[The Heath Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Fool's Huckleberry or Mock Azalea East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Menziesia

Fool's-huckleberry: Menziesia ferruginea

Fool's-huckleberry, False Azalea, Rusty Menziesia: Menziesia ferruginea (Synonyms: Menziesia ferruginea ssp. glabella, Menziesia ferruginea var. ferruginea, Menziesia ferruginea var. glabella, Menziesia glabella) - Shrubs from 1-3 meters high with alternate, hairy leaves, atlthough the deciduous leaves may appear whorled. The small flowers are nodding and brownish or copper-colored.

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