
Hohenzollernschloss Sigmaringen

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Hohenzollernschloss Sigmaringen - Depuis Donaubrücke Sigmaringen, Germany
Hohenzollernschloss Sigmaringen - Depuis Donaubrücke Sigmaringen, Germany
@p_pixels_p - Unsplash
Hohenzollernschloss Sigmaringen
📍 Depuis Donaubrücke Sigmaringen, Germany
Hohenzollernschloss Sigmaringen, located in Sigmaringen, Germany, is a castle of the Hohenzollern dynasty, first constructed in the 11th century. It is one of the most important architecture of its kind in the region, blending elements of Gothic, Romanesque, and Renaissance styles. During its longtime residence of the Hohenzollern family, the castle was extensively modernized and remodeled in the 19th century. It's an impressive sight with its high walls, large courtyards, gardens, chapel and a museum. It has many historical artifacts, including a painting of the Sigmaringen family, a 50 meter-long tapestry, and numerous royal portraits. Visiting the castle is an experience for travelers as well as a highly impressive photo opportunity.

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