Jæren Friluftsråd
Jæren Friluftsråd is responsible for areas of recreation and varied outdoor activities across municipalities in the district of Jæren. Among its tasks are the establishment of recreation areas, facilitating for the users, ensuring the recreational qualities of the areas and keeping natural features intact.

When Orre Beach was certified as a Blue Flag Beach by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in 2017, the beach and the Friluftshus Orre needed a new explanatory and directional signpost.

Organised beach cleaning is an important activity of Jæren Friluftsråd. On the back of the signpost volunteers are invited to join. A series of photographs are taken for this occasion, for exclusive use by the Friluftsråd.

On June 16, HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway officially opened beach and sign.

An overall graphic design and visual language system for Jæren Friluftsråd is under development. Some of the visual elements were adjusted to FEE’s guidelines.

Stavanger kunstmuseum
Om gåare og gåing/Bymiljøpakken
Arcangel Surfware
Deltaking og involvering zine
Milo Rau/Verbrecher Verlag
Kunsthall Live
Dover Text/Karelia visuals
Stavanger Aftenblad
NTGent/Milo Rau
Rogaland Kunstsenter
Perkapella festival
Julie Niemi
Dark Side of the Moon
Rogaland Kunstsenter
One Two Tree zine #1
Fazed Grunion
What is Graphic Design?
Tipakning med fargestifter
Stavanger kunstmuseum
Jæren Friluftsråd
Per Dybvig