aç w : o к \ l г r л v l v шепот-ш; wg de сиди; ¿v ш; опа/атакуют; ш ‚цитата та isgoi и— Í





: 30 дёишу ¿u пойм oi, таща; ' ënnöoiv öë anoöeôoye'va

ůeoîç ‘roi


ч тыс



‚торта, ¿ç то vsai9tov под 1a 1215117 101g m9101701 2911.019111 zgrjpaow. Line 1. ì'öossv before a consonant. — ругшдгоао, а mistake

for ростбиф—4. desv'rivsyxwt, for the Common vivavrl'vcurat. — 5, 6. u, without the aspirate, for Ha. _ еды/старцами, With

out the aspirate. —-8. anglo, a mistake for идиш—9. s, for He, that is,

17. оиогрштеодоу, for пионерии/задор, com

pounded of aúv and 00,10le. _20. 011000803010300, a mistake for anooreaaoâov. — 22. под sxaorov, for the modern uaâ’ ì'xa ото”. _23. exacto», without the aspirate, for llamaron-29. ша, for Haw.


(About B. С. 408.) aůcvatot avaloaav £711 ylavxmnou обит/тов xat am 160 ,Bolso at relayer/e0' Halatevo 719o(1o0) гуоосрропгиг тосрсш Hte9oy хогропоу тго аде vatao’ xallt019a100' pagaâovtoo nat 1611

70:92:00) по 71a95300av sx тот: тетиву фогфширгуо 1o Зеро гм тго’ atavuöoo’ 7190120 прутов игиоо'го Haß). .

г)1/ота‚рщш' riapeöoůe xalltptalot Hay/voorw 719010110.qu тает Humala 01100 гдодг aûevatao' 7101.(La) 5 300 . . . . шхго' . . . . am тго' atystöoa ôsvrs9a0'

:19:/raycomm aůloôeraw поводка) 19e го nowaûevata 1a playa/1a «pilot/t иуда, Ocvatet :cat бит/069106111 aûevatao’ подвидов

. . . . Нщюпшшо xa1 (г) wavIov два/1.10: Hcpltet кон ovva9100w го 1w cxawpßev . . . . ¿zu тго ott/21500 191160 пои топ/(г)

иоого [ТгААгуотасрщш 71a9£3008 переведи ¿lo


laçyst :cat avvagloatv Нитою atroa sôo 0s . . . .

srsgov roto’ aurora Hsllsvoraatata Htmrota atroo’ sôoůs . . . . srspov rota цитата HsMs vorapaa(w) 10 Hspuovr sâoûs цехом; so' плот: . . . . srsgov rota avroto’ shlsvoraatato’ sa rsv ötoßsltav . . . . smrsa ax «раундов 1sraçrsa nçvravsvoasa Hshlsvora plata nagsöoûs nsçtxhst Zolaçysr. пои au vapzoatv a(t) roa Ншпош гдодг . . . . srspov rota aurora Hsllsvoraptato' sa 1sv Зло/Замани söoûs . . . .

sm 1(s) a xsxgomöoa usan/rsa ngvravsvoasa Намет тщишо' nagsöoůs першит ходаоуи nat au тихоходы: s(a) rsv ötoßshtav . . . . sm rsa Àsovrtöoa Насте; nçvravsuoaso' топи sasçat rsa пот/тошнота sllsvoraatata nagsöoôs вши/асов xvöaûsvatst 15 xa: avvaçzoatv . . . . svarst rsa пот/таща)

aa Hsllsvorapuata допишут ‚Зоитадгс xat avv походи: . . . . Hsvdsxarst rsa apurar/stad Не hlsvo1aatata napsöoûs npozasvot aquövarot кои auvagzoaw argarsyot sla sgsrçtaa шииты avoptohoy spa . . . . топи :tat Закаты rsa потоп/носа Hsìtlsvoraatata першими Xalapyst хоп. au „походи: . . . . oyâost xat stxoo'rst rso’ прошиваю HsM. 24*



svorapuato слот/дюн «plust пои ovvaplo ow . . . . 20 . . . . rgtaxoorst rso nçvravstao ra eZ oapto a. uopo/107.50€ Hellavorapuat ост/шиш oiperuoi nat uagsöpot (rr) одушевит xokagyet . . . . em. reo ост/1101180; г ßöoass летит/гидом пашни reo apurar/sta o nagsö(o) 19s дат/итог xvöaůsvatst nat ovvaploow so rev ôtoßsltow . . . . eßôopsl. по apurar/¿Lao Не

llevorapuato 19901) ooi/L Нападал xat ovvapzoow so rev âtoßsltav . . . . rst avrei spiegati Hsllsvotapuato (pal

otr/00L (a) Ãorrsxsâsv xat ouvaçzoow опор Нптош . . . . Hearst :cat демоны тга ngvravstao Heller/o ` ‘cantato песцов) 25 vot aquůvatot nat аут/цехами . . . . reragrst x ш гшоатгь reo apurar/¿tao Hellsvorapuato

svnol(töt a) «ptůvatot :cat отшивает: . . . . sßöopet :tat smo orsi reo лущат/ещё Hellsvoraptato ‚шт

ш гит/ищи x) ‚ ш ovvaçloow . . . . am rso Htrrnoûoovrtöoo oyôoso пении/8210660“ öoösxarst reo левши Lao Нежат/о) ташшо' uapsůoûs „golosi/ot arptövatoi :au our вашему . . . raragret xat stxoorsc reo' ngi/(ra) vaiolo Hellsi/oraptato £6005 ötovuotot xvöaůsv щи :tat owagxoow . . . . Hanru :tat туши





30 тго' лента/шт Недеиошщшб 58008 #genoom

ßovraöu nat avvagzoaw . . . . am Iso“ egel 0ыд(оа) ¿vouw лет/штатам добежали rsa пешем/еще“ Hellsvozaytato’ ¿3066 прожига/щ atptâvatot и

ш dvvapzoo'w . . . . a . . . . трлн кои икоты тгб nçvrowsloto' Halls voraytaw 58082 ötovvdtot xvöaůevatst xat o'

vvagloo'w . . . . . . . . Неиты хан т9щиоо'ты на пришигшо‘ H slievotafuato’ £5005 @garrot/L ßovraôst :can 0*(vv

0:97pm):' . . . . ¿xm mu. rçtaxodret reo’ rrgvra vuota ra с; vapo wvopoloywaüo) . . . . ¿t a.... 35 . . . . (смещают га баров Захотели aytlt

и . . . . помирать фешррсщ . . . . agwtox рифы) . . . . ' . . . . гит/ирга . . . . vtxsçatot худом/иди 191.99 цехов . . . . agwrotpowst ava . . . . gap . . . . . . . . am тго' пошдюшдоа декана пешем/гидов o' гудеть-си тест Прошиваю гААгт<тосшшд

гдодг) пеошо‘ ¿vot переда/шов) хш ставшему . . . . 19ml, x ou ниобии. rsa :toutou/uom Наши/(ощути

а) . . . . . . . . кш auvaçxoo'w . . . . ¿met mu rçtaxoar и ‘rsa ngutowuaö Нации-гашиш . . . . 40 . . . . mu нашедших . . . . xalpaìtatov agyv gto dvimow . . . .



’1131110101 dvrl'lmuav ел: Паиибтюи общая/то; под ¿111 11'1'; Дои 1.1i;

Kletye'wjç ‘Alatsůç 1191510;

ёуоарробтгиг, 'captar 159151' “пробит! 11j; ’Aâqmlaç Kalllorga 1o; Ma9aůaiwo; nai Evi/019101'

15; 11019500000' ¿u 11511 г'пгтгбши, фцфшарёиои тоб дтброи. aE111. й]; Aîavrlöo; 11906111; 119010161101101); ¢Ell-

qvowplat; 110191501911 Kalltyáltp 14;/ушибом Hgautrslelöy iIxo: 9151, 1111101; 01'10; ¿56190, ’.Aůrgvala; Holid

00; . . . . Nlmjç . . . . ’E111 11j; Aiyrjlöo; öcvre'9a; npvwvsvoú

01]; a./1191.0~9e'1at; 11019100' 191] è; Hal'aûrj'vata то: ¿15;/dla dillam Kvöaôm'atsï на? 01111019 xovotv, ’Aůrlvalaç Holtoiöo; . . . . 1190110101; 11011’ e’

wauròv ¿111711.19 'Eyed под аиуобщоиош Ё; niv ¿1101611151111 . . . . JE111 117'; Olvqlöo; 191'111; 1191111115

11015011; ‘Ellvvowplatç 1101915691), Подписи? Xola9ye`l под отобе— 1оиаш, 1111101; 0710; £56191] . . . . _ "Erspov 107; a1'110'î.; ‘.Ellqvoraylatç, Типы; 0ï10; £60917 . . . . "£15901l 10i; aůzoï; 'Ellnvowju'atg l1Eppawl. 506811 diplomi ä; 11111.01' ­ . . . elErepov 101'; utiro'ì'; ‘Elin

10 тотарбш; ë; 11111 творении . . . . ’E111 1ñ; aAzt

ароштббо; татобощс 11911111111110111117; ‘Elim/010111101; 11a9eöót911, Пешим? Xala9ysï под сип/обожании, oi 10; ¢1'111101; ¿5631] . .. . "E1590v 101'; 0:11101; ¢_El.lmrompt'al; ŕ;

11'711 Ötmßellav ëöóäq . . . . ’E111 11i

; Keu901u'öo; пёрли]; повторен/0250179, ‘Ellrlvowplatg 11019100' 017, Неолит? Xola9yeï на? ovvoí9lovaw E;

паи Ötwßellav . .. . lE111 10"; ./Isovu'öo; ê'um; 11911101151101111119 191'1” арфе: тйв npvrw/elaç,

15 ‘Ellnvomplaiç 110191561911, ¿11011110119 Kuôaůvvatsï под avvolglov

ow . . . . Ёуобтп за; 119v1avel a; ‘Ellqvowplatç 09010va Воитоббд xaì сиз/общепит . . . . t.Ev ösudq] 111'; 119111001511111; 'E

llnvotaplatç 11019556311, 119055’qu ’Arptövalrp на? оиуобщоиош, тешит? ёЕ 2112915191501; Etixlflöy оба/прошу— 17,1101 . . . . Тебтд ual öeudry 11j; 1r9v1arela; tEllrpwroeplett; Пешим: Xala9ye'l под ovvoi9lovow . . . . . . . . ’Oyöóg под ебхоотй тйс 1r9111w/sla; tEllrjvoraju'ou; 211011 öla '111.1111 uaì avváezovaw . . . .

ATTIC iNscniPTioNs.


20 Tetaxoarñ rñ'ç пептидов roi ¿u Байтов oiijuoloyn'ôn tEllrjvo raptor ’Avatrlrp anrrlcp vai vrags'öqtp II

ода/пейте; Xalaqyeì'.

’Eni rñç ’Arriolt'öoç êßöópnç ngvravwov'

ang, irs'ynry 1;);- ngvravslaç, наездо— 191] ¿Itovvat'rp Kvöaânvousï #ai ovva'olovmv ¿ç rr)v тирада? . . . . ‘.Eßödpy й]; nguraveiotç cElinvorrzgulouç 09d

omvr Bovroiöy #ai avvoiglovatv ¿ç riìv örwßsllav . . . . '1"‘1'7' aůrfi 'rjps'ga rEl1.17voroatl.'«.u<; 'Palaivârp ’A lœneuñâsv #ai avvoigzovotv, airov Типа/‚с . . . . цЕму nai deud

1” riiç поищите ¢EU.'rp'oroqtloat; 119055'

пр ä.limpidi/1111's: xaì сообщат/оп . .. . Tera'qry под sixoarñ rif; пришит; ¢1311.17voralaloai; Elino'ltöt ’A

qnůvalrp под ошоЁохоишу . . . . ‘.Eßöo'yy под rincari] 117; ngt/ra vslaç t.Eunvoroatlouç Копий; Eůœvvpsî и ai avvoigzovatv . . . . ’Erri 11i; ‘Imraâoovrldoç dyöo'nç apurar/sv oiianç, Öœösnoiry rij; nevravslaç, ‘Ellnvo

тащит; паегдбдп Hgoës'vrp ’Atptövaiag #ai auvoiplovatv . .. . Tsroigry под sixoarñ rñç поути vela; ¢Ellnvoroutloaç ¿öo'ůn Atovvaltp Kvöaůnvoasï nai avvolg хот/оп: . . . . "Emy xaì rotanoarlii 30 rñç пептида; ‘_Ellnvorapiatç ëöo'ůn @gdowvt Bovroiöy #ai интернату . . . . ’Eni rij; ’Epexânt'öoç s'voirnç navravsvoiionç, öwösxoiry rijç поищите, tEllrpforaplaaç

¿56317 HooEsh/rp lipidi/airy #ai ovvoigxovaw . . . . . .. . Tplry ка? sixoarñ 117; ngvravst'aç cE).1nvoror,ut'oaç¿56.917 Arovvolrp Kvöaůnvatsî nai avvoiglovarv . . . . . . . . "Evry #ai rptanoarñ r'ñç nquavslaç cEllnwrlrotplotti; 556191]

@golaœvt Bovroíöy nai avv dgzovatv . . . . "Earp nai rptauoarliy| rij; пептида; roi ¿x Е '

pov oivaoloyiíaaro . . . . ‚ш . . . . . . . . argarnyoïç ¿v Zoiyqa, Asâtxqoirsr. Иуда? . . . . Паатфсбуи

Фоеоёёйр . . . . ’Agtaroxqofrst . . . . . . . . Ебшуидй . . . . Ntunpoircp deavrlöy rptngoigxrp ­ » . ~ s.flottrrtiqnoivst Ava . . . . @up . . . . . . . . ’Eni rig [lavötovlöoç ösxoirnç попытайте, ёиЗгиоЁтд rip'ç поищите, ¢Ehlnvorotaloaç ёдбдц 11905

s'vrp Í/lquövairg #ai auvoigzovarv . . . . Tglry nai sixoarfy' rij;

шотландец, ‘_Ellnvoroarlaiç . . . .


APPENnix 1.

. . . . nai ovvoigyovow . . . . "Earp под roiauoorfi rif; лет/типах; gElli;vorapu'ouç . . . . 40 . . . . nai ovvoigxovow . . . . Kerpoilator вид/110501) minnaar . . . . Line 9, 81,0. 5129011, fol' Hangar. -——14, 23. apagar, WithOut

the aspirate, for Hensema-20, 34. el capo, no doubt pro

nounced as one word, sloopt», for ¿n zuipen-26. драишь, without the aspirate.-34, 39. cursi, fOr Неким—35. ш oa

pot, for év Zuinig. -­ 37. srösxarst, for Hwösxarst.

158 (A).

rade трофеи: anpmrvovso садит/швом ano ual. lso цехи/топ реже

t ro затмит pnvoo то am errroöauavroo agxovroo идущая sv 311le де ото array/¿voo похожей ради то ůapynlcœvoo pini/oo’

то am armo “охот/тов 19m/ov ooov гкосо'тоа au row 129st oto öLo 5 öœgoo oli/,umoömpo отсудит/18716 sypay/rarsvsv arto Zagtoavöp

о agzovroo идиота ůsoyei/oo пихает/гид ,asma то suaroptßatawo o Aarp/oo то am muoöaptavroo идиот/тов oœoiy это“ omotaöo голе

тшсои svtowrov sm пойма 0:9;[01/1’00' ¿myst/n@ n) frayer/os an no Llno avrtpazoo’ видит/о napaůawtoo . . . . ya . . . . o prei/sorgono п: 10 allnvsvo осаде row помогу . . . . топа отгдо(а)

ow (umm/wi . . . . oog том... 'cnr/rot... . хают oupvtot





.. „тцтш... .owatot sg maçon.. . . . . . даровым г; mago . . . . (xs)fpalouov то xo naga wv помол: . . . .

. . . . от(д)г 'raw Штифт!) то 1(_o)xo отгдоаош ареста) 15 (11) 8111406 vnsç auolloôaço 311/1w . . . . tvo’ . . . . ша 3711100’ wieg ума/кета 312Mo . . . . трахит: 8111106 SLC. Toiôe Énoaëav ’Ampmuioveç lAt'hyvouftmf eind; Kalls'ov бежало;

Ще t той âagynltůvoç ‚шуб; 105 ¿n2 eInnoöoífuzwroç дедов/то; azitůn'vqot,

év ¿111'qu ôè cino ’Emys'vovç доходов ‚иёдн той âaqulio'ivog ‚итдв той ¿nl 'Imríov доходов, 196ml 300# ё'иаотос «17:61! деду, oïç ¿há

öwqoç ’Olvpmoöw'gov Zuayßwvlönç ¿yqayyoirwem vind Xu 910057159 ov â'gzovroç ’lötulmç @soye'vovç Завидно; уйди. той битом ßata'ivo ç pqr/og 'mi ¿nl ¢Innoöoîiuzwroç бедолаг, Zœotys'vqç Zmate:

дои Eum

wtoiv ¿waurôv ¿nl Kalls'ov â'glovroç' ’Emys'mç Mewys'vovç ¿x Ko ünìç, Индианка; 191381570!) Magaäw'woç . .. . qu . .‚._. o Мг

vearooimv П— 10 allquůç. .Aïôe иду nólsnw . п . топот! olneöoaow ' Mimo'

шоь . . . . 2159 Lot . . . . Tq'mot . . . . Keio» . . . . Zcçùptot . . . . Elqmot . . . . ’lima . . . . Olvaïot ¿E IInoiçov . . . . . .. . @sopaïot ¿E ’Ixáçou ­ .. . ueqaoilatov тбиои nagel табу no'lmv . . . .

. . . . Oïös miv îötmrn'iv той тбхои Ёлёёоош' ’Agn'ow 15 v Айда; ůnèç ’Anolloöw'gov dnllov . .. . ‘tvo . п . ива Ańlwç 'ůnèç Поп/каток: 411111011 . с а . ‘Trpoxls'qç dńltog, GLC.



APPstx r.

158 (B).

виде wv nolsmw то то(к)о ov еды ошшо am то „paragona обута шкоды/ш . . . . ив). . по . mu ox ansâod ow raw :strage: v ¿raw это: . . . . [Luxor/Lot . . . . оною: . . . . . . . . оиршш . . . . тую: \ ». . . Огоршо 5 L г; mago . . . . ямою: . . . . стоит а; mago . . . . шдг raw поташ 'tov топор ox aneöoo'ow тот: sm щ o' пргтгоио аута тгтти(9)т’ ¿uw am архаи ‘twv одетого: xalleo zapwowögo тлодцрцпоо' dœxpauöo sv дождь 85 emp/¿vou nalouo mma подошва &‚с. „














Arôe raw помол: таи roxov ov где: auraç em 1:17; трепет;

891179 Ёпобобуш . . . . vs). ­ no . под oůx aina'öooav 1:15» Imá qœ. v 51:51! ' Kaïn» ­ . . . Mumia/Lor . . . . 215910: . . . . . . . . Ебфшщ . . . . Шиш. . . . . Огорода— 5 L ¿E ’Inágov . . . . Победы - . . . Обш'ёщ ¿E Тибет: u аf ч l э r ‚ v l \ r' . .›. . Аьбе тшг :roleœv rov 'roxov от: ansôoaav tov em ‘m

g ñyere'paç oiggñç terroing ¿miv ¿nì дол/биту ‚Адйщоь . Kalléov, Xagwoirögou, 'Innoöápanog Zœxgarlöou ’ ¿v dn' l@ öè аЕтуёэ’ощ‘, IIalar'ov, ‘17тбои, Ilvëp'ar'âov, ÃLC. These two inscriptions were cut about B. C. 370, that is, about 30 years after Euclides, the archon. They contain all the letters of the new Attic alphabet. Observe, that О represents either о, or the diphthong ov.



170. Inscriptio Potida'a.

(About B. C. 430.)

aůava . . . . ограду . . . . ион проуо . . . . vtxsv swrolspt . . . . видео asa gior/lao’ плебея/бито ao . . . .

тогда потыдшосо‘ щирт nvlaa sl . . . . sxůpov д ot ,asv szoat тафо aspoo' H. . . . тихой marorarsv Hslmö sůsvr . . . .

отброса Ias¿a nolta Hsös поди zat 8 . . . . 10 посаде потидаша Hot ůavov sa rrp . . . . natöso' aûsvatov tpavzaa 8 av . . . . 990 . . . . ....xaavrapsrsvxatrrar. ...vxl.... lenv голода . . . .

uiting pèv чище}; ůnsös'ëaro, 00 . . . . ruivös lloretöalaç dftrpi milag sl . . . .

¿1391511 ö’ 0i lae'v аконит roixpou Aas'poç, H . . . . rs'ì'xoç maroroirnv ¿lm'ö' вдел . . . . ů'vögaç ,uèv ломе iiös пода? xaì ö . . . .

10 1190035 Horstöalaç oi,` ůávov ¿v n@ . . . . naïösç a./Itůnvalaw ' приди; д’ av . . . . gg . . . . .... дон’т dperrjv nai пат n.. tml ....

Line 5. отбиваю, without the aspirate, for Попади/ото. _ 7. ш, for H01.- 8. Нетто, with the aspirate, for ¿lntô’, наша. Helma is а modification of the original Гита.

In one of

the later inscriptions we find aqmlmaysvœ, for ânqlmapéviy, from ¿nstntgm (01110', дикая), implying идиш, old orthography HEAIIIZO. (See Gruter’s Corp. Inscript. p. LxxI.) 25






rtovzow тумбою alava ag хот/тов ¿dogs rv dana ¿(9) zona/twv aysůmov 3a. fpcrao nolsta. an визгом: дугшо’ проёгшог щит: (и) n svsgysrav rao' пожав г(9) жадеит: xn avror un ¿0(7)

ото; xn stasi' avrv yao' (un) quao глади: xn острым (av) my a(r)s}.ia.v un aoovlta@ x) 10 n :tara yar xn поста. ůalar(ra) v my пожую un (L9)a(va)o ш (o) ao’ un 'tot alla. onorra.

'tvo ulivo продет/о (un) 15 svsçysrno. @sbg l



1111117 ayaŕìnv. Alenia iig ‚готов Ё'боЕе то} örjprp Eg lopsw'wr ’Ayéömov .da (plrov Aiole'a arr’ АМБИ— i



dosing nngevov slaat и \






ш svegysrnv rnç полет; Eg xoysviœv #ai aůròv под ¿oy f \ 1 a u ‚и ovovç, пои swat avro: png ual. orma; шиши «ai острейш— `













10 av кои arslsrav хш aovhav и— ou »ara ym' ион :cara дампа— \






вшо'пс INanIPTIoNs. Í



v unì nola'pov ual, aîgnvflç ov `





от, um ra alla олова 'Io'íç â'llmç nooäél'olç под ì

l5 юге/511119.

1 565.

(0)гоо' Tula@ дара) ors (М) oo @tplm/‘roo’ söo§e tot дадим nço§svov ищу ßotœraw хан sus gyerav vwßow ага

ovßœ xaçzaöowov пои atysv Foz )foto кои. гошш o’ enaotv кои ataltow mu ador/¿Low кои xayyow 10 кои xarůalarrow кои

пожую кои 19m/ao’ maas отшили/тазу . . . .


Ого; тщщу Лирой). он; aglovroç ¿60,8 ‚Е ‘up. 6,muy Лещи/т! ¿lvm Botwrwv под гиг— )'






qys'mv Лафет AEI oúßov Kagzqöo'wov, unì T v e ELVaL Olr



\ з r “all ol/nl/ÍX \



ç ¿nauw mu arsletow 3 r ~ um\ отпишу um\ uamt 7171'

10 ual хате? 1911101001111 xaì . ‚ ‚ ‚‚ nolsyov иш` нет/ц; ovmyg. otonagzovvraw . . . . Í




1569. Inscriptio Orchomenia.

дот/арию верхи/то; реп/09 85 Llovûm agZLapos шрама) тара

as годами архгдосрш фаты: ура 05 отгдожос ото ‘ras o'ovyypoupœ леди twv лоАгрархт/ my twv xonoïrrotm'v майоры/09 та;

dovyyçaqms Tas жрет/ос; пар го фрошх my фобии! my поющим: my fly/,oytatlov (рожна; my дара 10 Islam' Àwnöaym my 3mm/amv

xoupwoâcogœ хорват/ею: nano трос фтора: то) даров

догорит архоиов реи/09 alocl кореша: Fapi/ow подтипов 15 торте апгдажг svßwlv верхе

дарю (рижан, ото 'ras о‘иууршроо то xatalwrov xarto трифторо: то) бодро: ошгМры/оз ‘tas o'ovyl

ygoupœs ras шрамов пар о‘шр: 20 lov my ampçova (рожают; my пар ötwvvdwv хшршодшрю хором/го a my Аооьдосроу ЗаротгАюв не

до: raw nolsyapzwv my raw xaro пихаю 25 верят/тов sv ¿player/u дот/арию ргт vos «lalxoyrsvm av да гадости? рг


votrao agzslaœ Aastvof; ngaroo opa loya svßralv Fslartnv xn 1n пом sp хоры/топ: smůst xsxoyro'rn svßm 30 los nap ras подвоз то öavstov штат :carrots opoloytas ras идиот; 0u усвоит аохоутов pasivos 0stl000tœ xn ovr orpstlsrn avrv srt ovůsv nap 1av :roltv all artsy: navra тот navros 35 xn anodsöoavůt rn пом ти szovrss ras oyoloytas stpsv пои ösöoas vov )(90va svßwlv smvoatas Fsrta

:rsrrapa ßovso'o't o'ovv птио' дшхос uns smart продан/9 aovv 11va 1st 40 ltns agli rw дюз/ш о svtavros о asra Ovvaplov apxovra гурта/ш; ото yparpsaůn 3s svßoalov хит svtavrov sxaarov :rap rov тщеты: un rov vous:

vav ra 1s xavyara rrov продажам: an 45 1av пут: un 1av Вожди an 1av ¿arrow xn aa rtva aaaaa twvût xn то n'lstůos ast anoypatpsaûw 6s nlwva row ysypaa ,usi/ow sv 1n aovyxwpstat n 3s xa 1L; (придти то svvopaov svßœlov orpstls(r 50 о) a ложе) rwv sploasvrœv apyovgrœ

(avan 7т) srrapaxovra svßcolv жид sara arov svtavrov т? roxov tpsçsrm дошедшее öovœ)ras uvas snaaras :rara ,avaa (sxaa)10v xn sançaxros saro: svß(wlv 55 . . . . a nales) r(w)v годами/щади 25*




@vvággov диолов, ynvög 0u louâíov, ’Agzíagoç Eůyu'lov rapi ag Eůßoúlfp Mgzsôápov @wusï 195' oç äns'ömuoc ¿nö тйс аиууеафй; „это: 1,151/ подводит” xuì табу xamnm'îv, Флоры/0; tůç

avyygaqńç rà; uelys'vnrç 1mg’ E17 (pgova под Фыббш xaì Нашим xaì szo'pulov Фшиёав, uaì Атто— 10 zélm' Aumöáyov, под Аштйшоу qunwoöcógov Xacgœve'a, пата? то zyn' фит/ш той ön'pov. 007029100 â'glovtog, lunw'u; ’Alal xaysvlov, '.491'an Holvxls'ovç

15 tapia; ůnêäwxs .Eůßoúlm ’Aye ön'yq» Фата? ¿mò Iñç uvyygaqañç та narálomov, шло: то фйфшри той örg'pov, давшим; růç отлу—

ygaqaàç то“; xsßpe'mg nosed 2054): 20 Àov unì Eil'qngovu (Dwxa'aç, на? потов?

Acovúmov Kmpwoönígov Xwgawe' o: ход Аиоббщюу dayore'lovç ,ue rá 1051' nolsyoíggœv на? табу като 711071’.


”4910710; ¿Il ’091044an Отдает), ‚ип

vòç ÍAÀalxoyevíov, ¿v öê шитый; Мз ,






youuu Ацетон, утро; nçmrov. Oyo loyía Eůßoúlqr aElomswu'q; под tj' nóle» ‚09—

хами/Яшу . ’Enuôñ иеибщитш E17/Sov 30 loç лосей 'rig поит; то Öávemv Ёлош \





пита тис opoloyuxç ‘rag reâelzmç @v f




11019101/ agzonoç ‚итог @adoußwv \ )Y l 3 l 2 п и J я v \ паи. om: тратишь am@ en ouöev naga тт! l








поту, all 0:11612» nano: nag: палас, `




e :l

35 #ou аподгдшииш ту пойм ol, одолев


и}; ôpoloyíaç' ¿van под; бедорё— rolf кроту Etißotilqi fmvoyt'aç, È'I'r]

fértagoz, рот/02 oův î'mrmç диако— oíatç sì'xoot, продайте oliv «12511»

40 limç ‘ дохи 1017 ¿rgo'vov б ¿mavzôç 5 ¿unì Gúvagzov бежало: ‚Опоры/5019“ 011m nníqnwâat 5è Eüßovlov кат’ ¿wat/‘rdv ê'uaorov nuovi 1oz' rayíav ual rdv voyou' vrlv, ‘rá u найдите: табу ngoßofzwv #al 45 10710 0127057 на? табу [90077 под табу î'mrwv иду uw â'oqpa alot, на? то nlñůoç ’ ¿ni oinquaqae'oäœ dâ nlet'ovot то}? ysyqap ya'vœv ¿Il 1.17 ovyzwq'q'ou- ’Edv de' тк; „going 1o {порют Eïx'ßovlov, 543511

50 érœ й 1161.1; тбт ’Oplopsvíœv oîqugt'ov “так; теттаейхопа Eůßuilcy над, ë'xa

стог ёшаитощ »al záxov tpsqe'rœ (‚отходе dúo тбс pvà'g êxoíornç notai luñ'wx anomv #al ë'yrrgaxroç Ё’отш Elißoliltp 55 ñ no'ltç :div ’Ogloyeu'œn

2329. Tenían.

(söo§sv тт ßovlm кои) таи 8(11Аи)ои nçutav£(ow утюгу)” глыбу ay ¿tm/Loo видит/юн отце ayaůoo ¿ouv кои wvovo 1m 61?wa

тш 11p/law кои дщтг1и штофа) nagszoysvoo хш хоп/гс ты. ло1гс кои xa@ Lötow foto svalowovow aufm avaöeösx'ral. 36 кои 11p' âsagoôoxtav row 312).th aya 10 0u тихи 888010111 ты ‚Зои1ы xm тш отит errata/¿oat rs цитат




:au отгфошооош 19(ос)М.(о)и 0'151pav(w1 5v т) ш таран то 1ov 710051301000' mu 11yo'

арфттрттцо аргщо 5v5x5'v кои. 15 511:/orari 11yo' 5w 10V дорог 'raw

11p/Law swat 35 ост/тау xou тоио 5x 701/ova' оштои проёгуоио косо 5v 59751ao' nya помою дедоодш 35 ион прогдрюш 5v того ary/aww 20 ото 0011151.51 yy подо кои прооо 3011 проо riyv ßovlnyv mu тот: 31y

рои ¿av 10u 351y10u ошаурщрш 35 1035 то трифторо: 5w' отцу (1L) 19m/1yr’ xou отцом 5w’ то вгрои то (по)

25 05t3awoo' zal. то арфттрьтцо . . . . и






Едоёгъ’ Iyy ßovlyy иш пр дпргр, Í



протопоп! уишрп :



Епгбдц Ар— ì




Aucm/Log Арршиои остр ayaâog

Ёотш под eíirovç тф 31;'qu 5 то? Тт’бшг, xuì örarslsï жргбас пиры/орет; xaì кош}; 1f; no'ler на? под, îöL'av Ioïç êvrvygoivovaw иотгр, ошадгдгитш де um rnv Э







дшробокбош 16v ¿Inh'wv ' aiya 10 19.1"] тот, 651161041: 'ry'y' ßovlyy под up öńyup ¿nan/5ba» те оплот, ион отефошшош дебит) отефотр 5v 1 .» е м , .. . \ .‚ (р ьгрср то тот) Пооыдшио; um щ; qumpmyç орет; wauw кш I










15 eůvoíug rig абс 16v бйроу тсбу

Tryvr'wv ' еЁуш бё orf/101' на? той; ¿x yâvovg 0:51017 проёмов unì 513— груётогс rîy'ç mileœç ' бгдбодщ \



35 под лрогбрбош ¿v tor; шубою!

20 oïç сиз/тем? 1'; 1162.1; под 119600



доп :rgöç rnv ßovlijv :roti rdv 01)' рог, ëa'v топ бе'птш. aAvaypoilpou.

6è róös из фйфшра sig отбит lt âlvnv на? отбош sig rb iepôv 105 По 25 oetöaivoç #ai riíç 'Apampquç


2691. e. (About B. C. 350.)

srst летит agra§sp§sva ,Baatlsvovroa ¿ravaawllov s§atůparrsuov100 aavtra 10u пактов smßovlsvaavroa ,aavaaœllœt ron гасит

ода/(ю) sv rm :span rou 3:00 100 layßpavvöov #vaina

svtav 5 aina :tat :ravnyvgtoa savana :toa laotvmallov psv acoôsvroo avv rm 8a (ravira 3s avrov rnv отцу

laßovroa sv жнут: voyou syvœaav avlaasta :r “97? vounusvov rov Lspov xat pavaœllov rou еще 7s1soo spsvvav :rotnaaaôat st тто :tat alloa as

rs(a) 10 ¿lsv n глашатаи: то :rpa§t00 slsyzflsvroo' 3s

:cat 1900000 rov avana: :cat uptôsvroa avvaâtx пои) asra ,aavtra s80§s avlaasvatv :tat snsxvgœaav at трио «polar ra ,aavtra rou :raxrvo: xa: 0110

o'ov тои 0v0xro :rgoarsůnvat ,aavaarallcot :tat 1a l5_ затрата. snœlnasv n :rolia этом snagaa


APPEme 1. истощает/1? тот/топ: тою awad ‘row подогрет/ото xngao' ¿wai кои pms посиди/ш рте точить ¿'va

руды/ос и де tm тоштос naçaßawoi egaal” 7m адш кои оштот: ион топа ¿xm/ov naa/ras "Em ns'ynrqr 'AQ-raëa'gâwç ßamleliovroç,

Мат/0061101! ёЕшдоипгйоуто; ' Marita той

Hamlin» ¿mßovlw'oav'roç .Mavoow'llcp то? tinnal'o'yvta ёж то? ieg@ той ¿nóg той Aayßgaiivöov, âvuiflç ¿wav 5 oiqç под питцуйею; ёойацс, под Mavoaaillov „ё? owůe'vrog miv и; Ад, Mavira 5è a'ůroíi бдит!

laßóvroç ¿11 ¿signin изд), ê'yvœuav Мишей; парц voynpe'vov 1017 289017 под Mavuuníllov той вдво— ys'rsw, азот/шт потйоиодш sì'ug под älloç ‚игтёо 10 zu' ‘if ¿101110511070511 rñç nqáîmç ’ êlsylâf'vroç öâ под Ойооои той Ейоиш под xgiâs'vroç имидже?”

рота? Mavim, ïöoEs leaasůaw, под ¿nemigœaar ai той; qavlaì, 1a Marita той Hannie: под 0150001: той Ейска: проатедйиш Mavuoaillcy, под 'tà

15 unipa-ra гнойном: 'â mili; örlpoaip, ¿náçaç nomuaye'vn 1201510011 Iâ; airaç raïç петарды;

xvgiaç simi, под дайте поопдёуш дайте ётфтрШгш

pnöéva ' si öe' ng 'raíza подстригут, ¿$053.17 71:/Е 03a» под 0:51011 код той; êneivov погуще.

Line l. kgmäégswg, gen. sing. contracted from Mgrass'gësoç. In the common dialect ’Agraâe'gâqç has gen. -0u. ­­­ 2. êEazâga union-log, the Same as the сотшоп оащалгйоиоф—лшйта,

gen. sing. from Mavimç. -­ 3. Haurúm, gen. sing. for Haunisœ, from Hau-ning. ——7. naqnvoynye'vou, perf. paSS. part. from naga

уодёш. The syllabic augment is lengthened into п, after the analogy of its imperfect „0917116001111 (Rem. § 19). Compare апчхи, sìlnqaa, SLC. (Rem. ё 14.) -— 11. Едоки, gen. sing. im

plying nom. гонит?




Changes qf the preposition ën, ¿5.

l. The preposition ¿x before ß, ö, 1, у, is often changed into sy.

E. g.

sy ßwötösmw _ En stötôst'œv (157) ey ölovvatm' _ ¿u Лют/айву (157) syöoauo, гудеть; — ëxöóosiç. (идёте; (1570. а) sy lsoßo _ ¿n Ада/Зои (139) :y llaevoa _ ¿n Идёт; (525) ' sylvůevrmv _ Èxlvâs'vrœv (Boeckh. Athen. Nav. р. 453) sy asyagœv _ ¿u Msyágow (175) sy доение _du Мидии; (168. Ь) ay pvççwovma _ 1x Mvgïéwoúngç (Bûeckh. Athen. Nav. р. 450)

2. When the word governed by ën begins with 0, и is chang ed into 1. E. g. 81 00am _ ¿x Zápov (147) 3. Frequently ¿x and the noun governed by it are written as one word. E. g. ¿Ealapwoo _ ¿n Zalayîvoç (2907) s511901: _ ¿u 215901/ (2347. c) —— eëußçzuaa _ e'x Zußgnlaç (3049) 4. The full form of this preposition, ¿5, is found before a consonant; si eravamo, fOr ¿u ‘Pm/slag (158. А). Changes of the preposition fig and the article 1a'ç. 5. Before a word beginning with 2, the preposition eig

sometimes drops 0.

Е. g.

9101111010 _ sig 0115101; (108; 93)

Compare the article тог; before the same word; 10101117010 for

tuig orńlaç (3044). N before a labial. 6. At the end of a word, N is very often changed into M,

when the next word begins with а labial (n, ß, ф). тщд nally-11i# 1102.11' (105) тщт nelson' _zôv no'leaw (75) ред 1:0351,- ps'v 110307 (170)

Е. g.



гр 1107.51 — ¿v 1161.51 (76) Ношу 1159 _010:11 mp (76) гатщ паев — ëarìv 115911 (101) сигар щюЕгтоу— 0117167 "góësvov (1052) sylsysry nu@ оштои— Eule'yaw nap’ 0:11105 (101) sy; Движители — 5v ßoulsvmgr'q; (124) тор ßoymv ­- 16:! ßwyxo'v (160) тор quogov-ròv qm'qov (75) ред (рацию ­- iuèv 5012101; (170)

7. Sometimes N before a labial remains unchanged even in the middle of a word.

E. g.

интима — ovpyorgía (11) антраша? — êláylßowsv (71) Further, not unfrequently N takes the place of M before a labial. E. g. upmpw ­­ aipsyups'ç (3) #15011/590100 ­­­ Лиду/390109 (165) olvvmo ­-’01.vym'ov (30)

слито; «­’01vynirp (11; 99)

1V before a palatal. 8. Before a palatal (и, y, 1), N at the end of a word is very

often changed into 1".

E. g.

тазу ищет” — 145V ишебу (101) 5y хинди _Ev miulqz (160)

ay uur-­- âiv «ai (101) ¿my иш ­- ëdw xm' (1052) (лапшу um — ůrélsrav ион! (1052) 10;/ уеищштга --rt'w yguypau'a (84) Hregoy хетты—5890511 дщдйтши (147)

10:7 ,meuv- 1dr 10;qu (2905, 46) 9. Sometimes 1v before a palatal remains unchanged even in the middle of a word. E. g. гитарами —— êvsynupa'vov (401) .wygoupaz ­­­­ ¿yygárpou (93)

дат/хотении — Аишаубутшу (2556) Further, not unfrequently N takes the place of Г before a palatal. E. g. avuvmya- âvoíymyg (1001) svyvu- ¿yyliç (22 ; 1794. Íl) enavyellswl. — ênayye'lletm (107)




These orthographical phenomena will be easily accounted for, if we suppose that Nor 11 before а palatal had the sound of NG. 1V before a Liquid.

10. 1v at the end of a word before a liquid (1, р) is Often changed into that liquid.

E. g.

‘rol loytarov _ miv loytaroiv (76) rol loyov _ 'tbv lo'yov (76) тещ шедшими! —тоБу щадтботоп’ (82) rsp lavatav _ rip' Mvulav (143)


Sometimes N remains unchanged before a liquid; as :wlw

Aúrwv (Boeckh. Athen. Nav. р. 408). Changes of the Propositions év and uúv. .11. The preposition ¿v before z' is Often changed into sa. E. g. sa отдали —— ¿v Ztöaivt (87) s0 vapor _ ¿v Zai/.up (147) sa atyyot-s'v 27;/qu (171) sa Ovlwt ­­- ¿v (ядер (2447, b) `во otnly _ ¿v 01111.11 (ibid.)

Before шт.” it Often drops the v ' as sarnlnr, for ¿v сип]; (87). Sometimes v is dropped and в becomes и,’ as ищи, for ¿v arn'ly (213). 12. The preposition aúv Sometimes drops v before a followed by а VOWel ; aS auasparvcaůov, fOr ovaanpatvs'aůwv (76). Sometimes it remains unchanged even before a followed by two consonants;

аз ошафеиушщц'ушу, for avampozytaa/.rs'vœv

(3137). N movable (êrprlxuarmáv). 13. It is Often omitted before a vowel. On the other hand, it is as Often found before a. consonant. E. g. sygapaarsvs svnstäsa _ ¿ygayaoirsvsm Efmslůnç (76)

sms anoöovat —— einer ‘ ` oinoöor'ivat (76 тщишн HOLO _ rapt'oumf 0i;- (139) вдохом: rst боды -——ё'до$е 1]) ßovlgj (76) söwxsv avxrsvarv _ È'öwns Виснет/(т! (8) 26



Doubling of consonants. 14. Not unfrequently a word is written with a simple conso~ nant when commonly that consonant is doubled. E. g. alaluw, 0:1 —- 0111011.01;y ÉU.’ (11)

sygapevm — буеаррг'щр (11) прохожим — 119ou011v130iou (8) 019011750101 ­­ ¿ééoißöwra (160) торедоу—Чплоуёдшу (2)

15. 2 is often doubled before a consonant; most commonly before т. Е. g. 0191001011 -- ’.49i01w11 (1)

«11001060.1100 -1491oróöayoç (13) Islsuotaa -­ Tele'uraç (166)

осоох111тодшооа —Иах1цтбдщюс (879) a91001'01p0111110 — 14910100105115- (1638) 16. А rough mute (о, ф) is sometimes doubled in the middle

of a word.

E. g.

0101011011100 _ ’1171011011164 0r aArunavo'g (427) оаффои — 21,1an00 (1927) xaůvfìwav — 11011360011 (2169) #1503310 -—— Kleorŕìiç (2211, b, v01. П. р. 1029) We find also ащро for auqupo or 00111010, апломб, Sappha, (Millingen, plat. Xxxru.). 17. We suppose that, in poetry, a short syllable was often made long by position by doubling the following consonant in


In fact we find „идиотом, for ímò жмём,

in the following pentameter verse; 19100011 011011011015011' 7901111101ux00 151.50; (2169) 19100011 15710 Ãvxoißav [родимый téléc» C'rasís and Eh'sion.

18. When the preceding word ends in a diphthong, the second vowel (т, и) of that diphthong is dropped before the two words are united by crasìs. E. g.

1011101 ­- 101 идти? (2557, В) 10119110119011605- ­­ той ‘E9110x90irsoç (8) 101015100 — 103 0101510) (2557, В, 4 Taiyoîvoç-Ioů oiyuîvoç (3044) “Зайду -— tj ¿110195 (3044)



:1111190 _ñ ¿1101011 (3044) 0166111101'- 01'. dÖe1Ip0l (8) tdgysîm-mì ’149;/1101 (29) 101116110111 _ то; ‚Ап0511шш (39) 11017111 _ на? ¿yuí (8) 110111111101101' _ ха? ёпЁататот‘ (8) :1115* (Dorlc) _11011 ¿ç (2554) 1111111! (Dorlc) _11011 €111 (1688) 110,101' 01,0011;- под? dtp’ 111/дои;

1115191111111 _ под u.491111111 (2554) 111111011601111' (Doric) -­ 11112 Ёпщуёореу (3047) 19. The conjunction m1' drops ш before the diphthongs ш, и, ov' as xaì’ 11g, for под ai'11ç (2554); „наш, for под sì'xom (2321) ; 1101111111, for по? одхь'п (3019). — We ñnd 110111101', that

is 11111161', for unì году (3588, 8) ; but this is evidently a mistake; in the same inscription we find ищр utpovg, for ход olga’ ůxpovg. 20. We see thén that in case of crasis, iota is subscribed only when it is at the end of the syllables to be contracted ; as идиш, fOr код alla.

2l. Crasis and Elisìon were very often left to pronunciation. E. g. то 01va 1130 еды 0111691010 11011 то 0фе1ао (10) тот? 0171017 11000 11111 011/110101; под т0 otpélaç 102111017 115801! 01:11, 011691011; ион) 10 011157.01; 91111111' 1151190111601' 6971111 ¿11901012 017011901

9:01111/ Kexqomöo'z'v ê'qu» £09010’ 011/011901 101011156 опа/бету 11 110110 0111101011l тлю 01110191111 (173) 10101116’ 0111119151' 11 116115` 011116101» иди: 0111019111 1601/1110 ре 11011010 Ip111poo сотое 111190151: (426) yevova re гнать 11011 0951110 0011 тещ ß0v111ç 11’ ’Anflug 11111010; 101110’ ëvâolôe, 751100; д, î'xäu 1101911111; 0'011 ve'ql.

01901501101 шурфа”! то 011111101l 1511970100110 (456, a) 1119016017101 Подожди 1111119011 ¿5111171100110

щи, де 0191010111110 1111901111110 110110 до 1111011100 (749) £1112 ö’ 1491010111115* 11110011505-, пой; öâ Me'vœvoç

ovaav ион, хита 7110 ион 111111001 as иди av Ст (808) 01100111 под иатй 75; 11011 111111001 o’ 01191 0111 {об



ащш топи 35 011191)@ Цари даму сите гбшигу (1001) ou'iywt ' плюй? Ö’ air'ìn'g Них/Зет поди Запер ì'öœxsr 5mm/01 nyvöe агедциг фоеиаша лона o 1910111011 (1582) aîxóvu 1151/5’ 11115317115 (Pogiiowç noů'ç d Тетка;

парада кш wasßsruv ev тщета Зададим; (2055, b) xelysůa xedusße'wv ¿v nutsçoîç дойдут;

Datíve Plural in они, and Adverbs in 1701.

22. The usual form of the dative plural of :uylug is 101,110: 01, that iS шубами (138; 139).

23. The adverbial ending 17m is never found with iota sub script; thuS, äâm'qut, ‘that is 11315111101, never 01.9171'11101, (158,

А, В.) Nominatíve Plural in 13g from Nouns in ev'ç. 24. We find 01 птицу, for oï nlvviyç 0r nlvvsïç, from the поип

0 nlvvsúç

Nominative Dual in и for ц from Neuters in oç. 25. The ending sa of the gen. sog, is contracted into e1. 011515, that iS виды, {wy/5, that iS gsúyu,

nominative dual of nouns in og, E. g. from индо; (150, А) from {sf/)log (150, В)

Doria Future.

26. The Doric dialect often changes the ending ­r'w, ­r'oy1a1, of the future of liquid verbs into iw. E. g. фунт Тог ¿yysvs'w from ¿pluëvw (2554) 27. The endings _015, тат, of the Doric future, are often resolved into _0101, _Mayan which may be changed into _0101, ­a1oy1011, according to the preceding paragraph. Е. g. 001115501 for бритв; (беибёш), from бежит


(лейцин) пеаойущ, табора». Доадиабш Тог роидааб (ßmyŕhiuw), from ßmyůe'w (2554) Лейпцига» for певицы; (пеонёфш), from пощадит (2554) драйву” Тог nguëoůpsv (ngoiëouev), from педант (3048) хиеаёабмгтх for 1091501015301 (lamoópeůu), from ‚уме/Сорт (3048) 28. The new endings юноши, -0501/11, _050,11011, тирада,



. .. . . . -osovmi may be contracted |nt0 тащит, чтении, -ощиш‚ -oev рада, щадит.

Е. g.

ölalvoeiivn fOr ölalvuoůvn (Öwltivovm), from öuzhiu (2671) Únupféiim fOr ůnaçëoůvn (fmu'pfovai), from Ímáglw (2671) 29. Even the future passive changes quai into aiya», as av vazâqaoíivwi for avvalâńuovrat, from ovvúyœ (2448). ` 'Aaríst Adíve of Verbs in uhm, идет. 30. The endings _11m or -ш‹и‚ что or _agee are always found without the iota subscript. This fully establishes our rule (Rem. § 56, 2. E, g. ¿néupo'rvs from s'mxgabfw (2237) dve'qwlvs -fh oivacpuívœ (2374) naůqgávrwv — xaâai'gw (2374) ишдош —- #amigar (2347) zinnig”, ênápaç-¿Tmigm (2953)

1:95, â'garo -­ (при) (247; 1907) We find also perf. pass. iinperat. 3 sing. {едал from aì'gw. Ватт: third Person Plural in .431..

31. The Bœotic dialect changes the pronominal suñix _vn into 4191. E. g. ‘_ anodeöoorvût-uinoôeöóuvu, frOm oinoöt'ömpi (1569) шут —%’шпт‚ ё’шш, nini, from tipi' (ibid.)

The element (о) of analogical ending of the third person sin gular (_3r) is found in the English indicative; as IIa-th (Ii-1.9), ende-th (Мг-о). Compare -âr of the 2 sing. imperat. active ; as фоЮц—ё’ац‘л, n'ì'ŕh. Perfect Active Partívíple in -шх, -va, for -vïm

32. In a Doric inscription (2448, 1.) we find the participles êm'retslexsïzx, êamxsïa, оград/117015701, for the common ¿mrshnvîoß äataxvïa, awayqyozvîrx ог avvayrjozvïa, from длинны, ì'atnpi,

омут. The same inscription (11. 111.) contains the indica tive auvayáyoza, for the common avvayńyoga (3595) the full Гогт 0f avvayq'oza.’

* The reader will perceive that when the author erroneously stated under ¿ya that rvmyayoxus stood for pluperf. сити—И ш, he went on the supposi tion that Matthiae (to whose Grammar he referred could easily perceive tbe diñèrence between a verb and a participle. There is по such pluperfect as


­ 'Ji' ‘

26 *



33. In some of the recently discovered Attic inscriptions, -va is used for так. Е. g. na9s1117q11'ia — лаеет1пфи’20 (Boeckh. Athen. Nav. p. 540). Aorist Passive Injïnítive т _1711. 34. In an ./Eolic inscription (3524) we lind 0111531711, 7111031711, 2108111131711, 5111790101171', 01517111111111131711, t0 Ье accented 5111s'31711, ye

1117'31711, ¿108112231715 ¿1117906711715 016010111013”, for the common €111: 31'7'11011, 711111731731011, 110511913171011, én1y9aqai11a1, строп/шварт-


also 716311031711 Under 11131501101. Imperative 3 pers. plur. in _11101 for -nom 35. In some of the Doric inscriptions the 3 plur. of the imperative active takes _nl for _111011. E. g.

110911611101 ­- napszóvmw, from 110191'101 (1699) ¿611110 -­ гати (бит), from 12711' (1699) 011100161101va — oinootsdoinmv, from 011100167101 (1845)

покойно: -1101oúvmw, from 11011101 (1845) This ending is evidently the same as the Latin -nt0,° as,

sunto (ëóvrw), amanto (модны), docente (6100101161101), faciunto (подобны). Injinítive qf Verbs in _0101.

36. The contracted form of the infinitive of verbs in -ᜠis found without the iota subscript, which shows that it is con tracted not from -011111, but from the Dorìc -ásm We may therefore safely 'reject the orthography _1711. E. g.

>11710111 from 11710101 (2569) 116910951' from методы (2919) Iota Subscript.

37. In inscriptions cut before the Roman period, the iota subscript, so called, is a regular letter; as 1171 76001171, 1011 101 шеи, for our 177 роняй, и; 101711171. 38. In inscriptions cut during the Roman period, the iota. subscript is generally omitted. E. g.

7159ovoia, ßovlñ, yvpvaoim -f-oia, 45, юго: (2782) 39. The authography от, y, q1, `as also the absurd expression городищ 11111101191701111011, improper diphthongs, was introduced

long after this 1 ceased to be pronounced. ч!



. ..



° '40. It must be observed, however, that in some of the less cultivated dialects (as the Eolie), the 1 subscript was often (not always) omitted, even during the ñourishing period of the Greek language; especially in the datíve singular ofthe second declension (Gregor. Corinth. p. 606), and the third person singular of the subjunctive active. E. g. 101 (Шут, ‚Едят/[коз — 1115 буфер, ’1511111151111 (3523)

19110501, 015111011101 _19110105 01101011119 (3640) 101" шиш—и; ¿111111101'01 (ibid.) 1101117, 110111111 _ 11011.11', 11010111 (1841 ; 1843; 1850) ¿065011, 11011911, 019130-51510”, 1101311, 011911911 (2166; 2448)

011011911111111, 11110115311 _ 011011190111111, 01110115311 (3640) Compare the Latin dat. sing. of the 2d declension ; as domino. 4l. The formula €111’ 1111 e, on condition that, is always found sq: 1011, without the 1 subscript; see Inscription 93; 1704. 42. According to Buttmann (Larger Gram. ё 116. n. 8), the 1 subscript under 17 is improperly written in those forms of which ,no actual nominative, as root, is extant; consequently _1111, 31111, 110111111, ‚щадя. His theory, however, is contradicted by 81111, Doric 31101, actually found in ancient inscriptions of undoubted authority (Boeckh. 1841; 1843; 3053). 1t is per fectly clear, therefore, that the 1 under 11, in the forms 1111', 1111, V1'1'1111, is improperly omitted. ¿Eolie 0110, 010, from ava, 0110. 43. When v is dropped before o, the ./Eolic dialect lengthens the preceding 01, о, into ш, 01, respectively. E. g. дшоЁашс— 1111101001; (dumaavrç, блинам/с) nalç. побои _ 115;, näaa (поп/те 11011;, 1101111001 паша) 01111100101, 1111111150101- 02110'001101, ¿111111110001 (011111001101, $1111: 11101101)

1101001 _ 11017001 от 1115001 (111010111001, 110101001, 110101001) We may therefore assume that the common 010,000 become, in the Eolie and Doric dialects, ша, 010 only when they arise out of ava, 010 44. In the first declension, the /Eolic dialect changes и; of the aecusative plural into аи;- In the second declension, for the common ending 011;, it uses 01;. E. g. “Fi 1011; Миш; — 101; Ölxa; (3640) 113101101; 1911015011; _ fîuóva; 19110011; (3524) 11011101; 1101101; _ 1101101 той; voyou; (3640) 019011011101; _ статуей, театр/ой; (ibid.) лед; 101; 170101'1001;_ пед; 100; 130101161; (2166, 6)

‚ д; „с ...dx ,4, .. ,i Ж .11, х



This shows that the accusative plural of all the declensions is formed by annexing g to the accusative singular; thus 100;, 017013009, toiç, niyuůaiç соте from 161g, 011/113011, 101m, aiyaâuivç. In fact, rávç for 10159, and ngsrysvroivg for nguyrvtoiç (ngsoßsvroiç)

are found in some of the Cretan inscriptions (3050, 14; 3058, 4). 45. Digammated Words in the Inscriptions. а F010 — 0161017, from oniro'g (10)


019751 Fo 1, doubtful _14975101 (29) "_". 0111101 Fuöoç- aůltpöo'ç (1583) ' ‚вами F011 — for B01115001, from Bauaúaçfa man’s name (1639) . ' ‘ 01 F1­­ for A11', from 20159, ¿10Q (29) £9 FuoLorç-’Hgaolorg from Hpnrotoç (11) Гаити—‚Шейк, from 'Hleïoçy an Elea" (11)

Fagyov ­- Ё0701(11) Fangv--Í/lngv, а man’s пате (1569) :011.1510011I the same as

FavELolv-ÍAElmv, Ггош 145109, 0.

native OPI/150g, Azos (3050).

The other name of this

city is "00:50; (Stephanus Byzantinus). 1450; is derived from á'yvvyu (Раут), and its original form was Гаги,

which was changed into ”00509. Frlëvg, Rem. ё 1.)l

(Сотраге ‚0215139, from

F5). 0:11a ­’E10i151a, а city (1569) Р'Ыатщй—Ъ'Аатнащ, from ’.Elatewïoç, a native qf Шина. F5110; — È'noç (11)

Feroç ­- ê'10ç‘(11 ; 1569). This word was also pronounced ŕ'raç, with the rough breathing; hence the formula прем], that is, grp’ €117, for ën’ ën), in a later inscription (Gruter’s

Inscript. p. Cccxxvn.) ; also лапа 1111791301, that is, 11511 1015109130, in the Heraclean tables. силос, the same as F1310ç- ì'öroç, in the Heraclean tables. Compare Latin m'duus. '13101; was Sometimes pronounced ‘1'ö1oç, with the aspirate, in the expression

паз 131m», that is, по: " 13100, in the Tenian inscriptions, (2329; 2335). Гнать — 52310111, 5131001 (1569)

17100151101 — îaorslla, 1001575101 (1562; 1563) F0 1 ­- oï, from "1(1565) гонца—021110201; 1565)

­' " 5

грация —ёо?тра, 015190101) гита, Bœotic — Гонцов, oîxla (1562; 1563; 1564) энд 0:00: Fvö 09 — тдщкрббс (1583) — ‘un unipa F'uöoç ­- xmpqzöág (ibid.)


édiposzöoç- дои/‚9166: (ibid.) 'v1 и

\- т "_'

1gay01Fvöog-1pdydpdciç (ibid.) v -. -` -

1 2





­i t' д.



Oriental. ¿Arp :Iидти *Q5-I3_"UJVZHI'JLY'ZUZ


Attic. New.

Old Greek. ¿los

ew em o¢zg>w~emsqmbeœ>






y И


sila; In?, HS «19



{тем чнмш-ощпо:иаьтнэщы-г'ыьнырь




bŕxeß w pomzä>NH®ms >dm>

Circ Я?!




zie Adan;

»inns Aa'ßßäa







¿iii Ф; rraìvi

:IT ri' Ei'



Их: xtfv

р; Eni:



„1 т

шантотиг о:И




1. The old Greek alphabet was the same as the Oriental. This is evident,

(1.) From the NAMES ofthe letters; thus, â'lqm, ‚ваш, ydyya, öélm, si, ‚дай, &c., are essentially the same as à'hqn, ßńů, yíprl, 601153, il', 00017, GLC.

(2.) From the гокм of the letters; compare the old Greek letters with the Hebrew coin-letters; also with the Samaritan

alphabet. (Rose's Inscript. Grœc. p. xiv.; see also the first forty-three inscriptions in Boeckh’s Corp. Inscript. Grœc.) (3.) From their ARRANGEMENT; thus, â'lqm, ßñw, yáypa,

ôélm, si, &c., numerically correspond to the Oriental â'leqa, ßfq'ů, ylyel., öáleů, i', &c. In the new Attic alphabet, however, ЕЕ (waöń) occupies the place of одури Weigel); but this is un Important. (4.) From TRADITION. 2. ТЬе old Attic alphabet is found in Attic inscriptions cut

before the archonship of Euclides (B. C. 403).

Т11е new

Attic (called also the Ionic) alphabet is the same as that used at the present day, and called “ the Greek alphabet.” E, Н

3. In the old Greek alphabet, the character E represents the vowels s, ц, or the diphthong er.

In the new Attic alpha

bet it represents e, or ы. The diphthong и, however, is often represented in the usual way (EI) even in Attic inscriptions cut before the archonship of Euclides. During the Alexan drian period, it was generally represented by EI. E. g. 035110707, 710926088 _’Aůqvaïor, 710950681; (147) 207157350, mentare — Eůneiânç, 571501015; (76) гляди/ш, того — ëmâeîvar, rgsîç (160) офе1ореш, 179010010 — ¿Wildau/a, 719010761;- (76) 710160, 8970010 ­­­ Milug, sì'gynaro (75 ; 160) peléöawsv, ‚шедший? — pelsdorívsw, zgnyau'gew (8; 80) msrôuv, посиди -— êrrstöcív, 7190837 (76

ты, адгтшь — ‘lli Идиот; (76) 4. The character H, in the old Greek alphabet, had the power of the Latin H,­ that is, it corresponded to the rough breathing (000170) of the later Greeks. It was often omitted. E. g. Hisgonmoi, Hoaa — isgon'otol, 300 (76) 1100101, 00100 —— mirar., 3mm' (ibid.)

Hu, a, Hor, or, Небе, s, ша _ö, oï, йде, й, aïç (ibid.) i



Недаром, греем, Ilvnagyvqov- будет ůrroigyvgov (144; 139) Лепта, сити, IIayeuavögou-ë'icrg, ‘Ayriaavögoç (147; 1637)

5. The aspirate II was also used in the middle of a word. Thus, we find 'rgiHepmoölou — tgmymoölouç, from rgi'ç, »rißmo'öiov (160) ”Поди: —-ёюдба, from év, ddd; (26 Compare the Latin enhydris, enhya'rus, from s'vvôgíç, ïvvögoç, compounded 0f ¿v and {Юте ‘ poly/IÍSÍOT, nolv'í'urwg (noltiç,

ïuzœg); Polyhymm'a, from nolúç, дутое. Also the barbarous word Sanhedrim, from avvf'öqu (aúv, Юра). — We may sup pose however that the aspirate H was as frequently omitted in the middle of a compound word, as it was at the beginning. In fact compOunded we find лишает (147, gs'dptp, ol­ паев? and20), Юра.for мешаем, that is mx

6. When a smooth mute (n, n, r) came in contact with the aspirate Il, it was changed into its corresponding rough mute (1, ф, 0), and H disappeared. In the old language, however, the combinations KH, 17H, TH were sounded like 1, 9), в, re


(See below.)

E. g.

degq'yegoç, originally deKHqugoa (дека, Недра) Ёфбщц — аПНщш (шт, Наци) падшеёш — xaTIIaiqeo (каш, Нечего)

The same change took place when, of two successive words, the ñrst ended in a smooth mute, and the second began with

the aspirate H. E. g. над гиаатоу (76, 21), from xaroi, ë'xuurov -uaTHsnautov

eqn тли: (ЕЛЕ, ñpì'v) — вПНцнг он; продан (adx, È'ipopm) -oKHquaopaß It is clear therefore that in such cases the rough mute arises from the connection of the smooth mute with the aspirate H, and that the latter disappears after the change. Nevertheless, in order not to disturb the usual orthography ofthe second word, the rough breathing is suffered to retain its place; thus, instead of nuä’ e'xaanw, ёф’ таи, об; е’фодш, we write каэ’ ё’иаатоу, Erp’ тау, об; Ёфорш, which mode of writingl is incor rect inasmuch as it repeats the aspirate H; thus, „гниды атом, eIIIlIIsva, aKIIIIquopm.

7. The aspirate Il is never found in connection with Por PP. Thus, we find осушив (74), арен/360100 (160), nuggou (167), anogpozwovrat (138), for ОШ‘ ‘qulvoig oiééfxßönirovç, Ilúëéoç, ánoéëm'rovrat. It is fair therefore to suppose that the




orthography é was introduced by the later Greeks in order to indicate the rolling sound of 9 at the beginning of а word. When e was doubled in the middle of a word, only the second one was rolled ; hence the orthography gé, as ägéqroç. — Т11е ancient Grammarians placed the rough breathing also over 9 after a rough mute (0, ф, I); as âéóvoç, âqaëóç' and the smooth breathing over 9 after a smooth mute (т, 1r, и); as

Í/lrésúç, xoinéog.

(Villoison. Anecd. Grœc. Vol. II. р. 114.) -—

Т11е Romans indicated the rolling sound of q by placing an h after it;

as 000110010, 0081169, 111515009, rhapsodz'a, туг/таз,

Pyrrhus. 8. In the course of time, the character H became a vowel. Thus, in the new Attic alphabet it is always the same as our 17, that is, it stands for long E. E. g. ymóç, 281571701 (158, А) 9. The diphthong HI, even in inscriptions cut after the time of Euclides, is not unfrequently`represented after the old method, that iS, by EI. E. g. eErlůu, или, ешфпфюи, for ¿587.321, Eï'n'y, ëmquníoîy, (93.)

10. After H became а vowel, the character |- , resembling the first half of Il, was employed to denote the rough breath ing. This character is found in the name 116911019, from 7601509, in an Ionic inscription (2919). Also, in the Heracle

an Tables; as newal-a-nygtôa (see above, 5), compounded of мыть, and ê'wg for ê'zog. Also, in Tarentine and Heraclean Coins; аз l'qpaxlntœv, that 15 ‘Hpaxlqíaw (Eckhel. Vol. I.

pp. 148. 153).

See also Villoison. Anecd. Graec. Vol. П. рр.

144. 122. ­- n process of time this character became E, which

coincided with one of the later forms of E (Inscript. 246 et seq.). This being further modified produced the Byzantine rough breathing (‘ _ The character ­I, resembling the second half of H was employed by the Grammarians to de note the smooth breathing (501115), which, properly speaking, required no representative. This character, by а series of changes analogous to those ofthe rough breathing, became We observe here that the smooth breathing is not found in any inscription. 11. According to the Grammarians, the ¿Eolians did not use the rough breathing; “ai Aìoleïç oiyvooïun niv öaueîav.” We suppose further, that the Ionians, who delighted in smooth sounds, did not use it much; thus, they pronounced подаёте (кш’ time), oimxe'aâai (eind, шёцдш), mi# 'jdr-rou, fOr xaůa'neg

(каТНипее), oiquus'uâai (аПНшсаЭш), 01111]дета1(01(Нгдгтш)-—




The following passage from Aristotle (Elench. 4, 8) clearly shows that, in his time, the adverb об, where, differed from 013,

по, not, only in the accent; that is, the former was pronounced об, and the latter ой. “ T01' “Oyngov ÈvIoI Örogfioůvrou под; 100g ¿ls' хот/та; nig

dro'nœç eignuóm ‘то ¿rév of; :tarantiâsrat

будет? [ |. 23, 328] ’ ' lliovat ya@ mirri rñ ngoaqiöla Доколе; то

об двинет." Nothing about the rough breathing of ab, where. \

12. The true name of the vowel E is si', not З шву.


Cratyl. 23; Athen. 10, 79.) The epithet unión», smooth, not aspirate, was subjoined to it by the later Greeks in Order to distinguish it from the character denoting the rough breathing (диода), which, as we have already stated, coincided with one of the later forms of E (See above, 11). 1t cannot be satisfac torily proved that the early Greeks ever gave it the sound of h.

o, n. 13. In the old Greek alphabet, the character 0 represents the vowels о, т, or the diphthong ov.

In the new Attic a1

phabet, it represents о or ou. The diphthong ои however is often represented in the usual way (0T) even in inscrip tions cut before the archonship Of Euclides, especially in the

words 0510;, об, ab».

During the Alexandrian period this diph

thong was generally represented by 0T.

E. g.

anoqnawovrov, arroöovat_oin0q>a¢vóvrœv, dnoöoiivm (76) dialsptgoatv, Omaůoöoyo _ öralstlCovoIv, dmuûodo'pov (76) Накопите, suaawt- êxu'urou, éxoiarrp (160; 76) aux or 0x, Oude, rovrov _alim Ovide', rolirwv (160)

Ilso, so, Hispov_ê'w, îsgaiv (160; 158, B) stotrovnsöor, тот depot-‘Exaropnéöqn :ai dn'yrp (140; 76)

‘14. In the new Attic alphabet, 0 long is represented by the comparatively later character JZ. E. g. miv падет, îômírnç, idůpvaitnv, (158, А.) ­ 15. The diphthong JZI, even in inscriptions cut long after the introduction of л, is sometimes represented after the old method, that is, by OI. E. g. rmt olvvmot, тал. бород, Дыры, Owatvoi, for nii ’Olvjurlqb то; ödpqi, ßwitq'i, Emulvrp, (99; 1565;

185; 837.) 16. The true names Of these two vowels are mi and ai, not 8 atxgóv, ai ,us'yoa (Plat. Cratyl. 23; Athen. 10, 79). The epi thets ‚мифу, small, and ‚иди, large, were introduced in later

times, and had reference to the comparative'size of these 27



vowels; they simply imply that the character о is smaller than œ. We cannot suppose that о was called ‚шкоду merely be cause it was often made smaller than the other letters in the same inscription (as 1102), for all the round letters (о, л, в) were not unfrequently made smaller than the rest (see Boeckh. 99; 102). Further, if we suppose that 0 was called ‚111179317 because it was smaller than the other letters, then we must ad

mit that JL was called „буи because it was larger than the rest; which is not a fac-t. 17. During the most Hourishing period of the language, both vowels of the diphthong 0T were most probably distinctly heard. The Bœotians however sounded 0T like a simple vowel, most probably like оо in тооп (long), boo/c (short). On this subject, Eustathius (ad Il. l, 10) remarks, “va'uoç, 101700; xaroi 1009 "vaorç, Iur;uuvoys'vovç 10 О 1y' npoulrírpst 100 T, 007159

000171011? oi Bomtoì 110101701, #arci ‘rnv ‘anxlslöov nagoiöoaw, nooauůs'yrsç aůroì то? T örggo'wp 10 ‚диоду 0, под рощ/071005700 1167, фит, ßgaztivovtsç, pnuvvoye'vov 5è ‚миньонов, 10 fill.” 017171 Às'yovreç, под 'ro 06109 0170109' ” тогда which imply that, in

the Bœotic dialect, 0T was not a diphthong in the strictest sense of the term.

Thus, in oíf'öœg, ooúv, âgyoúgmv, it was

short; in oíllq, 110001511, long. _After the Alexandrian period, the Bœotic sound of this diphthong became general. We have already observed that in the time of Dionysius (about A. D. 1) it was pronounced like French ou. - It is observed further that the Romans represented 0T by U; as, допивают, Thucydídes; Эдакий/300109, Thrasybûlujs. On the other hand,

the Greeks usually represented the Roman U by 0T, as ’loti 1109, Julius. -­ Further, the Greeks of the Roman period rep resented the Latin V either by 0T, or B. E. g. Ot'n'ígoç 01’ Bägoç- Verus (1318; 191) 000159104- ог Ва1фюу— Valeríus (192; 2055, Ь) 471000109, 712101310 —-— Flavíus, Flavia (3695, e; 2944, b) AI, 0I, JIL

18. In some of the Bœotic inscriptions, the diphthongs ш, q, q, are represented by AE, 0E. Thus агаты/дао (1599), for Aìuzgóvöaç, fEschrondas; „langue (1647), for 111.4115191, from 11;-“151016, Plaußhas; ¿Louvaoe (1599), for 410015019, from ¿hdr/v

1709, Dionysos. It is clear therefore that the early Greeks sometimes used AE, OE, for ш, g», 01, ç. -­ The Romans rep resented the Greek diphthongs _41, 01, JZI, by ae, oe; as Airmi

log, Швец/1715; Oì'm, Шт; иш‘исдзббс, contœdus; rgayqaäóç,



tragœdus. The diphthong „т is represented also by О; as сём, 0de or oda ; êai/iqiölu, rhapsodía.

F, Т. 19. It has already been stated that the prototype of F' is the Oriental j, and that it was called муащш merely on account of its form. 1t has also been remarked that T is its corres ponding vowel. (Rem. 1 : 3.) - We observe here that in the Heraclean tables, and in one of the Cretan inscriptions (Boeckh. 3050), the form of the digamma is C, which has often been mistaken for one of the later forms of Z'. This character is the prototype of the numeral ç, which is some times mistaken for the abbreviation ç for от ' thus, instead of ç, к, и;, we sometimes meet with the absurd combinations ат, ют, uur.

20. With respect to the character T, it is evidently a modi fication of one of the forms ofthe Phœnician (or old Hebrew) Vau. (See Gesenius’s Hebrew Grammar.) 21. Originally Т had no name; it was simply called and written T. (Plat. Cratyl. 23; Athen. 10, 79). After the dis appearance of its prototype F, it was in certain words sub stituted in its place; thus, the old words агата, eFaöev, nu Fla-«Enig were in later times written ůváw, ì'vaôn, xavdëaiç. When it was used as a vowel, the epithet 1,011,611, smooth, was

appended to it by the later Greeks.

(Compare 15 маг.)

22. The Latin combination EV before a vowel was repre sented either by ш or eß- as Severus, Esvigaç or Zsßñgoç,

(2154, b; 2181.) This shows that, when the Attic dialect was dying, sv was pronounced like ер, or like the Roman ev. 0, Ф, Х.

23. It is not absurd to suppose that the early Greeks, in imitation of the Phœnicians, represented the rough mutes (в, (их) Ьу T, П, К.

Thus they wrote ТВОЕ; IIEPO,` KEP,

for îtóg, (pégœ, zeig.

Of this however there is no positive

proo . 24. The next step was to represent these rough sounds by the combinations TH, 11H, KH. This is not a mere hypothe sis, for in a very ancient inscription we tind гиПНоштоь, ищу— 11H60, yQOIIHov, auvaHoysvoa, Гог ОШ’ Ёифйпор, oiysmpe'ç,

Fgóipaw, ênsvlo'pevog. Compare the Latin TH, PH, CH, for the Greek д, (р, l. (See also Priscian. p. 642 et seq.; Boeckh



on the 3d Inscript.) After the introduction of 0, Ф, Х, these combinations were dispensed with. 25. The prototype of э is evidently the Oriental ю. It is not absurd to suppose that the Phoenician sound of this letter was something like tw, and that the Greeks for a long time

considered it a superfluous letter, because they could not dis tinguish it from T. 26. ф and X are modifications of Hand K. (See Rose’s Inscript. Стадо. p. xiv.) As to the names of these letters, чл, 12, the former was suggested by nî, and the latter by EE (nuï, lui). Z, E', Ч‘.

27. Zcorresponds to the Oriental Zaín. During the most flourishing period of the language it was most probably pro nounced`like 221. (See Dionys. Hal. de Compos. @ 14; Sext. Empir. advers. Gram. l, 5; Villoison. Anecd. vol. 11. p.' 121.) After the Alexandrian period it was probably pronounced like English z. At any rate, the expression of Dionysius, " fiou x'ig' to; атбдаи даайупш," implies that in his time it was not a. double consonant, in the strictest sense of the term.-We

cannot suppose that it was ever pronounced like AZ', because the Greeks always avoided this combination; thus, from ёбщ

they formed фут, gica, liever «§ng ,17;w- The Dorians generally employed the combination 24 for Z' as, ргиидетш, for ‚неиде 1m.-­We observe here, that adverbs in _age are formed by

annexing _da to the accusative plural of the primitive; as ’Aäńvags for 143151101065, t0 Athens, from Идёшь, nil/ag. 28. The prototype of ,E is the Oriental к.

At first it was

considered a superfluous letter, because the combination ТЕ

was always avoided by the Greeks. bccame the representative of XZ'.

In process of time it

There is reason, however,

for supposing that in most of the less cultivated dialects it was equivalent to KZ. Thus, the ¿Eolians used ха for .î ­ as, идёт; for .Sévoç (Gregor. Corinth. pp. 613.661); further, we find öaKZm for ôèEw from (‚фарш (Boeckh.1nscript. 3). Compare uxi'qmç, oxiqii'ffi, uxiiplaç, for Ei'qioç, Eiqu'gsi, дым, in Hesychius. 29. With respect to the names {дик and 52, the former is evi dently a modification of таты, and the latter of Cii'i'v' which shows that the early Greeks confounded the names of these two letters; CZ and 55m would have been more correct.

30. The character 1p represented the combination ФЕ: In many of the less cultivated dialects, however, it represented



17.21 Thus, the JEolians used па for up' as, Пасту, Ирака, for литр, идиш. (Gregor. Corinth. pp. 613. 616; Villoison. Anecdot. Grœc. Vol. II. p. 121 ; Diomed. р. 417, Putsch.) With respect to the name of this letter, от, it was suggested by quì, or nî. Compare ЕЕ, 31. The Athenians, during the most flourishing period of their dialect, pronounced E, 111, like X2', m2, respectively.

Further, in Attic inscriptions cut before the archonship of Euclides (B. C. 403), we invariably find X2, ФЕ, for E, 11"

аз, nqoguevoa, нравфшто, for nçóësvuç, финиш—Невы the

following rules. RULE I. In the Attic dialect, a palatal (к, y) before о was changed into z. A labial (1r, ß) before а was changed into qi. The aspirates q, and 1, ofcourse, underwent no change before о. Е. g. ¿dol-asv ­­­­ едок-оп, ê'öoEev, from дано), AOK!! (76) zavvelsl-aayw-Evveley-uapev, âuvsls'ëaysv, from Evlle'ym (145) nagaöeg-aauůov-nagadeâoiaůmv, from naqaöe'lopm (76)

уошр-о — ygvn-ç, 791550 gen. ypvnóç (139) avéyçmp-auv ­­­ dvéyqalpav, Ггот оЁшуроЁфш (160) RULE I1. In most of the less cultivated dialects, a palatal before a was changed into u, and a labial into п. In process of time, the latter rule became general ; that is,

E and y, were by the later Greeks sounded like ua and па re spectively. (Dionys. Hal. de Compos. § 14; Sext. Empir. advers. Gram. l, 5; Villoison. Anecd. Vol. II. p. 121.) Com pare such Latinized words as apsis, rhapsodia, from âzpíç, émprpöia.

'1, 2. m 9. 32. The original form of ниш (corresponding to the Ori

ental Samedi) was l1, seen in many of the most ancient in scriptions (as the Elean). Compare the Samaritan Затес/т. _This figure slightly modified became S, the same as the Latin S. It is the prototype of s, ç, а, and the ßo'urgvloç

вшита; of Euripides (fragm. Thes.).

See also Boeckh. In

script. 8; 10; бос. 33. The original form of до (corresponding to the Oriental Shin) was 2, the same as the old Hebrew Shin.

The Greeks

pronounced it like Мура, most probably because they disliked the sound SII, peculiar to its prototype Shim-This figure



modified became L', seen in some of the later inscriptions. Its latest form is С (а modification of C), seen in some ofthe latest inscriptions, and also in the earliest manuscripts-_In the Septuagint, the sound of the Oriental Shin is represented by 10 ­ thus, душ, for rhesh; ждёт for shin.

34. It is clear therefore that а and Zwere originally two different letters, and that the early Greeks confounded the

latter with the former.

It is also well known that the одури

of the Ionians and other tribes was called гагу Ьу the Dorians (Herod. l, 139; Dionys. Hal. de Comp. §14; Athen. 10, 81), from which confusion of names one might infer that the early Ionians used only l1, „иуда, and the early Dorians only Z', Edv. — It is hardly necessary to remark here, that in the new Attic alphabet, общих occupies the place of Zd», and that the characters 2, g, а, in our Greek alphabet, are each called ely/,uoc 35. With respect to the later numeral character 773 , found

only in manuscripts, and called Барит, it is a modification of Edv fp), and looks as much like its prototype as g does like F. ts name, Zagat, is compounded of 2dr and т, and is as fanciful as the compound ¿lb/appa, the epithet of Bm?. The most reasonable hypothesis is, that the character 773 was so

called by the later Greeks (or, if you please, the Alexandrian Grammarians) merely because it had the appearance of an abbreviation for С (one of the later forms of E) and II' that is, С resting upon л. The supposition, that гари? means “Edv which stood next to IIî," is not satisfactory, because the character 773 was never used as a letter of the alphabet, and consequently never stood next to 112. In the numeri cal system it stands next to л ‘ as to its prototype Záv, it stands between P and T.

36. The letter Kómw (corresponding to the Oriental j ) was by the Greeks pronounced like каппа, probably be cause their vocal organs were not well adapted to Oriental sounds. It was chiefly used by the Greeks of Italy and Sicily. It is observed further, that it is usually followed by the vowel о. E. g. ` lv 9 0609x110, (плеск ? ошоу — Avxoöóoxaç, quuxoulwv, (Bûeckh.

~ 166; Eckhel. Vol. I. p. 170). 3'_7. The Latin Q is the same as the Greek Ko'nmx. By the

ancient Italians it was sounded like C (K).

The combina


tion QU is equivalent to Oriental "J (kw), and has the power of а single consonant. (Priscian. p. 543.) -­ The later Greeks represented the Latin qu by no' as Kóïvroç, for Quintus.

(2870.) 38. The characters Q and 2' were used also as brands

(майдана) on horses, which thus branded were respectively called nonnuu'ui, Kappa-branded, and auyqao'qm (uoív, ipe'gm), San-branded. (Arist. Nub. 23. 438. 112. 298; Athen. ll, 30.)

39. In the later numerical system, Kórma stands for 90, and гам: for 900. (See Greek Grammars.)



(Boeckh's 111-9513) 'i s.) oiyge'm, ./Eolic for агавы, ног. pass. part. niyps'âavrsg (2166), for

the common aïçsôe'vnç ° perf. pass. part. ngoaygnyiiérw (3524), for the common ngoygmiévau' the doubling of ‚д is an ./Eolic peculiarity. The latter form may possibly be pres. pass. from AI'PHMI, after the analogy of óigq'iiemç from «Шприц. Verbal adjective äygarog, occurring in the

compounds uůrníygnoç, „тщете. 1t is formed from APJZ, the theme of обеды, by inserting

y after a, and changing ш into éœ.

Compare â'ygunvog, from

1;-, and гит; (Нанта); oixpoáoyou, fI'Om iiinoiiw (AKOIZ);

öagöa'nrw from шиш—те cannot suppose that it was formed from aïos'm by changing i into y, because there is no affinity between t and y. As' to éai'm, it is formedv from ‘РАгл, the theme of éq'yvviu, by dropping y and lengthening the penult.

Методист, —0аш, Ionic for Mgraségâqç, ­ov. (2919.) oitpsotoilxaiiev, later, for duscrálxapev, implying éoroilimpev, with the rough breathing. (2852.) Compare атм from Тащи (2mn). ¿Saiägamúw 0r ¿Sommerreifen for the common onreamiiw, t0 be a зап-ар, (2691; 2919.) For the insertion of a after E

(la, па), сотраге Latin mazsumo, for mazumo, from mascu mus. (Montfaucon's Antiquity, Vol. II. р. 269.) t'quyoiuoiro, for êSeipyoiumo, from ¿Ssgyríè'opan (456, a.) nérrapsç, nelrorgoixov-ra, in the Bœotic inscriptions (1569), for rétragsç, Tertugoíxovrm

Compare ni'ovptç.

поёт, see поьёш in the Catalogue.




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