Unioning 2 parts Bug

Im making Brooklyn bridge in roblox studio, and i tried to union 2 parts to make a hole in a part, but this happened:
The 2 parts to union

The union:

As you can see the hole is not in the place it should be, do u know how to fix this?
Please answer!
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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I never seen this bug if it’s really happening you should report it to Studio Bugs so Roblox can fix that,
Also this is a very rare bug, I think because lot of people never has this bug,like me
If you report this you will not be instantly aswered, you need wait like me I reported a Website bug and still no reply,
So yea report this so it can be fixed
That’s all byee!

Thanks, Ill do it! (30 charss)