
The Crassulaceae are mostly succulents consisting of about 25 genera and 900 species. The flowers are actinomorphic and have a calyx and corolla comprising 4-6 or more segments that are free or connate. The number of stamens equal, or more frequently are twice the number of corolla segments. The gynoecium is apocarpous, and the number of pistils equal the number of corolla segments. Each pistil is simple, consisting of a single carpel with a single locule in a superior ovary that bears several to many marginal ovules. The fruit is usually a follicle. A scale-like nectar-secreting appendage is usually present at the base of each pistil.

Each "thumbnail" image below is linked to a larger photograph.

Aeonium arboreum (foreground, purple leaves), Aeonium undulatum (background, green leaves).
Crassula argentea, jade plant. Note the succulence of stems and leaves, the five parted perianth, the less frequent condition of five (isomerous) stamens in this case, and five pistils.
Dudleya sp.
Escheveria crenulata. This is a 5-merous form with 2 of the 10 stamens missing.
Kalanchoe beharensis, perianth parts connate as in preceding species; this one has very large, thick, succulent, hairy leaves and is sometimes referred to as 'velvet elephant ear.'
Kalanchoe pinnata, air plant. This is a species with a 4-merous perianth of connate sepals and petals, 8 stamens, and 4 pistils.
Sedum cf. lanceolatum, stone crop, Mt. Spokane, WA, July, 2003.
Sedum "Autumn Joy," OSU Campus, Corvallis, Aug. 2003.
Sedum? sp. Note the succulent leaves, the 6-parted perianth, the 12 stamens, and the gynoecium of 6 pistils.
Sedum sp. Note the typical five-parted perianth, 10 stamens, and 5 pistils. Developing follicles can be seen below the flowers.

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