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CC1110-CC1111: Unable to setup a basic led toggle example

Part Number: CC1110-CC1111


I am working with the CC1110 and built the above schematic: it is basically what is presented in the CC1110 datasheet (p38) plus the CC Debugger wirings.

I have added a LED on P1_0 and I am trying to turn it on as a matter of learning, but without any success...

Based on the template.c example I wrote the following (BIT0 equals to 0x01):

#include "hal_types.h"
#include "hal_defs.h"
#include "hal_cc8051.h"
#include "CC1110.h"

int main(void)
  P1SEL &= BIT0; // General purpose I/O.
  P1_0 = 1;
  P1DIR |= BIT0; // Direction to output.
  P1_0 = 1;

I am using SDCC as follow:
sdcc test.c
packihx test.ihx > test.hex
And then I am able to do the "Erase and Program" with the TI SmartRF Flash Programmer correctly (green light on the CC Debugger and a successful message displayed).
But after that the LED on P1_0 does not turn on, even after Reset or unplugging the CC Debugger.
The only difference I have from the above schematic is that I use a 16MHz crystal as I didn't have a 26MHz...
Am I doing anything wrong here?