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How the Internet Works and the Definition of the Internet in General and According to Experts

How the Internet Works and the Definition of the Internet in General and According to Experts Illustration of How the Internet Works (credit: Pixabay) - The internet is one of the communication networks that cannot be separated from society. Yes, the internet can help human communication and work easily. We are certainly internet users, but do you know how the internet works?

Yes, maybe not everyone knows how the internet works. For KLovers who want to know how the internet works, this article will explain it in general. In addition, you can also find out the definition of the internet in general or according to experts.

Well, for KLovers who want to know how the internet works, here is an explanation of how the internet works along with the definition in general and according to experts.

1. The Meaning of Internet in General

Before KLovers learn how the internet works, KLovers need to know the meaning of the internet first. Yes, the general meaning of the internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. The word internet originates from the Latin language, which means "between".

So it can be concluded that the internet is a network consisting of billions of computers worldwide. The internet can also be interpreted as a global communication network where it connects billions of networks with computers, using the global standard transmission control protocol/internet suite (TCP/IP).

According to the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI), the definition of the internet is an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organized computer facilities worldwide through telephones or satellites.

Initially, the internet was created by the United States Department of Defense in 1969. The internet was developed under the ARPA project. Then, with the existence of this project, ARPA was often referred to as ARPANET. ARPANET itself was initially used for military purposes. The purpose is to facilitate communication over infinite distances.

Then, eventually the internet was developed extensively to what it is today.Even, with the internet, the world can be connected globally.And it can become a communication link for other important things.So, current life really needs the internet.

2. The Meaning of Internet According to Experts

Well, what about the meaning of the internet according to experts? Yes, there are several opinions from experts about the internet.Although they have different interpretations, but the essence of the meaning is the same.And here are some interpretations of the internet according to those experts.

1.Ned Snell

According to Ned Snell, the meaning of the internet is a corridor for various types of resources that exist in it, and each resource is accessed through different devices.


The meaning of the internet is a collection of globally scaled networks, where no one can be responsible for running the internet itself.


According to O'Brien, the meaning of the internet is a rapidly developing computer network that provides benefits for various interests, ranging from education, business, to interconnected government networks.

4. Lani Sidharta

The definition of the internet is a form of interconnection between computer networks that can provide services in the form of complete information. Furthermore, Lani said that the internet is also a powerful virtual companion that provides various benefits in the field of business, politics, and even entertainment.

5.Berners Lee

According to Berners Lee, the internet is a network consisting of several networks. This definition has a concept where a specific computer network, or a local network, can also be connected to another network.


Sibero states that the definition of the internet is a computer network that connects computers globally. It is further explained that the internet can also be called a natural network, which is a very extensive network.

7.Onno W. Purbo (Prihatna, 2005)

The definition of the internet according to expert Onno W. Purbo is a media that enables an efficient communication process by connecting it with various applications.


According to Allan, the meaning of the internet is a network of interconnected computers that have the ability to read and interpret Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The definition of IP itself will be explained separately in terms within the internet.

9.Strauss, El-Ansary, and Frost (2003)

Strauss, El-Ansary, and Frost (2003) conclude that the definition of the internet is a collection of computers connected to a network. This computer network can be accessed and used by anyone who has permission to access it.

10.Oxford Dictionary

The definition of the internet is a global computer network that provides various information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standard communication protocols.

3. How the Internet Works

Well, after KLovers know the definition of the internet, here is how the internet works. Yes, for those of us who use the internet all the time, we definitely want to know how the internet works. It should be understood that the internet is provided by the Internet Service Protocol or ISP.

ISP itself is a service provider company whose task is to provide internet connection services and other related services. They are responsible for providing services, starting from domain registration, hosting, internet connection, and so on.

The Internet Service Protocol will provide an address to the computer or laptop. Then the ISP will configure the address so that the address can be connected to the ISP server. This internet working process is usually done on a router, from which users can perform various other configurations according to their needs.

Some configurations that can be done include signal limitation, speed limitation, block lists, and so on. And with the advancement of technology today, the internet can not only be connected through cables but also through radio waves, known as WiFi.

4. Development of the Internet from Time to Time

Until it can be utilized as it is now, the internet has undergone various developments. A brief history of internet development is interesting additional information to explore. In short, here is the history of internet development from its initial discovery until now.

1. Initial Discovery (1960)

The internet started as a military research project called ARPANET in the United States in the 1960s by the US Department of Defense, which aimed to connect computers in various locations to share information. This project developed, involving universities, research institutions, and the private sector, forming a larger network.

2. Beginning of Commercialization

Then, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the internet began to be commercialized with the TCP/IP protocol becoming the communication standard. The peak occurred in 1991 with the discovery of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee, who introduced hyperlinks and web browsers, leading to rapid growth in internet users.

3. Continuing to Develop until Now

Then, the 21st century witnessed a surge in internet technology, increasing access speed through broadband, 3G, 4G, and even 5G, while smart devices such as smartphones and tablets drove the dominance of mobile internet. The phenomena of social media, e-commerce, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have become an inseparable part of the modern internet ecosystem, transforming the way we communicate, work, shop, and interact with the environment.

5. Benefits of the Internet in the Present Time

It cannot be denied, the emergence of the internet has provided a lot of convenience. Thanks to the internet, the world of technology has developed rapidly. Not only in terms of technology, nowadays the internet has also provided benefits in other aspects of life ranging from business, communication, to entertainment. Here are some benefits of the internet in the present time:

1. The internet provides various information, articles, and research easily accessed, expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world.

2. The internet facilitates global communication at a more affordable cost, strengthening personal and professional relationships through email and social media.

3. The internet with e-commerce allows businesses to reach the global market and consumers can shop comfortably, providing great opportunities for business growth.

4. The internet provides various entertainment, such as watching movies, listening to music, and reading news from around the world, providing diverse and interesting entertainment options.

6. Negative Impacts of the Internet

Unfortunately, the internet not only provides benefits and convenience. In fact, the internet also has negative impacts on current life. Here are some negative impacts of the internet:

1. The negative impact of the internet can lead to addiction, which can result in disrupted life balance, lack of sleep, reduced social interaction, and decreased productivity.

2. Adult internet users are also vulnerable to becoming victims of cyberbullying, which can cause trauma and negative impacts on the social and psychological lives of the victims.

3. In addition to psychological problems, the presence of the internet also has the potential to disrupt physical health. For example, prolonged use of electronic screens can cause physical health problems such as eye disorders, headaches, and postural issues.

4. The increasing prevalence of negative content such as pornography, violence, and fraud.

5. False information or hoaxes spread on the internet can confuse and harm society in general.

That's how the internet works that KLovers can know and understand. Not only knowing how the internet works, KLovers can also understand the definition of the internet both in general and according to experts.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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