Glacier Hiking on Nigardsbreen


Nigardsbreen is an arm of the Jostedalsbreen glacier in Western Norway.

We decide to book a guided glacier hike of about 5.5 hours.

The tour starts with a short boat ride over the Nigardsbrevatnet lake which brings us closer to glacier.

From there, we hike up for about 30 minutes over rocky terrain until finally reaching the ice.

We put on our crampons and harness, rope up and start our glacier hike.

The turnaround point of the guided tour is high enough to get some nice views of the upper part of Nigardsbreen and of the larger Jostedalsbreen glacier.

We are very lucky with the weather in the beginning of July. It’s warm at the start and while windy at the turnaround point, it only gets a little chilly when we’re not moving.

On the way back to the boat it eventually starts raining – perfectly timed!

Feel free to follow me on Strava where I also post workouts from time to time.

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