Page last updated at 16:11 GMT, Tuesday, 6 May 2008 17:11 UK

1987: First Intifada

Arabs emerge from the Nusseirat refugee camp during the Palestinian uprising of 1987
Arabs emerge from the Nusseirat refugee camp during the uprising


In the 20 years since the war of 1967, the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza had not reconciled itself to Israeli rule. Open revolt broke out in November 1987, with the intifada, or uprising.

The Palestinians were largely unarmed, so the enduring picture of the intifada is one of young men and boys throwing stones and rocks at Israeli troops.

The intifada was a reminder to Israelis of what their first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion had said in 1938: "A people which fights against the usurpation of its land will not tire so easily."

However, the Israeli settlements continued to spread out across the territories occupied in 1967. Some were settled by visionaries quoting Biblical justification, some by families wanting less expensive housing and some by those who wanted Isarel to keep a buffer zone west of the River Jordan.

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